Source code for flopy.modpath.mp6sim

mpsim module.  Contains the ModpathSim class. Note that the user can access
the ModpathSim class as `flopy.modpath.ModpathSim`.

Additional information for this MODFLOW/MODPATH package can be found at the `Online

import numpy as np

from ..pakbase import Package
from ..utils import Util3d

[docs]class Modpath6Sim(Package): """ MODPATH Simulation File Package Class. Parameters ---------- model : model object The model object (of type :class:``) to which this package will be added. extension : string Filename extension (default is 'mpsim') Attributes ---------- heading : str Text string written to top of package input file. Methods ------- See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> m = flopy.modpath.Modpath6() >>> dis = flopy.modpath.Modpath6Sim(m) """ def __init__( self, model, mp_name_file="mp.nam", mp_list_file="mp.list", option_flags=[1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1], ref_time=0, ref_time_per_stp=[0, 0, 1.0], stop_time=None, group_name=["group_1"], group_placement=[[1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]], release_times=[[1, 1]], group_region=[[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]], mask_nlay=[1], mask_layer=[1], mask_1lay=[1], face_ct=[1], ifaces=[[6, 1, 1]], part_ct=[[1, 1, 1]], time_ct=1, release_time_incr=1, time_pts=[1], particle_cell_cnt=[[2, 2, 2]], cell_bd_ct=1, bud_loc=[[1, 1, 1, 1]], trace_id=1, stop_zone=1, zone=1, retard_fac=1.0, retard_fcCB=1.0, strt_file=None, extension="mpsim", ): # call base package constructor super().__init__(model, extension, "MPSIM", 32) nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.heading1 = "# MPSIM for Modpath, generated by Flopy." self.heading2 = "#" self.mp_name_file = f"{}.mpnam" self.mp_list_file = f"{}.mplst" options_list = [ "SimulationType", "TrackingDirection", "WeakSinkOption", "WeakSourceOption", "ReferenceTimeOption", "StopOption", "ParticleGenerationOption", "TimePointOption", "BudgetOutputOption", "ZoneArrayOption", "RetardationOption", "AdvectiveObservationsOption", ] self.option_flags = option_flags options_dict = dict(list(zip(options_list, option_flags))) self.options_dict = options_dict self.endpoint_file = f"{}.mpend" self.pathline_file = f"{}.mppth" self.time_ser_file = f"{}.mp.tim_ser" self.advobs_file = f"{}.mp.advobs" self.ref_time = ref_time self.ref_time_per_stp = ref_time_per_stp self.stop_time = stop_time self.group_ct = len(group_name) self.group_name = group_name self.group_placement = group_placement self.release_times = release_times self.group_region = group_region self.mask_nlay = mask_nlay self.mask_layer = mask_layer self.mask_1lay = mask_1lay self.face_ct = face_ct self.ifaces = ifaces self.part_ct = part_ct self.strt_file = f"{}.loc" if strt_file is not None: self.strt_file = strt_file self.time_ct = time_ct self.release_time_incr = release_time_incr self.time_pts = time_pts self.particle_cell_cnt = particle_cell_cnt self.cell_bd_ct = cell_bd_ct self.bud_loc = bud_loc self.trace_file = f"{}.trace_file.txt" self.trace_id = trace_id self.stop_zone = stop_zone = Util3d( model, (nlay, nrow, ncol), np.int32, zone, name="zone", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) self.retard_fac = retard_fac self.retard_fcCB = retard_fcCB # self.mask_nlay = Util3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.int32,\ # mask_nlay,name='mask_nlay',locat=self.unit_number[0]) # self.mask_1lay = Util3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.int32,\ # mask_1lay,name='mask_1lay',locat=self.unit_number[0]) # self.stop_zone = Util3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.int32,\ # stop_zone,name='stop_zone',locat=self.unit_number[0]) # self.retard_fac = Util3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.float32,\ # retard_fac,name='retard_fac',locat=self.unit_number[0]) # self.retard_fcCB = Util3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.float32,\ # retard_fcCB,name='retard_fcCB',locat=self.unit_number[0]) self.parent.add_package(self)
