Source code for flopy.utils.reference

Module spatial referencing for flopy model objects

import json
import numpy as np
import os
import warnings

from collections import OrderedDict

# web address of spatial reference dot org
srefhttp = ""

[docs]class SpatialReference(object): """ a class to locate a structured model grid in x-y space Parameters ---------- delr : numpy ndarray the model discretization delr vector (An array of spacings along a row) delc : numpy ndarray the model discretization delc vector (An array of spacings along a column) lenuni : int the length units flag from the discretization package (default 2) xul : float the x coordinate of the upper left corner of the grid Enter either xul and yul or xll and yll. yul : float the y coordinate of the upper left corner of the grid Enter either xul and yul or xll and yll. xll : float the x coordinate of the lower left corner of the grid Enter either xul and yul or xll and yll. yll : float the y coordinate of the lower left corner of the grid Enter either xul and yul or xll and yll. rotation : float the counter-clockwise rotation (in degrees) of the grid proj4_str: str a PROJ4 string that identifies the grid in space. warning: case sensitive! units : string Units for the grid. Must be either feet or meters epsg : int EPSG code that identifies the grid in space. Can be used in lieu of proj4. PROJ4 attribute will auto-populate if there is an internet connection(via get_proj4 method). See or length_multiplier : float multiplier to convert model units to spatial reference units. delr and delc above will be multiplied by this value. (default=1.) Attributes ---------- xedge : ndarray array of column edges yedge : ndarray array of row edges xgrid : ndarray numpy meshgrid of xedges ygrid : ndarray numpy meshgrid of yedges xcenter : ndarray array of column centers ycenter : ndarray array of row centers xcentergrid : ndarray numpy meshgrid of column centers ycentergrid : ndarray numpy meshgrid of row centers vertices : 1D array 1D array of cell vertices for whole grid in C-style (row-major) order (same as np.ravel()) Notes ----- xul and yul can be explicitly (re)set after SpatialReference instantiation, but only before any of the other attributes and methods are accessed """ xul, yul = None, None xll, yll = None, None rotation = 0.0 length_multiplier = 1.0 origin_loc = "ul" # or ll defaults = { "xul": None, "yul": None, "rotation": 0.0, "proj4_str": None, "units": None, "lenuni": 2, "length_multiplier": None, "source": "defaults", } lenuni_values = {"undefined": 0, "feet": 1, "meters": 2, "centimeters": 3} lenuni_text = {v: k for k, v in lenuni_values.items()} def __init__( self, delr=np.array([]), delc=np.array([]), lenuni=2, xul=None, yul=None, xll=None, yll=None, rotation=0.0, proj4_str=None, epsg=None, prj=None, units=None, length_multiplier=None, ): warnings.warn( "SpatialReference has been deprecated. Use StructuredGrid" " instead.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) for delrc in [delr, delc]: if isinstance(delrc, float) or isinstance(delrc, int): msg = ( "delr and delcs must be an array or sequences equal in " "length to the number of rows/columns." ) raise TypeError(msg) self.delc = np.atleast_1d(np.array(delc)).astype( np.float64 ) # * length_multiplier self.delr = np.atleast_1d(np.array(delr)).astype( np.float64 ) # * length_multiplier if self.delr.sum() == 0 or self.delc.sum() == 0: if xll is None or yll is None: msg = ( "Warning: no grid spacing or lower-left corner " "supplied. Setting the offset with xul, yul requires " "arguments for delr and delc. Origin will be set to " "zero." ) print(msg) xll, yll = 0, 0 xul, yul = None, None self._lenuni = lenuni self._proj4_str = proj4_str self._epsg = epsg if epsg is not None: self._proj4_str = getproj4(self._epsg) self.prj = prj self._wkt = None = crs(prj=prj, epsg=epsg) self.supported_units = ["feet", "meters"] self._units = units self._length_multiplier = length_multiplier self._reset() self.set_spatialreference(xul, yul, xll, yll, rotation) @property def xll(self): if self.origin_loc == "ll": xll = self._xll if self._xll is not None else 0.0 elif self.origin_loc == "ul": # calculate coords for lower left corner xll = self._xul - ( np.sin(self.theta) * self.yedge[0] * self.length_multiplier ) return xll @property def yll(self): if self.origin_loc == "ll": yll = self._yll if self._yll is not None else 0.0 elif self.origin_loc == "ul": # calculate coords for lower left corner yll = self._yul - ( np.cos(self.theta) * self.yedge[0] * self.length_multiplier ) return yll @property def xul(self): if self.origin_loc == "ll": # calculate coords for upper left corner xul = self._xll + ( np.sin(self.theta) * self.yedge[0] * self.length_multiplier ) if self.origin_loc == "ul": # calculate coords for lower left corner xul = self._xul if self._xul is not None else 0.0 return xul @property def yul(self): if self.origin_loc == "ll": # calculate coords for upper left corner yul = self._yll + ( np.cos(self.theta) * self.yedge[0] * self.length_multiplier ) if self.origin_loc == "ul": # calculate coords for lower left corner yul = self._yul if self._yul is not None else 0.0 return yul @property def proj4_str(self): proj4_str = None if self._proj4_str is not None: if "epsg" in self._proj4_str.lower(): proj4_str = self._proj4_str # set the epsg if proj4 specifies it tmp = [ i for i in self._proj4_str.split() if "epsg" in i.lower() ] self._epsg = int(tmp[0].split(":")[1]) else: proj4_str = self._proj4_str elif self.epsg is not None: proj4_str = "epsg:{}".format(self.epsg) return proj4_str @property def epsg(self): # don't reset the proj4 string here # because proj4 attribute may already be populated # (with more details than getproj4 would return) # instead reset proj4 when epsg is set # (on init or setattr) return self._epsg @property def wkt(self): if self._wkt is None: if self.prj is not None: with open(self.prj) as src: wkt = elif self.epsg is not None: wkt = getprj(self.epsg) else: return None return wkt else: return self._wkt @property def lenuni(self): return self._lenuni def _parse_units_from_proj4(self): units = None try: # need this because preserve_units doesn't seem to be # working for complex proj4 strings. So if an # epsg code was passed, we have no choice, but if a # proj4 string was passed, we can just parse it if "EPSG" in self.proj4_str.upper(): import pyproj crs = pyproj.Proj(self.proj4_str, preserve_units=True) proj_str = crs.srs else: proj_str = self.proj4_str # # from proj4 source code # "us-ft", "0.304800609601219", "U.S. Surveyor's Foot", # "ft", "0.3048", "International Foot", if "units=m" in proj_str: units = "meters" elif ( "units=ft" in proj_str or "units=us-ft" in proj_str or "to_meter=0.3048" in proj_str ): units = "feet" return units except: if self.proj4_str is not None: print( " could not parse units from {}".format(self.proj4_str) ) @property def units(self): if self._units is not None: units = self._units.lower() else: units = self._parse_units_from_proj4() if units is None: # print("warning: assuming SpatialReference units are meters") units = "meters" assert units in self.supported_units return units @property def length_multiplier(self): """ Attempt to identify multiplier for converting from model units to sr units, defaulting to 1. """ lm = None if self._length_multiplier is not None: lm = self._length_multiplier else: if self.model_length_units == "feet": if self.units == "meters": lm = 0.3048 elif self.units == "feet": lm = 1.0 elif self.model_length_units == "meters": if self.units == "feet": lm = 1 / 0.3048 elif self.units == "meters": lm = 1.0 elif self.model_length_units == "centimeters": if self.units == "meters": lm = 1 / 100.0 elif self.units == "feet": lm = 1 / 30.48 else: # model units unspecified; default to 1 lm = 1.0 return lm @property def model_length_units(self): return self.lenuni_text[self.lenuni] @property def bounds(self): """ Return bounding box in shapely order. """ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.get_extent() return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, namefile=None, reffile="usgs.model.reference"): """ Attempts to load spatial reference information from the following files (in order): 1) usgs.model.reference 2) NAM file (header comment) 3) SpatialReference.default dictionary """ reffile = os.path.join(os.path.split(namefile)[0], reffile) d = SpatialReference.read_usgs_model_reference_file(reffile) if d is not None: return d d = SpatialReference.attribs_from_namfile_header(namefile) if d is not None: return d else: return SpatialReference.defaults
[docs] @staticmethod def attribs_from_namfile_header(namefile): # check for reference info in the nam file header d = SpatialReference.defaults.copy() d["source"] = "namfile" if namefile is None: return None header = [] with open(namefile, "r") as f: for line in f: if not line.startswith("#"): break header.extend(line.strip().replace("#", "").split(";")) for item in header: if "xul" in item.lower(): try: d["xul"] = float(item.split(":")[1]) except: print(" could not parse xul " + "in {}".format(namefile)) elif "yul" in item.lower(): try: d["yul"] = float(item.split(":")[1]) except: print(" could not parse yul " + "in {}".format(namefile)) elif "rotation" in item.lower(): try: d["rotation"] = float(item.split(":")[1]) except: print( " could not parse rotation " + "in {}".format(namefile) ) elif "proj4_str" in item.lower(): try: proj4_str = ":".join(item.split(":")[1:]).strip() if proj4_str.lower() == "none": proj4_str = None d["proj4_str"] = proj4_str except: print( " could not parse proj4_str " + "in {}".format(namefile) ) elif "start" in item.lower(): try: d["start_datetime"] = item.split(":")[1].strip() except: print( " could not parse start " + "in {}".format(namefile) ) # spatial reference length units elif "units" in item.lower(): d["units"] = item.split(":")[1].strip() # model length units elif "lenuni" in item.lower(): d["lenuni"] = int(item.split(":")[1].strip()) # multiplier for converting from model length units to sr length units elif "length_multiplier" in item.lower(): d["length_multiplier"] = float(item.split(":")[1].strip()) return d
[docs] @staticmethod def read_usgs_model_reference_file(reffile="usgs.model.reference"): """ read spatial reference info from the usgs.model.reference file """ ITMUNI = { 0: "undefined", 1: "seconds", 2: "minutes", 3: "hours", 4: "days", 5: "years", } itmuni_values = {v: k for k, v in ITMUNI.items()} d = SpatialReference.defaults.copy() d["source"] = "usgs.model.reference" # discard default to avoid confusion with epsg code if entered d.pop("proj4_str") if os.path.exists(reffile): with open(reffile) as fref: for line in fref: if len(line) > 1: if line.strip()[0] != "#": info = line.strip().split("#")[0].split() if len(info) > 1: d[info[0].lower()] = " ".join(info[1:]) d["xul"] = float(d["xul"]) d["yul"] = float(d["yul"]) d["rotation"] = float(d["rotation"]) # convert the model.reference text to a lenuni value # (these are the model length units) if "length_units" in d.keys(): d["lenuni"] = SpatialReference.lenuni_values[d["length_units"]] if "time_units" in d.keys(): d["itmuni"] = itmuni_values[d["time_units"]] if "start_date" in d.keys(): start_datetime = d.pop("start_date") if "start_time" in d.keys(): start_datetime += " {}".format(d.pop("start_time")) d["start_datetime"] = start_datetime if "epsg" in d.keys(): try: d["epsg"] = int(d["epsg"]) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "error reading epsg code from file:\n" + str(e) ) # this prioritizes epsg over proj4 if both are given # (otherwise 'proj4' entry will be dropped below) elif "proj4" in d.keys(): d["proj4_str"] = d["proj4"] # drop any other items that aren't used in sr class d = { k: v for k, v in d.items() if k.lower() in SpatialReference.defaults.keys() or k.lower() in {"epsg", "start_datetime", "itmuni", "source"} } return d else: return None
def __setattr__(self, key, value): reset = True if key == "delr": super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__( "delr", np.atleast_1d(np.array(value)) ) elif key == "delc": super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__( "delc", np.atleast_1d(np.array(value)) ) elif key == "xul": super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__("_xul", float(value)) self.origin_loc = "ul" elif key == "yul": super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__("_yul", float(value)) self.origin_loc = "ul" elif key == "xll": super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__("_xll", float(value)) self.origin_loc = "ll" elif key == "yll": super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__("_yll", float(value)) self.origin_loc = "ll" elif key == "length_multiplier": super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__( "_length_multiplier", float(value) ) # self.set_origin(xul=self.xul, yul=self.yul, xll=self.xll, # yll=self.yll) elif key == "rotation": super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__("rotation", float(value)) # self.set_origin(xul=self.xul, yul=self.yul, xll=self.xll, # yll=self.yll) elif key == "lenuni": super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__("_lenuni", int(value)) # self.set_origin(xul=self.xul, yul=self.yul, xll=self.xll, # yll=self.yll) elif key == "units": value = value.lower() assert value in self.supported_units super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__("_units", value) elif key == "proj4_str": super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__("_proj4_str", value) # reset the units and epsg units = self._parse_units_from_proj4() if units is not None: self._units = units self._epsg = None elif key == "epsg": super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__("_epsg", value) # reset the units and proj4 self._units = None self._proj4_str = getproj4(self._epsg) = crs(epsg=value) elif key == "prj": super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__("prj", value) # translation to proj4 strings in crs class not robust yet # leave units and proj4 alone for now. = crs(prj=value, epsg=self.epsg) else: super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__(key, value) reset = False if reset: self._reset()
