Source code for

import warnings

import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection, PathCollection
from matplotlib.path import Path

from ..utils import geometry
from . import plotutil

warnings.simplefilter("always", PendingDeprecationWarning)

[docs]class PlotMapView: """ Class to create a map of the model. Delegates plotting functionality based on model grid type. Parameters ---------- modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid The modelgrid class can be StructuredGrid, VertexGrid, or UnstructuredGrid (Default is None) ax : matplotlib.pyplot axis The plot axis. If not provided it, plt.gca() will be used. If there is not a current axis then a new one will be created. model : flopy.modflow object flopy model object. (Default is None) layer : int Layer to plot. Default is 0. Must be between 0 and nlay - 1. extent : tuple of floats (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) will be used to specify axes limits. If None then these will be calculated based on grid, coordinates, and rotation. Notes ----- """ def __init__( self, model=None, modelgrid=None, ax=None, layer=0, extent=None ): self.model = model self.layer = layer = None if modelgrid is not None: = modelgrid elif model is not None: = model.modelgrid else: err_msg = "A model grid instance must be provided to PlotMapView" raise AssertionError(err_msg) if ax is None: try: = plt.gca()"equal") except (AttributeError, ValueError): = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect="equal", axisbg="white") else: = ax if extent is not None: self._extent = extent else: self._extent = None @property def extent(self): if self._extent is None: self._extent = return self._extent
[docs] def plot_array(self, a, masked_values=None, **kwargs): """ Plot an array. If the array is three-dimensional, then the method will plot the layer tied to this class (self.layer). Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray Array to plot. masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh Returns ------- quadmesh : matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh or matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection """ if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray): a = np.array(a) # Use the model grid to pass back an array of the correct shape plotarray =, self.layer) # if masked_values are provided mask the plotting array if masked_values is not None: for mval in masked_values: plotarray =, mval) # add NaN values to mask plotarray =, plotarray) ax = kwargs.pop("ax", # use cached patch collection for plotting polygons = if isinstance(polygons, dict): polygons = polygons[self.layer] if len(polygons) == 0: return if not isinstance(polygons[0], Path): collection = ax.pcolormesh(,, plotarray ) else: plotarray = plotarray.ravel() collection = PathCollection(polygons) collection.set_array(plotarray) # set max and min vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", None) vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", None) # set matplotlib kwargs collection.set_clim(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) collection.set(**kwargs) ax.add_collection(collection) # set limits ax.set_xlim(self.extent[0], self.extent[1]) ax.set_ylim(self.extent[2], self.extent[3]) return collection
[docs] def contour_array(self, a, masked_values=None, **kwargs): """ Contour an array. If the array is three-dimensional, then the method will contour the layer tied to this class (self.layer). Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray Array to plot. masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh Returns ------- contour_set : matplotlib.pyplot.contour """ import matplotlib.tri as tri a = np.copy(a) if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray): a = np.array(a) # Use the model grid to pass back an array of the correct shape plotarray =, self.layer) # work around for tri-contour ignore vmin & vmax # necessary block for tri-contour NaN issue if "levels" not in kwargs: vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", np.nanmin(plotarray)) vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", np.nanmax(plotarray)) levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 7) kwargs["levels"] = levels # workaround for tri-contour nan issue # use -2**31 to allow for 32 bit int arrays plotarray[np.isnan(plotarray)] = -(2**31) if masked_values is None: masked_values = [-(2**31)] else: masked_values = list(masked_values) if -(2**31) not in masked_values: masked_values.append(-(2**31)) ismasked = None if masked_values is not None: for mval in masked_values: if ismasked is None: ismasked = np.isclose(plotarray, mval) else: t = np.isclose(plotarray, mval) ismasked += t ax = kwargs.pop("ax", if "colors" in kwargs.keys(): if "cmap" in kwargs.keys(): kwargs.pop("cmap") filled = kwargs.pop("filled", False) plot_triplot = kwargs.pop("plot_triplot", False) # Get vertices for the selected layer xcentergrid = ycentergrid = if "extent" in kwargs: extent = kwargs.pop("extent") idx = ( (xcentergrid >= extent[0]) & (xcentergrid <= extent[1]) & (ycentergrid >= extent[2]) & (ycentergrid <= extent[3]) ) plotarray = plotarray[idx] xcentergrid = xcentergrid[idx] ycentergrid = ycentergrid[idx] plotarray = plotarray.flatten() xcentergrid = xcentergrid.flatten() ycentergrid = ycentergrid.flatten() triang = tri.Triangulation(xcentergrid, ycentergrid) if ismasked is not None: ismasked = ismasked.flatten() mask = np.any( np.where(ismasked[triang.triangles], True, False), axis=1 ) triang.set_mask(mask) if filled: contour_set = ax.tricontourf(triang, plotarray, **kwargs) else: contour_set = ax.tricontour(triang, plotarray, **kwargs) if plot_triplot: ax.triplot(triang, color="black", marker="o", lw=0.75) ax.set_xlim(self.extent[0], self.extent[1]) ax.set_ylim(self.extent[2], self.extent[3]) return contour_set
[docs] def plot_inactive(self, ibound=None, color_noflow="black", **kwargs): """ Make a plot of inactive cells. If not specified, then pull ibound from the Parameters ---------- ibound : numpy.ndarray ibound array to plot. (Default is ibound in 'BAS6' package.) color_noflow : string (Default is 'black') Returns ------- quadmesh : matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh """ if ibound is None: if is None: raise AssertionError("Ibound/Idomain array must be provided") ibound = plotarray = np.zeros(ibound.shape, dtype=int) idx1 = ibound == 0 plotarray[idx1] = 1 plotarray =, 0) cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(["0", color_noflow]) bounds = [0, 1, 2] norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) quadmesh = self.plot_array(plotarray, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwargs) return quadmesh
[docs] def plot_ibound( self, ibound=None, color_noflow="black", color_ch="blue", color_vpt="red", **kwargs, ): """ Make a plot of ibound. If not specified, then pull ibound from the Parameters ---------- ibound : numpy.ndarray ibound array to plot. (Default is ibound in the modelgrid) color_noflow : string (Default is 'black') color_ch : string Color for constant heads (Default is 'blue'.) color_vpt: string Color for vertical pass through cells (Default is 'red') Returns ------- quadmesh : matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh """ if ibound is None: if self.model is not None: if self.model.version == "mf6": color_ch = color_vpt if is None: raise AssertionError("Ibound/Idomain array must be provided") ibound = plotarray = np.zeros(ibound.shape, dtype=int) idx1 = ibound == 0 idx2 = ibound < 0 plotarray[idx1] = 1 plotarray[idx2] = 2 plotarray =, 0) cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(["0", color_noflow, color_ch]) bounds = [0, 1, 2, 3] norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) quadmesh = self.plot_array(plotarray, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwargs) return quadmesh
[docs] def plot_grid(self, **kwargs): """ Plot the grid lines. Parameters ---------- kwargs : ax, colors. The remaining kwargs are passed into the the LineCollection constructor. Returns ------- lc : matplotlib.collections.LineCollection """ ax = kwargs.pop("ax", colors = kwargs.pop("colors", "grey") colors = kwargs.pop("color", colors) colors = kwargs.pop("ec", colors) colors = kwargs.pop("edgecolor", colors) grid_lines = if isinstance(grid_lines, dict): grid_lines = grid_lines[self.layer] collection = LineCollection(grid_lines, colors=colors, **kwargs) ax.add_collection(collection) ax.set_xlim(self.extent[0], self.extent[1]) ax.set_ylim(self.extent[2], self.extent[3]) return collection