[docs] def check(self, f=None, verbose=True, level=1, checktype=None): """ Check package data for common errors. Parameters ---------- f : str or file handle String defining file name or file handle for summary file of check method output. If a sting is passed a file handle is created. If f is None, check method does not write results to a summary file. (default is None) verbose : bool Boolean flag used to determine if check method results are written to the screen level : int Check method analysis level. If level=0, summary checks are performed. If level=1, full checks are performed. Returns ------- None Examples -------- """ chk = self._get_check(f, verbose, level, checktype) # MODPATH apparently produces no output if stoptime > last timepoint if ( self.options_dict["StopOption"] == 3 and self.options_dict["TimePointOption"] == 3 ): if self.time_pts[-1] < self.stop_time: chk._add_to_summary( type="Error", value=self.stop_time, desc="Stop time greater than last TimePoint", ) else: chk.append_passed("Valid stop time") chk.summarize() return chk
[docs] def write_file(self): """ Write the package file Returns ------- None """ # item numbers and CamelCase variable names correspond to Modpath 6 documentation nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = f_sim = open(self.fn_path, "w") # item 0 f_sim.write(f"#{self.heading1}\n#{self.heading2}\n") # item 1 f_sim.write(f"{self.mp_name_file}\n") # item 2 f_sim.write(f"{self.mp_list_file}\n") # item 3 for i in range(12): f_sim.write(f"{self.option_flags[i]:4d}") f_sim.write("\n") # item 4 f_sim.write(f"{self.endpoint_file}\n") # item 5 if self.options_dict["SimulationType"] == 2: f_sim.write(f"{self.pathline_file}\n") # item 6 if self.options_dict["SimulationType"] == 3: f_sim.write(f"{self.time_ser_file}\n") # item 7 if ( self.options_dict["AdvectiveObservationsOption"] == 2 and self.option_dict["SimulationType"] == 3 ): f_sim.write(f"{self.advobs_file}\n") # item 8 if self.options_dict["ReferenceTimeOption"] == 1: f_sim.write(f"{self.ref_time:f}\n") # item 9 if self.options_dict["ReferenceTimeOption"] == 2: Period, Step, TimeFraction = self.ref_time_per_stp f_sim.write(f"{Period + 1} {Step + 1} {TimeFraction:f}\n") # item 10 if self.options_dict["StopOption"] == 3: f_sim.write(f"{self.stop_time:f}\n") if self.options_dict["ParticleGenerationOption"] == 1: # item 11 f_sim.write(f"{self.group_ct}\n") for i in range(self.group_ct): # item 12 f_sim.write(f"{self.group_name[i]}\n") # item 13 ( Grid, GridCellRegionOption, PlacementOption, ReleaseStartTime, ReleaseOption, CHeadOption, ) = self.group_placement[i] f_sim.write( "{0:d} {1:d} {2:d} {3:f} {4:d} {5:d}\n".format( Grid, GridCellRegionOption, PlacementOption, ReleaseStartTime, ReleaseOption, CHeadOption, ) ) # item 14 if ReleaseOption == 2: ( ReleasePeriodLength, ReleaseEventCount, ) = self.release_times[i] f_sim.write( f"{ReleasePeriodLength:f} {ReleaseEventCount}\n" ) # item 15 if GridCellRegionOption == 1: ( MinLayer, MinRow, MinColumn, MaxLayer, MaxRow, MaxColumn, ) = self.group_region[i] f_sim.write( "{0:d} {1:d} {2:d} {3:d} {4:d} {5:d}\n".format( MinLayer + 1, MinRow + 1, MinColumn + 1, MaxLayer + 1, MaxRow + 1, MaxColumn + 1, ) ) # item 16 if GridCellRegionOption == 2: f_sim.write(self.mask_nlay[i].get_file_entry()) # item 17 if GridCellRegionOption == 3: f_sim.write(f"{self.mask_layer[i]}\n") # item 18 f_sim.write(self.mask_1lay[i].get_file_entry()) # item 19 and 20 if PlacementOption == 1: f_sim.write(f"{self.face_ct[i]}\n") # item 20 for j in range(self.face_ct[i]): ( IFace, ParticleRowCount, ParticleColumnCount, ) = self.ifaces[i][j] f_sim.write( f"{IFace} {ParticleRowCount} {ParticleColumnCount}\n" ) # item 21 elif PlacementOption == 2: ( ParticleLayerCount, ParticleRowCount, ParticleColumnCount, ) = self.particle_cell_cnt[i] f_sim.write( "{0:d} {1:d} {2:d} \n".format( ParticleLayerCount, ParticleRowCount, ParticleColumnCount, ) ) # item 