Source code for flopy.discretization.unstructuredgrid

import copy
import inspect
import os

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.path import Path

from ..utils.geometry import is_clockwise
from .grid import CachedData, Grid

[docs]class UnstructuredGrid(Grid): """ Class for an unstructured model grid Parameters ---------- vertices : list list of vertices that make up the grid. Each vertex consists of three entries [iv, xv, yv] which are the vertex number, which should be zero-based, and the x and y vertex coordinates. iverts : list list of vertex numbers that comprise each cell. This list must be of size nodes, if the grid_varies_by_nodes argument is true, or it must be of size ncpl[0] if the same 2d spatial grid is used for each layer. xcenters : list or ndarray list of x center coordinates for all cells in the grid if the grid varies by layer or for all cells in a layer if the same grid is used for all layers ycenters : list or ndarray list of y center coordinates for all cells in the grid if the grid varies by layer or for all cells in a layer if the same grid is used for all layers ncpl : ndarray one dimensional array of size nlay with the number of cells in each layer. This can also be passed in as a tuple or list as long as it can be set using ncpl = np.array(ncpl, dtype=int). The sum of ncpl must be equal to the number of cells in the grid. ncpl is optional and if it is not passed in, then it is is set using ncpl = np.array([len(iverts)], dtype=int), which means that all cells in the grid are contained in a single plottable layer. If the model grid defined in verts and iverts applies for all model layers, then the length of iverts can be equal to ncpl[0] and there is no need to repeat all of the vertex information for cells in layers beneath the top layer. top : list or ndarray top elevations for all cells in the grid. botm : list or ndarray bottom elevations for all cells in the grid. Properties ---------- vertices returns list of vertices that make up the grid cell2d returns list of cells and their vertices Methods ------- get_cell_vertices(cellid) returns vertices for a single cell at cellid. Notes ----- This class handles spatial representation of unstructured grids. It is based on the concept of being able to support multiple model layers that may have a different number of cells in each layer. The array ncpl is of size nlay and and its sum must equal nodes. If the length of iverts is equal to ncpl[0] and the number of cells per layer is the same for each layer, then it is assumed that the grid does not vary by layer. In this case, the xcenters and ycenters arrays must also be of size ncpl[0]. This makes it possible to efficiently store spatial grid information for multiple layers. If the spatial grid is different for each model layer, then the grid_varies_by_layer flag will automatically be set to false, and iverts must be of size nodes. The arrays for xcenters and ycenters must also be of size nodes. """ def __init__( self, vertices=None, iverts=None, xcenters=None, ycenters=None, top=None, botm=None, idomain=None, lenuni=None, ncpl=None, epsg=None, proj4=None, prj=None, xoff=0.0, yoff=0.0, angrot=0.0, ): super().__init__( "unstructured", top, botm, idomain, lenuni, epsg, proj4, prj, xoff, yoff, angrot, ) # if any of these are None, then the grid is not valid self._vertices = vertices self._iverts = iverts self._xc = xcenters self._yc = ycenters # if either of these are None, then the grid is not complete self._top = top self._botm = botm self._ncpl = None if ncpl is not None: # ensure ncpl is a 1d integer array self.set_ncpl(ncpl) else: # ncpl is not specified, but if the grid is valid, then it is # assumed to be of size len(iverts) if self.is_valid: self.set_ncpl(len(iverts)) if iverts is not None: if self.grid_varies_by_layer: msg = ( "Length of iverts must equal grid nodes " f"({len(iverts)} {self.nnodes})" ) assert len(iverts) == self.nnodes, msg else: msg = f"Length of iverts must equal ncpl ({len(iverts)} {self.ncpl})" assert np.all([cpl == len(iverts) for cpl in self.ncpl]), msg return
