Source code for flopy.export.netcdf

import copy
import json
import os
import platform
import socket
import time
from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np

from ..utils import import_optional_dependency
from .longnames import NC_LONG_NAMES
from .metadata import acdd

# globals
FILLVALUE = -99999.9
    0: "undefined",
    1: "seconds",
    2: "minutes",
    3: "hours",
    4: "days",
    5: "years",
PRECISION_STRS = ["f4", "f8", "i4"]

STANDARD_VARS = ["longitude", "latitude", "layer", "elevation", "time"]

[docs]class Logger: """ Basic class for logging events during the linear analysis calculations if filename is passed, then an file handle is opened Parameters ---------- filename : bool or string if string, it is the log file to write. If a bool, then log is written to the screen. echo (bool): a flag to force screen output Attributes ---------- items : dict tracks when something is started. If a log entry is not in items, then it is treated as a new entry with the string being the key and the datetime as the value. If a log entry is in items, then the end time and delta time are written and the item is popped from the keys """ def __init__(self, filename, echo=False): self.items = {} self.echo = bool(echo) if filename == True: self.echo = True self.filename = None elif filename: self.f = open(filename, "w", 0) # unbuffered self.t = self.log(f"opening {filename} for logging") else: self.filename = None
[docs] def log(self, phrase): """ log something that happened Parameters ---------- phrase : str the thing that happened """ t = if phrase in self.items.keys(): t0 = self.items.pop(phrase) s = f"{t} finished: {phrase}, took: {t - t0}\n" if self.echo: print(s, end="") if self.filename: self.f.write(s) else: s = f"{t} starting: {phrase}\n" if self.echo: print(s, end="") if self.filename: self.f.write(s) self.items[phrase] = copy.deepcopy(t)
[docs] def warn(self, message): """ Write a warning to the log file Parameters ---------- message : str the warning text """ s = f"{} WARNING: {message}\n" if self.echo: print(s, end="") if self.filename: self.f.write(s) return
[docs]class NetCdf: """ Support for writing a netCDF4 compliant file from a flopy model Parameters ---------- output_filename : str Name of the .nc file to write model : flopy model instance time_values : the entries for the time dimension if not None, the constructor will initialize the file. If None, the perlen array of ModflowDis will be used z_positive : str ('up' or 'down') Positive direction of vertical coordinates written to NetCDF file. (default 'down') verbose : if True, stdout is verbose. If str, then a log file is written to the verbose file forgive : what to do if a duplicate variable name is being created. If True, then the newly requested var is skipped. If False, then an exception is raised. **kwargs : keyword arguments modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid instance user supplied model grid which will be used in lieu of the model object modelgrid for netcdf production Notes ----- This class relies heavily on the grid and modeltime objects, including these attributes: lenuni, itmuni, start_datetime, and proj4. Make sure these attributes have meaningful values. """ def __init__( self, output_filename, model, time_values=None, z_positive="up", verbose=None, prj=None, logger=None, forgive=False, **kwargs, ): assert output_filename.lower().endswith(".nc") if verbose is None: verbose = model.verbose if logger is not None: self.logger = logger else: self.logger = Logger(verbose) self.var_attr_dict = {} self.log = self.logger.log if os.path.exists(output_filename): self.logger.warn("removing existing nc file: " + output_filename) os.remove(output_filename) self.output_filename = output_filename self.forgive = bool(forgive) self.model = model self.model_grid = model.modelgrid if "modelgrid" in kwargs: self.model_grid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") self.model_time = model.modeltime if prj is not None: self.model_grid.proj4 = prj if self.model_grid.grid_type == "structured": self.dimension_names = ("layer", "y", "x") STANDARD_VARS.extend(["delc", "delr"]) # elif self.model_grid.grid_type == 'vertex': # self.dimension_names = ('layer', 'ncpl') else: raise Exception( f"Grid type {self.model_grid.grid_type} not supported." ) self.shape = self.model_grid.shape