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) return
def _reset(self): self._xgrid = None self._ygrid = None self._ycentergrid = None self._xcentergrid = None self._vertices = None return @property def nrow(self): return self.delc.shape[0] @property def ncol(self): return self.delr.shape[0] def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SpatialReference): return False if other.xul != self.xul: return False if other.yul != self.yul: return False if other.rotation != self.rotation: return False if other.proj4_str != self.proj4_str: return False return True
[docs] @classmethod def from_namfile(cls, namefile): attribs = SpatialReference.attribs_from_namfile_header(namefile) try: attribs.pop("start_datetime") except: print(" could not remove start_datetime") return cls(**attribs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_gridspec(cls, gridspec_file, lenuni=0): f = open(gridspec_file, "r") raw = f.readline().strip().split() nrow = int(raw[0]) ncol = int(raw[1]) raw = f.readline().strip().split() xul, yul, rot = float(raw[0]), float(raw[1]), float(raw[2]) delr = [] j = 0 while j < ncol: raw = f.readline().strip().split() for r in raw: if "*" in r: rraw = r.split("*") for n in range(int(rraw[0])): delr.append(float(rraw[1])) j += 1 else: delr.append(float(r)) j += 1 delc = [] i = 0 while i < nrow: raw = f.readline().strip().split() for r in raw: if "*" in r: rraw = r.split("*") for n in range(int(rraw[0])): delc.append(float(rraw[1])) i += 1 else: delc.append(float(r)) i += 1 f.close() return cls( np.array(delr), np.array(delc), lenuni, xul=xul, yul=yul, rotation=rot, )
@property def attribute_dict(self): return { "xul": self.xul, "yul": self.yul, "rotation": self.rotation, "proj4_str": self.proj4_str, }
[docs] def set_spatialreference( self, xul=None, yul=None, xll=None, yll=None, rotation=0.0 ): """ set spatial reference - can be called from model instance """ if xul is not None and xll is not None: msg = ( "Both xul and xll entered. Please enter either xul, yul or " "xll, yll." ) raise ValueError(msg) if yul is not None and yll is not None: msg = ( "Both yul and yll entered. Please enter either xul, yul or " "xll, yll." ) raise ValueError(msg) # set the origin priority based on the left corner specified # (the other left corner will be calculated). If none are specified # then default to upper left if xul is None and yul is None and xll is None and yll is None: self.origin_loc = "ul" xul = 0.0 yul = self.delc.sum() elif xll is not None: self.origin_loc = "ll" else: self.origin_loc = "ul" self.rotation = rotation self._xll = xll if xll is not None else 0.0 self._yll = yll if yll is not None else 0.0 self._xul = xul if xul is not None else 0.0 self._yul = yul if yul is not None else 0.0 # self.set_origin(xul, yul, xll, yll) return
def __repr__(self): s = "xul:{0:<.10G}; yul:{1:<.10G}; rotation:{2:<G}; ".format( self.xul, self.yul, self.rotation ) s += "proj4_str:{0}; ".format(self.proj4_str) s += "units:{0}; ".format(self.units) s += "lenuni:{0}; ".format(self.lenuni) s += "length_multiplier:{}".format(self.length_multiplier) return s
[docs] def set_origin(self, xul=None, yul=None, xll=None, yll=None): if self.origin_loc == "ll": # calculate coords for upper left corner self._xll = xll if xll is not None else 0.0 self.yll = yll if yll is not None else 0.0 self.xul = self._xll + ( np.sin(self.theta) * self.yedge[0] * self.length_multiplier ) self.yul = self.yll + ( np.cos(self.theta) * self.yedge[0] * self.length_multiplier ) if self.origin_loc == "ul": # calculate coords for lower left corner self.xul = xul if xul is not None else 0.0 self.yul = yul if yul is not None else 0.0 self._xll = self.xul - ( np.sin(self.theta) * self.yedge[0] * self.length_multiplier ) self.yll = self.yul - ( np.cos(self.theta) * self.yedge[0] * self.length_multiplier ) self._reset() return
@property def theta(self): return -self.rotation * np.pi / 180.0 @property def xedge(self): return self.get_xedge_array() @property def yedge(self): return self.get_yedge_array() @property def xgrid(self): if self._xgrid is None: self._set_xygrid() return self._xgrid @property def ygrid(self): if self._ygrid is None: self._set_xygrid() return self._ygrid @property def xcenter(self): return self.get_xcenter_array() @property def ycenter(self): return self.get_ycenter_array() @property def ycentergrid(self): if self._ycentergrid is None: self._set_xycentergrid() return self._ycentergrid @property def xcentergrid(self): if self._xcentergrid is None: self._set_xycentergrid() return self._xcentergrid def _set_xycentergrid(self): self._xcentergrid, self._ycentergrid = np.meshgrid( self.xcenter, self.ycenter ) self._xcentergrid, self._ycentergrid = self.transform( self._xcentergrid, self._ycentergrid ) def _set_xygrid(self): self._xgrid, self._ygrid = np.meshgrid(self.xedge, self.yedge) self._xgrid, self._ygrid = self.transform(self._xgrid, self._ygrid)
[docs] @staticmethod def rotate(x, y, theta, xorigin=0.0, yorigin=0.0): """ Given x and y array-like values calculate the rotation about an arbitrary origin and then return the rotated coordinates. theta is in degrees. """ # jwhite changed on Oct 11 2016 - rotation is now positive CCW # theta = -theta * np.pi / 180. theta = theta * np.pi / 180.0 xrot = ( xorigin + np.cos(theta) * (x - xorigin) - np.sin(theta) * (y - yorigin) ) yrot = ( yorigin + np.sin(theta) * (x - xorigin) + np.cos(theta) * (y - yorigin) ) return xrot, yrot
[docs] def transform(self, x, y, inverse=False): """ Given x and y array-like values, apply rotation, scale and offset, to convert them from model coordinates to real-world coordinates. """ if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) if not np.isscalar(x): x, y = x.copy(), y.copy() if not inverse: x *= self.length_multiplier y *= self.length_multiplier x += self.xll y += self.yll x, y = SpatialReference.rotate( x, y, theta=self.rotation, xorigin=self.xll, yorigin=self.yll ) else: x, y = SpatialReference.rotate( x, y, -self.rotation, self.xll, self.yll ) x -= self.xll y -= self.yll x /= self.length_multiplier y /= self.length_multiplier return x, y