22 if self.options_dict["ParticleGenerationOption"] == 2: f_sim.write(f"{self.strt_file}\n") if self.options_dict["TimePointOption"] != 1: # item 23 if ( self.options_dict["TimePointOption"] == 2 or self.options_dict["TimePointOption"] == 3 ): f_sim.write(f"{self.time_ct}\n") # item 24 if self.options_dict["TimePointOption"] == 2: f_sim.write(f"{self.release_time_incr:f}\n") # item 25 if self.options_dict["TimePointOption"] == 3: for r in range(self.time_ct): f_sim.write(f"{self.time_pts[r]:f}\n") if ( self.options_dict["BudgetOutputOption"] != 1 or self.options_dict["BudgetOutputOption"] != 2 ): # item 26 if self.options_dict["BudgetOutputOption"] == 3: f_sim.write(f"{self.cell_bd_ct}\n") # item 27 for k in range(self.cell_bd_ct): Grid, Layer, Row, Column = self.bud_loc[k] f_sim.write( f"{Grid} {Layer + 1} {Row + 1} {Column + 1} \n" ) if self.options_dict["BudgetOutputOption"] == 4: # item 28 f_sim.write(f"{self.trace_file}\n") # item 29 f_sim.write(f"{self.trace_id}\n") if self.options_dict["ZoneArrayOption"] != 1: # item 30 f_sim.write(f"{self.stop_zone}\n") # item 31 f_sim.write( if self.options_dict["RetardationOption"] != 1: # item 32 f_sim.write(self.retard_fac.get_file_entry()) # item 33 f_sim.write(self.retard_fcCB.get_file_entry()) f_sim.close()
[docs]class StartingLocationsFile(Package): """ Class for working with MODPATH Starting Locations file for particles. Parameters ---------- model : Modpath object The model object (of type :class:``) to which this package will be added. inputstyle : 1 Input style described in MODPATH6 manual (currently only input style 1 is supported) extension : string Filename extension (default is 'loc') """ def __init__(self, model, inputstyle=1, extension="loc", verbose=False): super().__init__(model, extension, "LOC", 33) self.model = model self.heading = ( "# Starting locations file for Modpath, generated by Flopy." ) self.input_style = inputstyle if inputstyle != 1: raise NotImplementedError = self.get_empty_starting_locations_data(0) self.extension = extension # add to package list so location are written with other ModPath files self.parent.add_package(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dtypes(): """ Build numpy dtype for the MODPATH 6 starting locations file. """ dtype = np.dtype( [ ("particleid", int), ("particlegroup", int), ("initialgrid", int), ("k0", int), ("i0", int), ("j0", int), ("xloc0", np.float32), ("yloc0", np.float32), ("zloc0", np.float32), ("initialtime", np.float32), ("label", "|S40"), ("groupname", "|S16"), ] ) return dtype
[docs] @staticmethod def get_empty_starting_locations_data( npt=0, default_xloc0=0.5, default_yloc0=0.5, default_zloc0=0.0 ): """get an empty recarray for particle starting location info. Parameters ---------- npt : int Number of particles. Particles in array will be numbered consecutively from 1 to npt. """ dtype = StartingLocationsFile.get_dtypes() d = np.zeros(npt, dtype=dtype) d = d.view(np.recarray) d["particleid"] = np.arange(1, npt + 1) d["particlegroup"] = 1 d["initialgrid"] = 1 d["xloc0"] = default_xloc0 d["yloc0"] = default_yloc0 d["zloc0"] = default_zloc0 d["groupname"] = "group1" return d
[docs] def write_file(self, data=None, float_format="{:.8f}"): if data is None: data = if len(data) == 0: print("No data to write!") return data = data.copy() data["k0"] += 1 data["i0"] += 1 data["j0"] += 1 with open(self.fn_path, "w") as output: output.write(f"{self.heading}\n") output.write(f"{self.input_style}\n") groups = np.unique(data.groupname) ngroups = len(groups) output.write(f"{ngroups}\n") for g in groups: npt = len(data[data.groupname == g]) output.write(f"{g.decode()}\n{npt}\n") txt = "" for p in data: txt += "{:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d}".format(*list(p)[:6]) fmtstr = " {0} {0} {0} {0} ".format(float_format) txt += fmtstr.format(*list(p)[6:10]) txt += f"{p[10].decode()}\n" output.write(txt)