Source code for flopy.plot.plotutil

Module containing helper functions for plotting model data
using ModelMap and ModelCrossSection. Functions for plotting
shapefiles are also included.

import os
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from ..datbase import DataInterface, DataType
from ..utils import Util3d, import_optional_dependency

warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning)

bc_color_dict = {
    "default": "black",
    "WEL": "red",
    "DRN": "yellow",
    "RIV": "teal",
    "GHB": "cyan",
    "CHD": "navy",
    "STR": "purple",
    "SFR": "teal",
    "UZF": "peru",
    "LAK": "royalblue",

[docs]class PlotUtilities: """ Class which groups a collection of plotting utilities which Flopy and Flopy6 can use to generate map based plots """ @staticmethod def _plot_simulation_helper(simulation, model_list, SelPackList, **kwargs): """ Plot 2-D, 3-D, transient 2-D, and stress period list (MfList) model input data from a model instance Parameters ---------- simulation : flopy.mf6.Simulation object model_list : list list of model names to plot SelPackList : list list of package names to plot, if none all packages will be plotted **kwargs : dict filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') mflay : int MODFLOW zero-based layer number to return. If None, then all all layers will be included. (default is None) kper : int MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. (default is zero) key : str MfList dictionary key. (default is None) Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis are returned. """ defaults = { "kper": 0, "mflay": None, "filename_base": None, "file_extension": "png", "key": None, } for key in defaults: if key in kwargs: if key == "file_extension": defaults[key] = kwargs[key].replace(".", "") else: defaults[key] = kwargs[key] kwargs.pop(key) filename_base = defaults["filename_base"] if model_list is None: model_list = simulation.model_names axes = [] ifig = 0 for model_name in model_list: model = simulation.get_model(model_name) model_filename_base = None if filename_base is not None: model_filename_base = f"{filename_base}_{model_name}" if model.verbose: print(" Plotting Model: ", model_name) caxs = PlotUtilities._plot_model_helper( model, SelPackList=SelPackList, kper=defaults["kper"], mflay=defaults["mflay"], filename_base=model_filename_base, file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], key=defaults["key"], initial_fig=ifig, model_name=model_name, **kwargs, ) if isinstance(caxs, list): for c in caxs: axes.append(c) else: axes.append(caxs) ifig = len(axes) + 1 return axes @staticmethod def _plot_model_helper(model, SelPackList, **kwargs): """ Plot 2-D, 3-D, transient 2-D, and stress period list (MfList) model input data from a model instance Parameters ---------- model : Flopy model instance SelPackList : list list of package names to plot, if none all packages will be plotted **kwargs : dict filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') mflay : int MODFLOW zero-based layer number to return. If None, then all all layers will be included. (default is None) kper : int MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. (default is zero) key : str MfList dictionary key. (default is None) Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis are returned. """ # valid keyword arguments defaults = { "kper": 0, "mflay": None, "filename_base": None, "file_extension": "png", "key": None, "model_name": "", "initial_fig": 0, } for key in defaults: if key in kwargs: if key == "file_extension": defaults[key] = kwargs[key].replace(".", "") else: defaults[key] = kwargs[key] kwargs.pop(key) axes = [] ifig = defaults["initial_fig"] if SelPackList is None: for p in model.packagelist: caxs = PlotUtilities._plot_package_helper( p, initial_fig=ifig, filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], kper=defaults["kper"], mflay=defaults["mflay"], key=defaults["key"], model_name=defaults["model_name"], model_grid=model.modelgrid, ) # unroll nested lists of axes into a single list of axes if isinstance(caxs, list): for c in caxs: axes.append(c) else: axes.append(caxs) # update next active figure number ifig = len(axes) + 1 else: for pon in SelPackList: for p in model.packagelist: if pon in if model.verbose: print(" Plotting Package: ",[0]) caxs = PlotUtilities._plot_package_helper( p, initial_fig=ifig, filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], kper=defaults["kper"], mflay=defaults["mflay"], key=defaults["key"], model_name=defaults["model_name"], modelgrid=model.modelgrid, ) # unroll nested lists of axes into a single list # of axes if isinstance(caxs, list): for c in caxs: axes.append(c) else: axes.append(caxs) # update next active figure number ifig = len(axes) + 1 break if model.verbose: print(" ") return axes @staticmethod def _plot_package_helper(package, **kwargs): """ Plot 2-D, 3-D, transient 2-D, and stress period list (MfList) package input data Parameters ---------- package: flopy.pakbase.Package package instance supplied for plotting **kwargs : dict filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') mflay : int MODFLOW zero-based layer number to return. If None, then all all layers will be included. (default is None) kper : int MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. (default is zero) key : str MfList dictionary key. (default is None) Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis are returned. """ defaults = { "kper": 0, "filename_base": None, "file_extension": "png", "mflay": None, "key": None, "initial_fig": 0, "model_name": "", "modelgrid": None, } for key in defaults: if key in kwargs: if key == "file_extension": defaults[key] = kwargs[key].replace(".", "") elif key == "initial_fig": defaults[key] = int(kwargs[key]) else: defaults[key] = kwargs[key] kwargs.pop(key) model_name = defaults.pop("model_name") nlay = package.parent.modelgrid.nlay inc = nlay if defaults["mflay"] is not None: inc = 1 axes = [] for item, value in package.__dict__.items(): caxs = [] # trap non-flopy specific data_types. if isinstance(value, list): for v in value: if isinstance(v, Util3d): if package.parent.verbose: print( "plotting {} package Util3d instance: {}".format([0], item ) ) fignum = list( range( defaults["initial_fig"], defaults["initial_fig"] + inc, ) ) defaults["initial_fig"] = fignum[-1] + 1 caxs.append( PlotUtilities._plot_util3d_helper( v, filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], mflay=defaults["mflay"], fignum=fignum, model_name=model_name, colorbar=True, modelgrid=defaults["modelgrid"], ) ) elif isinstance(value, DataInterface): if ( value.data_type == DataType.transientlist ): # isinstance(value, (MfList, MFTransientList)): if package.parent.verbose: print( "plotting {} package MfList instance: {}".format([0], item ) ) if defaults["key"] is None: names = [ "{} {} location stress period {} layer {}".format( model_name,[0], defaults["kper"] + 1, k + 1, ) for k in range(package.parent.modelgrid.nlay) ] colorbar = False else: names = [ "{} {} {} data stress period {} layer {}".format( model_name,[0], defaults["key"], defaults["kper"] + 1, k + 1, ) for k in range(package.parent.modelgrid.nlay) ] colorbar = True fignum = list( range( defaults["initial_fig"], defaults["initial_fig"] + inc, ) ) defaults["initial_fig"] = fignum[-1] + 1 # need to keep this as value.plot() because of # mf6 datatype issues ax = value.plot( defaults["key"], names, defaults["kper"], filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], mflay=defaults["mflay"], fignum=fignum, colorbar=colorbar, modelgrid=defaults["modelgrid"], **kwargs, ) if ax is not None: caxs.append(ax) elif ( value.data_type == DataType.array3d ): # isinstance(value, Util3d): if value.array is not None: if package.parent.verbose: print( "plotting {} package Util3d instance: {}".format([0], item ) ) # fignum = list(range(ifig, ifig + inc)) fignum = list( range( defaults["initial_fig"], defaults["initial_fig"] + min(value.array.shape[0], nlay), ) ) defaults["initial_fig"] = fignum[-1] + 1 caxs.append( PlotUtilities._plot_util3d_helper( value, filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], mflay=defaults["mflay"], fignum=fignum, model_name=model_name, colorbar=True, modelgrid=defaults["modelgrid"], ) ) elif ( value.data_type == DataType.array2d ): # isinstance(value, Util2d): if value.array is not None: if len(value.array.shape) == 2: # is this necessary? if package.parent.verbose: print( "plotting {} package Util2d instance: {}".format([0], item ) ) fignum = list( range( defaults["initial_fig"], defaults["initial_fig"] + 1, ) ) defaults["initial_fig"] = fignum[-1] + 1 caxs.append( PlotUtilities._plot_util2d_helper( value, filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], fignum=fignum, model_name=model_name, colorbar=True, modelgrid=defaults["modelgrid"], ) ) elif ( value.data_type == DataType.transient2d ): # isinstance(value, Transient2d): if value.array is not None: if package.parent.verbose: print( "plotting {} package Transient2d instance: {}".format([0], item ) ) fignum = list( range( defaults["initial_fig"], defaults["initial_fig"] + inc, ) ) defaults["initial_fig"] = fignum[-1] + 1 caxs.append( PlotUtilities._plot_transient2d_helper( value, filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], kper=defaults["kper"], fignum=fignum, colorbar=True, modelgrid=defaults["modelgrid"], ) ) else: pass else: pass # unroll nested lists os axes into a single list of axes if isinstance(caxs, list): for c in caxs: if isinstance(c, list): for cc in c: axes.append(cc) else: axes.append(c) else: axes.append(caxs) return axes @staticmethod def _plot_mflist_helper( mflist, key=None, names=None, kper=0, filename_base=None, file_extension=None, mflay=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot stress period boundary condition (MfList) data for a specified stress period Parameters ---------- mflist: flopy.utils.util_list.MfList object key : str MfList dictionary key. (default is None) names : list List of names for figure titles. (default is None) kper : int MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. (default is zero) filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') mflay : int MODFLOW zero-based layer number to return. If None, then all all layers will be included. (default is None) **kwargs : dict axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis List of matplotlib.pyplot.axis that will be used to plot data for each layer. If axes=None axes will be generated. (default is None) pcolor : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh plot will be plotted. (default is True) colorbar : bool Boolean used to determine if a color bar will be added to the matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Only used if pcolor=True. (default is False) inactive : bool Boolean used to determine if a black overlay in inactive cells in a layer will be displayed. (default is True) contour : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.contour plot will be plotted. (default is False) clabel : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.clabel will be plotted. Only used if contour=True. (default is False) grid : bool Boolean used to determine if the model grid will be plotted on the figure. (default is False) masked_values : list List of unique values to be excluded from the plot. Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis is returned. """ if file_extension is not None: fext = file_extension else: fext = "png" model_name = "" if "model_name" in kwargs: model_name = kwargs.pop("model_name") + " " modelgrid = None if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") filenames = None if filename_base is not None: if mflay is not None: i0 = int(mflay) if i0 + 1 >= mflist.model.modelgrid.nlay: i0 = mflist.model.modelgrid.nlay - 1 i1 = i0 + 1 else: i0 = 0 i1 = mflist.model.modelgrid.nlay # build filenames package_name =[0].upper() filenames = [ "{}_{}_StressPeriod{}_Layer{}.{}".format( filename_base, package_name, kper + 1, k + 1, fext ) for k in range(i0, i1) ] if names is None: if key is None: names = [ "{}{} location stress period: {} layer: {}".format( model_name,[0], kper + 1, k + 1 ) for k in range(mflist.model.modelgrid.nlay) ] else: names = [ "{}{} {} stress period: {} layer: {}".format( model_name,[0], key, kper + 1, k + 1, ) for k in range(mflist.model.modelgrid.nlay) ] if key is None: axes = PlotUtilities._plot_bc_helper( mflist.package, kper, names=names, filenames=filenames, mflay=mflay, modelgrid=modelgrid, **kwargs, ) else: arr_dict = mflist.to_array(kper, mask=True) try: arr = arr_dict[key] except KeyError: err_msg = f'Cannot find key "{key}" to plot\n Available keys=' err_msg += ", ".join(str(k) for k in arr_dict.keys()) raise KeyError(err_msg) axes = PlotUtilities._plot_array_helper( arr, model=mflist.model, names=names, filenames=filenames, mflay=mflay, modelgrid=modelgrid, **kwargs, ) return axes @staticmethod def _plot_util2d_helper( util2d, title=None, filename_base=None, file_extension=None, fignum=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot 2-D model input data Parameters ---------- util2d : flopy.util.util_array.Util2d object title : str Plot title. If a plot title is not provide one will be created based on data name ( (default is None) filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') fignum : list list of figure numbers **kwargs : dict axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis List of matplotlib.pyplot.axis that will be used to plot data for each layer. If axes=None axes will be generated. (default is None) pcolor : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh plot will be plotted. (default is True) colorbar : bool Boolean used to determine if a color bar will be added to the matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Only used if pcolor=True. (default is False) inactive : bool Boolean used to determine if a black overlay in inactive cells in a layer will be displayed. (default is True) contour : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.contour plot will be plotted. (default is False) clabel : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.clabel will be plotted. Only used if contour=True. (default is False) grid : bool Boolean used to determine if the model grid will be plotted on the figure. (default is False) masked_values : list List of unique values to be excluded from the plot. Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis is returned. """ model_name = "" if "model_name" in kwargs: model_name = kwargs.pop("model_name") + " " modelgrid = None if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") if title is None: title = f"{model_name}{}" if file_extension is not None: fext = file_extension else: fext = "png" filename = None if filename_base is not None: filename = f"{filename_base}_{}.