[docs] def set_ncpl(self, ncpl): if isinstance(ncpl, int): ncpl = np.array([ncpl], dtype=int) if isinstance(ncpl, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): ncpl = np.array(ncpl, dtype=int) else: raise TypeError("ncpl must be a list, tuple or ndarray") assert ncpl.ndim == 1, "ncpl must be 1d" self._ncpl = ncpl self._require_cache_updates() return
@property def is_valid(self): iv = True if self._iverts is None: iv = False if self._vertices is None: iv = False if self._xc is None: iv = False if self._yc is None: iv = False return iv @property def is_complete(self): if self.is_valid is not None and super().is_complete: return True return False @property def nlay(self): if self.ncpl is None: return None else: return self.ncpl.shape[0] @property def grid_varies_by_layer(self): gvbl = False if self.is_valid: if self.ncpl[0] == len(self._iverts): gvbl = False else: gvbl = True return gvbl @property def nnodes(self): if self.ncpl is None: return None else: return self.ncpl.sum() @property def nvert(self): return len(self._vertices) @property def iverts(self): if self._iverts is not None: return [ [ivt for ivt in t if ivt is not None] for t in self._iverts ] @property def verts(self): if self._vertices is None: return self._vertices else: return np.array([list(t)[1:] for t in self._vertices], dtype=float) @property def ia(self): if self._ia is None: self._set_unstructured_iaja() return self._ia @property def ja(self): if self._ja is None: self._set_unstructured_iaja() return self._ja @property def ncpl(self): return self._ncpl @property def shape(self): return (self.nnodes,) @property def extent(self): self._copy_cache = False xvertices = np.hstack(self.xvertices) yvertices = np.hstack(self.yvertices) self._copy_cache = True return ( np.min(xvertices), np.max(xvertices), np.min(yvertices), np.max(yvertices), ) @property def grid_lines(self): """ Creates a series of grid line vertices for drawing a model grid line collection. If the grid varies by layer, then return a dictionary with keys equal to layers and values equal to grid lines. Otherwise, just return the grid lines Returns: dict: grid lines or dictionary of lines by layer """ self._copy_cache = False xgrid = self.xvertices ygrid = self.yvertices grdlines = None if self.grid_varies_by_layer: grdlines = {} icell = 0 for ilay, numcells in enumerate(self.ncpl): lines = [] for _ in range(numcells): verts = xgrid[icell] for ix in range(len(verts)): lines.append( [ (xgrid[icell][ix - 1], ygrid[icell][ix - 1]), (xgrid[icell][ix], ygrid[icell][ix]), ] ) icell += 1 grdlines[ilay] = lines else: grdlines = [] for icell in range(self.ncpl[0]): verts = xgrid[icell] for ix in range(len(verts)): grdlines.append( [ (xgrid[icell][ix - 1], ygrid[icell][ix - 1]), (xgrid[icell][ix], ygrid[icell][ix]), ] ) self._copy_cache = True return grdlines @property def xyzcellcenters(self): """ Method to get cell centers and set to grid """ cache_index = "cellcenters" if ( cache_index not in self._cache_dict or self._cache_dict[cache_index].out_of_date ): self._build_grid_geometry_info() if self._copy_cache: return self._cache_dict[cache_index].data else: return self._cache_dict[cache_index].data_nocopy @property def xyzvertices(self): """ Method to get model grid verticies Returns: list of dimension ncpl by nvertices """ cache_index = "xyzgrid" if ( cache_index not in self._cache_dict or self._cache_dict[cache_index].out_of_date ): self._build_grid_geometry_info() if self._copy_cache: return self._cache_dict[cache_index].data else: return self._cache_dict[cache_index].data_nocopy @property def cross_section_vertices(self): """ Method to get vertices for cross-sectional plotting Returns ------- xvertices, yvertices """ xv, yv = self.xyzvertices[0], self.xyzvertices[1] if len(xv) == self.ncpl[0]: xv *= self.nlay yv *= self.nlay return xv, yv
[docs] def cross_section_lay_ncpl_ncb(self, ncb): """ Get PlotCrossSection compatible layers, ncpl, and ncb variables Parameters ---------- ncb : int number of confining beds Returns ------- tuple : (int, int, int) layers, ncpl, ncb """ return 1, self.nnodes, 0
