flopy.mf6.data.mfdataarray module

class MFArray(sim_data, model_or_sim, structure, data=None, enable=True, path=None, dimensions=None)[source]

Bases: flopy.mf6.data.mfdata.MFMultiDimVar

Provides an interface for the user to access and update MODFLOW array data.

  • sim_data (MFSimulationData) – data contained in the simulation
  • structure (MFDataStructure) – describes the structure of the data
  • data (list or ndarray) – actual data
  • enable (bool) – enable/disable the array
  • path (tuple) – path in the data dictionary to this MFArray
  • dimensions (MFDataDimensions) – dimension information related to the model, package, and array

type of data stored in the scalar


if the scalar is plotable


the scalar’s numpy data type


calls get_data with default parameters

new_simulation : (sim_data : MFSimulationData)

initialize MFArray object for a new simulation

supports_layered : bool

Returns whether this MFArray supports layered data

set_layered_data : (layered_data : bool)

Sets whether this MFArray supports layered data

store_as_external_file : (external_file_path : string, layer_num : int,
replace_existing_external : bool)

Stores data from layer “layer_num” to an external file at “external_file_path”. For unlayered data do not pass in “layer”. If layer is not specified all layers will be stored with each layer as a separate file. If replace_existing_external is set to False, this method will not do anything if the data is already in an external file.

store_as_internal_array : (multiplier : float, layer_num : int)

Stores data from layer “layer_num” internally within the MODFLOW file with a multiplier “multiplier”. For unlayered data do not pass in “layer”.

has_data : (layer_num : int) : bool

Returns whether layer “layer_num” has any data associated with it. For unlayered data do not pass in “layer”.

get_data : (layer_num : int) : ndarray

Returns the data associated with layer “layer_num”. If “layer_num” is None, returns all data.

set_data : (data : ndarray/list, multiplier : float, layer_num : int)

Sets the contents of the data at layer “layer_num” to “data” with multiplier “multiplier”. For unlayered data do not pass in “layer_num”. data can have the following formats: 1) ndarray - numpy ndarray containing all of the data 2) [data] - python list containing all of the data 3) val - a single constant value to be used for all of the data 4) {‘filename’:filename, ‘factor’:fct, ‘iprn’:print, ‘data’:data} - dictionary defining external file information 5) {‘data’:data, ‘factor’:fct, ‘iprn’:print) - dictionary defining internal information. Data that is layered can also be set by defining a list with a length equal to the number of layers in the model. Each layer in the list contains the data as defined in the formats above:

[layer_1_val, [layer_2_array_vals], {‘filename’:file_with_layer_3_data, ‘factor’:fct, ‘iprn’:print}]
load : (first_line : string, file_handle : file descriptor,
block_header : MFBlockHeader, pre_data_comments : MFComment) : tuple (bool, string)

Loads data from first_line (the first line of data) and open file file_handle which is pointing to the second line of data. Returns a tuple with the first item indicating whether all data was read and the second item being the last line of text read from the file.

get_file_entry : (layer : int) : string

Returns a string containing the data in layer “layer”. For unlayered data do not pass in “layer”.



get_data(layer=None, apply_mult=False, **kwargs)[source]
get_file_entry(layer=None, ext_file_action=<ExtFileAction.copy_relative_paths: 3>)[source]
load(first_line, file_handle, block_header, pre_data_comments=None, external_file_info=None)[source]
plot(filename_base=None, file_extension=None, mflay=None, fignum=None, title=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot 3-D model input data

  • filename_base (str) – Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None)
  • file_extension (str) – Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is ‘png’)
  • mflay (int) – MODFLOW zero-based layer number to return. If None, then all all layers will be included. (default is None)
  • **kwargs (dict) –
    axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis
    List of matplotlib.pyplot.axis that will be used to plot data for each layer. If axes=None axes will be generated. (default is None)
    pcolor : bool
    Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh plot will be plotted. (default is True)
    colorbar : bool
    Boolean used to determine if a color bar will be added to the matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Only used if pcolor=True. (default is False)
    inactive : bool
    Boolean used to determine if a black overlay in inactive cells in a layer will be displayed. (default is True)
    contour : bool
    Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.contour plot will be plotted. (default is False)
    clabel : bool
    Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.clabel will be plotted. Only used if contour=True. (default is False)
    grid : bool
    Boolean used to determine if the model grid will be plotted on the figure. (default is False)
    masked_values : list
    List of unique values to be excluded from the plot.

out – Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis is returned.

