Source code for flopy.utils.mflistfile

This is a set of classes for reading budget information out of MODFLOW-style
listing files.  Cumulative and incremental budgets are returned as numpy
recarrays, which can then be easily plotted.


import errno
import os
import re

import numpy as np

from ..utils import import_optional_dependency
from ..utils.flopy_io import get_ts_sp
from ..utils.utils_def import totim_to_datetime

[docs]class ListBudget: """ MODFLOW family list file handling Parameters ---------- file_name : str the list file name budgetkey : str the text string identifying the budget table. (default is None) timeunit : str the time unit to return in the recarray. (default is 'days') Notes ----- The ListBudget class should not be instantiated directly. Access is through derived classes: MfListBudget (MODFLOW), SwtListBudget (SEAWAT) and SwrListBudget (MODFLOW with the SWR process) Examples -------- >>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list") >>> incremental, cumulative = mf_list.get_budget() >>> df_in, df_out = mf_list.get_dataframes(start_datetime="10-21-2015") """ def __init__(self, file_name, budgetkey=None, timeunit="days"): # Set up file reading assert os.path.exists(file_name), f"file_name {file_name} not found" self.file_name = file_name self.f = open(file_name, "r", encoding="ascii", errors="replace") self.tssp_lines = 0 # Assign the budgetkey, which should have been overridden if budgetkey is None: self.set_budget_key() else: self.budgetkey = budgetkey self.totim = [] self.timeunit = timeunit self.idx_map = [] self.entries = [] self.null_entries = [] self.time_line_idx = 20 if timeunit.upper() == "SECONDS": self.timeunit = "S" self.time_idx = 0 elif timeunit.upper() == "MINUTES": self.timeunit = "M" self.time_idx = 1 elif timeunit.upper() == "HOURS": self.timeunit = "H" self.time_idx = 2 elif timeunit.upper() == "DAYS": self.timeunit = "D" self.time_idx = 3 elif timeunit.upper() == "YEARS": self.timeunit = "Y" self.time_idx = 4 else: raise Exception( "need to reset time_idxs attribute to " "use units other than days and check usage of " "timedelta" ) # Fill budget recarrays self._load() self._isvalid = False if len(self.idx_map) > 0: self._isvalid = True # Close the open file self.f.close() # return return
[docs] def set_budget_key(self): raise Exception("Must be overridden...")
[docs] def isvalid(self): """ Get a boolean indicating if budget data are available in the file. Returns ------- out : boolean Boolean indicating if budget data are available in the file. Examples -------- >>> mf_list = MfListBudget('my_model.list') >>> valid = mf_list.isvalid() """ return self._isvalid
[docs] def get_record_names(self): """ Get a list of water budget record names in the file. Returns ------- out : list of strings List of unique text names in the binary file. Examples -------- >>> mf_list = MfListBudget('my_model.list') >>> names = mf_list.get_record_names() """ if not self._isvalid: return None return
[docs] def get_times(self): """ Get a list of unique water budget times in the list file. Returns ------- out : list of floats List contains unique water budget simulation times (totim) in list file. Examples -------- >>> mf_list = MfListBudget('my_model.list') >>> times = mf_list.get_times() """ if not self._isvalid: return None return["totim"].tolist()
[docs] def get_kstpkper(self): """ Get a list of unique stress periods and time steps in the list file water budgets. Returns ---------- out : list of (kstp, kper) tuples List of unique kstp, kper combinations in list file. kstp and kper values are zero-based. Examples -------- >>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list") >>> kstpkper = mf_list.get_kstpkper() """ if not self._isvalid: return None kstpkper = [] for kstp, kper in zip(["time_step"],["stress_period"] ): kstpkper.append((kstp, kper)) return kstpkper
[docs] def get_incremental(self, names=None): """ Get a recarray with the incremental water budget items in the list file. Parameters ---------- names : str or list of strings Selection of column names to return. If names is not None then totim, time_step, stress_period, and selection(s) will be returned. (default is None). Returns ------- out : recarray Numpy recarray with the water budget items in list file. The recarray also includes totim, time_step, and stress_period. Examples -------- >>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list") >>> incremental = mf_list.get_incremental() """ if not self._isvalid: return None if names is None: return else: if not isinstance(names, list): names = [names] names.insert(0, "stress_period") names.insert(0, "time_step") names.insert(0, "totim") return[names].view(np.recarray)
