What is FloPy

The FloPy package consists of a set of Python scripts to run MODFLOW, MT3D, SEAWAT and other MODFLOW-related groundwater programs. FloPy enables you to run all these programs with Python scripts. The FloPy project started in 2009 and has grown to a fairly complete set of scripts with a growing user base. FloPy3 was released in December 2014 with a few great enhancements that make FloPy3 backwards incompatible. The first significant change is that FloPy3 uses zero-based indexing everywhere, which means that all layers, rows, columns, and stress periods start numbering at zero. This change was made for consistency as all array-indexing was already zero-based (as are all arrays in Python). This may take a little getting-used-to, but hopefully will avoid confusion in the future. A second significant enhancement concerns the ability to specify time-varying boundary conditions that are specified with a sequence of layer-row-column-values, like the WEL and GHB packages. A variety of flexible and readable ways have been implemented to specify these boundary conditions.

Recently, FloPy has been further enhanced to include full support for MODFLOW 6. The majority of recent development has focused on FloPy functionality for MODFLOW 6, helper functions to use GIS shapefiles and raster files to create MODFLOW datasets, and common plotting and export functionality.

FloPy is an open-source project and any assistance is welcomed. Please email the development team if you want to contribute.

Return to the Github FloPy website.

FloPy Installation

FloPy can be installed using conda (from the conda-forge channel) or pip.

conda Installation

conda install -c conda-forge flopy

pip Installation

To install FloPy type:

pip install flopy

To install the bleeding edge version of FloPy from the git repository type:

pip install git+https://github.com/modflowpy/flopy.git

FloPy Development Team

FloPy is developed by a team of MODFLOW users that have switched over to using Python for model development and post-processing. Members of the team currently include:

  • Mark Bakker
  • Vincent Post
  • Joseph D. Hughes
  • Christian D. Langevin
  • Jeremy T. White
  • Andrew T. Leaf
  • Scott R. Paulinski
  • Jason C. Bellino
  • Eric D. Morway
  • Michael W. Toews
  • Joshua D. Larsen
  • Michael N. Fienen
  • Jon Jeffrey Starn
  • Davíd Brakenhoff
  • and others