{fext}" axes = PlotUtilities._plot_array_helper( util2d.array, util2d.model, names=title, filenames=filename, fignum=fignum, modelgrid=modelgrid, **kwargs, ) return axes @staticmethod def _plot_util3d_helper( util3d, filename_base=None, file_extension=None, mflay=None, fignum=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot 3-D model input data Parameters ---------- util3d : flopy.util.util_array.Util3d object filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') mflay : int MODFLOW zero-based layer number to return. If None, then all all layers will be included. (default is None) fignum : list list of figure numbers **kwargs : dict axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis List of matplotlib.pyplot.axis that will be used to plot data for each layer. If axes=None axes will be generated. (default is None) pcolor : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh plot will be plotted. (default is True) colorbar : bool Boolean used to determine if a color bar will be added to the matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Only used if pcolor=True. (default is False) inactive : bool Boolean used to determine if a black overlay in inactive cells in a layer will be displayed. (default is True) contour : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.contour plot will be plotted. (default is False) clabel : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.clabel will be plotted. Only used if contour=True. (default is False) grid : bool Boolean used to determine if the model grid will be plotted on the figure. (default is False) masked_values : list List of unique values to be excluded from the plot. Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis is returned. """ model_name = "" if "model_name" in kwargs: model_name = kwargs.pop("model_name") modelgrid = None if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") if file_extension is not None: fext = file_extension else: fext = "png" model = util3d.model if isinstance(util3d, Util3d): nplottable_layers = util3d.shape[0] else: # flopy6 adaption nplottable_layers = model.modelgrid.nlay array = util3d.array name = if isinstance(name, str): name = [name] * nplottable_layers names = [ f"{model_name}{name[k]} layer {k + 1}" for k in range(nplottable_layers) ] filenames = None if filename_base is not None: # build filenames, use local "name" variable (flopy6 adaptation) filenames = [ f"{filename_base}_{name[k]}_Layer{k + 1}.{fext}" for k in range(nplottable_layers) ] axes = PlotUtilities._plot_array_helper( array, model, names=names, filenames=filenames, mflay=mflay, fignum=fignum, modelgrid=modelgrid, **kwargs, ) return axes @staticmethod def _plot_transient2d_helper( transient2d, filename_base=None, file_extension=None, kper=0, fignum=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot transient 2-D model input data Parameters ---------- transient2d : flopy.utils.util_array.Transient2D object filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') kper : int zero based stress period number fignum : list list of figure numbers **kwargs : dict axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis List of matplotlib.pyplot.axis that will be used to plot data for each layer. If axes=None axes will be generated. (default is None) pcolor : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh plot will be plotted. (default is True) colorbar : bool Boolean used to determine if a color bar will be added to the matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Only used if pcolor=True. (default is False) inactive : bool Boolean used to determine if a black overlay in inactive cells in a layer will be displayed. (default is True) contour : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.contour plot will be plotted. (default is False) clabel : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.clabel will be plotted. Only used if contour=True. (default is False) grid : bool Boolean used to determine if the model grid will be plotted on the figure. (default is False) masked_values : list List of unique values to be excluded from the plot. kper : str MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. If kper='all' then data for all stress period will be extracted. (default is zero). Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis is returned. """ if file_extension is not None: fext = file_extension else: fext = "png" modelgrid = None if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") if isinstance(kper, int): k0 = kper k1 = kper + 1 elif isinstance(kper, str): if kper.lower() == "all": k0 = 0 k1 = transient2d.model.nper else: k0 = int(kper) k1 = k0 + 1 else: k0 = int(kper) k1 = k0 + 1 if fignum is not None: if not isinstance(fignum, list): fignum = list(fignum) else: fignum = list(range(k0, k1)) if "mflay" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("mflay") axes = [] for idx, kper in enumerate(range(k0, k1)): title = "{} stress period {:d}".format("_", "").upper(), kper + 1 ) if filename_base is not None: filename = f"{filename_base}_{kper + 1:05d}.{fext}" else: filename = None axes.append( PlotUtilities._plot_array_helper( transient2d.array[kper], transient2d.model, names=title, filenames=filename, fignum=fignum[idx], modelgrid=modelgrid, **kwargs, ) ) return axes @staticmethod def _plot_scalar_helper( scalar, filename_base=None, file_extension=None, **kwargs ): """ Helper method to plot scalar objects Parameters ---------- scalar : object filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') Returns ------- axes: list matplotlib.axes object """ if file_extension is not None: fext = file_extension else: fext = "png" if "mflay" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("mflay") modelgrid = None if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") title ="_", "").upper() if filename_base is not None: filename = f"{filename_base}.{fext}" else: filename = None axes = PlotUtilities._plot_array_helper( scalar.array, scalar.model, names=title, filenames=filename, modelgrid=modelgrid, **kwargs, ) return axes @staticmethod def _plot_array_helper( plotarray, model=None, modelgrid=None, axes=None, names=None, filenames=None, fignum=None, mflay=None, **kwargs, ): """ Helper method to plot array objects Parameters ---------- plotarray : np.array object model: fp.modflow.Modflow object optional if spatial reference is provided modelgrid: fp.discretization.Grid object object that defines the spatial orientation of a modflow grid within flopy. Optional if model object is provided axes: matplotlib.axes object existing matplotlib axis object to layer additional plotting on to. Optional. names: list list of figure titles (optional) filenames: list list of filenames to save figures to (optional) fignum: list of figure numbers (optional) mflay: int modflow model layer **kwargs: keyword arguments Returns: axes: list matplotlib.axes object """ from .map import PlotMapView defaults = { "figsize": None, "masked_values": None, "pcolor": True, "inactive": True, "contour": False, "clabel": False, "colorbar": False, "grid": False, "levels": None, "colors": "black", "dpi": None, "fmt": "%1.3f", "modelgrid": None, } for key in defaults: if key in kwargs: defaults[key] = kwargs.pop(key) plotarray = plotarray.astype(float) # set values if model is not None: hnoflo = model.hnoflo hdry = model.hdry if defaults["masked_values"] is None: t = [] if hnoflo is not None: t.append(hnoflo) if hdry is not None: t.append(hdry) if t: defaults["masked_values"] = t else: if hnoflo is not None: defaults["masked_values"].append(hnoflo) if hdry is not None: defaults["masked_values"].append(hdry) if