parser = import_optional_dependency("dateutil.parser") dt = parser.parse(self.model_time.start_datetime) self.start_datetime = dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") self.logger.log(f"start datetime:{self.start_datetime}") proj4_str = self.model_grid.proj4 if proj4_str is None: proj4_str = "epsg:4326" self.logger.warn( "model has no coordinate reference system specified. " f"Using default proj4 string: {proj4_str}" ) self.proj4_str = proj4_str self.grid_units = self.model_grid.units self.z_positive = z_positive if self.grid_units is None: self.grid_units = "undefined" assert self.grid_units in ["feet", "meters", "undefined"], ( "unsupported length units: " + self.grid_units ) self.time_units = self.model_time.time_units # this gives us confidence that every NetCdf instance # has the same attributes self.log("initializing attributes") self._initialize_attributes() self.log("initializing attributes") self.time_values_arg = time_values self.log("initializing file") self.initialize_file(time_values=self.time_values_arg) self.log("initializing file") def __enter__(self): """Enter context with statement, returning with an open dataset.""" return self def __exit__(self, *exc): """Exit context with statement, write and close dataset.""" self.write() def __add__(self, other): new_net = NetCdf.zeros_like(self) if np.isscalar(other) or isinstance(other, np.ndarray): for vname in self.var_attr_dict.keys():[vname][:] = ([vname][:] + other ) elif isinstance(other, NetCdf): for vname in self.var_attr_dict.keys():[vname][:] = ([vname][:] +[vname][:] ) else: raise Exception( f"NetCdf.__add__(): unrecognized other:{type(other)}" ) return new_net def __sub__(self, other): new_net = NetCdf.zeros_like(self) if np.isscalar(other) or isinstance(other, np.ndarray): for vname in self.var_attr_dict.keys():[vname][:] = ([vname][:] - other ) elif isinstance(other, NetCdf): for vname in self.var_attr_dict.keys():[vname][:] = ([vname][:] -[vname][:] ) else: raise Exception( f"NetCdf.__sub__(): unrecognized other:{type(other)}" ) return new_net def __mul__(self, other): new_net = NetCdf.zeros_like(self) if np.isscalar(other) or isinstance(other, np.ndarray): for vname in self.var_attr_dict.keys():[vname][:] = ([vname][:] * other ) elif isinstance(other, NetCdf): for vname in self.var_attr_dict.keys():[vname][:] = ([vname][:] *[vname][:] ) else: raise Exception( f"NetCdf.__mul__(): unrecognized other:{type(other)}" ) return new_net def __div__(self, other): return self.__truediv__(other) def __truediv__(self, other): new_net = NetCdf.zeros_like(self) with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): if np.isscalar(other) or isinstance(other, np.ndarray): for vname in self.var_attr_dict.keys():[vname][:] = ([vname][:] / other ) elif isinstance(other, NetCdf): for vname in self.var_attr_dict.keys():[vname][:] = ([vname][:] /[vname][:] ) else: raise Exception( f"NetCdf.__sub__(): unrecognized other:{type(other)}" ) return new_net
[docs] def append(self, other, suffix="_1"): assert isinstance(other, NetCdf) or isinstance(other, dict) if isinstance(other, NetCdf): for vname in other.var_attr_dict.keys(): attrs = other.var_attr_dict[vname].copy() var =[vname] new_vname = vname if vname in if vname not in STANDARD_VARS: new_vname = vname + suffix if "long_name" in attrs: attrs["long_name"] += " " + suffix else: continue assert ( new_vname not in ), "var already exists:{0} in {1}".format( new_vname, ",".join( ) attrs["max"] = var[:].max() attrs["min"] = var[:].min() new_var = self.create_variable( new_vname, attrs, var.dtype, dimensions=var.dimensions ) new_var[:] = var[:] else: for vname, array in other.items(): vname_norm = self.normalize_name(vname) assert ( vname_norm in ), f"dict var not in self.vars:{vname}-->" + ",".join( ) new_vname = vname_norm + suffix assert new_vname not in attrs = self.var_attr_dict[vname_norm].copy() attrs["max"] = np.nanmax(array) attrs["min"] = np.nanmin(array) attrs["name"] = new_vname attrs["long_name"] = attrs["long_name"] + " " + suffix var =[vname_norm] # assert var.shape == array.shape,\ # "{0} shape ({1}) doesn't make array shape ({2})".\ # format(new_vname,str(var.shape),str(array.shape)) new_var = self.create_variable( new_vname, attrs, var.dtype, dimensions=var.dimensions ) try: new_var[:] = array except: new_var[:, 0] = array return
