Source code for flopy.utils.mtlistfile

This is a class for reading the mass budget from a (multi-component)
mt3d(usgs) run. Also includes support for SFT budget.

import warnings

import numpy as np

from ..utils import import_optional_dependency

[docs]class MtListBudget: """ MT3D mass budget reader Parameters ---------- file_name : str the list file name Examples -------- >>> mt_list = MtListBudget("my_mt3d.list") >>> incremental, cumulative = mt_list.get_budget() >>> gw_df, sw_df = mt_list.parse(start_datetime="10-21-2015") """ def __init__(self, file_name): """ Class constructor """ self.file_name = file_name self.tssp_lines = 0 # in case transport step number goes above 99999 # which might be outputted as ***** self.tkstp_overflow = 100000 # Assign the budgetkey, which should have been overridden self.gw_budget_key = ">>>for component no." line = "STREAM MASS BUDGETS AT END OF TRANSPORT STEP" self.sw_budget_key = line.lower() line = "TOTAL ELAPSED TIME SINCE BEGINNING OF SIMULATION" self.time_key = line.lower() line = "TRANSPORT TIME STEP" self.tkstp_key = line.lower() return
[docs] def parse( self, forgive=True, diff=True, start_datetime=None, time_unit="d" ): """ Main entry point for parsing the list file. Parameters ---------- forgive : bool flag to raise exceptions when fail-to-read occurs. Default is True diff : bool flag to return dataframes with 'in minus out' columns. Default is True start_datetime : str str that can be parsed by pandas.to_datetime. Example: '1-1-1970'. Default is None. time_unit : str str to pass to pandas.to_timedelta. Default is 'd' (days) Returns ------- df_gw,df_sw : pandas.DataFrame a dataframe for the groundwater mass and (optionally) surface-water mass budget. If the SFT process is not used, df_sw is None. """ pd = import_optional_dependency( "pandas", error_message="MtListBudget.parse() requires pandas.", ) self.gw_data = {} self.sw_data = {} self.lcount = 0 with open(self.file_name) as f: while True: line = self._readline(f) if line is None: break if self.gw_budget_key in line: if forgive: try: self._parse_gw(f, line) except Exception as e: warnings.warn( "error parsing GW mass budget " "starting on line {0}: {1} ".format( self.lcount, str(e) ) ) break else: self._parse_gw(f, line) elif self.sw_budget_key in line: if forgive: try: self._parse_sw(f, line) except Exception as e: warnings.warn( "error parsing SW mass budget" " starting on line {0}: {1} ".format( self.lcount, str(e) ) ) break else: self._parse_sw(f, line) elif self.tkstp_key in line: self.tkstp_overflow = int(line[51:58]) if len(self.gw_data) == 0: raise Exception("no groundwater budget info found...") # trim the lists so that they are all the same length # in case of a read fail min_len = 1e10 for i, lst in self.gw_data.items(): min_len = min(min_len, len(lst)) for i, lst in self.gw_data.items(): self.gw_data[i] = lst[:min_len] df_gw = pd.DataFrame(self.gw_data) df_gw.loc[:, "totim"] = df_gw.pop("totim_1") # if cumulative: # keep = [c for c in df_gw.columns if "_flx" not in c] # df_gw = df_gw.loc[:,keep] # else: # keep = [c for c in df_gw.columns if "_cum" not in c] # df_gw = df_gw.loc[:, keep] if diff: df_gw = self._diff(df_gw) if start_datetime is not None: dts = pd.to_datetime(start_datetime) + pd.to_timedelta( df_gw.totim, unit=time_unit ) df_gw.index = dts else: df_gw.index = df_gw.totim df_sw = None if len(self.sw_data) > 0: # trim the lists so that they are all the same length # in case of a read fail min_len = 1e10 for i, lst in self.sw_data.items(): min_len = min(min_len, len(lst)) min_len = min(min_len, df_gw.shape[0]) for i, lst in self.sw_data.items(): self.sw_data[i] = lst[:min_len] df_sw = pd.DataFrame(self.sw_data) df_sw.loc[:, "totim"] = df_gw.totim.iloc[:min_len].values # if cumulative: # keep = [c for c in df_sw.columns if "_flx" not in c] # df_sw = df_sw.loc[:, keep] # else: # keep = [c for c in df_sw.columns if "_cum" not in c] # df_sw = df_sw.loc[:, keep] if diff: df_sw = self._diff(df_sw) if start_datetime is not None: dts = pd.to_datetime(start_datetime) + pd.to_timedelta( df_sw.pop("totim"), unit=time_unit ) df_sw.index = dts else: df_sw.index = df_sw.pop("totim") for col in df_gw.columns: if "totim" in col: df_gw.pop(col) return df_gw, df_sw
