Source code for flopy.discretization.grid

import numpy as np
import copy, os
import warnings
from ..utils import geometry

[docs]class CachedData(object): def __init__(self, data): self._data = data self.out_of_date = False @property def data_nocopy(self): return self._data @property def data(self): return copy.deepcopy(self._data)
[docs] def update_data(self, data): self._data = data self.out_of_date = False
[docs]class Grid(object): """ Base class for a structured or unstructured model grid Parameters ---------- grid_type : enumeration type of model grid ('structured', 'vertex_layered', 'vertex_unlayered') top : ndarray(np.float) top elevations of cells in topmost layer botm : ndarray(np.float) bottom elevations of all cells idomain : ndarray( ibound/idomain value for each cell lenuni : ndarray( model length units origin_loc : str Corner of the model grid that is the model origin 'ul' (upper left corner) or 'll' (lower left corner) origin_x : float x coordinate of the origin point (lower left corner of model grid) in the spatial reference coordinate system origin_y : float y coordinate of the origin point (lower left corner of model grid) in the spatial reference coordinate system rotation : float rotation angle of model grid, as it is rotated around the origin point Attributes ---------- grid_type : enumeration type of model grid ('structured', 'vertex_layered', 'vertex_unlayered') top : ndarray(np.float) top elevations of cells in topmost layer botm : ndarray(np.float) bottom elevations of all cells idomain : ndarray( ibound/idomain value for each cell proj4 : proj4 SpatialReference spatial reference locates the grid in a coordinate system epsg : epsg SpatialReference spatial reference locates the grid in a coordinate system lenuni : int modflow lenuni parameter origin_x : float x coordinate of the origin point in the spatial reference coordinate system origin_y : float y coordinate of the origin point in the spatial reference coordinate system rotation : float rotation angle of model grid, as it is rotated around the origin point xgrid : ndarray returns numpy meshgrid of x edges in reference frame defined by point_type ygrid : ndarray returns numpy meshgrid of y edges in reference frame defined by point_type zgrid : ndarray returns numpy meshgrid of z edges in reference frame defined by point_type xcenters : ndarray returns x coordinate of cell centers ycenters : ndarray returns y coordinate of cell centers ycenters : ndarray returns z coordinate of cell centers xyzgrid : [ndarray, ndarray, ndarray] returns the location of grid edges of all model cells. if the model grid contains spatial reference information, the grid edges are in the coordinate system provided by the spatial reference information. returns a list of three ndarrays for the x, y, and z coordinates xyzcellcenters : [ndarray, ndarray, ndarray] returns the cell centers of all model cells in the model grid. if the model grid contains spatial reference information, the cell centers are in the coordinate system provided by the spatial reference information. otherwise the cell centers are based on a 0,0 location for the upper left corner of the model grid. returns a list of three ndarrays for the x, y, and z coordinates Methods ---------- get_coords(x, y) transform point or array of points x, y from model coordinates to spatial coordinates grid_lines : (point_type=PointType.spatialxyz) : list returns the model grid lines in a list. each line is returned as a list containing two tuples in the format [(x1,y1), (x2,y2)] where x1,y1 and x2,y2 are the endpoints of the line. xyvertices : (point_type) : ndarray 1D array of x and y coordinates of cell vertices for whole grid (single layer) in C-style (row-major) order (same as np.ravel()) intersect(x, y, local) returns the row and column of the grid that the x, y point is in See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- """ def __init__( self, grid_type=None, top=None, botm=None, idomain=None, lenuni=None, epsg=None, proj4=None, prj=None, xoff=0.0, yoff=0.0, angrot=0.0, ): lenunits = {0: "undefined", 1: "feet", 2: "meters", 3: "centimeters"} LENUNI = {"u": 0, "f": 1, "m": 2, "c": 3} self.use_ref_coords = True self._grid_type = grid_type if top is not None: top = top.astype(float) self._top = top if botm is not None: botm = botm.astype(float) self._botm = botm self._idomain = idomain if lenuni is None: lenuni = 0 elif isinstance(lenuni, str): lenuni = LENUNI[lenuni.lower()[0]] self._lenuni = lenuni self._units = lenunits[self._lenuni] self._epsg = epsg self._proj4 = proj4 self._prj = prj self._xoff = xoff self._yoff = yoff if angrot is None: angrot = 0.0 self._angrot = angrot self._cache_dict = {} self._copy_cache = True ################################### # access to basic grid properties ################################### def __repr__(self): items = [] if ( self.xoffset is not None and self.yoffset is not None and self.angrot is not None ): items += [ "xll:" + str(self.xoffset), "yll:" + str(self.yoffset), "rotation:" + str(self.angrot), ] if self.proj4 is not None: items.append("proj4_str:" + str(self.proj4)) if self.units is not None: items.append("units:" + str(self.units)) if self.lenuni is not None: items.append("lenuni:" + str(self.lenuni)) return "; ".join(items) @property def is_valid(self): return True @property def is_complete(self): if ( self._top is not None and self._botm is not None and self._idomain is not None ): return True return False @property def grid_type(self): return self._grid_type @property def xoffset(self): return self._xoff @property def yoffset(self): return self._yoff @property def angrot(self): return self._angrot @property def angrot_radians(self): return self._angrot * np.pi / 180.0 @property def epsg(self): return self._epsg @epsg.setter def epsg(self, epsg): self._epsg = epsg @property def proj4(self): proj4 = None if self._proj4 is not None: if "epsg" in self._proj4.lower(): proj4 = self._proj4 # set the epsg if proj4 specifies it tmp = [i for i in self._proj4.split() if "epsg" in i.lower()] self._epsg = int(tmp[0].split(":")[1]) else: proj4 = self._proj4 elif self.epsg is not None: proj4 = "epsg:{}".format(self.epsg) return proj4 @proj4.setter def proj4(self, proj4): self._proj4 = proj4 @property def prj(self): return self._prj @prj.setter def prj(self, prj): self._proj4 = prj @property def top(self): return copy.deepcopy(self._top) @property def botm(self): return copy.deepcopy(self._botm) @property def top_botm(self): new_top = np.expand_dims(self._top, 0) return np.concatenate((new_top, self._botm), axis=0) @property def units(self): return self._units @property def lenuni(self): return self._lenuni @property def idomain(self): return copy.deepcopy(self._idomain) @property def nnodes(self): raise NotImplementedError("must define nnodes in child class") @property def shape(self): raise NotImplementedError("must define shape in child class") @property def extent(self): raise NotImplementedError("must define extent in child class") @property def xyzextent(self): return ( np.min(self.xyzvertices[0]), np.max(self.xyzvertices[0]), np.min(self.xyzvertices[1]), np.max(self.xyzvertices[1]), np.min(self.xyzvertices[2]), np.max(self.xyzvertices[2]), ) @property def grid_lines(self): raise NotImplementedError("must define grid_lines in child class") @property def xcellcenters(self): return self.xyzcellcenters[0] @property def ycellcenters(self): return self.xyzcellcenters[1] @property def zcellcenters(self): return self.xyzcellcenters[2] @property def xyzcellcenters(self): raise NotImplementedError( "must define get_cellcenters in child " "class to use this base class" ) @property def xvertices(self): return self.xyzvertices[0] @property def yvertices(self): return self.xyzvertices[1] @property def zvertices(self): return self.xyzvertices[2] @property def xyzvertices(self): raise NotImplementedError("must define xyzvertices in child class") # @property # def indices(self): # raise NotImplementedError( # 'must define indices in child ' # 'class to use this base class')
[docs] def get_coords(self, x, y): """ Given x and y array-like values, apply rotation, scale and offset, to convert them from model coordinates to real-world coordinates. """ if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) if not np.isscalar(x): x, y = x.copy(), y.copy() x += self._xoff y += self._yoff return geometry.rotate( x, y, self._xoff, self._yoff, self.angrot_radians )
[docs] def get_local_coords(self, x, y): """ Given x and y array-like values, apply rotation, scale and offset, to convert them from real-world coordinates to model coordinates. """ if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) if not np.isscalar(x): x, y = x.copy(), y.copy() x, y = geometry.rotate( x, y, self._xoff, self._yoff, -self.angrot_radians ) x -= self._xoff y -= self._yoff return x, y
[docs] def intersect(self, x, y, local=False, forgive=False): if not local: return self.get_local_coords(x, y) else: return x, y
