Source code for flopy.plot.crosssection

import copy
import warnings

import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon

from ..utils import geometry
from . import plotutil

warnings.simplefilter("always", PendingDeprecationWarning)

[docs]class PlotCrossSection: """ Class to create a cross sectional plot of a model. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot axis The plot axis. If not provided it, plt.gca() will be used. model : flopy.modflow object flopy model object. (Default is None) modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid object can be a StructuredGrid, VertexGrid, or UnstructuredGrid object line : dict Dictionary with either "row", "column", or "line" key. If key is "row" or "column" key value should be the zero-based row or column index for cross-section. If key is "line" value should be an array of (x, y) tuples with vertices of cross-section. Vertices should be in map coordinates consistent with xul, yul, and rotation. extent : tuple of floats (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) will be used to specify axes limits. If None then these will be calculated based on grid, coordinates, and rotation. geographic_coords : bool boolean flag to allow the user to plot cross section lines in geographic coordinates. If False (default), cross section is plotted as the distance along the cross section line. """ def __init__( self, model=None, modelgrid=None, ax=None, line=None, extent=None, geographic_coords=False, ): = ax self.geographic_coords = geographic_coords self.model = model if modelgrid is not None: = modelgrid elif model is not None: = model.modelgrid else: raise Exception("Cannot find model grid") if is None or is None: raise AssertionError("modelgrid top and botm must be defined") if not isinstance(line, dict): raise AssertionError("A line dictionary must be provided") line = {k.lower(): v for k, v in line.items()} if len(line) != 1: s = ( "only row, column, or line can be specified in line " "dictionary keys specified: " ) for k in line.keys(): s += f"{k} " raise AssertionError(s) if ax is None: = plt.gca() else: = ax onkey = list(line.keys())[0] self.__geographic_xpts = None # un-translate model grid into model coordinates xcellcenters, ycellcenters = geometry.transform(,,,,, inverse=True, ) xverts, yverts = ( xverts, yverts, ) = plotutil.UnstructuredPlotUtilities.irregular_shape_patch( xverts, yverts ) self.xvertices, self.yvertices = geometry.transform( xverts, yverts,,,, inverse=True, ) if onkey in ("row", "column"): eps = 1.0e-4 xedge, yedge = if onkey == "row": self.direction = "x" ycenter = ycellcenters.T[0] pts = [ (xedge[0] - eps, ycenter[int(line[onkey])]), (xedge[-1] + eps, ycenter[int(line[onkey])]), ] else: self.direction = "y" xcenter = xcellcenters[0, :] pts = [ (xcenter[int(line[onkey])], yedge[0] + eps), (xcenter[int(line[onkey])], yedge[-1] - eps), ] else: verts = line[onkey] xp = [] yp = [] for [v1, v2] in verts: xp.append(v1) yp.append(v2) xp, yp =, yp) if np.max(xp) - np.min(xp) > np.max(yp) - np.min(yp): # this is x-projection and we should buffer x by small amount idx0 = list(xp).index(np.max(xp)) idx1 = list(xp).index(np.min(xp)) xp[idx0] += 1e-04 xp[idx1] -= 1e-04 self.direction = "x" else: # this is y-projection and we should buffer y by small amount idx0 = list(yp).index(np.max(yp)) idx1 = list(yp).index(np.min(yp)) yp[idx0] += 1e-04 yp[idx1] -= 1e-04 self.direction = "y" pts = [(xt, yt) for xt, yt in zip(xp, yp)] self.pts = np.array(pts) self.xypts = plotutil.UnstructuredPlotUtilities.line_intersect_grid( self.pts, self.xvertices, self.yvertices ) if len(self.xypts) < 2: s = "cross-section cannot be created\n." s += " less than 2 points intersect the model grid\n" s += f" {len(self.xypts)} points intersect the grid." raise Exception(s) if self.geographic_coords: # transform back to geographic coordinates xypts = {} for nn, pt in self.xypts.items(): xp = [t[0] for t in pt] yp = [t[1] for t in pt] xp, yp = geometry.transform( xp, yp,,,, ) xypts[nn] = [(xt, yt) for xt, yt in zip(xp, yp)] self.xypts = xypts laycbd = [] self.ncb = 0 if self.model is not None: if self.model.laycbd is not None: laycbd = list(self.model.laycbd) self.ncb = np.count_nonzero(laycbd) if laycbd: = [] for k in range( if laycbd[k] > 0: = np.array(, dtype=int) else: = np.ones(, dtype=int) self._nlay, self._ncpl, self.ncb = self.ncb ) top =, self._ncpl) botm = + self.ncb, self._ncpl) self.elev = np.concatenate((top, botm), axis=0) self.idomain = if is None: self.idomain = np.ones(botm.shape, dtype=int) self.projpts = self.set_zpts(None) # Create cross-section extent if extent is None: self.extent = self.get_extent() else: self.extent = extent # this is actually x or y based on projection self.xcenters = [ np.mean(np.array(v).T[0]) for i, v in sorted(self.projpts.items()) ] self.mean_dx = np.mean( np.max(self.xvertices, axis=1) - np.min(self.xvertices, axis=1) ) self.mean_dy = np.mean( np.max(self.yvertices, axis=1) - np.min(self.yvertices, axis=1) ) self._polygons = {} # Set axis limits[0], self.extent[1])[2], self.extent[3]) @property def polygons(self): """ Method to return cached matplotlib polygons for a cross section Returns ------- dict : [matplotlib.patches.Polygon] """ if not self._polygons: for cell, poly in self.projpts.items(): if len(poly) > 4: # this is the rare multipolygon instance... n = 0 p = [] polys = [] for vn, v in enumerate(poly): if vn == 3 + 4 * n: n += 1 p.append(v) polys.append(p) p = [] else: p.append(v) else: polys = [poly] for polygon in polys: verts = plotutil.UnstructuredPlotUtilities.arctan2( np.array(polygon) ) if cell not in self._polygons: self._polygons[cell] = [Polygon(verts, closed=True)] else: self._polygons[cell].append( Polygon(verts, closed=True) ) return copy.copy(self._polygons)
[docs] def get_extent(self): """ Get the extent of the rotated and offset grid Returns ------- tuple : (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) """ xpts = [] for _, verts in self.projpts.items(): for v in verts: xpts.append(v[0]) xmin = np.min(xpts) xmax = np.max(xpts) ymin = np.min(self.elev) ymax = np.max(self.elev) return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
[docs] def plot_array(self, a, masked_values=None, head=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a three-dimensional array as a patch collection. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray Three-dimensional array to plot. masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. head : numpy.ndarray Three-dimensional array to set top of patches to the minimum of the top of a layer or the head value. Used to create patches that conform to water-level elevations. **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection Returns ------- patches : matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection """ ax = kwargs.pop("ax", if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray): a = np.array(a) if a.ndim > 1: a = np.ravel(a) if masked_values is not None: for mval in masked_values: a =, mval) if isinstance(head, np.ndarray): projpts = self.set_zpts(np.ravel(head)) else: projpts = None pc = self.get_grid_patch_collection(a, projpts, **kwargs) if pc is not None: ax.add_collection(pc) ax.set_xlim(self.extent[0], self.extent[1]) ax.set_ylim(self.extent[2], self.extent[3]) return pc
[docs] def plot_surface(self, a, masked_values=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a two- or three-dimensional array as line(s). Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray Two- or three-dimensional array to plot. masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot Returns ------- plot : list containing matplotlib.plot objects """ ax = kwargs.pop("ax", color = kwargs.pop("color", "b") color = kwargs.pop("c", color) if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray): a = np.array(a) if a.ndim > 1: a = np.ravel(a) if a.size % self._ncpl != 0: raise AssertionError("Array size must be a multiple of ncpl") if masked_values is not None: for mval in masked_values: a =, mval) d = { i: (np.min(np.array(v).T[0]), np.max(np.array(v).T[0])) for i, v in sorted(self.projpts.items()) } surface = [] for cell, val in d.items(): if cell >= a.size: continue elif np.isnan(a[cell]): continue elif a[cell] is continue else: line = ax.plot( d[cell], [a[cell], a[cell]], color=color, **kwargs ) surface.append(line) ax.set_xlim(self.extent[0], self.extent[1]) ax.set_ylim(self.extent[2], self.extent[3]) return surface