[docs] def copy(self, output_filename): new_net = NetCdf.zeros_like(self, output_filename=output_filename) for vname in self.var_attr_dict.keys():[vname][:] =[vname][:] return new_net
[docs] @classmethod def zeros_like( cls, other, output_filename=None, verbose=None, logger=None ): new_net = NetCdf.empty_like( other, output_filename=output_filename, verbose=verbose, logger=logger, ) # add the vars to the instance for vname in other.var_attr_dict.keys(): if is not None: new_net.logger.warn( f"variable {vname} already defined, skipping" ) continue new_net.log(f"adding variable {vname}") var =[vname] data = var[:] try: mask = data.mask data = np.array(data) except: mask = None new_data = np.zeros_like(data) new_data[mask] = FILLVALUE new_var = new_net.create_variable( vname, other.var_attr_dict[vname], var.dtype, dimensions=var.dimensions, ) new_var[:] = new_data new_net.log(f"adding variable {vname}") global_attrs = {} for attr in if attr not in global_attrs[attr] =[attr] new_net.add_global_attributes(global_attrs) return new_net
[docs] @classmethod def empty_like( cls, other, output_filename=None, verbose=None, logger=None ): if output_filename is None: output_filename = ( str(time.mktime( + ".nc" ) while os.path.exists(output_filename): print(f"{output_filename}...already exists") output_filename = ( str(time.mktime( + ".nc" ) print("creating temporary netcdf file..." + output_filename) new_net = cls( output_filename, other.model, time_values=other.time_values_arg, verbose=verbose, logger=logger, ) return new_net
[docs] def difference( self, other, minuend="self", mask_zero_diff=True, onlydiff=True ): """ make a new NetCDF instance that is the difference with another netcdf file Parameters ---------- other : either an str filename of a netcdf file or a netCDF4 instance minuend : (optional) the order of the difference operation. Default is self (e.g. self - other). Can be "self" or "other" mask_zero_diff : bool flag to mask differences that are zero. If True, positions in the difference array that are zero will be set to self.fillvalue only_diff : bool flag to only add non-zero diffs to output file Returns ------- net NetCDF instance Notes ----- assumes the current NetCDF instance has been populated. The variable names and dimensions between the two files must match exactly. The name of the new .nc file is <self.output_filename> The masks from both self and other are carried through to the new instance """ assert ( is not None ), "can't call difference() if nc hasn't been populated" netCDF4 = import_optional_dependency("netCFD4") if isinstance(other, str): assert os.path.exists(other), f"filename 'other' not found:{other}" other = netCDF4.Dataset(other, "r") assert isinstance(other, netCDF4.Dataset) # check for similar variables self_vars = set( other_vars = set(other.variables) diff = self_vars.symmetric_difference(other_vars) if len(diff) > 0: self.logger.warn( "variables are not the same between the two nc files: " + ",".join(diff) ) return # check for similar dimensions self_dimens = other_dimens = other.dimensions for d in self_dimens.keys(): if d not in other_dimens: self.logger.warn(f"missing dimension in other:{d}") return if len(self_dimens[d]) != len(other_dimens[d]): self.logger.warn( f"dimension not consistent: {self_dimens[d]}:{other_dimens[d]}" ) return # should be good to go time_values ="time")[:] new_net = NetCdf( self.output_filename.replace(".nc", ""), self.model, time_values=time_values, ) # add the vars to the instance for vname in self_vars: if ( vname not in self.var_attr_dict or is not None ): self.logger.warn(f"skipping variable: {vname}") continue self.log(f"processing variable {vname}") s_var =[vname] o_var = other.variables[vname] s_data = s_var[:] o_data = o_var[:] o_mask, s_mask = None, None # keep the masks to apply later if isinstance(s_data, self.logger.warn(f"masked array for {vname}") s_mask = s_data.mask s_data = np.array(s_data) s_data[s_mask] = 0.0 else: np.nan_to_num(s_data) if isinstance(o_data, o_mask = o_data.mask o_data = np.array(o_data) o_data[o_mask] = 0.0 else: np.nan_to_num(o_data) # difference with self if minuend.lower() == "self": d_data = s_data - o_data elif minuend.lower() == "other": d_data = o_data - s_data else: mess = f"unrecognized minuend {minuend}" self.logger.warn(mess) raise Exception(mess) # check for non-zero