Source code for flopy.utils.cvfdutil

import numpy as np

[docs]def area_of_polygon(x, y): """Calculates the signed area of an arbitrary polygon given its vertices (Joe Kington) """ area = 0.0 for i in range(-1, len(x) - 1): area += x[i] * (y[i + 1] - y[i - 1]) return area / 2.0
[docs]def centroid_of_polygon(points): """ (mgamba) """ import itertools as IT area = area_of_polygon(*zip(*points)) result_x = 0 result_y = 0 N = len(points) points = IT.cycle(points) x1, y1 = next(points) for i in range(N): x0, y0 = x1, y1 x1, y1 = next(points) cross = (x0 * y1) - (x1 * y0) result_x += (x0 + x1) * cross result_y += (y0 + y1) * cross result_x /= area * 6.0 result_y /= area * 6.0 return (result_x, result_y)
[docs]class Point: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y return
[docs]def isBetween(a, b, c, epsilon=0.001): crossproduct = (c.y - a.y) * (b.x - a.x) - (c.x - a.x) * (b.y - a.y) if abs(crossproduct) > epsilon: return False # (or != 0 if using integers) dotproduct = (c.x - a.x) * (b.x - a.x) + (c.y - a.y) * (b.y - a.y) if dotproduct < 0: return False squaredlengthba = (b.x - a.x) * (b.x - a.x) + (b.y - a.y) * (b.y - a.y) if dotproduct > squaredlengthba: return False return True
[docs]def shared_face(ivlist1, ivlist2): for i in range(len(ivlist1) - 1): iv1 = ivlist1[i] iv2 = ivlist1[i + 1] for i2 in range(len(ivlist2) - 1): if ivlist2[i2 : i2 + 1] == [iv2, iv1]: return True return False
[docs]def segment_face(ivert, ivlist1, ivlist2, vertices): """ Check the vertex lists for cell 1 and cell 2. Add a new vertex to cell 1 if necessary. Parameters ---------- ivert : int vertex number to check ivlist1 : list list of vertices for cell 1. Add a new vertex to this cell if needed. ivlist2 : list list of vertices for cell2. vertices : ndarray array of x, y vertices Returns ------- segmented : bool Return True if a face in cell 1 was split up by adding a new vertex """ # go through ivlist1 and find faces that have ivert faces_to_check = [] for ipos in range(len(ivlist1) - 1): face = (ivlist1[ipos], ivlist1[ipos + 1]) if ivert in face: faces_to_check.append(face) # go through ivlist2 and find points to check points_to_check = [] for ipos in range(len(ivlist2) - 1): if ivlist2[ipos] == ivert: points_to_check.append(ivlist2[ipos + 1]) elif ivlist2[ipos + 1] == ivert: points_to_check.append(ivlist2[ipos]) for face in faces_to_check: iva, ivb = face x, y = vertices[iva] a = Point(x, y) x, y = vertices[ivb] b = Point(x, y) for ivc in points_to_check: if ivc not in face: x, y = vertices[ivc] c = Point(x, y) if isBetween(a, b, c): ipos = ivlist1.index(ivb) if ipos == 0: ipos = len(ivlist1) - 1 ivlist1.insert(ipos, ivc) return True return False
[docs]def to_cvfd( vertdict, nodestart=None, nodestop=None, skip_hanging_node_check=False, verbose=False, ): """ Convert a vertex dictionary into verts and iverts Parameters ---------- vertdict vertdict is a dictionary {icell: [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), ...]} nodestart : int starting node number. (default is zero) nodestop : int ending node number up to but not including. (default is len(vertdict)) skip_hanging_node_check : bool skip the hanging node check. this may only be necessary for quad-based grid refinement. (default is False) verbose : bool print messages to the screen. (default is False) Returns ------- verts : ndarray array of x, y vertices iverts : list list containing a list for each cell """ if nodestart is None: nodestart = 0 if nodestop is None: nodestop = len(vertdict) ncells = nodestop - nodestart # First create vertexdict {(x1, y1): ivert1, (x2, y2): ivert2, ...} and # vertexlist [[ivert1, ivert2, ...], [ivert9, ivert10, ...], ...] # In the process, filter out any duplicate vertices vertexdict = {} vertexlist = [] xcyc = np.empty((ncells, 2), dtype=float) iv = 0 nvertstart = 0 if verbose: print("Converting vertdict to cvfd representation.") print(f"Number of cells in vertdict is: {len(vertdict)}") print( f"Cell {nodestart} up to {nodestop} (but not including) will be processed." ) for icell in range(nodestart, nodestop): points = vertdict[icell] nvertstart += len(points) xc, yc = centroid_of_polygon(points) xcyc[icell, 0] = xc xcyc[icell, 1] = yc ivertlist = [] for p in points: pt = tuple(p) if pt in vertexdict: ivert = vertexdict[pt] else: vertexdict[pt] = iv ivert = iv iv += 1 ivertlist.append(ivert) if ivertlist[0] != ivertlist[-1]: raise Exception(f"Cell {icell} not closed") vertexlist.append(ivertlist) # next create vertex_cell_dict = {}; for each vertex, store list of cells # that use it nvert = len(vertexdict) if verbose: print(f"Started with {nvertstart} vertices.") print(f"Ended up with {nvert} vertices.") print(f"Reduced total number of vertices by {nvertstart - nvert}") print("Creating