[docs] def plot_fill_between( self, a, colors=("blue", "red"), masked_values=None, head=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot a three-dimensional array as lines. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray Three-dimensional array to plot. colors : list matplotlib fill colors, two required masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. head : numpy.ndarray Three-dimensional array to set top of patches to the minimum of the top of a layer or the head value. Used to create patches that conform to water-level elevations. **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot Returns ------- plot : list containing matplotlib.fillbetween objects """ ax = kwargs.pop("ax", kwargs["colors"] = colors if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray): a = np.array(a) a = np.ravel(a) if masked_values is not None: for mval in masked_values: a =, mval) if isinstance(head, np.ndarray): projpts = self.set_zpts(head) else: projpts = self.projpts pc = self.get_grid_patch_collection( a, projpts, fill_between=True, **kwargs ) if pc is not None: ax.add_collection(pc) ax.set_xlim(self.extent[0], self.extent[1]) ax.set_ylim(self.extent[2], self.extent[3]) return pc
[docs] def contour_array(self, a, masked_values=None, head=None, **kwargs): """ Contour a two-dimensional array. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray Three-dimensional array to plot. masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. head : numpy.ndarray Three-dimensional array to set top of patches to the minimum of the top of a layer or the head value. Used to create patches that conform to water-level elevations. **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.contour Returns ------- contour_set : matplotlib.pyplot.contour """ import matplotlib.tri as tri if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray): a = np.array(a) if a.ndim > 1: a = np.ravel(a) ax = kwargs.pop("ax", xcenters = self.xcenters plotarray = np.array([a[cell] for cell in sorted(self.projpts)]) ( plotarray, xcenters, zcenters, mplcontour, ) = plotarray, xcenters, head, self.elev, self.projpts ) if not mplcontour: if isinstance(head, np.ndarray): zcenters = self.set_zcentergrid(np.ravel(head)) else: zcenters = np.array( [ np.mean(np.array(v).T[1]) for i, v in sorted(self.projpts.items()) ] ) # work around for tri-contour ignore vmin & vmax # necessary for the tri-contour NaN issue fix if "levels" not in kwargs: vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", np.nanmin(plotarray)) vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", np.nanmax(plotarray)) levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 7) kwargs["levels"] = levels # workaround for tri-contour nan issue plotarray[np.isnan(plotarray)] = -(2**31) if masked_values is None: masked_values = [-(2**31)] else: masked_values = list(masked_values) if -(2**31) not in masked_values: masked_values.append(-(2**31)) ismasked = None if masked_values is not None: for mval in masked_values: if ismasked is None: ismasked = np.isclose(plotarray, mval) else: t = np.isclose(plotarray, mval) ismasked += t filled = kwargs.pop("filled", False) plot_triplot = kwargs.pop("plot_triplot", False) if "extent" in kwargs: extent = kwargs.pop("extent") idx = ( (xcenters >= extent[0]) & (xcenters <= extent[1]) & (zcenters >= extent[2]) & (zcenters <= extent[3]) ) plotarray = plotarray[idx].flatten() xcenters = xcenters[idx].flatten() zcenters = zcenters[idx].flatten() if mplcontour: plotarray =, ismasked) if filled: contour_set = ax.contourf( xcenters, zcenters, plotarray, **kwargs ) else: contour_set = ax.contour( xcenters, zcenters, plotarray, **kwargs ) else: triang = tri.Triangulation(xcenters, zcenters) analyze = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang) mask = analyze.get_flat_tri_mask(rescale=False) if ismasked is not None: ismasked = ismasked.flatten() mask2 = np.any( np.where(ismasked[triang.triangles], True, False), axis=1 ) mask[mask2] = True triang.set_mask(mask) if filled: contour_set = ax.tricontourf(triang, plotarray, **kwargs) else: contour_set = ax.tricontour(triang, plotarray, **kwargs) if plot_triplot: ax.triplot(triang, color="black", marker="o", lw=0.75) ax.set_xlim(self.extent[0], self.extent[1]) ax.set_ylim(self.extent[2], self.extent[3]) return contour_set
