Source code for flopy.utils.modpathfile

Module to read MODPATH output files.  The module contains two
important classes that can be accessed by the user.

*  EndpointFile (ascii endpoint file)
*  PathlineFile (ascii pathline file)


import itertools
import collections
import warnings
import numpy as np

from numpy.lib.recfunctions import append_fields, stack_arrays

from ..utils.flopy_io import loadtxt
from ..utils.recarray_utils import ra_slice

[docs]class PathlineFile: """ PathlineFile Class. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of the pathline file verbose : bool Write information to the screen. Default is False. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> pthobj = flopy.utils.PathlineFile('model.mppth') >>> p1 = pthobj.get_data(partid=1) """ kijnames = [ "k", "i", "j", "node", "particleid", "particlegroup", "linesegmentindex", "particleidloc", "sequencenumber", ] def __init__(self, filename, verbose=False): """ Class constructor. """ self.fname = filename self.verbose = verbose # build index self._build_index() # set output dtype self.outdtype = self._get_outdtype() # set data dtype and read pathline data if self.version == 7: self.dtype, self._data = self._get_mp7data() else: self.dtype = self._get_dtypes() self._data = loadtxt( self.file, dtype=self.dtype, skiprows=self.skiprows ) # convert layer, row, and column indices; particle id and group; and # line segment indices to zero-based for n in self.kijnames: if n in self._data.dtype.names: self._data[n] -= 1 # set number of particle ids self.nid = np.unique(self._data["particleid"]) # close the input file self.file.close() return def _build_index(self): """ Set position of the start of the pathline data. """ self.skiprows = 0 self.file = open(self.fname, "r") while True: line = self.file.readline() if isinstance(line, bytes): line = line.decode() if self.skiprows < 1: if "MODPATH_PATHLINE_FILE 6" in line.upper(): self.version = 6 elif "MODPATH_PATHLINE_FILE 7" in line.upper(): self.version = 7 elif "MODPATH 5.0" in line.upper(): self.version = 5 elif "MODPATH Version 3.00" in line.upper(): self.version = 3 else: self.version = None if self.version is None: errmsg = "{} is not a valid pathline file".format( self.fname ) raise Exception(errmsg) self.skiprows += 1 if self.version == 6 or self.version == 7: if "end header" in line.lower(): break elif self.version == 3 or self.version == 5: break return def _get_dtypes(self): """ Build numpy dtype for the MODPATH 6 pathline file. """ if self.version == 3 or self.version == 5: dtype = np.dtype( [ ("particleid", np.int32), ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("zloc", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("time", np.float32), ("j", np.int32), ("i", np.int32), ("k", np.int32), ("cumulativetimestep", np.int32), ] ) elif self.version == 6: dtype = np.dtype( [ ("particleid", np.int32), ("particlegroup", np.int32), ("timepointindex", np.int32), ("cumulativetimestep", np.int32), ("time", np.float32), ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("k", np.int32), ("i", np.int32), ("j", np.int32), ("grid", np.int32), ("xloc", np.float32), ("yloc", np.float32), ("zloc", np.float32), ("linesegmentindex", np.int32), ] ) elif self.version == 7: msg = ( "_get_dtypes() should not be called for " + "MODPATH 7 pathline files" ) raise TypeError(msg) return dtype def _get_outdtype(self): outdtype = np.dtype( [ ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("time", np.float32), ("k", np.int32), ("particleid", np.int32), ] ) return outdtype def _get_mp7data(self): dtyper = np.dtype( [ ("node", np.int32), ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("time", np.float32), ("xloc", np.float32), ("yloc", np.float32), ("zloc", np.float32), ("k", np.int32), ("stressperiod", np.int32), ("timestep", np.int32), ] ) dtype = np.dtype( [ ("particleid", np.int32), ("particlegroup", np.int32), ("sequencenumber", np.int32), ("particleidloc", np.int32), ("time", np.float32), ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("k", np.int32), ("node", np.int32), ("xloc", np.float32), ("yloc", np.float32), ("zloc", np.float32), ("stressperiod", np.int32), ("timestep", np.int32), ] ) idx = 0 part_dict = collections.OrderedDict() ndata = 0 while True: if idx == 0: for n in range(self.skiprows): line = self.file.readline() # read header line try: line = self.file.readline().strip() if self.verbose: print(line) if len(line) < 1: break except: break t = [int(s) for j, s in enumerate(line.split()) if j < 4] sequencenumber, group, particleid, pathlinecount = t[0:4] ndata += pathlinecount # read in the particle data d = np.loadtxt( itertools.islice(self.file, 0, pathlinecount), dtype=dtyper ) key = (idx, sequencenumber, group, particleid, pathlinecount) part_dict[key] = d.copy() idx += 1 # create data array data = np.zeros(ndata, dtype=dtype) # fill data ipos0 = 0 for key, value in part_dict.items(): idx, sequencenumber, group, particleid, pathlinecount = key[0:5] ipos1 = ipos0 + pathlinecount # fill constant items for particle # particleid is not necessarily unique for all pathlines - use # sequencenumber which is unique data["particleid"][ipos0:ipos1] = sequencenumber # set particlegroup and sequence number data["particlegroup"][ipos0:ipos1] = group data["sequencenumber"][ipos0:ipos1] = sequencenumber # save particleidloc to particleid data["particleidloc"][ipos0:ipos1] = particleid # fill particle data for name in value.dtype.names: data[name][ipos0:ipos1] = value[name] ipos0 = ipos1 return dtype, data
[docs] def get_maxid(self): """ Get the maximum pathline number in the file pathline file Returns ---------- out : int Maximum pathline number. """ return self._data["particleid"].max()
[docs] def get_maxtime(self): """ Get the maximum time in pathline file Returns ---------- out : float Maximum pathline time. """ return self._data["time"].max()
[docs] def get_data(self, partid=0, totim=None, ge=True): """ get pathline data from the pathline file for a single pathline. Parameters ---------- partid : int The zero-based particle id. The first record is record 0. totim : float The simulation time. All pathline points for particle partid that are greater than or equal to (ge=True) or less than or equal to (ge=False) totim will be returned. Default is None ge : bool Boolean that determines if pathline times greater than or equal to or less than or equal to totim is used to create a subset of pathlines. Default is True. Returns ---------- ra : numpy record array A numpy recarray with the x, y, z, time, k, and particleid for pathline partid. See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import flopy.utils.modpathfile as mpf >>> pthobj = flopy.utils.PathlineFile('model.mppth') >>> p1 = pthobj.get_data(partid=1) """ # idx = self._data['particleid'] == partid if totim is not None: if ge: idx = (self._data["time"] >= totim) & ( self._data["particleid"] == partid ) else: idx = (self._data["time"] <= totim) & ( self._data["particleid"] == partid ) else: idx = self._data["particleid"] == partid self._ta = self._data[idx] names = ["x", "y", "z", "time", "k", "particleid"] return np.rec.fromarrays( (self._ta[name] for name in names), dtype=self.outdtype )
[docs] def get_alldata(self, totim=None, ge=True): """ get pathline data from the pathline file for all pathlines and all times. Parameters ---------- totim : float The simulation time. All pathline points for particle partid that are greater than or equal to (ge=True) or less than or equal to (ge=False) totim will be returned. Default is None ge : bool Boolean that determines if pathline times greater than or equal to or less than or equal to totim is used to create a subset of pathlines. Default is True. Returns ---------- plist : a list of numpy record array A list of numpy recarrays with the x, y, z, time, k, and particleid for all pathlines. See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import flopy.utils.modpathfile as mpf >>> pthobj = flopy.utils.PathlineFile('model.mppth') >>> p = pthobj.get_alldata() """ # plist = [] # for partid in self.nid: # plist.append(self.get_data(partid=partid, totim=totim, ge=ge)) return [ self.get_data(partid=partid, totim=totim, ge=ge) for partid in self.nid ]