[docs] def get_cumulative(self, names=None): """ Get a recarray with the cumulative water budget items in the list file. Parameters ---------- names : str or list of strings Selection of column names to return. If names is not None then totim, time_step, stress_period, and selection(s) will be returned. (default is None). Returns ------- out : recarray Numpy recarray with the water budget items in list file. The recarray also includes totim, time_step, and stress_period. Examples -------- >>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list") >>> cumulative = mf_list.get_cumulative() """ if not self._isvalid: return None if names is None: return self.cum else: if not isinstance(names, list): names = [names] names.insert(0, "stress_period") names.insert(0, "time_step") names.insert(0, "totim") return np.array(self.cum)[names].view(np.recarray)
[docs] def get_model_runtime(self, units="seconds"): """ Get the elapsed runtime of the model from the list file. Parameters ---------- units : str Units in which to return the runtime. Acceptable values are 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours' (default is 'seconds') Returns ------- out : float Floating point value with the runtime in requested units. Returns NaN if runtime not found in list file Examples -------- >>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list") >>> budget = mf_list.get_model_runtime(units='hours') """ if not self._isvalid: return None # reopen the file self.f = open(self.file_name, "r", encoding="ascii", errors="replace") units = units.lower() if ( not units == "seconds" and not units == "minutes" and not units == "hours" ): err = ( '"units" input variable must be "minutes", "hours", ' 'or "seconds": {0} was specified'.format(units) ) raise AssertionError(err) try: seekpoint = self._seek_to_string("Elapsed run time:") except: print("Elapsed run time not included in list file. Returning NaN") return np.nan line = self.f.readline() self.f.close() # yank out the floating point values from the Elapsed run time string times = list(map(float, re.findall(r"[+-]?[0-9.]+", line))) # pad an array with zeros and times with # [days, hours, minutes, seconds] times = np.array([0 for _ in range(4 - len(times))] + times) # convert all to seconds time2sec = np.array([24 * 60 * 60, 60 * 60, 60, 1]) times_sec = np.sum(times * time2sec) # return in the requested units if units == "seconds": return times_sec elif units == "minutes": return times_sec / 60.0 elif units == "hours": return times_sec / 60.0 / 60.0
[docs] def get_budget(self, names=None): """ Get the recarrays with the incremental and cumulative water budget items in the list file. Parameters ---------- names : str or list of strings Selection of column names to return. If names is not None then totim, time_step, stress_period, and selection(s) will be returned. (default is None). Returns ------- out : recarrays Numpy recarrays with the water budget items in list file. The recarray also includes totim, time_step, and stress_period. A separate recarray is returned for the incremental and cumulative water budget entries. Examples -------- >>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list") >>> budget = mf_list.get_budget() """ if not self._isvalid: return None if names is None: return, self.cum else: if not isinstance(names, list): names = [names] names.insert(0, "stress_period") names.insert(0, "time_step") names.insert(0, "totim") return ([names].view(np.recarray), self.cum[names].view(np.recarray), )
[docs] def get_data(self, kstpkper=None, idx=None, totim=None, incremental=False): """ Get water budget data from the list file for the specified conditions. Parameters ---------- idx : int The zero-based record number. The first record is record 0. (default is None). kstpkper : tuple of ints A tuple containing the time step and stress period (kstp, kper). These are zero-based kstp and kper values. (default is None). totim : float The simulation time. (default is None). incremental : bool Boolean flag used to determine if incremental or cumulative water budget data for the specified conditions will be returned. If incremental=True, incremental water budget data will be