modelgrid is None: modelgrid = model.modelgrid ib = None if modelgrid is not None: if modelgrid.idomain is not None: ib = modelgrid.idomain else: if ib is None: try: ib = model.modelgrid.idomain except: pass # Code needs to set maxlay to 1 if the plottable array is for just # one layer. So it needs to set maxlay to 1 for the following types # of arrays: top[nrow, ncol], hk[nlay, nrow, ncol], and # rech[1, nrow, ncol] maxlay = modelgrid.get_number_plottable_layers(plotarray) # setup plotting routines i0, i1 = PlotUtilities._set_layer_range(mflay, maxlay) names = PlotUtilities._set_names(names, maxlay) filenames = PlotUtilities._set_names(filenames, maxlay) fignum = PlotUtilities._set_fignum(fignum, maxlay, i0, i1) axes = PlotUtilities._set_axes( axes, mflay, maxlay, i0, i1, defaults, names, fignum ) for idx, k in enumerate(range(i0, i1)): fig = plt.figure(num=fignum[idx]) pmv = PlotMapView( ax=axes[idx], model=model, modelgrid=modelgrid, layer=k ) if defaults["pcolor"]: cm = pmv.plot_array( plotarray, masked_values=defaults["masked_values"], ax=axes[idx], **kwargs, ) if defaults["colorbar"]: label = "" if not isinstance(defaults["colorbar"], bool): label = str(defaults["colorbar"]) plt.colorbar(cm, ax=axes[idx], shrink=0.5, label=label) if defaults["contour"]: cl = pmv.contour_array( plotarray, masked_values=defaults["masked_values"], ax=axes[idx], colors=defaults["colors"], levels=defaults["levels"], **kwargs, ) if defaults["clabel"]: axes[idx].clabel(cl, fmt=defaults["fmt"], **kwargs) if defaults["grid"]: pmv.plot_grid(ax=axes[idx]) if defaults["inactive"]: if ib is not None: pmv.plot_inactive(ibound=ib, ax=axes[idx]) if len(axes) == 1: axes = axes[0] if filenames is not None: for idx, k in enumerate(range(i0, i1)): fig = plt.figure(num=fignum[idx]) fig.savefig(filenames[idx], dpi=defaults["dpi"]) print(f" created...{os.path.basename(filenames[idx])}") # there will be nothing to return when done axes = None plt.close("all") return axes @staticmethod def _plot_bc_helper( package, kper, axes=None, names=None, filenames=None, fignum=None, mflay=None, **kwargs, ): """ Helper method to plot bc objects from flopy packages Parameters ---------- package : flopy.pakbase.Package objects kper : int zero based stress period number axes: matplotlib.axes object existing matplotlib axis object to layer additional plotting on to. Optional. names: list list of figure titles (optional) filenames: list list of filenames to save figures to (optional) fignum: list of figure numbers (optional) mflay: int modflow model layer **kwargs: keyword arguments Returns ------- axes: list matplotlib.axes object """ from .map import PlotMapView defaults = { "figsize": None, "inactive": True, "grid": False, "dpi": None, "masked_values": None, } # parse kwargs for key in defaults: if key in kwargs: defaults[key] = kwargs.pop(key) ftype =[0] color = "black" if "CHD" in ftype.upper(): color = bc_color_dict[ftype.upper()[:3]] # flopy-modflow vs. flopy-modflow6 trap try: model = package.parent except AttributeError: model = package._model_or_sim nlay = model.modelgrid.nlay # set up plotting routines i0, i1 = PlotUtilities._set_layer_range(mflay, nlay) names = PlotUtilities._set_names(names, nlay) filenames = PlotUtilities._set_names(filenames, i1 - i0) fignum = PlotUtilities._set_fignum(fignum, i1 - i0, i0, i1) axes = PlotUtilities._set_axes( axes, mflay, nlay, i0, i1, defaults, names, fignum ) for idx, k in enumerate(range(i0, i1)): pmv = PlotMapView(ax=axes[idx], model=model, layer=k) fig = plt.figure(num=fignum[idx]) pmv.plot_bc( ftype=ftype, package=package, kper=kper, ax=axes[idx], color=color, ) if defaults["grid"]: pmv.plot_grid(ax=axes[idx]) if defaults["inactive"]: if model.modelgrid is not None: ib = model.modelgrid.idomain if ib is not None: pmv.plot_inactive(ibound=ib, ax=axes[idx]) if len(axes) == 1: axes = axes[0] if filenames is not None: for idx, k in enumerate(range(i0, i1)): fig = plt.figure(num=fignum[idx]) fig.savefig(filenames[idx], dpi=defaults["dpi"]) plt.close(fignum[idx]) print(f" created...{os.path.basename(filenames[idx])}") # there will be nothing to return when done axes = None plt.close("all") return axes @staticmethod def _set_layer_range(mflay, maxlay): """ Re-usable method to check for mflay and set the range of plottable layers Parameters ---------- mflay : int zero based layer number maxlay : int maximum number of layers in the plotting array Returns ------- i0, i1 : int, int minimum and maximum bounds on the layer range """ if mflay is not None: i0 = int(mflay) if i0 + 1 >= maxlay: i0 = maxlay - 1 i1 = i0 + 1 else: i0 = 0 i1 = maxlay return i0, i1 @staticmethod def _set_names(names, maxlay): """ Checks the supplied name variable for shape Parameters ---------- names : list of str if names is not none, asserts that there is a name supplied for each plot that will be generated maxlay : int maximum number of layers in the plotting array Returns ------- names : list or None list of names or None """ if names is not None: if not isinstance(names, list): if maxlay > 1: names = [f"{names} layer {i + 1}" for i in range(maxlay)] else: names = [names] msg = f"{len(names)} /= {maxlay}: {names}" assert len(names) == maxlay, msg return names @staticmethod def _set_fignum(fignum, maxlay, i0, i1): """ Method to generate a list of matplotlib figure numbers to join to figure objects. Checks for existing figures. Parameters ---------- fignum : list list of figure numbers maxlay : int maximum number of layers in the plotting array i0 : int minimum layer range i1 : int maximum layer range Returns ------- fignum : list """ if fignum is not None: if not isinstance(fignum, list): fignum = [fignum] msg = f"{len(fignum)} /= {maxlay}" assert len(fignum) == maxlay, msg # check for existing figures f0 = fignum[0] for i in plt.get_fignums(): if i >= f0: f0 = i + 1 finc = f0 - fignum[0] for idx, _ in enumerate(fignum): fignum[idx] += finc else: # check for existing figures f0 = 0 for i in plt.get_fignums(): if i >= f0: f0 += 1 f1 = f0 + (i1 - i0) fignum = np.arange(f0, f1) return fignum @staticmethod def _set_axes(axes, mflay, maxlay, i0, i1, defaults, names, fignum): """ Method to prepare axes objects for plotting Parameters ---------- axes : list matplotlib.axes objects mflay : int layer to plot or None i0 : int minimum range of layers to plot i1 : int maximum range of layers to plot defaults : dict the default dictionary from the parent plotting method fignum : list list of figure numbers Returns ------- axes : list matplotlib.axes objects """ if axes is not None: if not isinstance(axes, list): axes = [axes] assert len(axes) == maxlay else: # prepare some axis objects for use axes = [] for idx, k in enumerate(range(i0, i1)): plt.figure(figsize=defaults["figsize"], num=fignum[idx]) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect="equal") if names is not None: title = names[k] else: klay = k if mflay is not None: klay = int(mflay) title = f"data Layer {klay + 1}" ax.set_title(title) axes.append(ax) return axes