[docs] def plot_inactive(self, ibound=None, color_noflow="black", **kwargs): """ Make a plot of inactive cells. If not specified, then pull ibound from the Parameters ---------- ibound : numpy.ndarray ibound array to plot. (Default is ibound in 'BAS6' package.) color_noflow : string (Default is 'black') Returns ------- quadmesh : matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh """ if ibound is None: if is None: raise AssertionError("An idomain array must be provided") else: ibound = plotarray = np.zeros(ibound.shape, dtype=int) idx1 = ibound == 0 plotarray[idx1] = 1 plotarray =, 0) cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(["0", color_noflow]) bounds = [0, 1, 2] norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) patches = self.plot_array(plotarray, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwargs) return patches
[docs] def plot_ibound( self, ibound=None, color_noflow="black", color_ch="blue", color_vpt="red", head=None, **kwargs, ): """ Make a plot of ibound. If not specified, then pull ibound from the self.model Parameters ---------- ibound : numpy.ndarray ibound array to plot. (Default is ibound in 'BAS6' package.) color_noflow : string (Default is 'black') color_ch : string Color for constant heads (Default is 'blue'.) head : numpy.ndarray Three-dimensional array to set top of patches to the minimum of the top of a layer or the head value. Used to create patches that conform to water-level elevations. **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection Returns ------- patches : matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection """ if ibound is None: if self.model is not None: if self.model.version == "mf6": color_ch = color_vpt if is None: raise AssertionError("Ibound/Idomain array must be provided") ibound = plotarray = np.zeros(ibound.shape, dtype=int) idx1 = ibound == 0 idx2 = ibound < 0 plotarray[idx1] = 1 plotarray[idx2] = 2 plotarray =, 0) cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap( ["none", color_noflow, color_ch] ) bounds = [0, 1, 2, 3] norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) # mask active cells patches = self.plot_array( plotarray, masked_values=[0], head=head, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwargs, ) return patches
[docs] def plot_grid(self, **kwargs): """ Plot the grid lines. Parameters ---------- kwargs : ax, colors. The remaining kwargs are passed into the the LineCollection constructor. Returns ------- lc : matplotlib.collections.LineCollection """ ax = kwargs.pop("ax", col = self.get_grid_line_collection(**kwargs) if col is not None: ax.add_collection(col) # ax.set_xlim(self.extent[0], self.extent[1]) # ax.set_ylim(self.extent[2], self.extent[3]) return col
[docs] def plot_bc( self, name=None, package=None, kper=0, color=None, head=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot boundary conditions locations for a specific boundary type from a flopy model Parameters ---------- name : string Package name string ('WEL', 'GHB', etc.). (Default is None) package : flopy.modflow.Modflow package class instance flopy package class instance. (Default is None) kper : int Stress period to plot color : string matplotlib color string. (Default is None) head : numpy.ndarray Three-dimensional array (structured grid) or Two-dimensional array (vertex grid) to set top of patches to the minimum of the top of a\ layer or the head value. Used to create patches that conform to water-level elevations. **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection Returns ------- patches : matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection """ if "ftype" in kwargs and name is None: name = kwargs.pop("ftype") # Find package to plot if package is not None: p = package elif self.model is not None: if name is None: raise Exception("ftype not specified") name = name.upper() p = self.model.get_package(name) else: raise Exception("Cannot find package to plot") # trap for mf6 'cellid' vs mf2005 'k', 'i', 'j' convention if isinstance(p, list) or p.parent.version == "mf6": if not isinstance(p, list): p = [p] idx = np.array([]) for pp in p: if pp.package_type in ("lak", "sfr", "maw", "uzf"): t = plotutil.advanced_package_bc_helper(pp,, kper) else: try: mflist = pp.stress_period_data.array[kper] except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"Not a list-style boundary package: {e!s}" ) if mflist is None: return t = np.array( [list(i) for i in mflist["cellid"]], dtype=int ).T if len(idx) == 0: idx = np.copy(t) else: idx = np.append(idx, t, axis=1) else: # modflow-2005 structured and unstructured grid if p.package_type in ("uzf", "lak"): idx = plotutil.advanced_package_bc_helper(p,, kper) else: try: mflist = p.stress_period_data[kper] except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"Not a list-style boundary package: {e!s}" ) if mflist is None: return if len( == 3: idx = [mflist["k"], mflist["i"], mflist["j"]] else: idx = mflist["node"] if len( != 3: plotarray = np.zeros((self._nlay, self._ncpl), dtype=int) plotarray[tuple(idx)] = 1 else: plotarray = np.zeros( (,,, dtype=int ) plotarray[idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]] = 1 plotarray =, 0) if color is None: key = name[:3].upper() if key in plotutil.bc_color_dict: c = plotutil.bc_color_dict[key] else: c = plotutil.bc_color_dict["default"] else: c = color cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(["none", c]) bounds = [0, 1, 2] norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) patches = self.plot_array( plotarray, masked_values=[0], head=head, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwargs, ) return patches
[docs] def plot_vector( self, vx, vy, vz, head=None, kstep=1, hstep=1, normalize=False, masked_values=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot a vector. Parameters ---------- vx : np.ndarray x component of the vector to be plotted (non-rotated) array shape must be (nlay, nrow, ncol) for a structured grid array shape must be (nlay, ncpl) for a unstructured grid vy : np.ndarray y component of the vector to be plotted (non-rotated) array shape must be (nlay, nrow, ncol) for a structured grid array shape must be (nlay, ncpl) for a unstructured grid vz : np.ndarray y component of the vector to be plotted (non-rotated) array shape must be (nlay, nrow, ncol) for a structured grid array shape must be (nlay, ncpl) for a unstructured grid head : numpy.ndarray MODFLOW's head array. If not provided, then the quivers will be plotted in the cell center. kstep : int layer frequency to plot (default is 1) hstep : int horizontal frequency to plot (default is 1) normalize : bool boolean flag used to determine if vectors should be normalized using the vector magnitude in each cell (default is False) masked_values : iterable of floats values to mask kwargs : matplotlib.pyplot keyword arguments for the plt.quiver method Returns ------- quiver : matplotlib.pyplot.quiver result of the quiver function """ ax = kwargs.pop("ax", pivot = kwargs.pop("pivot", "middle") # Check that the cross section is not arbitrary with a tolerance # of the mean cell size in each direction arbitrary = False pts = self.pts xuniform = [ True if abs(pts.T[0, 0] - i) < self.mean_dy else False for i in pts.T[0] ] yuniform = [ True if abs(pts.T[1, 0] - i) < self.mean_dx else False for i in pts.T[1] ] if not np.all(xuniform) and not np.all(yuniform): arbitrary = True if arbitrary: err_msg = ( "plot_specific_discharge() does not " "support arbitrary cross-sections" ) raise AssertionError(err_msg) # get ibound array to mask inactive cells ib = np.ones((,), dtype=int) if is not None: ib = # get the actual