[docs] def cross_section_nodeskip(self, nlay, xypts): """ Get a nodeskip list for PlotCrossSection. This is a correction for UnstructuredGridPlotting Parameters ---------- nlay : int nlay is nlay + ncb xypts : dict dictionary of node number and xyvertices of a cross-section Returns ------- list : n-dimensional list of nodes to not plot for each layer """ strt = 0 end = 0 nodeskip = [] for ncpl in self.ncpl: end += ncpl layskip = [] for nn, verts in xypts.items(): if strt <= nn < end: continue else: layskip.append(nn) strt += ncpl nodeskip.append(layskip) return nodeskip
[docs] def cross_section_adjust_indicies(self, k, cbcnt): """ Method to get adjusted indicies by layer and confining bed for PlotCrossSection plotting Parameters ---------- k : int zero based model layer cbcnt : int confining bed counter Returns ------- tuple: (int, int, int) (adjusted layer, nodeskip layer, node adjustment value based on number of confining beds and the layer) """ return 1, k + 1, 0
[docs] def cross_section_set_contour_arrays( self, plotarray, xcenters, head, elev, projpts ): """ Method to set countour array centers for rare instances where matplotlib contouring is prefered over trimesh plotting Parameters ---------- plotarray : np.ndarray array of data for contouring xcenters : np.ndarray xcenters array head : np.ndarray head array to adjust cell centers location elev : np.ndarray cell elevation array projpts : dict dictionary of projected cross sectional vertices Returns ------- tuple: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, bool) plotarray, xcenter array, ycenter array, and a boolean flag for contouring """ if self.ncpl[0] != self.nnodes: return plotarray, xcenters, None, False else: zcenters = [] if isinstance(head, np.ndarray): head = head.reshape(1, self.nnodes) head = np.vstack((head, head)) else: head = elev.reshape(2, self.nnodes) elev = elev.reshape(2, self.nnodes) for k, ev in enumerate(elev): if k == 0: zc = [ ev[i] if head[k][i] > ev[i] else head[k][i] for i in sorted(projpts) ] else: zc = [ev[i] for i in sorted(projpts)] zcenters.append(zc) plotarray = np.vstack((plotarray, plotarray)) xcenters = np.vstack((xcenters, xcenters)) zcenters = np.array(zcenters) return plotarray, xcenters, zcenters, True
@property def map_polygons(self): """ Property to get Matplotlib polygon objects for the modelgrid Returns ------- list or dict of matplotlib.collections.Polygon """ from matplotlib.path import Path cache_index = "xyzgrid" if ( cache_index not in self._cache_dict or self._cache_dict[cache_index].out_of_date ): self.xyzvertices self._polygons = None if self._polygons is None: if self.grid_varies_by_layer: self._polygons = {} ilay = 0 lay_break = np.cumsum(self.ncpl) for nn in range(self.nnodes): if nn in lay_break: ilay += 1 if ilay not in self._polygons: self._polygons[ilay] = [] p = Path(self.get_cell_vertices(nn)) self._polygons[ilay].append(p) else: self._polygons = [ Path(self.get_cell_vertices(nn)) for nn in range(self.ncpl[0]) ] return copy.copy(self._polygons)
[docs] def intersect(self, x, y, z=None, local=False, forgive=False): """ Get the CELL2D number of a point with coordinates x and y When the point is on the edge of two cells, the cell with the lowest CELL2D number is returned. Parameters ---------- x : float The x-coordinate of the requested point y : float The y-coordinate of the requested point z : float, None optional, z-coordiante of the requested point local: bool (optional) If True, x and y are in local coordinates (defaults to False) forgive: bool (optional) Forgive x,y arguments that fall outside the model grid and return NaNs instead (defaults to False - will throw exception) Returns ------- icell2d : int The CELL2D number """ frame_info = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()) self._warn_intersect(frame_info.filename, frame_info.lineno) if local: # transform x and y to real-world coordinates x, y = super().get_coords(x, y) xv, yv, zv = self.xyzvertices if self.grid_varies_by_layer: ncpl = self.nnodes else: ncpl = self.ncpl[0] for icell2d in range(ncpl): xa = np.array(xv[icell2d]) ya = np.array(yv[icell2d]) # x and y at least have to be within the bounding box of the cell if ( np.any(x <= xa) and np.any(x >= xa) and np.any(y <= ya) and np.any(y >= ya) ): if is_clockwise(xa, ya): radius = -1e-9 else: radius = 1e-9 path = Path(np.stack((xa, ya)).transpose()) # use a small radius, so that the edge of the cell is included if path.contains_point((x, y), radius=radius): if z is None: return icell2d for lay in range(self.nlay): if lay != 0 and not self.grid_varies_by_layer: icell2d += self.ncpl[lay - 1] if zv[0, icell2d] >= z >= zv[1, icell2d]: return icell2d if forgive: icell2d = np.nan return icell2d raise Exception("point given is outside of the model area")