[docs] @staticmethod def saturated_thickness(head, top, botm, laytyp, mask_values=None): """ Calculate the saturated thickness. Parameters ---------- head : numpy.ndarray head array top : numpy.ndarray top array of shape (nrow, ncol) botm : numpy.ndarray botm array of shape (nlay, nrow, ncol) laytyp : numpy.ndarray confined (0) or convertible (1) of shape (nlay) mask_values : list of floats If head is one of these values, then set sat to top - bot Returns ------- sat_thk : numpy.ndarray Saturated thickness of shape (nlay, nrow, ncol). """ if head.ndim == 3: head = np.copy(head) nlay, nrow, ncol = head.shape ncpl = nrow * ncol head.shape = (nlay, ncpl) top.shape = (ncpl,) botm.shape = (nlay, ncpl) if laytyp.ndim == 3: laytyp.shape = (nlay, ncpl) else: nrow, ncol = None, None nlay, ncpl = head.shape # cast a laytyp flag for each cell if modflow-2005 based, # which makes it consistent with the mf6 iconvert array if laytyp.ndim == 1: t = np.zeros(head.shape) for ix, _ in enumerate(laytyp): t[ix, :] = laytyp[ix] laytyp = t del t sat_thk_conf = np.empty(head.shape, dtype=head.dtype) sat_thk_unconf = np.empty(head.shape, dtype=head.dtype) for k in range(nlay): if k == 0: t = top else: t = botm[k - 1, :] sat_thk_conf[k, :] = t - botm[k, :] for k in range(nlay): dh = np.zeros((ncpl,), dtype=head.dtype) s = sat_thk_conf[k, :] for mv in mask_values: idx = head[k, :] == mv dh[idx] = s[idx] if k == 0: t = top else: t = botm[k - 1, :] t = np.where(head[k, :] > t, t, head[k, :]) dh = np.where(dh == 0, t - botm[k, :], dh) sat_thk_unconf[k, :] = dh[:] sat_thk = np.where(laytyp != 0, sat_thk_unconf, sat_thk_conf) if nrow is not None and ncol is not None: sat_thk.shape = (nlay, nrow, ncol) return sat_thk
[docs] @staticmethod def centered_specific_discharge(Qx, Qy, Qz, delr, delc, sat_thk): """ DEPRECATED. Use postprocessing.get_specific_discharge() instead. Using the MODFLOW discharge, calculate the cell centered specific discharge by dividing by the flow width and then averaging to the cell center. Parameters ---------- Qx : numpy.ndarray MODFLOW 'flow right face' Qy : numpy.ndarray MODFLOW 'flow front face'. The sign on this array will be flipped by this function so that the y axis is positive to north. Qz : numpy.ndarray MODFLOW 'flow lower face'. The sign on this array will be flipped by this function so that the z axis is positive in the upward direction. delr : numpy.ndarray MODFLOW delr array delc : numpy.ndarray MODFLOW delc array sat_thk : numpy.ndarray Saturated thickness for each cell Returns ------- (qx, qy, qz) : tuple of numpy.ndarrays Specific discharge arrays that have been interpolated to cell centers. """ warnings.warn( "centered_specific_discharge() has been deprecated and will be " "removed in version 3.3.5. Use " "postprocessing.get_specific_discharge() instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) qx = None qy = None qz = None if Qx is not None: nlay, nrow, ncol = Qx.shape qx = np.zeros(Qx.shape, dtype=Qx.dtype) for k in range(nlay): for j in range(ncol - 1): area = ( delc[:] * 0.5 * (sat_thk[k, :, j] + sat_thk[k, :, j + 1]) ) idx = area > 0.0 qx[k, idx, j] = Qx[k, idx, j] / area[idx] qx[:, :, 1:] = 0.5 * (qx[:, :, 0 : ncol - 1] + qx[:, :, 1:ncol]) qx[:, :, 0] = 0.5 * qx[:, :, 0] if Qy is not None: nlay, nrow, ncol = Qy.shape qy = np.zeros(Qy.shape, dtype=Qy.dtype) for k in range(nlay): for i in range(nrow - 1): area = ( delr[:] * 0.5 * (sat_thk[k, i, :] + sat_thk[k, i + 1, :]) ) idx = area > 0.0 qy[k, i, idx] = Qy[k, i, idx] / area[idx] qy[:, 1:, :] = 0.5 * (qy[:, 0 : nrow - 1, :] + qy[:, 1:nrow, :]) qy[:, 0, :] = 0.5 * qy[:, 0, :] qy = -qy if Qz is not None: qz = np.zeros(Qz.shape, dtype=Qz.dtype) dr = delr.reshape((1, delr.shape[0])) dc = delc.reshape((delc.shape[0], 1)) area = dr * dc for k in range(nlay): qz[k, :, :] = Qz[k, :, :] / area[:, :] qz[1:, :, :] = 0.5 * (qz[0 : nlay - 1, :, :] + qz[1:nlay, :, :]) qz[0, :, :] = 0.5 * qz[0, :, :] qz = -qz return (qx, qy, qz)
[docs]class UnstructuredPlotUtilities: """ Collection of unstructured grid and vertex grid compatible plotting helper functions """
[docs] @staticmethod def line_intersect_grid(ptsin, xgrid, ygrid): """ Uses cross product method to find which cells intersect with the line and then uses the parameterized line equation to caluculate intersection x, y vertex points. Should be quite fast for large model grids! Parameters ---------- pts : list list of tuple line vertex pairs (ex. [(1, 0), (10, 0)] xgrid : np.array model grid x vertices ygrid : np.array model grid y vertices Returns ------- vdict : dict of cell vertices """ # make sure xedge and yedge are numpy arrays if not isinstance(xgrid, np.ndarray): xgrid = np.array(xgrid) if not isinstance(ygrid, np.ndarray): ygrid = np.array(ygrid) npts = len(ptsin) # use a vector cross product to find which # cells intersect the line vdict = {} for ix in range(1, npts): xmin = np.min([ptsin[ix - 1][0], ptsin[ix][0]]) xmax = np.max([ptsin[ix - 1][0], ptsin[ix][0]]) ymin = np.min([ptsin[ix - 1][1], ptsin[ix][1]]) ymax = np.max([ptsin[ix - 1][1], ptsin[ix][1]]) x1 = np.ones(xgrid.shape) * ptsin[ix - 1][0] y1 = np.ones(ygrid.shape) * ptsin[ix - 1][1] x2 = np.ones(xgrid.shape) * ptsin[ix][0] y2 = np.ones(ygrid.shape) * ptsin[ix][1] x3 = xgrid y3 = ygrid x4 = np.zeros(xgrid.shape) y4 = np.zeros(ygrid.shape) x4[:, :-1] = xgrid[:, 1:] x4[:, -1] = xgrid[:, 0] y4[:, :-1] = ygrid[:, 1:] y4[:, -1] = ygrid[:, 0] # find where intersection is v1 = [x2 - x1, y2 - y1] v2 = [x2 - x3, y2 - y3] xp = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0] # loop finds which edges the line intersects cells = [] cell_vertex_ix = [] for cell, cpv in enumerate(xp): if np.all([t < 0 for t in cpv]): continue elif np.all([t > 0 for t in cpv]): continue else: # only cycle through the cells that intersect # the infinite line cvert_ix = [] for vx in range(len(cpv)): if cpv[vx - 1] < 0 and cpv[vx] > 0: cvert_ix.append(vx - 1) elif cpv[vx - 1] > 0 and cpv[vx] < 0: cvert_ix.append(vx - 1) elif cpv[vx - 1] == 0 and cpv[vx] == 0: cvert_ix += [vx - 1, vx] else: pass if cvert_ix: cells.append(cell) cell_vertex_ix.append(cvert_ix) # find intersection vertices numa = (x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3) numb = (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3) denom = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1) ua = np.zeros(denom.shape, dtype=denom.dtype) idx = np.where(denom != 0.0) ua[idx] = numa[idx] / denom[idx] # ub = numb / denom del numa del numb del denom x = x1 + ua * (x2 - x1) y = y1 + ua * (y2 - y1) for iix, cell in enumerate(cells): xc = x[cell] yc = y[cell] verts = [ (xt, yt) for xt, yt in zip( xc[cell_vertex_ix[iix]], yc[cell_vertex_ix[iix]] ) ] if cell in vdict: for i in verts: # finally check that verts are # within the line segment range if i[0] < xmin or i[0] > xmax: continue elif i[1] < ymin or i[1] > ymax: continue elif i in vdict[cell]: continue elif ( np.isnan(i[0]) or np.isinf(i[0]) or np.isinf(i[1]) or np.isnan(i[1]) ): continue else: vdict[cell].append(i) else: # finally check that verts are # within the line segment range t = [] for i in verts: if i[0] < xmin or i[0] > xmax: continue elif i[1] < ymin or i[1] > ymax: continue elif i in t: continue elif ( np.isnan(i[0]) or np.isinf(i[0]) or np.isinf(i[1]) or np.isnan(i[1]) ): continue else: t.append(i) if t: vdict[cell] = t return vdict
[docs] @staticmethod def irregular_shape_patch(xverts, yverts): """ Patch for vertex cross section plotting when we have an irregular shape type throughout the model grid or multiple shape types. Parameters ---------- xverts : list xvertices yverts : list yvertices Returns ------- xverts, yverts as np.ndarray """ max_verts = 0 for xv in xverts: if len(xv) > max_verts: max_verts = len(xv) for yv in yverts: if len(yv) > max_verts: max_verts = len(yv) adj_xverts = [] for xv in xverts: if len(xv) < max_verts: xv = list(xv) n = max_verts - len(xv) adj_xverts.append(xv + [xv[-1]] * n) else: adj_xverts.append(xv) adj_yverts = [] for yv in yverts: if len(yv) < max_verts: yv = list(yv) n = max_verts - len(yv) adj_yverts.append(yv + [yv[-1]] * n) else: adj_yverts.append(yv) xverts = np.array(adj_xverts) yverts = np.array(adj_yverts) return xverts, yverts