values to plot and set xcenters if self.direction == "x": u_tmp = vx else: u_tmp = vy * -1.0 # kstep implementation for vertex grid projpts = { key: value for key, value in self.projpts.items() if (key // self._ncpl) % kstep == 0 } # set x and z centers if isinstance(head, np.ndarray): # pipe kstep to set_zcentergrid to assure consistent array size zcenters = self.set_zcentergrid(np.ravel(head), kstep=kstep) else: zcenters = [ np.mean(np.array(v).T[1]) for i, v in sorted(projpts.items()) ] xcenters = np.array( [np.mean(np.array(v).T[0]) for i, v in sorted(projpts.items())] ) x = np.ravel(xcenters) z = np.ravel(zcenters) u = np.array([u_tmp.ravel()[cell] for cell in sorted(projpts)]) v = np.array([vz.ravel()[cell] for cell in sorted(projpts)]) ib = np.array([ib[cell] for cell in sorted(projpts)]) x = x[::hstep] z = z[::hstep] u = u[::hstep] v = v[::hstep] ib = ib[::hstep] # mask values if masked_values is not None: for mval in masked_values: to_mask = np.logical_or(u == mval, v == mval) u[to_mask] = np.nan v[to_mask] = np.nan # normalize if normalize: vmag = np.sqrt(u**2.0 + v**2.0) idx = vmag > 0.0 u[idx] /= vmag[idx] v[idx] /= vmag[idx] # mask with an ibound array u[ib == 0] = np.nan v[ib == 0] = np.nan # plot with quiver quiver = ax.quiver(x, z, u, v, pivot=pivot, **kwargs) return quiver
[docs] def plot_pathline( self, pl, travel_time=None, method="cell", head=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot the MODPATH pathlines Parameters ---------- pl : list of rec arrays or a single rec array rec array or list of rec arrays is data returned from modpathfile PathlineFile get_data() or get_alldata() methods. Data in rec array is 'x', 'y', 'z', 'time', 'k', and 'particleid'. travel_time : float or str travel_time is a travel time selection for the displayed pathlines. If a float is passed then pathlines with times less than or equal to the passed time are plotted. If a string is passed a variety logical constraints can be added in front of a time value to select pathlines for a select period of time. Valid logical constraints are <=, <, >=, and >. For example, to select all pathlines less than 10000 days travel_time='< 10000' would be passed to plot_pathline. (default is None) method : str "cell" shows only pathlines that intersect with a cell "all" projects all pathlines onto the cross section regardless of whether they intersect with a given cell head : np.ndarray optional adjustment to only show pathlines that are <= to the top of the water table given a user supplied head array kwargs : layer, ax, colors. The remaining kwargs are passed into the LineCollection constructor. Returns ------- lc : matplotlib.collections.LineCollection """ from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection # make sure pathlines is a list if not isinstance(pl, list): pl = [pl] marker = kwargs.pop("marker", None) markersize = kwargs.pop("markersize", None) markersize = kwargs.pop("ms", markersize) markercolor = kwargs.pop("markercolor", None) markerevery = kwargs.pop("markerevery", 1) ax = kwargs.pop("ax", if "colors" not in kwargs: kwargs["colors"] = "0.5" projpts = self.projpts if head is not None: projpts = self.set_zpts(head) pl2 = [] for p in pl: tp = plotutil.filter_modpath_by_travel_time(p, travel_time) pl2.append(tp) tp = plotutil.intersect_modpath_with_crosssection( pl2, projpts, self.xvertices, self.yvertices, self.direction, self._ncpl, method=method, ) plines = plotutil.reproject_modpath_to_crosssection( tp, projpts, self.xypts, self.direction,, self._ncpl, self.geographic_coords, ) # build linecollection and markers arrays linecol = [] markers = [] for _, arr in plines.items(): arr = np.array(arr) # sort by travel time arr = arr[arr[:, -1].argsort()] linecol.append(arr[:, :-1]) if marker is not None: for xy in arr[::markerevery]: markers.append(xy) lc = None if len(linecol) > 0: lc = LineCollection(linecol, **kwargs) ax.add_collection(lc) if marker is not None: markers = np.array(markers) ax.plot( markers[:, 0], markers[:, 1], lw=0, marker=marker, color=markercolor, ms=markersize, ) return lc