diffs if onlydiff and d_data.sum() == 0.0: self.logger.warn( f"var {vname} has zero differences, skipping..." ) continue self.logger.warn( f"resetting diff attrs max,min:{d_data.min()},{d_data.max()}" ) attrs = self.var_attr_dict[vname].copy() attrs["max"] = np.nanmax(d_data) attrs["min"] = np.nanmin(d_data) # reapply masks if s_mask is not None: self.log("applying self mask") s_mask[d_data != 0.0] = False d_data[s_mask] = FILLVALUE self.log("applying self mask") if o_mask is not None: self.log("applying other mask") o_mask[d_data != 0.0] = False d_data[o_mask] = FILLVALUE self.log("applying other mask") d_data[np.isnan(d_data)] = FILLVALUE if mask_zero_diff: d_data[np.where(d_data == 0.0)] = FILLVALUE var = new_net.create_variable( vname, attrs, s_var.dtype, dimensions=s_var.dimensions ) var[:] = d_data self.log(f"processing variable {vname}")
[docs] def write(self): """write the nc object to disk""" self.log("writing nc file") assert ( is not None ), "netcdf.write() error: nc file not initialized" # write any new attributes that have been set since # initializing the file for k, v in self.global_attributes.items(): try: if is not None:, v) except Exception as e: self.logger.warn(f"error setting global attribute {k}: {e!s}") self.log("writing nc file")
def _initialize_attributes(self): """private method to initial the attributes of the NetCdf instance """ assert ( "nc" not in self.__dict__.keys() ), "NetCdf._initialize_attributes() error: nc attribute already set" self.nc_epsg_str = "epsg:4326" self.nc_crs_longname = "" self.nc_semi_major = float(6378137.0) self.nc_inverse_flat = float(298.257223563) self.global_attributes = {} self.global_attributes["namefile"] = self.model.namefile self.global_attributes["model_ws"] = self.model.model_ws self.global_attributes["exe_name"] = self.model.exe_name self.global_attributes["modflow_version"] = self.model.version self.global_attributes["create_hostname"] = socket.gethostname() self.global_attributes["create_platform"] = platform.system() self.global_attributes["create_directory"] = os.getcwd() htol, rtol = -999, -999 try: htol, rtol = self.model.solver_tols() except Exception as e: self.logger.warn(f"unable to get solver tolerances:{e!s}") self.global_attributes["solver_head_tolerance"] = htol self.global_attributes["solver_flux_tolerance"] = rtol spatial_attribs = { "xll": self.model_grid.xoffset, "yll": self.model_grid.yoffset, "rotation": self.model_grid.angrot, "proj4_str": self.model_grid.proj4, } for n, v in spatial_attribs.items(): self.global_attributes["flopy_sr_" + n] = v self.global_attributes[ "start_datetime" ] = self.model_time.start_datetime self.fillvalue = FILLVALUE # initialize attributes self.grid_crs = None self.zs = None self.ys = None self.xs = None = None
[docs] def initialize_geometry(self): """initialize the geometric information needed for the netcdf file """ pyproj = import_optional_dependency("pyproj") from ..utils.parse_version import Version # Check if using newer pyproj version conventions pyproj220 = Version(pyproj.__version__) >= Version("2.2.0") proj4_str = self.proj4_str print(f"initialize_geometry::proj4_str = {proj4_str}") self.log(f"building grid crs using proj4 string: {proj4_str}") if pyproj220: self.grid_crs = pyproj.CRS(proj4_str) else: if proj4_str.lower().startswith("epsg:"): proj4_str = "+init=" + proj4_str self.grid_crs = pyproj.Proj(proj4_str, preserve_units=True) print(f"initialize_geometry::self.grid_crs = {self.grid_crs}") vmin, vmax = self.model_grid.botm.min(), if self.z_positive == "down": vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin else: self.zs = self.model_grid.xyzcellcenters[2].copy() ys = self.model_grid.xyzcellcenters[1].copy() xs = self.model_grid.xyzcellcenters[0].copy() # Transform to a known CRS if pyproj220: nc_crs = pyproj.CRS(self.nc_epsg_str) self.transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( self.grid_crs, nc_crs, always_xy=True ) else: nc_epsg_str = self.nc_epsg_str if nc_epsg_str.lower().startswith("epsg:"): nc_epsg_str = "+init=" + nc_epsg_str nc_crs = pyproj.Proj(nc_epsg_str) self.transformer = None print(f"initialize_geometry::nc_crs = {nc_crs}") if pyproj220: print(f"transforming coordinates using = {self.transformer}") self.log("projecting grid cell center arrays") if pyproj220: self.xs, self.ys = self.transformer.transform(xs, ys) else: self.xs, self.ys = pyproj.transform(self.grid_crs, nc_crs, xs, ys) # get transformed bounds and record to check against ScienceBase later xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.model_grid.extent bbox = np.array( [[xmin, ymin], [xmin, ymax], [xmax, ymax], [xmax, ymin]] ) if pyproj220: x, y = self.transformer.transform(*bbox.transpose()) else: x, y = pyproj.transform(self.grid_crs, nc_crs, *bbox.transpose()) self.bounds = x.min(), y.min(), x.max(), y.max() self.vbounds = vmin, vmax