[docs] def get_destination_pathline_data(self, dest_cells, to_recarray=False): """ Get pathline data for set of destination cells. Parameters ---------- dest_cells : list or array of tuples (k, i, j) of each destination cell (zero-based) to_recarray : bool Boolean that controls returned pthldest. If to_recarray is True, a single recarray with all of the pathlines that intersect dest_cells are returned. If to_recarray is False, a list of recarrays (the same form as returned by get_alldata method) that intersect dest_cells are returned (default is False). Returns ------- pthldest : np.recarray Slice of pathline data array (e.g. PathlineFile._data) containing only pathlines with final k,i,j in dest_cells. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> p = flopy.utils.PathlineFile('modpath.pathline') >>> p0 = p.get_destination_pathline_data([(0, 0, 0), ... (1, 0, 0)]) """ # create local copy of _data ra = np.array(self._data) # find the intersection of pathlines and dest_cells # convert dest_cells to same dtype for comparison if self.version < 7: try: raslice = ra[["k", "i", "j"]] except: msg = ( "could not extract 'k', 'i', and 'j' keys " + "from pathline data" ) raise KeyError(msg) else: try: raslice = ra[["node"]] except: msg = "could not extract 'node' key from pathline data" raise KeyError(msg) if isinstance(dest_cells, (list, tuple)): allint = all(isinstance(el, int) for el in dest_cells) # convert to a list of tuples if allint: t = [] for el in dest_cells: t.append((el,)) dest_cells = t dest_cells = np.array(dest_cells, dtype=raslice.dtype) inds = np.in1d(raslice, dest_cells) epdest = ra[inds].copy().view(np.recarray) if to_recarray: # use particle ids to get the rest of the paths inds = np.in1d(ra["particleid"], epdest.particleid) pthldes = ra[inds].copy() pthldes.sort(order=["particleid", "time"]) pthldes = pthldes.view(np.recarray) else: # get list of unique particleids in selection partids = np.unique(epdest["particleid"]) # build list of unique particleids in selection pthldes = [self.get_data(partid) for partid in partids] return pthldes
[docs] def write_shapefile( self, pathline_data=None, one_per_particle=True, direction="ending", shpname="endpoints.shp", mg=None, epsg=None, sr=None, **kwargs ): """ Write pathlines to a shapefile pathline_data : np.recarray Record array of same form as that returned by EndpointFile.get_alldata(). (if none, EndpointFile.get_alldata() is exported). one_per_particle : boolean (default True) True writes a single LineString with a single set of attribute data for each particle. False writes a record/geometry for each pathline segment (each row in the PathLine file). This option can be used to visualize attribute information (time, model layer, etc.) across a pathline in a GIS. direction : str String defining if starting or ending particle locations should be included in shapefile attribute information. Only used if one_per_particle=False. (default is 'ending') shpname : str File path for shapefile mg : flopy.discretization.grid instance Used to scale and rotate Global x,y,z values in MODPATH Endpoint file. epsg : int EPSG code for writing projection (.prj) file. If this is not supplied, the proj4 string or epgs code associated with mg will be used. kwargs : keyword arguments to flopy.export.shapefile_utils.recarray2shp """ from ..utils.reference import SpatialReference from ..utils import geometry from ..discretization import StructuredGrid from ..utils.geometry import LineString from ..export.shapefile_utils import recarray2shp pth = pathline_data if pth is None: pth = self._data.view(np.recarray) else: # convert pathline list to a single recarray if isinstance(pth, list): s = pth[0] print(s.dtype) for n in range(1, len(pth)): s = stack_arrays((s, pth[n])) pth = s.view(np.recarray) pth = pth.copy() pth.sort(order=["particleid", "time"]) if isinstance(mg, SpatialReference) or isinstance( sr, SpatialReference ): warnings.warn( "Deprecation warning: SpatialReference is deprecated." "Use the Grid class instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) if isinstance(mg, SpatialReference): sr = mg mg = StructuredGrid(sr.delc, sr.delr) mg.set_coord_info( xoff=sr.xll, yoff=sr.yll, angrot=sr.rotation, epsg=sr.epsg, proj4=sr.proj4_str, ) if epsg is None: epsg = mg.epsg particles = np.unique(pth.particleid) geoms = [] # create dtype with select attributes in pth names = pth.dtype.names dtype = [] atts = ["particleid", "particlegroup", "time", "k", "i", "j", "node"] for att in atts: if att in names: t = np.int32 if att == "time": t = np.float32 dtype.append((att, t)) dtype = np.dtype(dtype) # reset names to the selected names in the created dtype names = dtype.names # 1 geometry for each path if one_per_particle: loc_inds = 0 if direction == "ending": loc_inds = -1 pthdata = [] for pid in particles: ra = pth[pth.particleid == pid] x, y = geometry.transform( ra.x, ra.y, mg.xoffset, mg.yoffset, mg.angrot_radians ) z = ra.z geoms.append(LineString(list(zip(x, y, z)))) t = [pid] if "particlegroup" in names: t.append(ra.particlegroup[0]) t.append(ra.time.max()) if "node" in names: t.append(ra.node[loc_inds]) else: if "k" in names: t.append(ra.k[loc_inds]) if "i" in names: t.append(ra.i[loc_inds]) if "j" in names: t.append(ra.j[loc_inds]) pthdata.append(tuple(t)) pthdata = np.array(pthdata, dtype=dtype).view(np.recarray) # geometry for each row in PathLine file else: dtype = pth.dtype # pthdata = np.empty((0, len(dtype)), dtype=dtype).view(np.recarray) pthdata = [] for pid in particles: ra = pth[pth.particleid == pid] if isinstance(mg, StructuredGrid): x, y = geometry.transform( ra.x, ra.y, mg.xoffset, mg.yoffset, mg.angrot_radians ) else: x, y = mg.transform(ra.x, ra.y) z = ra.z geoms += [ LineString( [(x[i - 1], y[i - 1], z[i - 1]), (x[i], y[i], z[i])] ) for i in np.arange(1, (len(ra))) ] # pthdata = np.append(pthdata, ra[1:]).view(np.recarray) pthdata += ra[1:].tolist() pthdata = np.array(pthdata, dtype=dtype).view(np.recarray) # convert back to one-based for n in set(self.kijnames).intersection(set(pthdata.dtype.names)): pthdata[n] += 1 # write the final recarray to a shapefile recarray2shp(pthdata, geoms, shpname=shpname, epsg=epsg, **kwargs)
[docs]class EndpointFile: """ EndpointFile Class. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of the endpoint file verbose : bool Write information to the screen. Default is False. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> endobj = flopy.utils.EndpointFile('model.mpend') >>> e1 = endobj.get_data(partid=1) """ kijnames = [ "k0", "i0", "j0", "node0", "k", "i", "j", "node", "particleid", "particlegroup", "particleidloc", "zone0", "zone", ] def __init__(self, filename, verbose=False): """ Class constructor. """ self.fname = filename self.verbose = verbose self._build_index() self.dtype = self._get_dtypes() self._data = loadtxt( self.file, dtype=self.dtype, skiprows=self.skiprows ) # add particleid if required self._add_particleid() # convert layer, row, and column indices; particle id and group; and # line segment indices to zero-based for n in self.kijnames: if n in self._data.dtype.names: self._data[n] -= 1 # set number of particle ids self.nid = np.unique(self._data["particleid"]).shape[0] # close the input file self.file.close() return def _build_index(self): """ Set position of the start of the pathline data. """ self.skiprows = 0 self.file = open(self.fname, "r") idx = 0 while True: line = self.file.readline() if isinstance(line, bytes): line = line.decode() if self.skiprows < 1: if "MODPATH_ENDPOINT_FILE 6" in line.upper(): self.version = 6 elif "MODPATH_ENDPOINT_FILE 7" in line.upper(): self.version = 7 elif "MODPATH 5.0" in line.upper(): self.version = 5 elif "MODPATH Version 3.00" in line.upper(): self.version = 3 else: self.version = None if self.version is None: errmsg = "{} is not a valid endpoint file".format( self.fname ) raise Exception(errmsg) self.skiprows += 1 if self.version == 6 or self.version == 7: if idx == 1: t = line.strip() self.direction = 1 if int(t[0]) == 2: self.direction = -1 idx += 1 if "end header" in line.lower(): break else: break if self.verbose: print("MODPATH version {} endpoint file".format(self.version)) def _get_dtypes(self): """ Build numpy dtype for the MODPATH 6 endpoint file. """ if self.version == 