[docs] def plot_bc( self, name=None, package=None, kper=0, color=None, plotAll=False, **kwargs, ): """ Plot boundary conditions locations for a specific boundary type from a flopy model Parameters ---------- name : string Package name string ('WEL', 'GHB', etc.). (Default is None) package : flopy.modflow.Modflow package class instance flopy package class instance. (Default is None) kper : int Stress period to plot color : string matplotlib color string. (Default is None) plotAll : bool Boolean used to specify that boundary condition locations for all layers will be plotted on the current ModelMap layer. (Default is False) **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection Returns ------- quadmesh : matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh """ if "ftype" in kwargs and name is None: name = kwargs.pop("ftype") # Find package to plot if package is not None: p = package name =[0] elif self.model is not None: if name is None: raise Exception("ftype not specified") name = name.upper() p = self.model.get_package(name) else: raise Exception("Cannot find package to plot") # trap for mf6 'cellid' vs mf2005 'k', 'i', 'j' convention if isinstance(p, list) or p.parent.version == "mf6": if not isinstance(p, list): p = [p] idx = np.array([]) for pp in p: if pp.package_type in ("lak", "sfr", "maw", "uzf"): t = plotutil.advanced_package_bc_helper(pp,, kper) else: try: mflist = pp.stress_period_data.array[kper] except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"Not a list-style boundary package: {e!s}" ) if mflist is None: return t = np.array( [list(i) for i in mflist["cellid"]], dtype=int ).T if len(idx) == 0: idx = np.copy(t) else: idx = np.append(idx, t, axis=1) else: # modflow-2005 structured and unstructured grid if p.package_type in ("uzf", "lak"): idx = plotutil.advanced_package_bc_helper(p,, kper) else: try: mflist = p.stress_period_data[kper] except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"Not a list-style boundary package: {e!s}" ) if mflist is None: return if len( == 3: idx = [mflist["k"], mflist["i"], mflist["j"]] else: idx = mflist["node"] nlay = plotarray = np.zeros(, dtype=int) if plotAll and len( > 1: pa = np.zeros([1:], dtype=int) pa[tuple(idx[1:])] = 1 for k in range(nlay): plotarray[k] = pa.copy() elif len( > 1: plotarray[tuple(idx)] = 1 else: plotarray[idx] = 1 # mask the plot array plotarray =, 0) # set the colormap if color is None: # modflow 6 ftype fix, since multiple packages append _0, _1, etc: key = name[:3].upper() if key in plotutil.bc_color_dict: c = plotutil.bc_color_dict[key] else: c = plotutil.bc_color_dict["default"] else: c = color cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(["0", c]) bounds = [0, 1, 2] norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) # create normalized quadmesh or patch object depending on grid type quadmesh = self.plot_array(plotarray, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwargs) return quadmesh
[docs] def plot_shapefile(self, shp, **kwargs): """ Plot a shapefile. The shapefile must be in the same coordinates as the rotated and offset grid. Parameters ---------- shp : string or pyshp shapefile object Name of the shapefile to plot kwargs : dictionary Keyword arguments passed to plotutil.plot_shapefile() """ return self.plot_shapes(shp, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_shapes(self, obj, **kwargs): """ Plot shapes is a method that facilitates plotting a collection of geospatial objects Parameters ---------- obj : collection object obj can accept the following types str : shapefile name shapefile.Reader object list of [shapefile.Shape, shapefile.Shape,] shapefile.Shapes object flopy.utils.geometry.Collection object list of [flopy.utils.geometry, ...] objects geojson.GeometryCollection object geojson.FeatureCollection object shapely.GeometryCollection object list of [[vertices], ...] kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to plotutil.plot_shapefile() Returns ------- matplotlib.Collection object """ ax = kwargs.pop("ax", patch_collection = plotutil.plot_shapefile(obj, ax, **kwargs) return patch_collection
[docs] def plot_cvfd(self, verts, iverts, **kwargs): """ Plot a cvfd grid. The vertices must be in the same coordinates as the rotated and offset grid. Parameters ---------- verts : ndarray 2d array of x and y points. iverts : list of lists should be of len(ncells) with a list of vertex number for each cell kwargs : dictionary Keyword arguments passed to plotutil.plot_cvfd() """ warnings.warn( "plot_cvfd will be deprecated and will be removed in version " "3.3.5. Use plot_grid or plot_array", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) a = kwargs.pop("a", None) if a is None: return self.plot_grid(**kwargs) else: return self.plot_array(a, **kwargs)