@property def top_botm(self): new_top = np.expand_dims(self._top, 0) new_botm = np.expand_dims(self._botm, 0) return np.concatenate((new_top, new_botm), axis=0)
[docs] def get_cell_vertices(self, cellid): """ Method to get a set of cell vertices for a single cell used in the Shapefile export utilities :param cellid: (int) cellid number Returns ------- list of x,y cell vertices """ self._copy_cache = False cell_vert = list(zip(self.xvertices[cellid], self.yvertices[cellid])) self._copy_cache = True return cell_vert
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """ Plot the grid lines. Parameters ---------- kwargs : ax, colors. The remaining kwargs are passed into the the LineCollection constructor. Returns ------- lc : matplotlib.collections.LineCollection """ from ..plot import PlotMapView layer = 0 if "layer" in kwargs: layer = kwargs.pop("layer") mm = PlotMapView(modelgrid=self, layer=layer) return mm.plot_grid(**kwargs)
def _build_grid_geometry_info(self): cache_index_cc = "cellcenters" cache_index_vert = "xyzgrid" vertexdict = {int(v[0]): [v[1], v[2]] for v in self._vertices} xcenters = self._xc ycenters = self._yc xvertices = [] yvertices = [] # build xy vertex and cell center info for iverts in self.iverts: xcellvert = [] ycellvert = [] for ix in iverts: xcellvert.append(vertexdict[ix][0]) ycellvert.append(vertexdict[ix][1]) xvertices.append(xcellvert) yvertices.append(ycellvert) zvertices, zcenters = self._zcoords() if self._has_ref_coordinates: # transform x and y xcenters, ycenters = self.get_coords(xcenters, ycenters) xvertxform = [] yvertxform = [] # vertices are a list within a list for xcellvertices, ycellvertices in zip(xvertices, yvertices): xcellvertices, ycellvertices = self.get_coords( xcellvertices, ycellvertices ) xvertxform.append(xcellvertices) yvertxform.append(ycellvertices) xvertices = xvertxform yvertices = yvertxform self._cache_dict[cache_index_cc] = CachedData( [xcenters, ycenters, zcenters] ) self._cache_dict[cache_index_vert] = CachedData( [xvertices, yvertices, zvertices] )
[docs] def get_layer_node_range(self, layer): node_layer_range = [0] + list(np.add.accumulate(self.ncpl)) return node_layer_range[layer], node_layer_range[layer + 1]
[docs] def get_xvertices_for_layer(self, layer): xgrid = np.array(self.xvertices, dtype=object) if self.grid_varies_by_layer: istart, istop = self.get_layer_node_range(layer) xgrid = xgrid[istart:istop] return xgrid
[docs] def get_yvertices_for_layer(self, layer): ygrid = np.array(self.yvertices, dtype=object) if self.grid_varies_by_layer: istart, istop = self.get_layer_node_range(layer) ygrid = ygrid[istart:istop] return ygrid
[docs] def get_xcellcenters_for_layer(self, layer): xcenters = self.xcellcenters if self.grid_varies_by_layer: istart, istop = self.get_layer_node_range(layer) xcenters = xcenters[istart:istop] return xcenters
[docs] def get_ycellcenters_for_layer(self, layer): ycenters = self.ycellcenters if self.grid_varies_by_layer: istart, istop = self.get_layer_node_range(layer) ycenters = ycenters[istart:istop] return ycenters
[docs] def get_number_plottable_layers(self, a): """ Calculate and return the number of 2d plottable arrays that can be obtained from the array passed (a) Parameters ---------- a : ndarray array to check for plottable layers Returns ------- nplottable : int number of plottable layers """ nplottable = 0 if a.size == self.nnodes: nplottable = self.nlay return nplottable
[docs] def get_plottable_layer_array(self, a, layer): if a.shape[0] == self.ncpl[layer]: # array is already the size to be plotted plotarray = a else: # reshape the array into size nodes and then reset range to # the part of the array for this layer plotarray = np.reshape(a, (self.nnodes,)) istart, istop = self.get_layer_node_range(layer) plotarray = plotarray[istart:istop] assert plotarray.shape[0] == self.ncpl[layer] return plotarray