[docs] def set_coord_info( self, xoff=0.0, yoff=0.0, angrot=0.0, epsg=None, proj4=None, merge_coord_info=True, ): if merge_coord_info: if xoff is None: xoff = self._xoff if yoff is None: yoff = self._yoff if angrot is None: angrot = self._angrot if epsg is None: epsg = self._epsg if proj4 is None: proj4 = self._proj4 self._xoff = xoff self._yoff = yoff self._angrot = angrot self._epsg = epsg self._proj4 = proj4 self._require_cache_updates()
[docs] def load_coord_info(self, namefile=None, reffile="usgs.model.reference"): """Attempts to load spatial reference information from the following files (in order): 1) usgs.model.reference 2) NAM file (header comment) 3) defaults """ reffile = os.path.join(os.path.split(namefile)[0], reffile) # try to load reference file if not self.read_usgs_model_reference_file(reffile): # try to load nam file if not self.attribs_from_namfile_header(namefile): # set defaults self.set_coord_info()
[docs] def attribs_from_namfile_header(self, namefile): # check for reference info in the nam file header if namefile is None: return False xul, yul = None, None header = [] with open(namefile, "r") as f: for line in f: if not line.startswith("#"): break header.extend(line.strip().replace("#", "").split(";")) for item in header: if "xll" in item.lower(): try: xll = float(item.split(":")[1]) self._xoff = xll except: pass elif "yll" in item.lower(): try: yll = float(item.split(":")[1]) self._yoff = yll except: pass elif "xul" in item.lower(): try: xul = float(item.split(":")[1]) warnings.warn( "xul/yul have been deprecated. Use xll/yll instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) except: pass elif "yul" in item.lower(): try: yul = float(item.split(":")[1]) warnings.warn( "xul/yul have been deprecated. Use xll/yll instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) except: pass elif "rotation" in item.lower(): try: self._angrot = float(item.split(":")[1]) except: pass elif "proj4_str" in item.lower(): try: self._proj4 = ":".join(item.split(":")[1:]).strip() if self._proj4.lower() == "none": self._proj4 = None except: pass elif "start" in item.lower(): try: start_datetime = item.split(":")[1].strip() except: pass # we need to rotate the modelgrid first, then we can # calculate the xll and yll from xul and yul if (xul, yul) != (None, None): self.set_coord_info( xoff=self._xul_to_xll(xul), yoff=self._yul_to_yll(yul), angrot=self._angrot, ) return True
[docs] def read_usgs_model_reference_file(self, reffile="usgs.model.reference"): """read spatial reference info from the usgs.model.reference file""" xul = None yul = None if os.path.exists(reffile): with open(reffile) as input: for line in input: if len(line) > 1: if line.strip()[0] != "#": info = line.strip().split("#")[0].split() if len(info) > 1: data = " ".join(info[1:]) if info[0] == "xll": self._xoff = float(data) elif info[0] == "yll": self._yoff = float(data) elif info[0] == "xul": xul = float(data) elif info[0] == "yul": yul = float(data) elif info[0] == "rotation": self._angrot = float(data) elif info[0] == "epsg": self._epsg = int(data) elif info[0] == "proj4": self._proj4 = data elif info[0] == "start_date": start_datetime = data # model must be rotated first, before setting xoff and yoff # when xul and yul are provided. if (xul, yul) != (None, None): self.set_coord_info( xoff=self._xul_to_xll(xul), yoff=self._yul_to_yll(yul), angrot=self._angrot, ) return True else: return False
# Internal def _xul_to_xll(self, xul, angrot=None): yext = self.xyedges[1][0] if angrot is not None: return xul + (np.sin(angrot * np.pi / 180) * yext) else: return xul + (np.sin(self.angrot_radians) * yext) def _yul_to_yll(self, yul, angrot=None): yext = self.xyedges[1][0] if angrot is not None: return yul - (np.cos(angrot * np.pi / 180) * yext) else: return yul - (np.cos(self.angrot_radians) * yext) def _set_sr_coord_info(self, sr): self._xoff = sr.xll self._yoff = sr.yll self._angrot = sr.rotation self._epsg = sr.epsg self._proj4 = sr.proj4_str self._require_cache_updates() def _require_cache_updates(self): for cache_data in self._cache_dict.values(): cache_data.out_of_date = True @property def _has_ref_coordinates(self): return self._xoff != 0.0 or self._yoff != 0.0 or self._angrot != 0.0 def _load_settings(self, d): self._xoff = d.xul def _zcoords(self): if is not None and self.botm is not None: zcenters = [] top_3d = np.expand_dims(, 0) zbdryelevs = np.concatenate((top_3d, self.botm), axis=0) for ix in range(1, len(zbdryelevs)): zcenters.append((zbdryelevs[ix - 1] + zbdryelevs[ix]) / 2.0) else: zbdryelevs = None zcenters = None return zbdryelevs, zcenters