[docs] def get_extent(self): """ Get the extent of the rotated and offset grid Return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) """ x0 = self.xedge[0] x1 = self.xedge[-1] y0 = self.yedge[0] y1 = self.yedge[-1] # upper left point x0r, y0r = self.transform(x0, y0) # upper right point x1r, y1r = self.transform(x1, y0) # lower right point x2r, y2r = self.transform(x1, y1) # lower left point x3r, y3r = self.transform(x0, y1) xmin = min(x0r, x1r, x2r, x3r) xmax = max(x0r, x1r, x2r, x3r) ymin = min(y0r, y1r, y2r, y3r) ymax = max(y0r, y1r, y2r, y3r) return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
[docs] def get_grid_lines(self): """ Get the grid lines as a list """ xmin = self.xedge[0] xmax = self.xedge[-1] ymin = self.yedge[-1] ymax = self.yedge[0] lines = [] # Vertical lines for j in range(self.ncol + 1): x0 = self.xedge[j] x1 = x0 y0 = ymin y1 = ymax x0r, y0r = self.transform(x0, y0) x1r, y1r = self.transform(x1, y1) lines.append([(x0r, y0r), (x1r, y1r)]) # horizontal lines for i in range(self.nrow + 1): x0 = xmin x1 = xmax y0 = self.yedge[i] y1 = y0 x0r, y0r = self.transform(x0, y0) x1r, y1r = self.transform(x1, y1) lines.append([(x0r, y0r), (x1r, y1r)]) return lines
[docs] def get_grid_line_collection(self, **kwargs): """ Get a LineCollection of the grid """ from flopy.plot import ModelMap map = ModelMap(sr=self) lc = map.plot_grid(**kwargs) return lc
[docs] def get_xcenter_array(self): """ Return a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell center x coordinate for every column in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated. """ x = np.add.accumulate(self.delr) - 0.5 * self.delr return x
[docs] def get_ycenter_array(self): """ Return a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell center x coordinate for every row in the grid in model space - not offset of rotated. """ Ly = np.add.reduce(self.delc) y = Ly - (np.add.accumulate(self.delc) - 0.5 * self.delc) return y
[docs] def get_xedge_array(self): """ Return a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell edge x coordinates for every column in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated. Array is of size (ncol + 1) """ xedge = np.concatenate(([0.0], np.add.accumulate(self.delr))) return xedge
[docs] def get_yedge_array(self): """ Return a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell edge y coordinates for every row in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated. Array is of size (nrow + 1) """ length_y = np.add.reduce(self.delc) yedge = np.concatenate( ([length_y], length_y - np.add.accumulate(self.delc)) ) return yedge
[docs] def write_gridSpec(self, filename): """write a PEST-style grid specification file""" f = open(filename, "w") f.write( "{0:10d} {1:10d}\n".format(self.delc.shape[0], self.delr.shape[0]) ) f.write( "{0:15.6E} {1:15.6E} {2:15.6E}\n".format( self.xul * self.length_multiplier, self.yul * self.length_multiplier, self.rotation, ) ) for r in self.delr: f.write("{0:15.6E} ".format(r)) f.write("\n") for c in self.delc: f.write("{0:15.6E} ".format(c)) f.write("\n") return
[docs] def write_shapefile(self, filename="grid.shp", epsg=None, prj=None): """Write a shapefile of the grid with just the row and column attributes""" from ..export.shapefile_utils import write_grid_shapefile if epsg is None and prj is None: epsg = self.epsg write_grid_shapefile( filename, self, array_dict={}, nan_val=-1.0e9, epsg=epsg, prj=prj )
[docs] def get_vertices(self, i, j): """Get vertices for a single cell or sequence if i, j locations.""" pts = [] xgrid, ygrid = self.xgrid, self.ygrid pts.append([xgrid[i, j], ygrid[i, j]]) pts.append([xgrid[i + 1, j], ygrid[i + 1, j]]) pts.append([xgrid[i + 1, j + 1], ygrid[i + 1, j + 1]]) pts.append([xgrid[i, j + 1], ygrid[i, j + 1]]) pts.append([xgrid[i, j], ygrid[i, j]]) if np.isscalar(i): return pts else: vrts = np.array(pts).transpose([2, 0, 1]) return [v.tolist() for v in vrts]
[docs] def get_rc(self, x, y): return self.get_ij(x, y)
[docs] def get_ij(self, x, y): """Return the row and column of a point or sequence of points in real-world coordinates. Parameters ---------- x : scalar or sequence of x coordinates y : scalar or sequence of y coordinates Returns ------- i : row or sequence of rows (zero-based) j : column or sequence of columns (zero-based) """ if np.isscalar(x): c = (np.abs(self.xcentergrid[0] - x)).argmin() r = (np.abs(self.ycentergrid[:, 0] - y)).argmin() else: xcp = np.array([self.xcentergrid[0]] * (len(x))) ycp = np.array([self.ycentergrid[:, 0]] * (len(x))) c = (np.abs(xcp.transpose() - x)).argmin(axis=0) r = (np.abs(ycp.transpose() - y)).argmin(axis=0) return r, c
[docs] def get_grid_map_plotter(self, **kwargs): """ Create a QuadMesh plotting object for this grid Returns ------- quadmesh : matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh """ try: from matplotlib.collections import QuadMesh except: err_msg = ( "matplotlib must be installed to " + "use get_grid_map_plotter()" ) raise ImportError(err_msg) verts = np.vstack((self.xgrid.flatten(), self.ygrid.flatten())).T qm = QuadMesh(self.ncol, self.nrow, verts) return qm
[docs] def plot_array(self, a, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Create a QuadMesh plot of the specified array using pcolormesh Parameters ---------- a : np.ndarray Returns ------- quadmesh : matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: err_msg = ( "matplotlib must be installed to " + "use reference.plot_array()" ) raise ImportError(err_msg) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() qm = ax.pcolormesh(self.xgrid, self.ygrid, a, **kwargs) return qm
[docs] def export_array( self, filename, a, nodata=-9999, fieldname="value", **kwargs ): """ Write a numpy array to Arc Ascii grid or shapefile with the model reference. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path of output file. Export format is determined by file extension. '.asc' Arc Ascii grid '.tif' GeoTIFF (requires rasterio package) '.shp' Shapefile a : 2D numpy.ndarray Array to export nodata : scalar Value to assign to np.nan entries (default -9999) fieldname : str Attribute field name for array values (shapefile export only). (default 'values') kwargs: keyword arguments to np.savetxt (ascii) (GeoTIFF) or flopy.export.shapefile_utils.write_grid_shapefile2 Notes ----- Rotated grids will be either be unrotated prior to export, using scipy.ndimage.rotate (Arc Ascii format) or rotation will be included in their transform property (GeoTiff format). In either case the pixels will be displayed in the (unrotated) projected geographic coordinate system, so the pixels will no longer align exactly with the model grid (as displayed from a shapefile, for example). A key difference between Arc Ascii and GeoTiff (besides disk usage) is that the unrotated Arc Ascii will have a different grid size, whereas the GeoTiff will have the same number of rows and pixels as the original. """ if filename.lower().endswith(".asc"): if ( len(np.unique(self.delr)) != len(np.unique(self.delc)) != 1 or self.delr[0] != self.delc[0] ): raise ValueError("Arc ascii arrays require a uniform grid.") xll, yll = self.xll, self.yll cellsize = self.delr[0] * self.length_multiplier fmt = kwargs.get("fmt", "%.18e") a = a.copy() a[np.isnan(a)] = nodata if self.rotation != 0: try: from scipy.ndimage import rotate a = rotate(a, self.rotation, cval=nodata) height_rot, width_rot = a.shape xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.bounds dx = (xmax - xmin) / width_rot dy = (ymax - ymin) / height_rot cellsize = np.max((dx, dy)) # cellsize = np.cos(np.radians(self.rotation)) * cellsize xll, yll = xmin, ymin except ImportError: print("scipy package required to export rotated grid.") filename = ( ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1]) + ".asc" ) # enforce .asc ending nrow, ncol = a.shape a[np.isnan(a)] = nodata txt = "ncols {:d}\n".format(ncol) txt += "nrows {:d}\n".format(nrow) txt += "xllcorner {:f}\n".format(xll) txt += "yllcorner {:f}\n".format(yll) txt += "cellsize {}\n".format(cellsize) # ensure that nodata fmt consistent w values txt += "NODATA_value {}\n".format(fmt) % (nodata) with open(filename, "w") as output: output.write(txt) with open(filename, "ab") as output: np.savetxt(output, a, **kwargs) print("wrote {}".format(filename)) elif filename.lower().endswith(".tif"): if ( len(np.unique(self.delr)) != len(np.unique(self.delc)) != 1 or self.delr[0] != self.delc[0] ): raise ValueError("GeoTIFF export require a uniform grid.") try: import rasterio from rasterio import Affine except: print("GeoTIFF export requires the rasterio package.") return dxdy = self.delc[0] * self.length_multiplier trans = ( Affine.translation(self.xul, self.yul) * Affine.rotation(self.rotation) * Affine.scale(dxdy, -dxdy) ) # third dimension is the number of bands a = a.copy() if len(a.shape) == 2: a = np.reshape(a, (1, a.shape[0], a.shape[1])) if == "int64": a = a.astype("int32") dtype = rasterio.int32 elif == "int32": dtype = rasterio.int32 elif == "float64": dtype = rasterio.float64 elif == "float32": dtype = rasterio.float32 else: msg = 'ERROR: invalid dtype "{}"'.format( raise TypeError(msg) meta = { "count": a.shape[0], "width": a.shape[2], "height": a.shape[1], "nodata": nodata, "dtype": dtype, "driver": "GTiff", "crs": self.proj4_str, "transform": trans, } meta.update(kwargs) with, "w", **meta) as dst: dst.write(a) print("wrote {}".format(filename)) elif filename.lower().endswith(".shp"): from ..export.shapefile_utils import write_grid_shapefile epsg = kwargs.get("epsg", None) prj = kwargs.get("prj", None) if epsg is None and prj is None: epsg = self.epsg write_grid_shapefile( filename, self, array_dict={fieldname: a}, nan_val=nodata, epsg=epsg, prj=prj, )
[docs] def export_contours( self, filename, contours, fieldname="level", epsg=None, prj=None, **kwargs ): """ Convert matplotlib contour plot object to shapefile. Parameters ---------- filename : str path of output shapefile contours : matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet or list of them (object returned by matplotlib.pyplot.contour) epsg : int EPSG code. See or prj : str Existing projection file to be used with new shapefile. **kwargs : key-word arguments to flopy.export.shapefile_utils.recarray2shp Returns ------- df : dataframe of shapefile contents """ from flopy.utils.geometry import LineString from flopy.export.shapefile_utils import recarray2shp if not isinstance(contours, list): contours = [contours] if epsg is None: epsg = self._epsg if prj is None: prj = self.proj4_str geoms = [] level = [] for ctr in contours: levels = ctr.levels for i, c in enumerate(ctr.collections): paths = c.get_paths() geoms += [LineString(p.vertices) for p in paths] level += list(np.ones(len(paths)) * levels[i]) # convert the dictionary to a recarray ra = np.array(level, dtype=[(fieldname, float)]).view(np.recarray) recarray2shp(ra, geoms, filename, epsg=epsg, prj=prj, **kwargs)
[docs] def export_array_contours( self, filename, a, fieldname="level", interval=None, levels=None, maxlevels=1000, epsg=None, prj=None, **kwargs ): """ Contour an array using matplotlib; write shapefile of contours. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path of output file with '.shp' extension. a : 2D numpy array Array to contour epsg : int EPSG code. See or prj : str Existing projection file to be used with new shapefile. **kwargs : key-word arguments to flopy.export.shapefile_utils.recarray2shp """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: err_msg = ( "matplotlib must be installed to " + "use cvfd_to_patch_collection()" ) raise ImportError(err_msg) if epsg is None: epsg = self._epsg if prj is None: prj = self.proj4_str if interval is not None: vmin = np.nanmin(a) vmax = np.nanmax(a) nlevels = np.round(np.abs(vmax - vmin) / interval, 2) msg = ( "{:.0f} levels ".format(nlevels) + "at interval of {} > ".format(interval) + "maxlevels = {}".format(maxlevels) ) assert nlevels < maxlevels, msg levels = np.arange(vmin, vmax, interval) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ctr = self.contour_array(ax, a, levels=levels) self.export_contours(filename, ctr, fieldname, epsg, prj, **kwargs) plt.close()
[docs] def contour_array(self, ax, a, **kwargs): """ Create a QuadMesh plot of the specified array using pcolormesh Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes ax to add the contours a : np.ndarray array to contour Returns ------- contour_set : ContourSet """ from flopy.plot import ModelMap kwargs["ax"] = ax mm = ModelMap(sr=self) contour_set = mm.contour_array(a=a, **kwargs) return contour_set
@property def vertices(self): """ Returns a list of vertices for """ if self._vertices is None: self._set_vertices() return self._vertices def _set_vertices(self): """ Populate vertices for the whole grid """ jj, ii = np.meshgrid(range(self.ncol), range(self.nrow)) jj, ii = jj.ravel(), ii.ravel() self._vertices = self.get_vertices(ii, jj)
[docs] def interpolate(self, a, xi, method="nearest"): """ Use the griddata method to interpolate values from an array onto the points defined in xi. For any values outside of the grid, use 'nearest' to find a value for them. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray array to interpolate from. It must be of size nrow, ncol xi : numpy.ndarray array containing x and y point coordinates of size (npts, 2). xi also works with broadcasting so that if a is a 2d array, then xi can be passed in as (xgrid, ygrid). method : {'linear', 'nearest', 'cubic'} method to use for interpolation (default is 'nearest') Returns ------- b : numpy.ndarray array of size (npts) """ try: from scipy.interpolate import griddata except: print("scipy not installed\ntry pip install scipy") return None # Create a 2d array of points for the grid centers points = np.empty((self.ncol * self.nrow, 2)) points[:, 0] = self.xcentergrid.flatten() points[:, 1] = self.ycentergrid.flatten() # Use the griddata function to interpolate to the xi points b = griddata(points, a.flatten(), xi, method=method, fill_value=np.nan) # if method is linear or cubic, then replace nan's with a value # interpolated using nearest if method != "nearest": bn = griddata(points, a.flatten(), xi, method="nearest") idx = np.isnan(b) b[idx] = bn[idx] return b