[docs] def get_plottable_layer_shape(self, layer=None): """ Determine the shape that is required in order to plot in 2d for this grid. Parameters ---------- layer : int Has no effect unless grid changes by layer Returns ------- shape : tuple required shape of array to plot for a layer """ shp = (self.nnodes,) if layer is not None: shp = (self.ncpl[layer],) return shp
[docs] @classmethod def from_argus_export(cls, fname, nlay=1): """ Create a new UnstructuredGrid from an Argus One Trimesh file Parameters ---------- fname : string File name nlay : int Number of layers to create Returns ------- flopy.discretization.unstructuredgrid.UnstructuredGrid """ from ..utils.geometry import get_polygon_centroid f = open(fname, "r") line = f.readline() ll = line.split() ncells, nverts = ll[0:2] ncells = int(ncells) nverts = int(nverts) verts = np.empty((nverts, 3), dtype=float) xc = np.empty((ncells), dtype=float) yc = np.empty((ncells), dtype=float) # read the vertices f.readline() for ivert in range(nverts): line = f.readline() ll = line.split() c, iv, x, y = ll[0:4] verts[ivert, 0] = int(iv) - 1 verts[ivert, 1] = x verts[ivert, 2] = y # read the cell information and create iverts, xc, and yc iverts = [] for icell in range(ncells): line = f.readline() ll = line.split() ivlist = [] for ic in ll[2:5]: ivlist.append(int(ic) - 1) if ivlist[0] != ivlist[-1]: ivlist.append(ivlist[0]) iverts.append(ivlist) xc[icell], yc[icell] = get_polygon_centroid(verts[ivlist, 1:]) # close file and return spatial reference f.close() return cls(verts, iverts, xc, yc, ncpl=np.array(nlay * [len(iverts)]))
[docs] @staticmethod def ncpl_from_ihc(ihc, iac): """ Use the ihc and iac arrays to calculate the number of cells per layer array (ncpl) assuming that the plottable layer number is stored in the diagonal position of the ihc array. Parameters ---------- ihc : ndarray horizontal indicator array. If the plottable layer number is stored in the diagonal position, then this will be used to create the returned ncpl array. plottable layer numbers must increase monotonically and be consecutive with node number iac : ndarray array of size nodes that has the number of connections for a cell, plus one for the cell itself Returns ------- ncpl : ndarray number of cells per plottable layer """ from ..utils.gridgen import get_ia_from_iac valid = False ia = get_ia_from_iac(iac) # look through the diagonal position of the ihc array, which is # assumed to represent the plottable zero-based layer number layers = ihc[ia[:-1]] # use np.unique to find the unique layer numbers and the occurrence # of each layer number unique_layers, ncpl = np.unique(layers, return_counts=True) # make sure unique layers numbers are monotonically increasing # and are consecutive integers if np.all(np.diff(unique_layers) == 1): valid = True if not valid: ncpl = None return ncpl
# initialize grid from a grb file
[docs] @classmethod def from_binary_grid_file(cls, file_path, verbose=False): """ Instantiate a UnstructuredGrid model grid from a MODFLOW 6 binary grid (*.grb) file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str file path for the MODFLOW 6 binary grid file verbose : bool Write information to standard output. Default is False. Returns ------- return : UnstructuredGrid """ from ..mf6.utils.binarygrid_util import MfGrdFile grb_obj = MfGrdFile(file_path, verbose=verbose) if grb_obj.grid_type != "DISU": raise ValueError( f"Binary grid file ({os.path.basename(file_path)}) " "is not a vertex (DISU) grid." ) iverts = grb_obj.iverts if iverts is not None: verts = grb_obj.verts vertc = grb_obj.cellcenters xc, yc = vertc[:, 0], vertc[:, 1] idomain = grb_obj.idomain xorigin = grb_obj.xorigin yorigin = grb_obj.yorigin angrot = grb_obj.angrot top = np.ravel( botm = return cls( vertices=verts, iverts=iverts, xcenters=xc, ycenters=yc, top=top, botm=botm, idomain=idomain, xoff=xorigin, yoff=yorigin, angrot=angrot, ) else: raise TypeError( f"{os.path.basename(file_path)} binary grid file " "does not include vertex data" )