3 or self.version == 5: dtype = self._get_mp35_dtype() elif self.version == 6: dtype = self._get_mp6_dtype() elif self.version == 7: dtype = self._get_mp7_dtype() return dtype def _get_mp35_dtype(self, add_id=False): dtype = [ ("zone", np.int32), ("j", np.int32), ("i", np.int32), ("k", np.int32), ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("zloc", np.float32), ("time", np.float32), ("x0", np.float32), ("y0", np.float32), ("zloc0", np.float32), ("j0", np.int32), ("i0", np.int32), ("k0", np.int32), ("zone0", np.int32), ("cumulativetimestep", np.int32), ("ipcode", np.int32), ("time0", np.float32), ] if add_id: dtype.insert(0, ("particleid", np.int32)) return np.dtype(dtype) def _get_mp6_dtype(self): dtype = [ ("particleid", np.int32), ("particlegroup", np.int32), ("status", np.int32), ("time0", np.float32), ("time", np.float32), ("initialgrid", np.int32), ("k0", np.int32), ("i0", np.int32), ("j0", np.int32), ("cellface0", np.int32), ("zone0", np.int32), ("xloc0", np.float32), ("yloc0", np.float32), ("zloc0", np.float32), ("x0", np.float32), ("y0", np.float32), ("z0", np.float32), ("finalgrid", np.int32), ("k", np.int32), ("i", np.int32), ("j", np.int32), ("cellface", np.int32), ("zone", np.int32), ("xloc", np.float32), ("yloc", np.float32), ("zloc", np.float32), ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("label", "|S40"), ] return np.dtype(dtype) def _get_mp7_dtype(self): dtype = [ ("particleid", np.int32), ("particlegroup", np.int32), ("particleidloc", np.int32), ("status", np.int32), ("time0", np.float32), ("time", np.float32), ("node0", np.int32), ("k0", np.int32), ("xloc0", np.float32), ("yloc0", np.float32), ("zloc0", np.float32), ("x0", np.float32), ("y0", np.float32), ("z0", np.float32), ("zone0", np.int32), ("initialcellface", np.int32), ("node", np.int32), ("k", np.int32), ("xloc", np.float32), ("yloc", np.float32), ("zloc", np.float32), ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("zone", np.int32), ("cellface", np.int32), ] return np.dtype(dtype) def _add_particleid(self): # add particle ids for earlier version of MODPATH if self.version < 6: # create particle ids shaped = self._data.shape[0] pids = np.arange(1, shaped + 1, 1, dtype=np.int32) # determine numpy version npv = np.__version__ v = [int(s) for s in npv.split(".")] if self.verbose: print("numpy version {}".format(npv)) # for numpy version 1.14 and higher if v[0] > 1 or (v[0] == 1 and v[1] > 13): self._data = append_fields(self._data, "particleid", pids) # numpy versions prior to 1.14 else: if self.verbose: print(self._data.dtype) # convert pids to structured array pids = np.array( pids, dtype=np.dtype([("particleid", np.int32)]) ) # create new dtype dtype = self._get_mp35_dtype(add_id=True) if self.verbose: print(dtype) # create new array with new dtype and fill with available data data = np.zeros(shaped, dtype=dtype) if self.verbose: print("new data shape {}".format(data.shape)) print("\nFilling new structured data array") # add particle id to new array if self.verbose: msg = ( "writing particleid (pids) to new " + "structured data array" ) print(msg) data["particleid"] = pids["particleid"] # add remaining data to the new array if self.verbose: msg = ( "writing remaining data to new " + "structured data array" ) print(msg) for name in self._data.dtype.names: data[name] = self._data[name] if self.verbose: print("replacing data with copy of new data array") self._data = data.copy() return
[docs] def get_maxid(self): """ Get the maximum endpoint particle id in the file endpoint file Returns ---------- out : int Maximum endpoint particle id. """ return np.unique(self._data["particleid"]).max()
[docs] def get_maxtime(self): """ Get the maximum time in the endpoint file Returns ---------- out : float Maximum endpoint time. """ return self._data["time"].max()
[docs] def get_maxtraveltime(self): """ Get the maximum travel time in the endpoint file Returns ---------- out : float Maximum endpoint travel time. """ return (self._data["time"] - self._data["time0"]).max()