returned. If incremental=False, cumulative water budget data will be returned. (default is False). Returns ------- data : numpy recarray Array has size (number of budget items, 3). Recarray names are 'index', 'value', 'name'. See Also -------- Notes ----- if both kstpkper and totim are None, will return the last entry Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import flopy >>> mf_list = flopy.utils.MfListBudget("my_model.list") >>> data = mf_list.get_data(kstpkper=(0,0)) >>>['index'], data['value']) >>> plt.xticks(data['index'], data['name'], rotation=45, size=6) >>> """ if not self._isvalid: return None ipos = None if kstpkper is not None: try: ipos = self.get_kstpkper().index(kstpkper) except: print( f" could not retrieve kstpkper {kstpkper} from the lst file" ) elif totim is not None: try: ipos = self.get_times().index(totim) except: print( f" could not retrieve totime {totim} from the lst file" ) elif idx is not None: ipos = idx else: ipos = -1 if ipos is None: print("Could not find specified condition.") print(f" kstpkper = {kstpkper}") print(f" totim = {totim}") # TODO: return zero-length array, or update docstring return type return None if incremental: t =[ipos] else: t = self.cum[ipos] dtype = np.dtype( [("index", np.int32), ("value", np.float32), ("name", "|S25")] ) v = np.recarray(shape=(len([3:])), dtype=dtype) for i, name in enumerate([3:]): mult = 1.0 if "_OUT" in name: mult = -1.0 v[i]["index"] = i v[i]["value"] = mult * t[name] v[i]["name"] = name return v
[docs] def get_dataframes(self, start_datetime="1-1-1970", diff=False): """ Get pandas dataframes with the incremental and cumulative water budget items in the list file. Parameters ---------- start_datetime : str If start_datetime is passed as None, the rows are indexed on totim. Otherwise, a DatetimeIndex is set. (default is 1-1-1970). Returns ------- out : pandas dataframes Pandas dataframes with the incremental and cumulative water budget items in list file. A separate pandas dataframe is returned for the incremental and cumulative water budget entries. Examples -------- >>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list") >>> incrementaldf, cumulativedf = mf_list.get_dataframes() """ pd = import_optional_dependency( "pandas", error_message="ListBudget.get_dataframes() requires pandas.", ) if not self._isvalid: return None totim = self.get_times() if start_datetime is not None: totim = totim_to_datetime( totim, start=pd.to_datetime(start_datetime), timeunit=self.timeunit, ) df_flux = pd.DataFrame(, index=totim).loc[:, self.entries] df_vol = pd.DataFrame(self.cum, index=totim).loc[:, self.entries] if not diff: return df_flux, df_vol else: in_names = [col for col in df_flux.columns if col.endswith("_IN")] base_names = [name.replace("_IN", "") for name in in_names] for name in base_names: in_name = f"{name}_IN" out_name = f"{name}_OUT" df_flux.loc[:, name.lower()] = ( df_flux.loc[:, in_name] - df_flux.loc[:, out_name] ) df_flux.pop(in_name) df_flux.pop(out_name) df_vol.loc[:, name.lower()] = ( df_vol.loc[:, in_name] - df_vol.loc[:, out_name] ) df_vol.pop(in_name) df_vol.pop(out_name) cols = list(df_flux.columns) cols = [col.lower() for col in cols] df_flux.columns = cols df_vol.columns = cols df_flux.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) df_vol.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) return df_flux, df_vol
[docs] def get_reduced_pumping(self): """ Get numpy recarray of reduced pumping data from a list file. Reduced pumping data most have been written to the list file during the model run. Works with MfListBudget and MfusgListBudget. Returns ------- numpy recarray A numpy recarray with the reduced pumping data from the list file. Example -------- >>> objLST = MfListBudget("my_model.lst") >>> raryReducedPpg = objLST.get_reduced_pumping() >>> dfReducedPpg = pd.DataFrame.from_records(raryReducedPpg) """ from ..utils.observationfile import get_reduced_pumping # Ensure list file exists if not os.path.isfile( raise FileNotFoundError( errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), ) # Eval based on model list type if isinstance(self, MfListBudget): structured = True # Check if reduced pumping data was set to be written # to list file check_str = ( "WELLS WITH REDUCED PUMPING WILL BE REPORTED " "TO THE MAIN LISTING FILE" ) check_str_ag = "AG WELLS WITH REDUCED PUMPING FOR STRESS PERIOD" if ( not open( > 0 and not open( > 0 ): err = ( "Pumping