[docs] @staticmethod def arctan2(verts, reverse=False): """ Reads 2 dimensional set of verts and orders them using the arctan 2 method Parameters ---------- verts : np.array of floats Nx2 array of verts Returns ------- verts : np.array of float Nx2 array of verts """ center = verts.mean(axis=0) x = verts.T[0] - center[0] z = verts.T[1] - center[1] angles = np.arctan2(z, x) * 180 / np.pi angleidx = angles.argsort() verts = verts[angleidx] if reverse: return verts[::-1] return verts
[docs]class SwiConcentration: """ The binary_header class is a class to create headers for MODFLOW binary files """ def __init__(self, model=None, botm=None, istrat=1, nu=None): if model is None: if isinstance(botm, list): botm = np.array(botm) self.__botm = botm if isinstance(nu, list): nu = np.array(nu) self.__nu = nu self.__istrat = istrat if istrat == 1: self.__nsrf = - 1 else: self.__nsrf = - 2 else: try: dis = model.get_package("DIS") except: print("Error: DIS package not available.") self.__botm = np.zeros((dis.nlay + 1, dis.nrow, dis.ncol), float) self.__botm[0, :, :] = self.__botm[1:, :, :] = dis.botm.array try: swi = model.get_package("SWI2") self.__nu = self.__istrat = swi.istrat self.__nsrf = swi.nsrf except (AttributeError, ValueError): print("Error: SWI2 package not available...") self.__nlay = self.__botm.shape[0] - 1 self.__nrow = self.__botm[0, :, :].shape[0] self.__ncol = self.__botm[0, :, :].shape[1] self.__b = self.__botm[0:-1, :, :] - self.__botm[1:, :, :]
[docs] def calc_conc(self, zeta, layer=None): """ Calculate concentrations for a given time step using passed zeta. Parameters ---------- zeta : dictionary of numpy arrays Dictionary of zeta results. zeta keys are zero-based zeta surfaces. layer : int Concentration will be calculated for the specified layer. If layer is None, then the concentration will be calculated for all layers. (default is None). Returns ------- conc : numpy array Calculated concentration. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow.load('test') >>> c = flopy.plot.SwiConcentration(model=m) >>> conc = c.calc_conc(z, layer=0) """ conc = np.zeros((self.__nlay, self.__nrow, self.__ncol), float) pct = {} for isrf in range(self.__nsrf): z = zeta[isrf] pct[isrf] = (self.__botm[:-1, :, :] - z[:, :, :]) / self.__b[ :, :, : ] for isrf in range(self.__nsrf): p = pct[isrf] if self.__istrat == 1: conc[:, :, :] += self.__nu[isrf] * p[:, :, :] if isrf + 1 == self.__nsrf: conc[:, :, :] += self.__nu[isrf + 1] * (1.0 - p[:, :, :]) # TODO linear option if layer is None: return conc else: return conc[layer, :, :]
[docs]def shapefile_extents(shp): """ Determine the extents of a shapefile Parameters ---------- shp : string Name of the shapefile to convert to a PatchCollection. Returns ------- extents : tuple tuple with xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax from shapefile. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> fshp = 'myshapefile' >>> extent = flopy.plot.plotutil.shapefile_extents(fshp) """ shapefile = import_optional_dependency("shapefile") sf = shapefile.Reader(shp) shapes = sf.shapes() nshp = len(shapes) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = 1.0e20, -1.0e20, 1.0e20, -1.0e20 for n in range(nshp): for p in shapes[n].points: xmin, xmax = min(xmin, p[0]), max(xmax, p[0]) ymin, ymax = min(ymin, p[1]), max(ymax, p[1]) return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
[docs]def shapefile_get_vertices(shp): """ Get vertices for the features in a shapefile Parameters ---------- shp : string Name of the shapefile to extract shapefile feature vertices. Returns ------- vertices : list Vertices is a list with vertices for each feature in the shapefile. Individual feature vertices are x, y tuples and contained in a list. A list with a single x, y tuple is returned for point shapefiles. A list with multiple x, y tuples is returned for polyline and polygon shapefiles. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> fshp = 'myshapefile' >>> lines = flopy.plot.plotutil.shapefile_get_vertices(fshp) """ shapefile = import_optional_dependency("shapefile") sf = shapefile.Reader(shp) shapes = sf.shapes() nshp = len(shapes) vertices = [] for n in range(nshp): st = shapes[n].shapeType if st in [1, 8, 11, 21]: # points for p in shapes[n].points: vertices.append([(p[0], p[1])]) elif st in [3, 13, 23]: # line line = [] for p in shapes[n].points: line.append((p[0], p[1])) line = np.array(line) vertices.append(line) elif st in [5, 25, 31]: # polygons pts = np.array(shapes[n].points) prt = shapes[n].parts par = list(prt) + [pts.shape[0]] for pij in range(len(prt)): vertices.append(pts[par[pij] : par[pij + 1]]) return vertices
[docs]def shapefile_to_patch_collection(shp, radius=500.0, idx=None): """ Create a patch collection from the shapes in a shapefile Parameters ---------- shp : string Name of the shapefile to convert to a PatchCollection. radius : float Radius of circle for points in the shapefile. (Default is 500.) idx : iterable int A list or array that contains shape numbers to include in the patch collection. Return all shapes if not specified. Returns ------- pc : matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection Patch collection of shapes in the shapefile """ import matplotlib.path as MPath from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection from matplotlib.patches import Circle, PathPatch, Polygon from ..utils.geometry import point_in_polygon from ..utils.geospatial_utils import GeoSpatialCollection geofeats = GeoSpatialCollection(shp) shapes = geofeats.shape nshp = len(shapes) ptchs = [] if idx is None: idx = range(nshp) for n in idx: st = shapes[n].shapeType if st in [1, 8, 11, 21]: # points for p in shapes[n].points: ptchs.append(Circle((p[0], p[1]), radius=radius)) elif st in [3, 13, 23]: # line vertices = [] for p in shapes[n].points: vertices.append([p[0], p[1]]) vertices += vertices[::-1] vertices = np.array(vertices) ptchs.append(Polygon(vertices)) elif st in [5, 25, 31]: # polygons pts = np.array(shapes[n].points) prt = shapes[n].parts par = list(prt) + [pts.shape[0]] polys = [] for pij in range(len(prt)): poly = np.array(pts[par[pij] : par[pij + 1]]) if not polys: polys.append(poly) else: temp = [] for ix, p in enumerate(polys): # check multipolygons for holes! mask = point_in_polygon( poly.T[0].reshape(1, -1), poly.T[1].reshape(1, -1), p, ) if np.all(mask): temp.append((poly, ix)) else: temp.append((poly, -1)) for p, flag in temp: if flag < 0: polys.append(p) else: # hole in polygon if isinstance(polys[flag], list): polys[flag].append(p) else: polys[flag] = [polys[flag], p] for poly in polys: if isinstance(poly, list): codes = [] for path in poly: c = ( np.ones(len(path), dtype=MPath.Path.code_type) * MPath.Path.LINETO ) c[0] = MPath.Path.MOVETO if len(codes) == 0: codes = c verts = path else: codes = np.concatenate((codes, c)) verts = np.concatenate((verts, path)) mplpath = MPath.Path(verts, codes) ptchs.append(PathPatch(mplpath)) else: ptchs.append(Polygon(poly)) pc = PatchCollection(ptchs) return pc