[docs] def contour_array_cvfd(self, vertc, a, masked_values=None, **kwargs): """ Contour a cvfd array. If the array is three-dimensional, then the method will contour the layer tied to this class (self.layer). The vertices must be in the same coordinates as the rotated and offset grid. Parameters ---------- vertc : np.ndarray Array with of size (nc, 2) with centroid location of cvfd a : numpy.ndarray Array to plot. masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh Returns ------- contour_set : matplotlib.pyplot.contour """ warnings.warn( "contour_cvfd will be deprecated and removed in version 3.3.5. " " Use contour_array", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return self.contour_array(a, masked_values=masked_values, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_vector( self, vx, vy, istep=1, jstep=1, normalize=False, masked_values=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot a vector. Parameters ---------- vx : np.ndarray x component of the vector to be plotted (non-rotated) array shape must be (nlay, nrow, ncol) for a structured grid array shape must be (nlay, ncpl) for a unstructured grid vy : np.ndarray y component of the vector to be plotted (non-rotated) array shape must be (nlay, nrow, ncol) for a structured grid array shape must be (nlay, ncpl) for a unstructured grid istep : int row frequency to plot (default is 1) jstep : int column frequency to plot (default is 1) normalize : bool boolean flag used to determine if vectors should be normalized using the vector magnitude in each cell (default is False) masked_values : iterable of floats values to mask kwargs : matplotlib.pyplot keyword arguments for the plt.quiver method Returns ------- quiver : matplotlib.pyplot.quiver result of the quiver function """ pivot = kwargs.pop("pivot", "middle") ax = kwargs.pop("ax", # get ibound array to mask inactive cells ib = np.ones((,), dtype=int) if is not None: ib = xcentergrid = ycentergrid = vx =, self.layer) vy =, self.layer) ib =, self.layer) try: x = xcentergrid[::istep, ::jstep] y = ycentergrid[::istep, ::jstep] u = vx[::istep, ::jstep] v = vy[::istep, ::jstep] ib = ib[::istep, ::jstep] except IndexError: x = xcentergrid[::jstep] y = ycentergrid[::jstep] u = vx[::jstep] v = vy[::jstep] ib = ib[::jstep] # if necessary, copy to avoid changing the passed values if masked_values is not None or normalize: u = np.copy(u) v = np.copy(v) # mask values if masked_values is not None: for mval in masked_values: to_mask = np.logical_or(u == mval, v == mval) u[to_mask] = np.nan v[to_mask] = np.nan # normalize if normalize: vmag = np.sqrt(u**2.0 + v**2.0) idx = vmag > 0.0 u[idx] /= vmag[idx] v[idx] /= vmag[idx] u[ib == 0] = np.nan v[ib == 0] = np.nan # rotate and plot, offsets must be zero since # these are vectors not locations urot, vrot = geometry.rotate(u, v, 0.0, 0.0, quiver = ax.quiver(x, y, urot, vrot, pivot=pivot, **kwargs) return quiver
[docs] def plot_pathline(self, pl, travel_time=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the MODPATH pathlines. Parameters ---------- pl : list of rec arrays or a single rec array rec array or list of rec arrays is data returned from modpathfile PathlineFile get_data() or get_alldata() methods. Data in rec array is 'x', 'y', 'z', 'time', 'k', and 'particleid'. travel_time : float or str travel_time is a travel time selection for the displayed pathlines. If a float is passed then pathlines with times less than or equal to the passed time are plotted. If a string is passed a variety logical constraints can be added in front of a time value to select pathlines for a select period of time. Valid logical constraints are <=, <, >=, and >. For example, to select all pathlines less than 10000 days travel_time='< 10000' would be passed to plot_pathline. (default is None) kwargs : layer, ax, colors. The remaining kwargs are passed into the LineCollection constructor. If layer='all', pathlines are output for all layers Returns ------- lc : matplotlib.collections.LineCollection """ from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection # make sure pathlines is a list if not isinstance(pl, list): pl = [pl] if "layer" in kwargs: kon = kwargs.pop("layer") if isinstance(kon, bytes): kon = kon.decode() if isinstance(kon, str): if kon.lower() == "all": kon = -1 else: kon = self.layer else: kon = self.layer marker = kwargs.pop("marker", None) markersize = kwargs.pop("markersize", None) markersize = kwargs.pop("ms", markersize) markercolor = kwargs.pop("markercolor", None) markerevery = kwargs.pop("markerevery", 1) ax = kwargs.pop("ax", if "colors" not in kwargs: kwargs["colors"] = "0.5" linecol = [] markers = [] for p in pl: tp = plotutil.filter_modpath_by_travel_time(p, travel_time) # transform data! x0r, y0r = geometry.transform( tp["x"], tp["y"],,,, ) # build polyline array arr = np.vstack((x0r, y0r)).T # select based on layer if kon >= 0: kk = p["k"].copy().reshape(p.shape[0], 1) kk = np.repeat(kk, 2, axis=1) arr = != kon), arr) else: arr = # append line to linecol if there is some unmasked segment if not arr.mask.all(): linecol.append(arr) if not arr.mask.all(): linecol.append(arr) if marker is not None: for xy in arr[::markerevery]: if not np.all(xy.mask): markers.append(xy) # create line collection lc = None if len(linecol) > 0: lc = LineCollection(linecol, **kwargs) ax.add_collection(lc) if marker is not None: markers = np.array(markers) ax.plot( markers[:, 0], markers[:, 1], lw=0, marker=marker, color=markercolor, ms=markersize, ) return lc
[docs] def plot_timeseries(self, ts, travel_time=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the MODPATH timeseries. Parameters ---------- ts : list of rec arrays or a single rec array rec array or list of rec arrays is data returned from modpathfile TimeseriesFile get_data() or get_alldata() methods. Data in rec array is 'x', 'y', 'z', 'time', 'k', and 'particleid'. travel_time : float or str travel_time is a travel time selection for the displayed pathlines. If a float is passed then pathlines with times less than or equal to the passed time are plotted. If a string is passed a variety logical constraints can be added in front of a time value to select pathlines for a select period of time. Valid logical constraints are <=, <, >=, and >. For example, to select all pathlines less than 10000 days travel_time='< 10000' would be passed to plot_pathline. (default is None) kwargs : layer, ax, colors. The remaining kwargs are passed into the LineCollection constructor. If layer='all', pathlines are output for all layers Returns ------- lo : list of Line2D objects """ if "color" in kwargs: kwargs["markercolor"] = kwargs["color"] return self.plot_pathline(ts, travel_time=travel_time, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_endpoint( self, ep, direction="ending", selection=None, selection_direction=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot the MODPATH endpoints. Parameters ---------- ep : rec array A numpy recarray with the endpoint particle data from the MODPATH 6 endpoint file direction : str String defining if starting or ending particle locations should be considered. (default is 'ending') selection : tuple tuple that defines the zero-base layer, row, column location (l, r, c) to use to make a selection of particle endpoints. The selection could be a well location to determine capture zone for the well. If selection is None, all particle endpoints for the user-sepcified direction will be plotted. (default is None) selection_direction : str String defining is a selection should be made on starting or ending particle locations. If selection is not None and selection_direction is None, the selection direction will be set to the opposite of direction. (default is None) kwargs : ax, c, s or size, colorbar, colorbar_label, shrink. The remaining kwargs are passed into the matplotlib scatter method. If colorbar is True a colorbar will be added to the plot. If colorbar_label is passed in and colorbar is True then colorbar_label will be passed to the colorbar set_label() method. If shrink is passed in and colorbar is True then the colorbar size will be set using shrink. Returns ------- sp : matplotlib.pyplot.scatter """ ax = kwargs.pop("ax", tep, _, xp, yp = plotutil.parse_modpath_selection_options( ep, direction, selection, selection_direction ) # scatter kwargs that users may redefine if "c" not in kwargs: c = tep["time"] - tep["time0"] else: c = np.empty((tep.shape[0]), dtype="S30") c.fill(kwargs.pop("c")) s = kwargs.pop("s", np.sqrt(50)) s = float(kwargs.pop("size", s)) ** 2.0 # colorbar kwargs createcb = kwargs.pop("colorbar", False) colorbar_label = kwargs.pop("colorbar_label", "Endpoint Time") shrink = float(kwargs.pop("shrink", 1.0)) # transform data! x0r, y0r = geometry.transform( tep[xp], tep[yp],,,, ) # build array to plot arr = np.vstack((x0r, y0r)).T # plot the end point data sp = ax.scatter(arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1], c=c, s=s, **kwargs) # add a colorbar for travel times if createcb: cb = plt.colorbar(sp, ax=ax, shrink=shrink) cb.set_label(colorbar_label) return sp