Return type:


set_data(data, multiplier=None, layer=None)[source]
store_as_external_file(external_file_path, layer=None, binary=False, replace_existing_external=True, check_data=True)[source]
class MFTransientArray(sim_data, model_or_sim, structure, enable=True, path=None, dimensions=None)[source]

Bases: flopy.mf6.data.mfdataarray.MFArray, flopy.mf6.data.mfdata.MFTransient

Provides an interface for the user to access and update MODFLOW transient array data.

  • sim_data (MFSimulationData) – data contained in the simulation
  • structure (MFDataStructure) – describes the structure of the data
  • data (list or ndarray) – actual data
  • enable (bool) – enable/disable the array
  • path (tuple) – path in the data dictionary to this MFArray
  • dimensions (MFDataDimensions) – dimension information related to the model, package, and array
add_transient_key : (transient_key : int)

Adds a new transient time allowing data for that time to be stored and retrieved using the key “transient_key”

get_data : (layer_num : int, key : int) : ndarray

Returns the data associated with layer “layer_num” during time “key”. If “layer_num” is None, returns all data for time “key”.

set_data : (data : ndarray/list, multiplier : float, layer_num : int,

key : int) Sets the contents of the data at layer “layer_num” and time “key” to “data” with multiplier “multiplier”. For unlayered data do not pass in “layer_num”.

load : (first_line : string, file_handle : file descriptor,
block_header : MFBlockHeader, pre_data_comments : MFComment) : tuple (bool, string)

Loads data from first_line (the first line of data) and open file handle which is pointing to the second line of data. Returns a tuple with the first item indicating whether all data was read and the second item being the last line of text read from the file.

get_file_entry : (layer : int, key : int) : string

Returns a string containing the data in layer “layer” at time “key”. For unlayered data do not pass in “layer”.



get_data(layer=None, apply_mult=True, **kwargs)[source]
get_file_entry(key=0, ext_file_action=<ExtFileAction.copy_relative_paths: 3>)[source]
load(first_line, file_handle, block_header, pre_data_comments=None, external_file_info=None)[source]
plot(kper=None, filename_base=None, file_extension=None, mflay=None, fignum=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot transient array model input data

  • transient2d (flopy.utils.util_array.Transient2D object) –
  • filename_base (str) – Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None)
  • file_extension (str) – Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is ‘png’)
  • **kwargs (dict) –
    axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis
    List of matplotlib.pyplot.axis that will be used to plot data for each layer. If axes=None axes will be generated. (default is None)
    pcolor : bool
    Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh plot will be plotted. (default is True)
    colorbar : bool
    Boolean used to determine if a color bar will be added to the matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Only used if pcolor=True. (default is False)
    inactive : bool
    Boolean used to determine if a black overlay in inactive cells in a layer will be displayed. (default is True)
    contour : bool
    Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.contour plot will be plotted. (default is False)
    clabel : bool
    Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.clabel will be plotted. Only used if contour=True. (default is False)
    grid : bool
    Boolean used to determine if the model grid will be plotted on the figure. (default is False)
    masked_values : list
    List of unique values to be excluded from the plot.
    kper : str
    MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. If kper=’all’ then data for all stress period will be extracted. (default is zero).

axes – Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis is returned.

Return type:


set_data(data, multiplier=None, layer=None, key=None)[source]
store_as_external_file(external_file_path, layer=None, binary=False, replace_existing_external=True, check_data=True)[source]