[docs] def get_data(self, partid=0): """ Get endpoint data from the endpoint file for a single particle. Parameters ---------- partid : int The zero-based particle id. The first record is record 0. (default is 0) Returns ---------- ra : numpy record array A numpy recarray with the endpoint particle data for endpoint partid. See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> endobj = flopy.utils.EndpointFile('model.mpend') >>> e1 = endobj.get_data(partid=1) """ idx = self._data["particleid"] == partid ra = self._data[idx] return ra
[docs] def get_alldata(self): """ Get endpoint data from the endpoint file for all endpoints. Parameters ---------- Returns ---------- ra : numpy record array A numpy recarray with the endpoint particle data See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> endobj = flopy.utils.EndpointFile('model.mpend') >>> e = endobj.get_alldata() """ return self._data.view(np.recarray).copy()
[docs] def get_destination_endpoint_data(self, dest_cells, source=False): """ Get endpoint data for set of destination cells. Parameters ---------- dest_cells : list or array of tuples (k, i, j) or (node,) of each destination cell (zero-based) source : bool Boolean to specify is dest_cells applies to source or destination cells (default is False). Returns ------- epdest : np.recarray Slice of endpoint data array (e.g. EndpointFile.get_alldata) containing only data with final k,i,j in dest_cells. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> e = flopy.utils.EndpointFile('modpath.endpoint') >>> e0 = e.get_destination_endpoint_data([(0, 0, 0), ... (1, 0, 0)]) """ # create local copy of _data ra = self.get_alldata() # find the intersection of endpoints and dest_cells # convert dest_cells to same dtype for comparison if self.version < 7: if source: keys = ["k0", "i0", "j0"] else: keys = ["k", "i", "j"] try: raslice = ra_slice(ra, keys) except: msg = ( "could not extract" + "'" + "', '".join(keys) + "'" + "from endpoint data." ) raise KeyError(msg) else: if source: keys = ["node0"] else: keys = ["node"] try: raslice = ra_slice(ra, keys) except: msg = ( "could not extract '{}' ".format(keys[0]) + "key from endpoint data" ) raise KeyError(msg) if isinstance(dest_cells, (list, tuple)): allint = all(isinstance(el, int) for el in dest_cells) # convert to a list of tuples if allint: t = [] for el in dest_cells: t.append((el,)) dest_cells = t dtype = [] for key in keys: dtype.append((key, np.int32)) dtype = np.dtype(dtype) dest_cells = np.array(dest_cells, dtype=dtype) inds = np.in1d(raslice, dest_cells) epdest = ra[inds].copy().view(np.recarray) return epdest
[docs] def write_shapefile( self, endpoint_data=None, shpname="endpoints.shp", direction="ending", mg=None, epsg=None, sr=None, **kwargs ): """ Write particle starting / ending locations to shapefile. endpoint_data : np.recarray Record array of same form as that returned by EndpointFile.get_alldata. (if none, EndpointFile.get_alldata() is exported). shpname : str File path for shapefile direction : str String defining if starting or ending particle locations should be considered. (default is 'ending') sr : flopy.utils.reference.SpatialReference instance Used to scale and rotate Global x,y,z values in MODPATH Endpoint file epsg : int EPSG code for writing projection (.prj) file. If this is not supplied, the proj4 string or epgs code associated with sr will be used. kwargs : keyword arguments to flopy.export.shapefile_utils.recarray2shp """ from ..utils.reference import SpatialReference from ..utils import geometry from ..discretization import StructuredGrid from ..utils.geometry import Point from ..export.shapefile_utils import recarray2shp epd = endpoint_data.copy() if epd is None: epd = self.get_alldata() if direction.lower() == "ending": xcol, ycol, zcol = "x", "y", "z" elif direction.lower() == "starting": xcol, ycol, zcol = "x0", "y0", "z0" else: errmsg = ( ' direction must be "ending" ' + 'or "starting".' ) raise Exception(errmsg) if isinstance(mg, SpatialReference) or isinstance( sr, SpatialReference ): warnings.warn( "Deprecation warning: SpatialReference is deprecated." "Use the Grid class instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) if isinstance(mg, SpatialReference): sr = mg mg = StructuredGrid(sr.delc, sr.delr) mg.set_coord_info( xoff=sr.xll, yoff=sr.yll, angrot=sr.rotation, epsg=sr.epsg, proj4=sr.proj4_str, ) if epsg is None: epsg = mg.epsg if isinstance(mg, StructuredGrid): x, y = geometry.transform( epd[xcol], epd[ycol], xoff=mg.xoffset, yoff=mg.yoffset, angrot_radians=mg.angrot_radians, ) else: x, y = mg.get_coords(epd[xcol], epd[ycol]) z = epd[zcol] geoms = [Point(x[i], y[i], z[i]) for i in range(len(epd))] # convert back to one-based for n in self.kijnames: if n in epd.dtype.names: epd[n] += 1 recarray2shp(epd, geoms, shpname=shpname, epsg=epsg, **kwargs)
