Source code for flopy.mf6.utils.generate_classes

import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import time

from .createpackages import create_packages

thisfilepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
flopypth = os.path.join(thisfilepath, "..", "..")
flopypth = os.path.abspath(flopypth)
protected_dfns = ["flopy.dfn"]

[docs]def delete_files(files, pth, allow_failure=False, exclude=None): if exclude is None: exclude = [] else: if not isinstance(exclude, list): exclude = [exclude] for fn in files: if fn in exclude: continue fpth = os.path.join(pth, fn) try: print(f" removing...{fn}") os.remove(fpth) except: print(f"could not remove...{fn}") if not allow_failure: return False return True
[docs]def list_files(pth, exts=["py"]): print(f"\nLIST OF FILES IN {pth}") files = [ entry for entry in os.listdir(pth) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pth, entry)) ] idx = 0 for fn in files: ext = os.path.splitext(fn)[1][1:].lower() if ext in exts: idx += 1 print(f" {idx:5d} - {fn}") return
[docs]def download_dfn(branch, new_dfn_pth): pymake = None try: import pymake except: pass if pymake is None: msg = ( "Error. The pymake package must be installed in order to " "generate the MODFLOW 6 classes. pymake can be installed using " "pip install pymake. Stopping." ) print(msg) return mf6url = "{}.zip" mf6url = mf6url.format(branch) print(f" Downloading MODFLOW 6 repository from {mf6url}") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: pymake.download_and_unzip(mf6url, tmpdirname) downloaded_dfn_pth = os.path.join(tmpdirname, f"modflow6-{branch}") downloaded_dfn_pth = os.path.join( downloaded_dfn_pth, "doc", "mf6io", "mf6ivar", "dfn" ) shutil.copytree(downloaded_dfn_pth, new_dfn_pth) return
[docs]def backup_existing_dfns(flopy_dfn_path): parent_folder = os.path.dirname(flopy_dfn_path) timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") backup_folder = os.path.join(parent_folder, "dfn_backup", timestr) shutil.copytree(flopy_dfn_path, backup_folder) assert os.path.isdir( backup_folder ), f"dfn backup files not found: {backup_folder}" return
[docs]def replace_dfn_files(new_dfn_pth, flopy_dfn_path): # remove the old files, unless the file is protected filenames = os.listdir(flopy_dfn_path) delete_files(filenames, flopy_dfn_path, exclude=protected_dfns) # copy the new ones into the folder filenames = os.listdir(new_dfn_pth) for filename in filenames: filename_w_path = os.path.join(new_dfn_pth, filename) print(f" copying..{filename}") shutil.copy(filename_w_path, flopy_dfn_path)
[docs]def delete_mf6_classes(): pth = os.path.join(flopypth, "mf6", "modflow") files = [ entry for entry in os.listdir(pth) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pth, entry)) ] delete_files(files, pth, exclude="") return
[docs]def generate_classes(branch="master", dfnpath=None, backup=True): """ Generate the MODFLOW 6 flopy classes using definition files from the MODFLOW 6 GitHub repository or a set of definition files in a folder provided by the user. Parameters ---------- branch : str Branch name of the MODFLOW 6 repository to use to update the definition files and generate the MODFLOW 6 classes. Default is master. dfnpath : str Path to a definition file folder that will be used to generate the MODFLOW 6 classes. Default is none, which means that the branch will be used instead. dfnpath will take precedence over branch if dfnpath is specified. backup : bool Keep a backup of the definition files in dfn_backup with a date and time stamp from when the definition files were replaced. """ # print header print(2 * "\n") print(72 * "*") print("Updating the flopy MODFLOW 6 classes") flopy_dfn_path = os.path.join(flopypth, "mf6", "data", "dfn") # download the dfn files and put them in or update using # user provided dfnpath if dfnpath is None: print(f" Updating the MODFLOW 6 classes using the branch: {branch}") timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") new_dfn_pth = os.path.join(flopypth, "mf6", "data", f"dfn_{timestr}") download_dfn(branch, new_dfn_pth) else: print(f" Updating the MODFLOW 6 classes using {dfnpath}") assert os.path.isdir(dfnpath) new_dfn_pth = dfnpath if backup: print(f" Backup existing definition files in: {flopy_dfn_path}") backup_existing_dfns(flopy_dfn_path) print(" Replacing existing definition files with new ones.") replace_dfn_files(new_dfn_pth, flopy_dfn_path) if dfnpath is None: shutil.rmtree(new_dfn_pth) print(" Deleting existing mf6 classes.") delete_mf6_classes() print(" Create mf6 classes using the downloaded definition files.") create_packages() list_files(os.path.join(flopypth, "mf6", "modflow")) return