[docs] def get_2d_vertex_connectivity(self): """ Create the cell 2d vertices array and the iverts index array. These are the same form as the ones used to instantiate an unstructured spatial reference. Returns ------- verts : ndarray array of x and y coordinates for the grid vertices iverts : list a list with a list of vertex indices for each cell in clockwise order starting with the upper left corner """ x = self.xgrid.flatten() y = self.ygrid.flatten() nrowvert = self.nrow + 1 ncolvert = self.ncol + 1 npoints = nrowvert * ncolvert verts = np.empty((npoints, 2), dtype=np.float) verts[:, 0] = x verts[:, 1] = y iverts = [] for i in range(self.nrow): for j in range(self.ncol): iv1 = i * ncolvert + j # upper left point number iv2 = iv1 + 1 iv4 = (i + 1) * ncolvert + j iv3 = iv4 + 1 iverts.append([iv1, iv2, iv3, iv4]) return verts, iverts
[docs] def get_3d_shared_vertex_connectivity(self, nlay, botm, ibound=None): # get the x and y points for the grid x = self.xgrid.flatten() y = self.ygrid.flatten() # set the size of the vertex grid nrowvert = self.nrow + 1 ncolvert = self.ncol + 1 nlayvert = nlay + 1 nrvncv = nrowvert * ncolvert npoints = nrvncv * nlayvert # create and fill a 3d points array for the grid verts = np.empty((npoints, 3), dtype=np.float) verts[:, 0] = np.tile(x, nlayvert) verts[:, 1] = np.tile(y, nlayvert) istart = 0 istop = nrvncv for k in range(nlay + 1): verts[istart:istop, 2] = self.interpolate( botm[k], verts[istart:istop, :2], method="linear" ) istart = istop istop = istart + nrvncv # create the list of points comprising each cell. points must be # listed a specific way according to vtk requirements. iverts = [] for k in range(nlay): koffset = k * nrvncv for i in range(self.nrow): for j in range(self.ncol): if ibound is not None: if ibound[k, i, j] == 0: continue iv1 = i * ncolvert + j + koffset iv2 = iv1 + 1 iv4 = (i + 1) * ncolvert + j + koffset iv3 = iv4 + 1 iverts.append( [ iv4 + nrvncv, iv3 + nrvncv, iv1 + nrvncv, iv2 + nrvncv, iv4, iv3, iv1, iv2, ] ) # renumber and reduce the vertices if ibound_filter if ibound is not None: # go through the vertex list and mark vertices that are used ivertrenum = np.zeros(npoints, for vlist in iverts: for iv in vlist: # mark vertices that are actually used ivertrenum[iv] = 1 # renumber vertices that are used, skip those that are not inum = 0 for i in range(npoints): if ivertrenum[i] > 0: inum += 1 ivertrenum[i] = inum ivertrenum -= 1 # reassign the vertex list using the new vertex numbers iverts2 = [] for vlist in iverts: vlist2 = [] for iv in vlist: vlist2.append(ivertrenum[iv]) iverts2.append(vlist2) iverts = iverts2 idx = np.where(ivertrenum >= 0) verts = verts[idx] return verts, iverts
[docs] def get_3d_vertex_connectivity(self, nlay, top, bot, ibound=None): if ibound is None: ncells = nlay * self.nrow * self.ncol ibound = np.ones((nlay, self.nrow, self.ncol), else: ncells = (ibound != 0).sum() npoints = ncells * 8 verts = np.empty((npoints, 3), dtype=np.float) iverts = [] ipoint = 0 for k in range(nlay): for i in range(self.nrow): for j in range(self.ncol): if ibound[k, i, j] == 0: continue ivert = [] pts = self.get_vertices(i, j) pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3, pt0 = pts z = bot[k, i, j] verts[ipoint, 0:2] = np.array(pt1) verts[ipoint, 2] = z ivert.append(ipoint) ipoint += 1 verts[ipoint, 0:2] = np.array(pt2) verts[ipoint, 2] = z ivert.append(ipoint) ipoint += 1 verts[ipoint, 0:2] = np.array(pt0) verts[ipoint, 2] = z ivert.append(ipoint) ipoint += 1 verts[ipoint, 0:2] = np.array(pt3) verts[ipoint, 2] = z ivert.append(ipoint) ipoint += 1 z = top[k, i, j] verts[ipoint, 0:2] = np.array(pt1) verts[ipoint, 2] = z ivert.append(ipoint) ipoint += 1 verts[ipoint, 0:2] = np.array(pt2) verts[ipoint, 2] = z ivert.append(ipoint) ipoint += 1 verts[ipoint, 0:2] = np.array(pt0) verts[ipoint, 2] = z ivert.append(ipoint) ipoint += 1 verts[ipoint, 0:2] = np.array(pt3) verts[ipoint, 2] = z ivert.append(ipoint) ipoint += 1 iverts.append(ivert) return verts, iverts
[docs]class SpatialReferenceUnstructured(SpatialReference): """ a class to locate an unstructured model grid in x-y space Parameters ---------- verts : ndarray 2d array of x and y points. iverts : list of lists should be of len(ncells) with a list of vertex numbers for each cell ncpl : ndarray array containing the number of cells per layer. ncpl.sum() must be equal to the total number of cells in the grid. layered : boolean flag to indicated that the grid is layered. In this case, the vertices define the grid for single layer, and all layers use this same grid. In this case the ncpl value for each layer must equal len(iverts). If not layered, then verts and iverts are specified for all cells and all layers in the grid. In this case, npcl.sum() must equal len(iverts). lenuni : int the length units flag from the discretization package proj4_str: str a PROJ4 string that identifies the grid in space. warning: case sensitive! units : string Units for the grid. Must be either feet or meters epsg : int EPSG code that identifies the grid in space. Can be used in lieu of proj4. PROJ4 attribute will auto-populate if there is an internet connection(via get_proj4 method). See or length_multiplier : float multiplier to convert model units to spatial reference units. delr and delc above will be multiplied by this value. (default=1.) Attributes ---------- xcenter : ndarray array of x cell centers ycenter : ndarray array of y cell centers Notes ----- """ def __init__( self, xc, yc, verts, iverts, ncpl, layered=True, lenuni=1, proj4_str=None, epsg=None, units=None, length_multiplier=1.0, ): warnings.warn( "SpatialReferenceUnstructured has been deprecated. " "Use VertexGrid instead.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) self.xc = xc self.yc = yc self.verts = verts self.iverts = iverts self.ncpl = ncpl self.layered = layered self._lenuni = lenuni self._proj4_str = proj4_str self._epsg = epsg if epsg is not None: self._proj4_str = getproj4(epsg) self.supported_units = ["feet", "meters"] self._units = units self._length_multiplier = length_multiplier # set defaults self._xul = 0.0 self._yul = 0.0 self.rotation = 0.0 if self.layered: assert all([n == len(iverts) for n in ncpl]) assert self.xc.shape[0] == self.ncpl[0] assert self.yc.shape[0] == self.ncpl[0] else: msg = "Length of iverts must equal ncpl.sum " "({} {})".format( len(iverts), ncpl ) assert len(iverts) == ncpl.sum(), msg assert self.xc.shape[0] == self.ncpl.sum() assert self.yc.shape[0] == self.ncpl.sum() return @property def grid_type(self): return "unstructured"