reductions not written to list file. " 'Try removing "noprint" keyword from well file.' "External pumping reduction files can be read using: " "flopy.utils.observationfile.get_pumping_reduction(<file>)" ) raise AssertionError(err) elif isinstance(self, MfusgListBudget): structured = False # Check if reduced pumping data was written and if set to # be written to list file check_str = "WELL REDUCTION INFO WILL BE WRITTEN TO UNIT:" bool_list_unit = False pump_reduction_flag = False for line in open( # Assumes LST unit always first if "UNIT" in line and not bool_list_unit: list_unit = int(line.strip().split()[-1]) bool_list_unit = True if check_str in line: pump_reduction_flag = True if int(line.strip().split()[-1]) != list_unit: raise AssertionError( "Pumping reductions not written to list file. " "External pumping reduction files can be " "read using: flopy.utils.observationfile." "get_pumping_reduction(<file>, structured=False)" ) if not pump_reduction_flag: raise AssertionError("Auto pumping reductions not active.") else: raise NotImplementedError( "get_reduced_pumping() is only implemented for the " "MfListBudget or MfusgListBudget classes. Please " "feel free to expand the functionality to other " "ListBudget classes." ) return get_reduced_pumping(, structured)
def _build_index(self, maxentries): self.idx_map = self._get_index(maxentries) return def _get_index(self, maxentries): # --parse through the file looking for matches and parsing ts and sp idxs = [] l_count = 1 while True: seekpoint = self.f.tell() line = self.f.readline() if line == "": break if self.budgetkey in line: for _ in range(self.tssp_lines): line = self.f.readline() try: ts, sp = get_ts_sp(line) except: print( "unable to cast ts,sp on line number", l_count, " line: ", line, ) break # print('info found for timestep stress period',ts,sp) idxs.append([ts, sp, seekpoint]) if maxentries and len(idxs) >= maxentries: break return idxs def _seek_to_string(self, s): """ Parameters ---------- s : str Seek through the file to the next occurrence of s. Return the seek location when found. Returns ------- seekpoint : int Next location of the string """ while True: seekpoint = self.f.tell() line = self.f.readline() if line == "": break if s in line: break return seekpoint def _set_entries(self): if len(self.idx_map) < 1: return None, None if len(self.entries) > 0: raise Exception(f"entries already set:{self.entries}") if not self.idx_map: raise Exception("must call build_index before call set_entries") try: incdict, cumdict = self._get_sp( self.idx_map[0][0], self.idx_map[0][1], self.idx_map[0][2] ) except: raise Exception( "unable to read budget information from first " "entry in list file" ) self.entries = incdict.keys() null_entries = {} incdict = {} cumdict = {} for entry in self.entries: incdict[entry] = [] cumdict[entry] = [] null_entries[entry] = np.NaN self.null_entries = [null_entries, null_entries] return incdict, cumdict def _load(self, maxentries=None): self._build_index(maxentries) incdict, cumdict = self._set_entries() if incdict is None and cumdict is None: return totim = [] for ts, sp, seekpoint in self.idx_map: tinc, tcum = self._get_sp(ts, sp, seekpoint) for entry in self.entries: incdict[entry].append(tinc[entry]) cumdict[entry].append(tcum[entry]) # Get the time for this record seekpoint = self._seek_to_string("TIME SUMMARY AT END") tslen, sptim, tt = self._get_totim(ts, sp, seekpoint) totim.append(tt) # get kstp and kper idx_array = np.array(self.idx_map) # build dtype for recarray dtype_tups = [ ("totim", np.float32), ("time_step", np.int32), ("stress_period", np.int32), ] for entry in self.entries: dtype_tups.append((entry, np.float32)) dtype = np.dtype(dtype_tups) # create recarray nentries = len(incdict[entry]) = np.recarray(shape=(nentries,), dtype=dtype) self.cum = np.recarray(shape=(nentries,), dtype=dtype) # fill each column of the recarray for entry in self.entries:[entry] = incdict[entry] self.cum[entry] = cumdict[entry] # file the totim, time_step, and stress_period columns for the # incremental and cumulative recarrays (zero-based kstp,kper)["totim"] = np.array(totim)[:]["time_step"] = idx_array[:, 0] - 1["stress_period"] = idx_array[:, 1] - 1 self.cum["totim"] = np.array(totim)[:] self.cum["time_step"] = idx_array[:, 0] - 1 self.cum["stress_period"] = idx_array[:, 1] - 1 return def _get_sp(self, ts, sp, seekpoint): # --read to the start of the "in" budget information while True: line = self.f.readline() if line == "": print( "end of file found while seeking budget " "information for ts,sp: {} {}".format(ts, sp) ) return self.null_entries # --if there are two '=' in this line, then it is a budget line if len(re.findall("=", line)) == 2: break tag = "IN" incdict = {} cumdict = {} entrydict = {} while True: if line == "": print( "end of file found while seeking budget " "information for ts,sp: {} {}".format(ts, sp) ) return self.null_entries if len(re.findall("=", line)) == 2: try: entry, flux, cumu = self._parse_budget_line(line) except Exception: print("error parsing budget line in ts,sp", ts, sp) return self.null_entries if flux is None: print( "error casting in flux for", entry, " to float in ts,sp", ts, sp, ) return self.null_entries if cumu is None: print( "error casting in cumu for", entry, " to float in ts,sp", ts, sp, ) return self.null_entries if entry.endswith(tag.upper()): if " - " in entry.upper(): key = entry.replace(" ", "") else: key = entry.replace(" ", "_") elif "PERCENT DISCREPANCY" in entry.upper(): key = entry.replace(" ", "_") else: entry = entry.replace(" ", "_") if entry in entrydict: entrydict[entry] += 1 inum = entrydict[entry] entry = f"{entry}{inum + 1}" else: entrydict[entry] = 0 key = f"{entry}_{tag}" incdict[key] = flux cumdict[key] = cumu else: if "OUT:" in line.upper(): tag = "OUT" entrydict = {} line = self.f.readline() if entry.upper() == "PERCENT DISCREPANCY": break return incdict, cumdict def _parse_budget_line(self, line): # get the budget item name entry = line.strip().split("=")[0].strip() # get the cumulative string idx = line.index("=") + 1 line2 = line[idx:] ll = line2.strip().split() cu_str = ll[0] idx = line2.index("=") + 1 fx_str = line2[idx:].split()[0].strip() flux, cumu = None, None try: cumu = float(cu_str) except: if "NAN" in cu_str.strip().upper(): cumu = np.NaN try: flux = float(fx_str) except: if "NAN" in fx_str.strip().upper(): flux = np.NaN return entry, flux, cumu def _get_totim(self, ts, sp, seekpoint): # --read header lines ihead = 0 while True: line = self.f.readline() ihead += 1 if line == "": print( "end of file found while seeking budget " "information for ts,sp: {} {}".format(ts, sp) ) return np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN elif ( ihead == 2 and "SECONDS MINUTES HOURS DAYS YEARS" not in line ): break elif ( "-----------------------------------------------------------" in line ): line = self.f.readline() break if isinstance(self, SwtListBudget): translen = self._parse_time_line(line) line = self.f.readline() if translen is None: print("error parsing translen for ts,sp", ts, sp) return np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN tslen = self._parse_time_line(line) if tslen is None: print("error parsing tslen for ts,sp", ts, sp) return np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN sptim = self._parse_time_line(self.f.readline()) if sptim is None: print("error parsing sptim for ts,sp", ts, sp) return np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN totim = self._parse_time_line(self.f.readline()) if totim is None: print("error parsing totim for ts,sp", ts, sp) return np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN return tslen, sptim, totim def _parse_time_line(self, line): if line == "": print("end of file found while parsing time information") return None try: time_str = line[self.time_line_idx :] raw = time_str.split() idx = self.time_idx # catch case where itmuni is undefined # in this case, the table format is different try: v = float(raw[0]) except: time_str = line[45:] raw = time_str.split() idx = 0 tval = float(raw[idx]) except: print("error parsing tslen information: ", time_str) return None return tval
[docs]class SwtListBudget(ListBudget): """ """
[docs] def set_budget_key(self): self.budgetkey = "MASS BUDGET FOR ENTIRE MODEL" return
[docs]class MfListBudget(ListBudget): """ """
[docs] def set_budget_key(self): self.budgetkey = "VOLUMETRIC BUDGET FOR ENTIRE MODEL" return
[docs]class Mf6ListBudget(ListBudget): """ """
[docs] def set_budget_key(self): self.budgetkey = "VOLUME BUDGET FOR ENTIRE MODEL" return
[docs]class MfusgListBudget(ListBudget): """ """
[docs] def set_budget_key(self): self.budgetkey = "VOLUMETRIC BUDGET FOR ENTIRE MODEL" return
[docs]class SwrListBudget(ListBudget): """ """
[docs] def set_budget_key(self): self.budgetkey = "VOLUMETRIC SURFACE WATER BUDGET FOR ENTIRE MODEL" self.tssp_lines = 1 return