[docs] def plot_timeseries( self, ts, travel_time=None, method="cell", head=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot the MODPATH timeseries. Parameters ---------- ts : list of rec arrays or a single rec array rec array or list of rec arrays is data returned from modpathfile TimeseriesFile get_data() or get_alldata() methods. Data in rec array is 'x', 'y', 'z', 'time', 'k', and 'particleid'. travel_time : float or str travel_time is a travel time selection for the displayed pathlines. If a float is passed then pathlines with times less than or equal to the passed time are plotted. If a string is passed a variety logical constraints can be added in front of a time value to select pathlines for a select period of time. Valid logical constraints are <=, <, >=, and >. For example, to select all pathlines less than 10000 days travel_time='< 10000' would be passed to plot_pathline. (default is None) kwargs : layer, ax, colors. The remaining kwargs are passed into the LineCollection constructor. If layer='all', pathlines are output for all layers Returns ------- lo : list of Line2D objects """ if "color" in kwargs: kwargs["markercolor"] = kwargs["color"] return self.plot_pathline( ts, travel_time=travel_time, method=method, head=head, **kwargs )
[docs] def plot_endpoint( self, ep, direction="ending", selection=None, selection_direction=None, method="cell", head=None, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ ax = kwargs.pop("ax", # colorbar kwargs createcb = kwargs.pop("colorbar", False) colorbar_label = kwargs.pop("colorbar_label", "Endpoint Time") shrink = float(kwargs.pop("shrink", 1.0)) # marker kwargs s = kwargs.pop("s", np.sqrt(50)) s = float(kwargs.pop("size", s)) ** 2.0 cd = {} if "c" not in kwargs: vmin, vmax = 1e10, -1e10 for rec in ep: tt = float(rec["time"] - rec["time0"]) if tt < vmin: vmin = tt if tt > vmax: vmax = tt cd[int(rec["particleid"])] = tt kwargs["vmin"] = vmin kwargs["vmax"] = vmax else: tc = kwargs.pop("c") for rec in ep: cd[int(rec["praticleid"])] = tc tep, istart = plotutil.parse_modpath_selection_options( ep, direction, selection, selection_direction )[0:2] projpts = self.projpts if head is not None: projpts = self.set_zpts(head) tep = plotutil.intersect_modpath_with_crosssection( tep, projpts, self.xvertices, self.yvertices, self.direction, method=method, starting=istart, ) if not tep: return epdict = plotutil.reproject_modpath_to_crosssection( tep, projpts, self.xypts, self.direction,, self.geographic_coords, starting=istart, ) arr = [] c = [] for node, epl in sorted(epdict.items()): c.append(cd[node]) for xy in epl: arr.append(xy) arr = np.array(arr) sp = ax.scatter(arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1], c=c, s=s, **kwargs) # add a colorbar for travel times if createcb: cb = plt.colorbar(sp, ax=ax, shrink=shrink) cb.set_label(colorbar_label) return sp
[docs] def get_grid_line_collection(self, **kwargs): """ Get a PatchCollection of the grid Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.collections.LineCollection Returns ------- PatchCollection : matplotlib.collections.LineCollection """ from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection edgecolor = kwargs.pop("colors", "grey") edgecolor = kwargs.pop("color", edgecolor) edgecolor = kwargs.pop("ec", edgecolor) edgecolor = kwargs.pop("edgecolor", edgecolor) facecolor = kwargs.pop("facecolor", "none") facecolor = kwargs.pop("fc", facecolor) polygons = [ p for _, polys in sorted(self.polygons.items()) for p in polys ] if len(polygons) > 0: patches = PatchCollection( polygons, edgecolor=edgecolor, facecolor=facecolor, **kwargs ) else: patches = None return patches