[docs]class TimeseriesFile: """ TimeseriesFile Class. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of the timeseries file verbose : bool Write information to the screen. Default is False. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> tsobj = flopy.utils.TimeseriesFile('model.timeseries') >>> ts1 = tsobj.get_data(partid=1) """ kijnames = [ "k", "i", "j", "node", "particleid", "particlegroup", "particleidloc", "timestep", "timestepindex", "timepointindex", ] def __init__(self, filename, verbose=False): """ Class constructor. """ self.fname = filename self.verbose = verbose # build index self._build_index() # set output dtype self.outdtype = self._get_outdtype() # set dtype self.dtype = self._get_dtypes() # read data self._data = loadtxt( self.file, dtype=self.dtype, skiprows=self.skiprows ) # convert layer, row, and column indices; particle id and group; and # line segment indices to zero-based for n in self.kijnames: if n in self._data.dtype.names: self._data[n] -= 1 # set number of particle ids self.nid = np.unique(self._data["particleid"]) # close the input file self.file.close() return def _build_index(self): """ Set position of the start of the timeseries data. """ compact = False self.skiprows = 0 self.file = open(self.fname, "r") while True: line = self.file.readline() if isinstance(line, bytes): line = line.decode() if self.skiprows < 1: if "MODPATH_TIMESERIES_FILE 6" in line.upper(): self.version = 6 elif "MODPATH_TIMESERIES_FILE 7" in line.upper(): self.version = 7 elif "MODPATH 5.0" in line.upper(): self.version = 5 if "COMPACT" in line.upper(): compact = True elif "MODPATH Version 3.00" in line.upper(): self.version = 3 else: self.version = None if self.version is None: errmsg = ( "{} ".format(self.fname) + "is not a valid timeseries file" ) raise Exception(errmsg) self.skiprows += 1 if self.version == 6 or self.version == 7: if "end header" in line.lower(): break elif self.version == 3 or self.version == 5: break # set compact self.compact = compact # return to the top of the file def _get_dtypes(self): """ Build numpy dtype for the MODPATH 6 timeseries file. """ if self.version == 3 or self.version == 5: if self.compact: dtype = np.dtype( [ ("timestepindex", np.int32), ("particleid", np.int32), ("node", np.int32), ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("zloc", np.float32), ("time", np.float32), ("timestep", np.int32), ] ) else: dtype = np.dtype( [ ("timestepindex", np.int32), ("particleid", np.int32), ("j", np.int32), ("i", np.int32), ("k", np.int32), ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("zloc", np.float32), ("time", np.float32), ("timestep", np.int32), ] ) elif self.version == 6: dtype = np.dtype( [ ("timepointindex", np.int32), ("timestep", np.int32), ("time", np.float32), ("particleid", np.int32), ("particlegroup", np.int32), ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("grid", np.int32), ("k", np.int32), ("i", np.int32), ("j", np.int32), ("xloc", np.float32), ("yloc", np.float32), ("zloc", np.float32), ] ) elif self.version == 7: dtype = np.dtype( [ ("timepointindex", np.int32), ("timestep", np.int32), ("time", np.float32), ("particleid", np.int32), ("particlegroup", np.int32), ("particleidloc", np.int32), ("node", np.int32), ("xloc", np.float32), ("yloc", np.float32), ("zloc", np.float32), ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("k", np.int32), ] ) return dtype def _get_outdtype(self): outdtype = np.dtype( [ ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("time", np.float32), ("k", np.int32), ("particleid", np.int32), ] ) return outdtype