[docs] def write_shapefile(self, filename="grid.shp"): """ Write shapefile of the grid Parameters ---------- filename : string filename for shapefile Returns ------- """ raise NotImplementedError() return
[docs] def write_gridSpec(self, filename): """ Write a PEST-style grid specification file Parameters ---------- filename : string filename for grid specification file Returns ------- """ raise NotImplementedError() return
[docs] @classmethod def from_gridspec(cls, fname): """ Create a new SpatialReferenceUnstructured grid from an PEST grid specification file Parameters ---------- fname : string File name for grid specification file Returns ------- sru : flopy.utils.reference.SpatialReferenceUnstructured """ raise NotImplementedError() return
[docs] @classmethod def from_argus_export(cls, fname, nlay=1): """ Create a new SpatialReferenceUnstructured grid from an Argus One Trimesh file Parameters ---------- fname : string File name nlay : int Number of layers to create Returns ------- sru : flopy.utils.reference.SpatialReferenceUnstructured """ from ..utils.geometry import get_polygon_centroid f = open(fname, "r") line = f.readline() ll = line.split() ncells, nverts = ll[0:2] ncells = int(ncells) nverts = int(nverts) verts = np.empty((nverts, 2), dtype=np.float) xc = np.empty((ncells), dtype=np.float) yc = np.empty((ncells), dtype=np.float) # read the vertices f.readline() for ivert in range(nverts): line = f.readline() ll = line.split() c, iv, x, y = ll[0:4] verts[ivert, 0] = x verts[ivert, 1] = y # read the cell information and create iverts, xc, and yc iverts = [] for icell in range(ncells): line = f.readline() ll = line.split() ivlist = [] for ic in ll[2:5]: ivlist.append(int(ic) - 1) if ivlist[0] != ivlist[-1]: ivlist.append(ivlist[0]) iverts.append(ivlist) xc[icell], yc[icell] = get_polygon_centroid(verts[ivlist, :]) # close file and return spatial reference f.close() return cls(xc, yc, verts, iverts, np.array(nlay * [len(iverts)]))
def __setattr__(self, key, value): super(SpatialReference, self).__setattr__(key, value) return
[docs] def get_extent(self): """ Get the extent of the grid Returns ------- extent : tuple min and max grid coordinates """ xmin = self.verts[:, 0].min() xmax = self.verts[:, 0].max() ymin = self.verts[:, 1].min() ymax = self.verts[:, 1].max() return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
[docs] def get_xcenter_array(self): """ Return a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell center x coordinate for every cell in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated. """ return self.xc
[docs] def get_ycenter_array(self): """ Return a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell center x coordinate for every cell in the grid in model space - not offset of rotated. """ return self.yc
[docs] def plot_array(self, a, ax=None): """ Create a QuadMesh plot of the specified array using patches Parameters ---------- a : np.ndarray Returns ------- quadmesh : matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh """ from ..plot import plotutil patch_collection = plotutil.plot_cvfd( self.verts, self.iverts, a=a, ax=ax ) return patch_collection
[docs] def get_grid_line_collection(self, **kwargs): """ Get a patch collection of the grid """ from ..plot import plotutil edgecolor = kwargs.pop("colors") pc = plotutil.cvfd_to_patch_collection(self.verts, self.iverts) pc.set(facecolor="none") pc.set(edgecolor=edgecolor) return pc
[docs] def contour_array(self, ax, a, **kwargs): """ Create a QuadMesh plot of the specified array using pcolormesh Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes ax to add the contours a : np.ndarray array to contour Returns ------- contour_set : ContourSet """ contour_set = ax.tricontour(self.xcenter, self.ycenter, a, **kwargs) return contour_set
[docs]class TemporalReference(object): """ For now, just a container to hold start time and time units files outside of DIS package. """ defaults = {"itmuni": 4, "start_datetime": "01-01-1970"} itmuni_values = { "undefined": 0, "seconds": 1, "minutes": 2, "hours": 3, "days": 4, "years": 5, } itmuni_text = {v: k for k, v in itmuni_values.items()} def __init__(self, itmuni=4, start_datetime=None): self.itmuni = itmuni self.start_datetime = start_datetime @property def model_time_units(self): return self.itmuni_text[self.itmuni]
[docs]class epsgRef: """ Sets up a local database of text representations of coordinate reference systems, keyed by EPSG code. The database is epsgref.json, located in the user's data directory. If optional 'appdirs' package is available, this is in the platform-dependent user directory, otherwise in the user's 'HOME/.flopy' directory. """ def __init__(self): warnings.warn( "epsgRef has been deprecated.", category=DeprecationWarning ) try: from appdirs import user_data_dir except ImportError: user_data_dir = None if user_data_dir: datadir = user_data_dir("flopy") else: # if appdirs is not installed, use user's home directory datadir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".flopy") if not os.path.isdir(datadir): os.makedirs(datadir) dbname = "epsgref.json" self.location = os.path.join(datadir, dbname)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Returns dict with EPSG code integer key, and WKT CRS text """ data = OrderedDict() if os.path.exists(self.location): with open(self.location, "r") as f: loaded_data = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # convert JSON key from str to EPSG integer for key, value in loaded_data.items(): try: data[int(key)] = value except ValueError: data[key] = value return data
def _write(self, data): with open(self.location, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=0) f.write("\n")
[docs] def reset(self, verbose=True): if os.path.exists(self.location): os.remove(self.location) if verbose: print("Resetting {}".format(self.location))
[docs] def add(self, epsg, prj): """ add an epsg code to epsgref.json """ data = self.to_dict() data[epsg] = prj self._write(data)
[docs] def get(self, epsg): """ returns prj from a epsg code, otherwise None if not found """ data = self.to_dict() return data.get(epsg)
[docs] def remove(self, epsg): """ removes an epsg entry from epsgref.json """ data = self.to_dict() if epsg in data: del data[epsg] self._write(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def show(): ep = epsgRef() prj = ep.to_dict() for k, v in prj.items(): print("{}:\n{}\n".format(k, v))