[docs]def plot_shapefile( shp, ax=None, radius=500.0, cmap="Dark2", edgecolor="scaled", facecolor="scaled", a=None, masked_values=None, idx=None, **kwargs, ): """ Generic function for plotting a shapefile. Parameters ---------- shp : string Name of the shapefile to plot. ax : matplolib.pyplot.axes object radius : float Radius of circle for points. (Default is 500.) cmap : string Name of colormap to use for polygon shading (default is 'Dark2') edgecolor : string Color name. (Default is 'scaled' to scale the edge colors.) facecolor : string Color name. (Default is 'scaled' to scale the face colors.) a : numpy.ndarray Array to plot. masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. idx : iterable int A list or array that contains shape numbers to include in the patch collection. Return all shapes if not specified. kwargs : dictionary Keyword arguments that are passed to PatchCollection.set(``**kwargs``). Some common kwargs would be 'linewidths', 'linestyles', 'alpha', etc. Returns ------- pc : matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection Examples -------- """ vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", None) vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", None) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() cm = plt.get_cmap(cmap) pc = shapefile_to_patch_collection(shp, radius=radius, idx=idx) pc.set(**kwargs) if a is None: nshp = len(pc.get_paths()) cccol = cm(1.0 * np.arange(nshp) / nshp) if facecolor == "scaled": pc.set_facecolor(cccol) else: pc.set_facecolor(facecolor) if edgecolor == "scaled": pc.set_edgecolor(cccol) else: pc.set_edgecolor(edgecolor) else: pc.set_cmap(cm) if masked_values is not None: for mval in masked_values: a =, mval) if edgecolor == "scaled": pc.set_edgecolor("none") else: pc.set_edgecolor(edgecolor) pc.set_array(a) pc.set_clim(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # add the patch collection to the axis ax.add_collection(pc) return pc
[docs]def cvfd_to_patch_collection(verts, iverts): """ Create a patch collection from control volume vertices and incidence list Parameters ---------- verts : ndarray 2d array of x and y points. iverts : list of lists should be of len(ncells) with a list of vertex numbers for each cell """ warnings.warn( "cvfd_to_patch_collection is deprecated and will be removed in " "version 3.3.5. Use PlotMapView for plotting", DeprecationWarning, ) from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection from matplotlib.patches import Polygon ptchs = [] for ivertlist in iverts: points = [] for iv in ivertlist: points.append((verts[iv, 0], verts[iv, 1])) # close the polygon, if necessary if ivertlist[0] != ivertlist[-1]: iv = ivertlist[0] points.append((verts[iv, 0], verts[iv, 1])) ptchs.append(Polygon(points)) pc = PatchCollection(ptchs) return pc
[docs]def plot_cvfd( verts, iverts, ax=None, layer=0, cmap="Dark2", edgecolor="scaled", facecolor="scaled", a=None, masked_values=None, **kwargs, ): """ Generic function for plotting a control volume finite difference grid of information. Parameters ---------- verts : ndarray 2d array of x and y points. iverts : list of lists should be of len(ncells) with a list of vertex number for each cell ax : matplotlib.pylot axis matplotlib.pyplot axis instance. Default is None layer : int layer to extract. Used in combination to the optional ncpl parameter. Default is 0 cmap : string Name of colormap to use for polygon shading (default is 'Dark2') edgecolor : string Color name. (Default is 'scaled' to scale the edge colors.) facecolor : string Color name. (Default is 'scaled' to scale the face colors.) a : numpy.ndarray Array to plot. masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. kwargs : dictionary Keyword arguments that are passed to PatchCollection.set(``**kwargs``). Some common kwargs would be 'linewidths', 'linestyles', 'alpha', etc. Returns ------- pc : matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection Examples -------- """ warnings.warn( "plot_cvfd is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.3.5. " "Use PlotMapView for plotting", DeprecationWarning, ) if "vmin" in kwargs: vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin") else: vmin = None if "vmax" in kwargs: vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax") else: vmax = None if "ncpl" in kwargs: nlay = layer + 1 ncpl = kwargs.pop("ncpl") if isinstance(ncpl, int): i = int(ncpl) ncpl = np.ones((nlay), dtype=int) * i elif isinstance(ncpl, list) or isinstance(ncpl, tuple): ncpl = np.array(ncpl) i0 = 0 i1 = 0 for k in range(nlay): i0 = i1 i1 = i0 + ncpl[k] # retain iverts in selected layer iverts = iverts[i0:i1] # retain vertices in selected layer tverts = [] for iv in iverts: for iloc in iv: tverts.append((verts[iloc, 0], verts[iloc, 1])) verts = np.array(tverts) # calculate offset for starting vertex in layer based on # global vertex numbers iadj = iverts[0][0] # reset iverts to relative vertices in selected layer tiverts = [] for iv in iverts: i = [] for t in iv: i.append(t - iadj) tiverts.append(i) iverts = tiverts else: i0 = 0 i1 = len(iverts) # get current axis if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() cm = plt.get_cmap(cmap) pc = cvfd_to_patch_collection(verts, iverts) pc.set(**kwargs) # set colors if a is None: nshp = len(pc.get_paths()) cccol = cm(1.0 * np.arange(nshp) / nshp) if facecolor == "scaled": pc.set_facecolor(cccol) else: pc.set_facecolor(facecolor) if edgecolor == "scaled": pc.set_edgecolor(cccol) else: pc.set_edgecolor(edgecolor) else: pc.set_cmap(cm) if masked_values is not None: for mval in masked_values: a =, mval) # add NaN values to mask a =, a) if edgecolor == "scaled": pc.set_edgecolor("none") else: pc.set_edgecolor(edgecolor) pc.set_array(a[i0:i1]) pc.set_clim(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # add the patch collection to the axis ax.add_collection(pc) return pc
def _set_coord_info(mg, xul, yul, xll, yll, rotation): """ Parameters ---------- mg : fp.discretization.Grid object xul : float upper left x-coordinate location yul : float upper left y-coordinate location xll : float lower left x-coordinate location yll : float lower left y-coordinate location rotation : float model grid rotation Returns ------- mg : fp.discretization.Grid object """ if xul is not None and yul is not None: if rotation is not None: mg._angrot = rotation mg.set_coord_info( xoff=mg._xul_to_xll(xul), yoff=mg._yul_to_yll(yul), angrot=rotation ) elif xll is not None and xll is not None: mg.set_coord_info(xoff=xll, yoff=yll, angrot=rotation) elif rotation is not None: mg.set_coord_info(xoff=xll, yoff=yll, angrot=rotation) return mg def _depreciated_dis_handler(modelgrid, dis): """ PlotMapView handler for the deprecated dis parameter which adds top and botm information to the modelgrid Parameter --------- modelgrid : fp.discretization.Grid object dis : fp.modflow.ModflowDis object Returns ------- modelgrid : fp.discretization.Grid """ # creates a new modelgrid instance with the dis information from ..discretization import StructuredGrid, UnstructuredGrid, VertexGrid warnings.warn( "the dis parameter has been depreciated and will be removed in " "version 3.3.5.", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) if modelgrid.grid_type == "vertex": modelgrid = VertexGrid( vertices=modelgrid.vertices, cell2d=modelgrid.cell2d,, botm=dis.botm.array, idomain=modelgrid.idomain, xoff=modelgrid.xoffset, yoff=modelgrid.yoffset, angrot=modelgrid.angrot, ) if modelgrid.grid_type == "unstructured": modelgrid = UnstructuredGrid( vertices=modelgrid._vertices, iverts=modelgrid._iverts, xcenters=modelgrid._xc, ycenters=modelgrid._yc,, botm=dis.botm.array, idomain=modelgrid.idomain, xoff=modelgrid.xoffset, yoff=modelgrid.yoffset, angrot=modelgrid.angrot, ) else: modelgrid = StructuredGrid( delc=dis.delc.array, delr=dis.delr.array,, botm=dis.botm.array, idomain=modelgrid.idomain, xoff=modelgrid.xoffset, yoff=modelgrid.yoffset, angrot=modelgrid.angrot, ) return modelgrid