[docs] def initialize_file(self, time_values=None): """ initialize the netcdf instance, including global attributes, dimensions, and grid information Parameters ---------- time_values : list of times to use as time dimension entries. If none, then use the times in self.model.dis.perlen and self.start_datetime """ from ..export.shapefile_utils import CRS from ..version import __version__ as version if is not None: raise Exception("nc file already initialized") if self.grid_crs is None: self.log("initializing geometry") self.initialize_geometry() self.log("initializing geometry") netCDF4 = import_optional_dependency("netCDF4") # open the file for writing try: = netCDF4.Dataset(self.output_filename, "w") except Exception as e: raise Exception("error creating netcdf dataset") from e # write some attributes self.log("setting standard attributes") "Conventions", f"CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3, flopy {version}", ) "date_created", datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") )"geospatial_vertical_positive", str(self.z_positive)) min_vertical = np.min(self.zs) max_vertical = np.max(self.zs)"geospatial_vertical_min", min_vertical)"geospatial_vertical_max", max_vertical)"geospatial_vertical_resolution", "variable")"featureType", "Grid") for k, v in self.global_attributes.items(): try:, v) except Exception as e: self.logger.warn(f"error setting global attribute {k}: {e!s}") self.global_attributes = {} self.log("setting standard attributes") # spatial dimensions self.log("creating dimensions") # time if time_values is None: time_values = np.cumsum(self.model_time.perlen)"time", len(time_values)) for name, length in zip(self.dimension_names, self.shape):, length) self.log("creating dimensions") self.log("setting CRS info") # Metadata variables crs ="crs", "i4") crs.long_name = self.nc_crs_longname crs.epsg_code = self.nc_epsg_str crs.semi_major_axis = self.nc_semi_major crs.inverse_flattening = self.nc_inverse_flat self.log("setting CRS info") attribs = { "units": f"{self.time_units} since {self.start_datetime}", "standard_name": "time", "long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES.get("time", "time"), "calendar": "gregorian", "_CoordinateAxisType": "Time", } time = self.create_variable( "time", attribs, precision_str="f8", dimensions=("time",) ) self.logger.warn(f"time_values:{time_values!s}") time[:] = np.asarray(time_values) # Elevation attribs = { "units": self.model_grid.units, "standard_name": "elevation", "long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES.get("elevation", "elevation"), "axis": "Z", "valid_min": min_vertical, "valid_max": max_vertical, "positive": self.z_positive, } elev = self.create_variable( "elevation", attribs, precision_str="f8", dimensions=self.dimension_names, ) elev[:] = self.zs # Longitude attribs = { "units": "degrees_east", "standard_name": "longitude", "long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES.get("longitude", "longitude"), "axis": "X", "_CoordinateAxisType": "Lon", } lon = self.create_variable( "longitude", attribs, precision_str="f8", dimensions=self.dimension_names[1:], ) lon[:] = self.xs self.log("creating longitude var") # Latitude self.log("creating latitude var") attribs = { "units": "degrees_north", "standard_name": "latitude", "long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES.get("latitude", "latitude"), "axis": "Y", "_CoordinateAxisType": "Lat", } lat = self.create_variable( "latitude", attribs, precision_str="f8", dimensions=self.dimension_names[1:], ) lat[:] = self.ys # x self.log("creating x var") attribs = { "units": self.model_grid.units, "standard_name": "projection_x_coordinate", "long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES.get("x", "x coordinate of projection"), "axis": "X", } x = self.create_variable( "x_proj", attribs, precision_str="f8", dimensions=self.dimension_names[1:], ) x[:] = self.model_grid.xyzcellcenters[0] # y self.log("creating y var") attribs = { "units": self.model_grid.units, "standard_name": "projection_y_coordinate", "long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES.get("y", "y coordinate of projection"), "axis": "Y", } y = self.create_variable( "y_proj", attribs, precision_str="f8", dimensions=self.dimension_names[1:], ) y[:] = self.model_grid.xyzcellcenters[1] # grid mapping variable crs = CRS( prj=self.model_grid.prj, epsg=self.model_grid.epsg, ) attribs = crs.grid_mapping_attribs if attribs is not None: self.log("creating grid mapping variable") self.create_variable( attribs["grid_mapping_name"], attribs, precision_str="f8" ) # layer self.log("creating layer var") attribs = { "units": "", "standard_name": "layer", "long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES.get("layer", "layer"), "positive": "down", "axis": "Z", } lay = self.create_variable("layer", attribs, dimensions=("layer",)) lay[:] = np.arange(0, self.shape[0]) self.log("creating layer var") if self.model_grid.grid_type == "structured": # delc attribs = { "units": self.model_grid.units.strip("s"), "long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES.get( "delc", "Model grid cell spacing along a column" ), } delc = self.create_variable("delc", attribs, dimensions=("y",)) delc[:] = self.model_grid.delc[::-1] if self.model_grid.angrot != 0: delc.comments = ( "This is the row spacing that applied to the UNROTATED grid. " "This grid HAS been rotated before being saved to NetCDF. " "To compute the unrotated grid, use the origin point and this array." ) # delr attribs = { "units": self.model_grid.units.strip("s"), "long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES.get( "delr", "Model grid cell spacing along a row" ), } delr = self.create_variable("delr", attribs, dimensions=("x",)) delr[:] = self.model_grid.delr[::-1] if self.model_grid.angrot != 0: delr.comments = ( "This is the col spacing that applied to the UNROTATED grid. " "This grid HAS been rotated before being saved to NetCDF. " "To compute the unrotated grid, use the origin point and this array." ) # else: # vertices # attribs = {"units": self.model_grid.lenuni.strip('s'), # "long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES.get("vertices", # "List of vertices used in the model by cell"), # } # vertices = self.create_variable('vertices', attribs, dimensions=('ncpl',)) # vertices[:] = self.model_grid.vertices # Workaround for CF/CDM. # # reference/StandardCoordinateTransforms.html # "explicit_field" exp ="VerticalTransform", "S1") exp.transform_name = "explicit_field" exp.existingDataField = "elevation" exp._CoordinateTransformType = "vertical" exp._CoordinateAxes = "layer" return
[docs] def initialize_group( self, group="timeseries", dimensions=("time",), attributes=None, dimension_data=None, ): """ Method to initialize a new group within a netcdf file. This group can have independent dimensions from the global dimensions Parameters: ---------- name : str name of the netcdf group dimensions : tuple data dimension names for group dimension_shape : tuple tuple of data dimension lengths attributes : dict nested dictionary of {dimension : {attributes}} for each netcdf group dimension dimension_data : dict dictionary of {dimension : [data]} for each netcdf group dimension """ if attributes is None: attributes = {} if dimension_data is None: dimension_data = {} if is None: self.initialize_file() if group in raise AttributeError(f"{group} group already initialized") self.log(f"creating netcdf group {group}") self.log(f"{group} group created") self.log(f"creating {group} group dimensions") for dim in dimensions: if dim == "time": if "time" not in dimension_data: time_values = np.cumsum(self.model_time.perlen) else: time_values = dimension_data["time"][group].createDimension(dim, len(time_values)) else: if dim not in dimension_data: raise AssertionError( f"{dim} information must be supplied to dimension data" ) else:[group].createDimension( dim, len(dimension_data[dim]) ) self.log(f"created {group} group dimensions") dim_names = tuple([i for i in dimensions if i != "time"]) for dim in dimensions: if dim.lower() == "time": if "time" not in attributes: unit_value = ( f"{self.time_units} since {self.start_datetime}" ) attribs = { "units": unit_value, "standard_name": "time", "long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES.get("time", "time"), "calendar": "gregorian", "Axis": "Y", "_CoordinateAxisType": "Time", } else: attribs = attributes["time"] time = self.create_group_variable( group, "time", attribs, precision_str="f8", dimensions=("time",), ) time[:] = np.asarray(time_values) elif dim.lower() == "zone": if "zone" not in attributes: attribs = { "units": "N/A", "standard_name": "zone", "long_name": "zonebudget zone", "Axis": "X", "_CoordinateAxisType": "Zone", } else: attribs = attributes["zone"] zone = self.create_group_variable( group, "zone", attribs, precision_str="i4", dimensions=("zone",), ) zone[:] = np.asarray(dimension_data["zone"]) else: attribs = attributes[dim] var = self.create_group_variable( group, dim, attribs, precision_str="f8", dimensions=dim_names, ) var[:] = np.asarray(dimension_data[dim])
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_name(name): return name.replace(".", "_").replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_")
[docs] def create_group_variable( self, group, name, attributes, precision_str, dimensions=("time",) ): """ Create a new group variable in the netcdf object Parameters ---------- name : str the name of the variable attributes : dict attributes to add to the new variable precision_str : str netcdf-compliant string. e.g. f4 dimensions : tuple which dimensions the variable applies to default : ("time","layer","x","y") group : str which netcdf group the variable goes in default : None which creates the variable in root Returns ------- nc variable Raises ------ AssertionError if precision_str not right AssertionError if variable name already in netcdf object AssertionError if one of more dimensions do not exist """ name = self.normalize_name(name) if ( name in STANDARD_VARS and name in[group].variables.keys() ): return if name in[group].variables.keys(): if self.forgive: self.logger.warn( f"skipping duplicate {group} group variable: {name}" ) return else: raise Exception( f"duplicate {group} group variable name: {name}" ) self.log(f"creating group {group} variable: {name}") if precision_str not in PRECISION_STRS: raise AssertionError( "netcdf.create_variable() error: precision " f"string {precision_str} not in {PRECISION_STRS}" ) if group not in raise AssertionError( f"netcdf group `{group}` must be created before " "variables can be added to it" ) self.var_attr_dict[f"{group}/{name}"] = attributes var =[group].createVariable( name, precision_str, dimensions, fill_value=self.fillvalue, zlib=True, ) for k, v in attributes.items(): try: var.setncattr(k, v) except Exception as e: self.logger.warn( "error setting attribute " f"{k} for group {group} variable {name}: {e!s}" ) self.log(f"creating group {group} variable: {name}") return var
[docs] def create_variable( self, name, attributes, precision_str="f4", dimensions=("time", "layer"), group=None, ): """ Create a new variable in the netcdf object Parameters ---------- name : str the name of the variable attributes : dict attributes to add to the new variable precision_str : str netcdf-compliant string. e.g. f4 dimensions : tuple which dimensions the variable applies to default : ("time","layer","x","y") group : str which netcdf group the variable goes in default : None which creates the variable in root Returns ------- nc variable Raises ------ AssertionError if precision_str not right AssertionError if variable name already in netcdf object AssertionError if one of more dimensions do not exist """ # Normalize variable name name = self.normalize_name(name) # if this is a core var like a dimension... # long_name = attributes.pop("long_name",name) if name in STANDARD_VARS and name in return if ( name not in self.var_attr_dict.keys() and name in ): if self.forgive: self.logger.warn(f"skipping duplicate variable: {name}") return else: raise Exception(f"duplicate variable name: {name}") if name in raise Exception(f"duplicate variable name: {name}") self.log(f"creating variable: {name}") assert ( precision_str in PRECISION_STRS ), "netcdf.create_variable() error: precision string {0} not in {1}".format( precision_str, PRECISION_STRS ) if is None: self.initialize_file() # check that the requested dimension exists and # build up the chuck sizes # chunks = [] # for dimension in dimensions: # assert is not None, \ # "netcdf.create_variable() dimension not found:" + dimension # chunk = self.chunks[dimension] # assert chunk is not None, \ # "netcdf.create_variable() chunk size of {0} is None in self.chunks". \ # format(dimension) # chunks.append(chunk) self.var_attr_dict[name] = attributes var = name, precision_str, dimensions, fill_value=self.fillvalue, zlib=True, ) # , # chunksizes=tuple(chunks)) for k, v in attributes.items(): try: var.setncattr(k, v) except Exception as e: self.logger.warn( f"error setting attribute{k} for variable {name}: {e!s}" ) self.log(f"creating variable: {name}") return var