[docs]class crs(object): """ Container to parse and store coordinate reference system parameters, and translate between different formats. """ def __init__(self, prj=None, esri_wkt=None, epsg=None): warnings.warn( "crs has been deprecated. Use CRS in shapefile_utils instead.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) self.wktstr = None if prj is not None: with open(prj) as fprj: self.wktstr = elif esri_wkt is not None: self.wktstr = esri_wkt elif epsg is not None: wktstr = getprj(epsg) if wktstr is not None: self.wktstr = wktstr if self.wktstr is not None: self.parse_wkt() @property def crs(self): """ Dict mapping crs attributes to proj4 parameters """ proj = None if self.projcs is not None: # projection if "mercator" in self.projcs.lower(): if ( "transverse" in self.projcs.lower() or "tm" in self.projcs.lower() ): proj = "tmerc" else: proj = "merc" elif ( "utm" in self.projcs.lower() and "zone" in self.projcs.lower() ): proj = "utm" elif "stateplane" in self.projcs.lower(): proj = "lcc" elif "lambert" and "conformal" and "conic" in self.projcs.lower(): proj = "lcc" elif "albers" in self.projcs.lower(): proj = "aea" elif self.projcs is None and self.geogcs is not None: proj = "longlat" # datum datum = None if ( "NAD" in self.datum.lower() or "north" in self.datum.lower() and "america" in self.datum.lower() ): datum = "nad" if "83" in self.datum.lower(): datum += "83" elif "27" in self.datum.lower(): datum += "27" elif "84" in self.datum.lower(): datum = "wgs84" # ellipse ellps = None if "1866" in self.spheroid_name: ellps = "clrk66" elif "grs" in self.spheroid_name.lower(): ellps = "grs80" elif "wgs" in self.spheroid_name.lower(): ellps = "wgs84" # prime meridian pm = self.primem[0].lower() return { "proj": proj, "datum": datum, "ellps": ellps, "a": self.semi_major_axis, "rf": self.inverse_flattening, "lat_0": self.latitude_of_origin, "lat_1": self.standard_parallel_1, "lat_2": self.standard_parallel_2, "lon_0": self.central_meridian, "k_0": self.scale_factor, "x_0": self.false_easting, "y_0": self.false_northing, "units": self.projcs_unit, "zone": self.utm_zone, } @property def grid_mapping_attribs(self): """ Map parameters for CF Grid Mappings http://, Appendix F: Grid Mappings """ if self.wktstr is not None: sp = [ p for p in [self.standard_parallel_1, self.standard_parallel_2] if p is not None ] sp = sp if len(sp) > 0 else None proj =["proj"] names = { "aea": "albers_conical_equal_area", "aeqd": "azimuthal_equidistant", "laea": "lambert_azimuthal_equal_area", "longlat": "latitude_longitude", "lcc": "lambert_conformal_conic", "merc": "mercator", "tmerc": "transverse_mercator", "utm": "transverse_mercator", } attribs = { "grid_mapping_name": names[proj], "semi_major_axis":["a"], "inverse_flattening":["rf"], "standard_parallel": sp, "longitude_of_central_meridian":["lon_0"], "latitude_of_projection_origin":["lat_0"], "scale_factor_at_projection_origin":["k_0"], "false_easting":["x_0"], "false_northing":["y_0"], } return {k: v for k, v in attribs.items() if v is not None} @property def proj4(self): """ Not implemented yet """ return None
[docs] def parse_wkt(self): self.projcs = self._gettxt('PROJCS["', '"') self.utm_zone = None if self.projcs is not None and "utm" in self.projcs.lower(): self.utm_zone = self.projcs[-3:].lower().strip("n").strip("s") self.geogcs = self._gettxt('GEOGCS["', '"') self.datum = self._gettxt('DATUM["', '"') tmp = self._getgcsparam("SPHEROID") self.spheroid_name = tmp.pop(0) self.semi_major_axis = tmp.pop(0) self.inverse_flattening = tmp.pop(0) self.primem = self._getgcsparam("PRIMEM") self.gcs_unit = self._getgcsparam("UNIT") self.projection = self._gettxt('PROJECTION["', '"') self.latitude_of_origin = self._getvalue("latitude_of_origin") self.central_meridian = self._getvalue("central_meridian") self.standard_parallel_1 = self._getvalue("standard_parallel_1") self.standard_parallel_2 = self._getvalue("standard_parallel_2") self.scale_factor = self._getvalue("scale_factor") self.false_easting = self._getvalue("false_easting") self.false_northing = self._getvalue("false_northing") self.projcs_unit = self._getprojcs_unit()
def _gettxt(self, s1, s2): s = self.wktstr.lower() strt = s.find(s1.lower()) if strt >= 0: # -1 indicates not found strt += len(s1) end = s[strt:].find(s2.lower()) + strt return self.wktstr[strt:end] def _getvalue(self, k): s = self.wktstr.lower() strt = s.find(k.lower()) if strt >= 0: strt += len(k) end = s[strt:].find("]") + strt try: return float(self.wktstr[strt:end].split(",")[1]) except: print(" could not typecast wktstr to a float") def _getgcsparam(self, txt): nvalues = 3 if txt.lower() == "spheroid" else 2 tmp = self._gettxt('{}["'.format(txt), "]") if tmp is not None: tmp = tmp.replace('"', "").split(",") name = tmp[0:1] values = list(map(float, tmp[1:nvalues])) return name + values else: return [None] * nvalues def _getprojcs_unit(self): if self.projcs is not None: tmp = self.wktstr.lower().split('unit["')[-1] uname, ufactor = tmp.strip().strip("]").split('",')[0:2] ufactor = float(ufactor.split("]")[0].split()[0].split(",")[0]) return uname, ufactor return None, None
[docs]def getprj(epsg, addlocalreference=True, text="esriwkt"): """ Gets projection file (.prj) text for given epsg code from Parameters ---------- epsg : int epsg code for coordinate system addlocalreference : boolean adds the projection file text associated with epsg to a local database, epsgref.json, located in the user's data directory. References ---------- Returns ------- prj : str text for a projection (*.prj) file. """ warnings.warn( "SpatialReference has been deprecated. Use StructuredGrid " "instead.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) epsgfile = epsgRef() wktstr = epsgfile.get(epsg) if wktstr is None: wktstr = get_spatialreference(epsg, text=text) if addlocalreference and wktstr is not None: epsgfile.add(epsg, wktstr) return wktstr
[docs]def get_spatialreference(epsg, text="esriwkt"): """ Gets text for given epsg code and text format from Fetches the reference text using the url:<epsg code>/<text>/ See: Parameters ---------- epsg : int epsg code for coordinate system text : str string added to url Returns ------- url : str """ from flopy.utils.flopy_io import get_url_text warnings.warn( "SpatialReference has been deprecated. Use StructuredGrid " "instead.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) epsg_categories = ["epsg", "esri"] for cat in epsg_categories: url = "{}/ref/{}/{}/{}/".format(srefhttp, cat, epsg, text) result = get_url_text(url) if result is not None: break if result is not None: return result.replace("\n", "") elif result is None and text != "epsg": for cat in epsg_categories: error_msg = ( "No internet connection or " + "epsg code {} ".format(epsg) + "not found at {}/ref/".format(srefhttp) + "{}/{}/{}".format(cat, cat, epsg) ) print(error_msg) # epsg code not listed on # may still work with pyproj elif text == "epsg": return "epsg:{}".format(epsg)
[docs]def getproj4(epsg): """ Get projection file (.prj) text for given epsg code from See: Parameters ---------- epsg : int epsg code for coordinate system Returns ------- prj : str text for a projection (*.prj) file. """ warnings.warn( "SpatialReference has been deprecated. Use StructuredGrid " "instead.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return get_spatialreference(epsg, text="proj4")