[docs] def get_maxid(self): """ Get the maximum timeseries number in the file timeseries file Returns ---------- out : int Maximum pathline number. """ return self._data["particleid"].max()
[docs] def get_maxtime(self): """ Get the maximum time in timeseries file Returns ---------- out : float Maximum pathline time. """ return self._data["time"].max()
[docs] def get_data(self, partid=0, totim=None, ge=True): """ get timeseries data from the timeseries file for a single timeseries particleid. Parameters ---------- partid : int The zero-based particle id. The first record is record 0. totim : float The simulation time. All timeseries points for particle partid that are greater than or equal to (ge=True) or less than or equal to (ge=False) totim will be returned. Default is None ge : bool Boolean that determines if timeseries times greater than or equal to or less than or equal to totim is used to create a subset of timeseries. Default is True. Returns ---------- ra : numpy record array A numpy recarray with the x, y, z, time, k, and particleid for timeseries partid. See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> tsobj = flopy.utils.TimeseriesFile('model.timeseries') >>> ts1 = tsobj.get_data(partid=1) """ if totim is not None: if ge: idx = (self._data["time"] >= totim) & ( self._data["particleid"] == partid ) else: idx = (self._data["time"] <= totim) & ( self._data["particleid"] == partid ) else: idx = self._data["particleid"] == partid self._ta = self._data[idx] names = ["x", "y", "z", "time", "k", "particleid"] return np.rec.fromarrays( (self._ta[name] for name in names), dtype=self.outdtype )
[docs] def get_alldata(self, totim=None, ge=True): """ get timeseries data from the timeseries file for all timeseries and all times. Parameters ---------- totim : float The simulation time. All timeseries points for timeseries partid that are greater than or equal to (ge=True) or less than or equal to (ge=False) totim will be returned. Default is None ge : bool Boolean that determines if timeseries times greater than or equal to or less than or equal to totim is used to create a subset of timeseries. Default is True. Returns ---------- tlist : a list of numpy record array A list of numpy recarrays with the x, y, z, time, k, and particleid for all timeseries. See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> tsobj = flopy.utils.TimeseriesFile('model.timeseries') >>> ts = tsobj.get_alldata() """ return [ self.get_data(partid=partid, totim=totim, ge=ge) for partid in self.nid ]
[docs] def get_destination_timeseries_data(self, dest_cells): """ Get timeseries data for set of destination cells. Parameters ---------- dest_cells : list or array of tuples (k, i, j) or nodes of each destination cell (zero-based) Returns ------- tsdest : np.recarray Slice of timeseries data array (e.g. TmeseriesFile._data) containing only pathlines with final k,i,j in dest_cells. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> ts = flopy.utils.TimeseriesFile('modpath.timeseries') >>> tss = ts.get_destination_timeseries_data([(0, 0, 0), ... (1, 0, 0)]) """ # create local copy of _data ra = np.array(self._data) # find the intersection of timeseries and dest_cells # convert dest_cells to same dtype for comparison if self.version < 7: try: raslice = ra[["k", "i", "j"]] except: msg = ( "could not extract 'k', 'i', and 'j' keys " + "from timeseries data" ) raise KeyError(msg) else: try: raslice = ra[["node"]] except: msg = "could not extract 'node' key from timeseries data" raise KeyError(msg) if isinstance(dest_cells, (list, tuple)): allint = all(isinstance(el, int) for el in dest_cells) # convert to a list of tuples if allint: t = [] for el in dest_cells: t.append((el,)) dest_cells = t dest_cells = np.array(dest_cells, dtype=raslice.dtype) inds = np.in1d(raslice, dest_cells) epdest = ra[inds].copy().view(np.recarray) # use particle ids to get the rest of the timeseries inds = np.in1d(ra["particleid"], epdest.particleid) tsdes = ra[inds].copy() tsdes.sort(order=["particleid", "time"]) return tsdes.view(np.recarray)