[docs] def add_global_attributes(self, attr_dict): """add global attribute to an initialized file Parameters ---------- attr_dict : dict(attribute name, attribute value) Returns ------- None Raises ------ Exception of is None (initialize_file() has not been called) """ if is None: # self.initialize_file() mess = ( "NetCDF.add_global_attributes() should only " "be called after the file has been initialized" ) self.logger.warn(mess) raise Exception(mess) self.log("setting global attributes") self.log("setting global attributes")
[docs] def add_sciencebase_metadata(self, id, check=True): """Add metadata from ScienceBase using the flopy.export.metadata.acdd class. Returns ------- metadata : flopy.export.metadata.acdd object """ md = acdd(id, model=self.model) if is not None: if check: self._check_vs_sciencebase(md) # get set of public attributes attr = {n for n in dir(md) if "_" not in n[0]} # skip some convenience attributes skip = { "bounds", "creator", "sb", "xmlroot", "time_coverage", "get_sciencebase_xml_metadata", "get_sciencebase_metadata", } towrite = sorted(list(attr.difference(skip))) for k in towrite: v = md.__getattribute__(k) if v is not None: # convert everything to strings if not isinstance(v, str): if isinstance(v, list): v = ",".join(v) else: v = str(v) self.global_attributes[k] = v, v) self.write() return md
def _check_vs_sciencebase(self, md): """Check that model bounds read from flopy are consistent with those in ScienceBase.""" xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.bounds tol = 1e-5 assert md.geospatial_lon_min - xmin < tol assert md.geospatial_lon_max - xmax < tol assert md.geospatial_lat_min - ymin < tol assert md.geospatial_lat_max - ymax < tol assert md.geospatial_vertical_min - self.vbounds[0] < tol assert md.geospatial_vertical_max - self.vbounds[1] < tol
[docs] def get_longnames_from_docstrings(self, outfile=""): """ This is experimental. Scrape Flopy module docstrings and return docstrings for parameters included in the list of variables added to NetCdf object. Create a dictionary of longnames keyed by the NetCdf variable names; make each longname from the first sentence of the docstring for that parameter. One major limitation is that variables from mflists often aren't described in the docstrings. """ def startstop(ds): """Get just the Parameters section of the docstring.""" start, stop = 0, -1 for i, l in enumerate(ds): if "Parameters" in l and "----" in ds[i + 1]: start = i + 2 if l.strip() in ["Attributes", "Methods", "Returns", "Notes"]: stop = i - 1 break if i >= start and "----" in l: stop = i - 2 break return start, stop def get_entries(ds): """Parse docstring entries into dictionary.""" stuff = {} k = None for line in ds: if ( len(line) >= 5 and line[:4] == " " * 4 and line[4] != " " and ":" in line ): k = line.split(":")[0].strip() stuff[k] = "" # lines with parameter descriptions elif k is not None and len(line) > 10: # avoid orphans stuff[k] += line.strip() + " " return stuff # get a list of the flopy classes # packages = inspect.getmembers(flopy.modflow, inspect.isclass) packages = [([0], pp) for pp in self.model.packagelist] # get a list of the NetCDF variables attr = [v.split("_")[-1] for v in] # parse docstrings to get long names longnames = dict.fromkeys(attr, "") for pkg in packages: # parse the docstring obj = pkg[-1] ds = obj.__doc__.split("\n") start, stop = startstop(ds) txt = ds[start:stop] if stop - start > 0: params = get_entries(txt) for k, v in params.items(): if k in attr: longnames[k] = v.split(". ")[0] longnames_dict = json.dumps(longnames, sort_keys=True, indent=4) with open(outfile, "w") as output: output.write("NC_LONG_NAMES = ") output.write(longnames_dict) return longnames