dict of vertices with their associated cells") vertex_cell_dict = {} for icell in range(nodestart, nodestop): ivertlist = vertexlist[icell] for ivert in ivertlist: if ivert in vertex_cell_dict: if icell not in vertex_cell_dict[ivert]: vertex_cell_dict[ivert].append(icell) else: vertex_cell_dict[ivert] = [icell] if verbose: print("Done creating dict of vertices with their associated cells") # Now, go through each vertex and look at the cells that use the vertex. # For quadtree-like grids, there may be a need to add a new hanging node # vertex to the larger cell. if not skip_hanging_node_check: if verbose: print("Checking for hanging nodes.") vertexdict_keys = list(vertexdict.keys()) finished = False while not finished: finished = True for ivert, cell_list in vertex_cell_dict.items(): for icell1 in cell_list: for icell2 in cell_list: # skip if same cell if icell1 == icell2: continue # skip if share face already ivertlist1 = vertexlist[icell1] ivertlist2 = vertexlist[icell2] if shared_face(ivertlist1, ivertlist2): continue # don't share a face, so need to segment if necessary segmented = segment_face( ivert, ivertlist1, ivertlist2, vertexdict_keys ) if segmented: finished = False if verbose: print("Done checking for hanging nodes.") verts = np.array(vertexdict_keys) iverts = vertexlist return verts, iverts
[docs]def shapefile_to_cvfd(shp, **kwargs): import shapefile print(f"Translating shapefile ({shp}) into cvfd format") sf = shapefile.Reader(shp) shapes = sf.shapes() vertdict = {} for icell, shape in enumerate(shapes): points = shape.points vertdict[icell] = points verts, iverts = to_cvfd(vertdict, **kwargs) return verts, iverts
[docs]def shapefile_to_xcyc(shp): """ Get cell centroid coordinates Parameters ---------- shp : string Name of shape file Returns ------- xcyc : ndarray x, y coordinates of all polygons in shp """ import shapefile print(f"Translating shapefile ({shp}) into cell centroids") sf = shapefile.Reader(shp) shapes = sf.shapes() ncells = len(shapes) xcyc = np.empty((ncells, 2), dtype=float) for icell, shape in enumerate(shapes): points = shape.points xc, yc = centroid_of_polygon(points) xcyc[icell, 0] = xc xcyc[icell, 1] = yc return xcyc
[docs]def gridlist_to_verts(gridlist): """ Take a list of flopy structured model grids and convert them into vertices. The idomain can be set to remove cells in a parent grid. Cells from a child grid will patched in to make a single set of vertices. Cells will be numbered according to consecutive numbering of active cells in the grid list. Parameters ---------- gridlist : list List of flopy.discretization.modelgrid. Must be of type structured grids Returns ------- verts, iverts : np.ndarray, list vertices and list of cells and which vertices comprise the cells """ vertdict = {} icell = 0 for sg in gridlist: ilays, irows, icols = np.where(sg.idomain > 0) for _, i, j in zip(ilays, irows, icols): v = sg.get_cell_vertices(i, j) vertdict[icell] = v + [v[0]] icell += 1 verts, iverts = to_cvfd(vertdict, verbose=False) return verts, iverts
[docs]def get_disv_gridprops(verts, iverts, xcyc=None): """ Calculate disv grid properties from verts and iverts Parameters ---------- verts : ndarray 2d array of x, y vertices iverts : list list of size ncpl, with a list of vertex numbers for each cell Returns ------- gridprops : dict Dictionary containing entries that can be passed directly into the modflow6 disv package. """ nvert = verts.shape[0] ncpl = len(iverts) if xcyc is None: xcyc = np.empty((ncpl, 2), dtype=float) for icell in range(ncpl): vlist = [ (verts[ivert, 0], verts[ivert, 1]) for ivert in iverts[icell] ] xcyc[icell, 0], xcyc[icell, 1] = centroid_of_polygon(vlist) else: assert xcyc.shape == (ncpl, 2) vertices = [] for i in range(nvert): vertices.append((i, verts[i, 0], verts[i, 1])) cell2d = [] for i in range(ncpl): cell2d.append( [i, xcyc[i, 0], xcyc[i, 1], len(iverts[i])] + [iv for iv in iverts[i]] ) gridprops = {} gridprops["ncpl"] = ncpl gridprops["nvert"] = nvert gridprops["vertices"] = vertices gridprops["cell2d"] = cell2d return gridprops
[docs]def gridlist_to_disv_gridprops(gridlist): """ Take a list of flopy structured model grids and convert them into a dictionary that can be passed into the modflow6 disv package. Cells from a child grid will patched in to make a single set of vertices. Cells will be numbered according to consecutive numbering of active cells in the grid list. Parameters ---------- gridlist : list List of flopy.discretization.modelgrid. Must be of type structured grids Returns ------- gridprops : dict Dictionary containing entries that can be passed directly into the modflow6 disv package. """ verts, iverts = gridlist_to_verts(gridlist) gridprops = get_disv_gridprops(verts, iverts) return gridprops