[docs]def advanced_package_bc_helper(pkg, modelgrid, kper): """ Helper function for plotting boundary conditions from "advanced" packages Parameters ---------- pkg : flopy Package objects modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid object Returns ------- """ if pkg.package_type in ("sfr", "uzf"): if pkg.parent.version == "mf6": mflist = pkg.packagedata.array idx = np.array([list(i) for i in mflist["cellid"]], dtype=int).T else: iuzfbnd = pkg.iuzfbnd.array idx = np.where(iuzfbnd != 0) idx = np.append([[0] * idx[-1].size], idx, axis=0) elif pkg.package_type in ("lak", "maw"): if pkg.parent.version == "mf6": mflist = pkg.connectiondata.array idx = np.array([list(i) for i in mflist["cellid"]], dtype=int).T else: lakarr = pkg.lakarr.array[kper] idx = np.where(lakarr != 0) idx = np.array(idx) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Pkg {pkg.package_type} not implemented for bc plotting" ) return idx
[docs]def filter_modpath_by_travel_time(recarray, travel_time): """ :param recarray: :param travel_time: :return: """ if travel_time is None: tp = recarray.copy() else: if isinstance(travel_time, str): funcs = { "<=": lambda a, b: a["time"] <= b, ">=": lambda a, b: a["time"] >= b, "<": lambda a, b: a["time"] < b, ">": lambda a, b: a["time"] > b, } idx = None for k, func in sorted(funcs.items())[::-1]: if k in travel_time: time = float(travel_time.replace(k, "")) idx = func(recarray, time) break if idx is None: try: time = float(travel_time) idx = recarray["time"] <= time except (ValueError, KeyError): raise Exception( " travel_time variable cannot " "be parsed. Acceptable logical variables are , " "<=, <, >=, and >. " "You passed {}".format(travel_time) ) else: time = float(travel_time) idx = recarray["time"] <= time tp = recarray[idx] return tp
[docs]def intersect_modpath_with_crosssection( recarrays, projpts, xvertices, yvertices, projection, ncpl, method="cell", starting=False, ): """ Method to intersect modpath output with a cross-section Parameters ---------- recarrays : list list of numpy recarrays projpts : dict dict of crossectional cell vertices xvertices : np.array array of modelgrid xvertices yvertices : np.array array of modelgrid yvertices projection : str projection direction (x or y) ncpl : int number of cells per layer (cross sectional version) method : str intersection method ('cell' or 'all') starting : bool modpath starting location flag Returns ------- dict : dictionary of intersecting recarrays """ from ..utils.geometry import point_in_polygon xp, yp, zp = "x", "y", "z" if starting: xp, yp, zp = "x0", "y0", "z0" if not isinstance(recarrays, list): recarrays = [ recarrays, ] if projection == "x": v_opp = yvertices v_norm = xvertices oprj = yp prj = xp else: v_opp = xvertices v_norm = yvertices oprj = xp prj = yp # set points opposite projection direction oppts = {} nppts = {} for cell, verts in projpts.items(): tcell = cell % ncpl zmin = np.min(np.array(verts)[:, 1]) zmax = np.max(np.array(verts)[:, 1]) nmin = np.min(v_norm[tcell]) nmax = np.max(v_norm[tcell]) omin = np.min(v_opp[tcell]) omax = np.max(v_opp[tcell]) oppts[cell] = np.array( [ [omin, zmax], [omax, zmax], [omax, zmin], [omin, zmin], [omin, zmax], ] ) # intersects w/actual... nppts[cell] = np.array( [ [nmin, zmax], [nmax, zmax], [nmax, zmin], [nmin, zmin], [nmin, zmax], ] ) idict = {} for recarray in recarrays: for cell, _ in projpts.items(): m0 = point_in_polygon( recarray[prj].reshape(1, -1), recarray[zp].reshape(1, -1), nppts[cell], ) if method == "cell": m1 = point_in_polygon( recarray[oprj].reshape(1, -1), recarray[zp].reshape(1, -1), oppts[cell], ) idx = [ i for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(m0[0], m1[0])) if x == y == True ] else: idx = [i for i, x in enumerate(m0[0]) if x == True] if idx: if cell not in idict: idict[cell] = [recarray[idx]] else: idict[cell].append(recarray[idx]) return idict
[docs]def reproject_modpath_to_crosssection( idict, projpts, xypts, projection, modelgrid, ncpl, geographic_coords, starting=False, ): """ Method to reproject modpath points onto cross sectional line Parameters ---------- idict : dict dictionary of intersecting points projpts : dict dictionary of cross sectional cells xypts : dict dictionary of cross sectional line projection : str projection direction (x or y) modelgrid : Grid object flopy modelgrid object ncpl : int number of cells per layer (cross sectional version) geographic_coords : bool flag for plotting in geographic coordinates starting : bool flag for modpath position Returns ------- dictionary of projected modpath lines or points """ from ..utils import geometry xp, yp, zp = "x", "y", "z" if starting: xp, yp, zp = "x0", "y0", "z0" proj = xp if projection == "y": proj = yp ptdict = {} if not geographic_coords: for cell, recarrays in idict.items(): tcell = cell while tcell >= ncpl: tcell -= ncpl line = xypts[tcell] if projection == "x": d0 = np.min([i[0] for i in projpts[cell]]) else: d0 = np.max([i[0] for i in projpts[cell]]) for rec in recarrays: pts = list(zip(rec[xp], rec[yp])) x, y = geometry.project_point_onto_xc_line( line, pts, d0, projection ) rec[xp] = x rec[yp] = y pid = rec["particleid"][0] pline = list(zip(rec[proj], rec[zp], rec["time"])) if pid not in ptdict: ptdict[pid] = pline else: ptdict[pid] += pline else: for cell, recarrays in idict.items(): for rec in recarrays: x, y = geometry.transform( rec[xp], rec[yp], modelgrid.xoffset, modelgrid.yoffset, modelgrid.angrot_radians, ) rec[xp] = x rec[yp] = y pid = rec["particleid"][0] pline = list(zip(rec[proj], rec[zp], rec["time"])) if pid not in ptdict: ptdict[pid] = pline else: ptdict[pid] += pline return ptdict
[docs]def parse_modpath_selection_options( ep, direction, selection, selection_direction, ): """ :return: """ ep = ep.copy() direction = direction.lower() if direction == "starting": istart = True xp, yp = "x0", "y0" else: istart = False direction = "ending" xp, yp = "x", "y" if selection_direction is not None: selection_direction = selection_direction.lower() if selection_direction != "starting": selection_direction = "ending" else: if direction.lower() == "starting": selection_direction = "ending" elif direction.lower() == "ending": selection_direction = "starting" # selection of endpoints if selection is not None: if isinstance(selection, int): selection = tuple((selection,)) try: if len(selection) == 1: node = selection[0] if selection_direction.lower() == "starting": nsel = "node0" else: nsel = "node" # make selection idx = ep[nsel] == node tep = ep[idx] elif len(selection) == 3: k, i, j = selection[0], selection[1], selection[2] if selection_direction.lower() == "starting": ksel, isel, jsel = "k0", "i0", "j0" else: ksel, isel, jsel = "k", "i", "j" # make selection idx = (ep[ksel] == k) & (ep[isel] == i) & (ep[jsel] == j) tep = ep[idx] else: raise Exception( "plot_endpoint selection must be a zero-based layer, row, " "column tuple (l, r, c) or node number (MODPATH 7) of " "the location to evaluate (i.e., well location)." ) except (ValueError, KeyError, IndexError): raise Exception( "plot_endpoint selection must be a zero-based layer, row, " "column tuple (l, r, c) or node number (MODPATH 7) of the " "location to evaluate (i.e., well location)." ) else: tep = ep.copy() return tep, istart, xp, yp