[docs] def set_zpts(self, vs): """ Get an array of projected vertices corrected with corrected elevations based on minimum of cell elevation (self.elev) or passed vs numpy.ndarray Parameters ---------- vs : numpy.ndarray Two-dimensional array to plot. Returns ------- zpts : dict """ # make vertex array based on projection direction if vs is not None: if not isinstance(vs, np.ndarray): vs = np.array(vs) if self.direction == "x": xyix = 0 else: xyix = -1 projpts = {} nlay = + self.ncb nodeskip =, self.xypts) cbcnt = 0 for k in range(1, nlay + 1): if not[k - 1]: cbcnt += 1 continue k, ns, ncbnn = - 1, cbcnt) top = self.elev[k - 1, :] botm = self.elev[k, :] d0 = 0 # trap to split multipolygons xypts = [] for nn, verts in self.xypts.items(): if nn in nodeskip[ns - 1]: continue if len(verts) > 2: i0 = 2 for ix in range(len(verts)): if ix == i0 - 1: xypts.append((nn, verts[i0 - 2 : i0])) i0 += 2 else: xypts.append((nn, verts)) xypts = sorted(xypts, key=lambda q: q[-1][xyix][xyix]) if self.direction == "y": xypts = xypts[::-1] for nn, verts in xypts: if vs is None: t = top[nn] else: t = vs[nn + ncbnn] if np.isclose(t, -1e30): t = botm[nn] if t < botm[nn]: t = botm[nn] if top[nn] < t: t = top[nn] b = botm[nn] if self.geographic_coords: if self.direction == "x": projt = [(v[0], t) for v in verts] projb = [(v[0], b) for v in verts] else: projt = [(v[1], t) for v in verts] projb = [(v[1], b) for v in verts] else: verts = np.array(verts).T a2 = (np.max(verts[0]) - np.min(verts[0])) ** 2 b2 = (np.max(verts[1]) - np.min(verts[1])) ** 2 c = np.sqrt(a2 + b2) d1 = d0 + c projt = [(d0, t), (d1, t)] projb = [(d0, b), (d1, b)] d0 += c projpt = projt + projb node = nn + ncbnn if node not in projpts: projpts[node] = projpt else: projpts[node] += projpt return projpts
[docs] def set_zcentergrid(self, vs, kstep=1): """ Get an array of z elevations at the center of a cell that is based on minimum of cell top elevation (self.elev) or passed vs numpy.ndarray Parameters ---------- vs : numpy.ndarray Three-dimensional array to plot. kstep : int plotting layer interval Returns ------- zcentergrid : numpy.ndarray """ verts = self.set_zpts(vs) zcenters = [ np.mean(np.array(v).T[1]) for i, v in sorted(verts.items()) if (i // self._ncpl) % kstep == 0 ] return zcenters
[docs] def get_grid_patch_collection( self, plotarray, projpts=None, fill_between=False, **kwargs ): """ Get a PatchCollection of plotarray in unmasked cells Parameters ---------- plotarray : numpy.ndarray One-dimensional array to attach to the Patch Collection. projpts : dict dictionary defined by node number which contains model patch vertices. fill_between : bool flag to create polygons that mimick the matplotlib fill between method. Only used by the plot_fill_between method. **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection Returns ------- patches : matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection """ from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection from matplotlib.patches import Polygon use_cache = False if projpts is None: use_cache = True projpts = self.polygons vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", None) vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", None) match_original = False if fill_between: match_original = True colors = kwargs.pop("colors") rectcol = [] data = [] for cell, poly in sorted(projpts.items()): if not use_cache: if len(poly) > 4: # multipolygon instance... n = 0 p = [] polys = [] for vn, v in enumerate(poly): if vn == 3 + 4 * n: n += 1 p.append(v) polys.append(p) p = [] else: p.append(v) else: polys = [poly] else: polys = poly for polygon in polys: if not use_cache: polygon = plotutil.UnstructuredPlotUtilities.arctan2( np.array(polygon) ) if np.isnan(plotarray[cell]): continue elif plotarray[cell] is continue if use_cache: rectcol.append(polygon) elif fill_between: x = list(set(np.array(polygon).T[0])) y1 = np.max(np.array(polygon).T[1]) y = np.min(np.array(polygon).T[1]) v = plotarray[cell] if v > y1: v = y if v < y: v = y p1 = [(x[0], y1), (x[1], y1), (x[1], v), (x[0], v)] p2 = [(x[0], v), (x[1], v), (x[1], y), (x[0], y)] rectcol.append(Polygon(p1, closed=True, color=colors[0])) rectcol.append(Polygon(p2, closed=True, color=colors[1])) else: rectcol.append(Polygon(polygon, closed=True)) data.append(plotarray[cell]) if len(rectcol) > 0: patches = PatchCollection(rectcol, match_original, **kwargs) if not fill_between: patches.set_array(np.array(data)) patches.set_clim(vmin, vmax) else: patches = None return patches