def _diff(self, df): pd = import_optional_dependency( "pandas", error_message="MtListBudget._diff() requires pandas.", ) out_cols = [ c for c in df.columns if "_out" in c and not c.startswith("net_") ] in_cols = [ c for c in df.columns if "_in" in c and not c.startswith("net_") ] add_cols = [ c for c in df.columns if c not in out_cols + in_cols + ["totim"] ] out_base = [c.replace("_out_", "_") for c in out_cols] in_base = [c.replace("_in_", "_") for c in in_cols] map_names = { "stream_accumulation": "stream_depletion", "stream_outflow": "inflow_to_stream", "stream_to_gw": "gw_to_stream", "mass_loss": "mass_gain", "evaporation": "precipitation", } out_base_mapped = [] for base in out_base: if np.any([key in base for key in map_names.keys()]): for key, new in map_names.items(): if key in base: out_base_mapped.append(base.replace(key, new)) else: out_base_mapped.append(base) out_base = out_base_mapped in_dict = {ib: ic for ib, ic in zip(in_base, in_cols)} out_dict = {ib: ic for ib, ic in zip(out_base, out_cols)} in_base = set(in_base) out_base = set(out_base) out_base.update(in_base) out_base = list(out_base) out_base.sort() new = {"totim": df.totim} for col in out_base: if col in out_dict: odata = df.loc[:, out_dict[col]] else: odata = 0.0 if col in in_dict: idata = df.loc[:, in_dict[col]] else: idata = 0.0 new[col] = idata - odata new_df = pd.concat( [pd.DataFrame(new, index=df.index), df.loc[:, add_cols]], axis=1 ) return new_df def _readline(self, f): line = f.readline().lower() self.lcount += 1 if line == "": return None return line def _parse_gw(self, f, line): raw = line.strip().split() comp = int(raw[-1][:2]) self.imm = False for _ in range(7): line = self._readline(f) if line is None: raise Exception( "EOF while reading from component header to totim" ) try: totim = float(line.split()[-2]) except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"error parsing totim on line {self.lcount}: {e!s}" ) for _ in range(3): line = self._readline(f) if line is None: raise Exception("EOF while reading from totim to time step") try: kper = int(line[-6:-1]) kstp = int(line[-26:-21]) tkstp_str = line[-42:-37] if tkstp_str == "*****": tkstp = self.tkstp_overflow else: tkstp = int(tkstp_str) except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"error parsing time step info on line {self.lcount}: {e!s}" ) for lab, val in zip( ["totim", "kper", "kstp", "tkstp"], [totim, kper, kstp, tkstp] ): lab += f"_{comp}" if lab not in self.gw_data.keys(): self.gw_data[lab] = [] self.gw_data[lab].append(val) for _ in range(4): line = self._readline(f) if line is None: raise Exception("EOF while reading from time step to budget") break_next = False while True: line = self._readline(f) if line is None: raise Exception("EOF while reading budget") elif "-----" in line: self.imm = False break_next = True continue elif "....immobile" in line: self.imm = True continue try: item, ival, oval = self._parse_gw_line(line) except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"error parsing GW items on line {self.lcount}: {e!s}" ) self._add_to_gw_data(item, ival, oval, comp) if break_next: break # read extras (in-out and percent discrep.) blank_count = 0 while True: line = self._readline(f) if line is None: raise Exception("EOF while reading budget") elif "-----" in line: break elif line.strip() == "": blank_count += 1 # two consecutive blank line is end of block # sadly this is not always the case if blank_count == 2: break else: continue else: blank_count = 0 # try: item, ival, oval = self._parse_gw_line(line) except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"error parsing GW items on line {self.lcount}: {e!s}" ) self._add_to_gw_data(item, ival, oval, comp) if "discrepancy" in item: # can't rely on blank lines following block break def _parse_gw_line(self, line): raw = line.lower().split(":") item = raw[0].strip().strip(r"[\|]").replace(" ", "_") idx_ival = 0 idx_oval = 1 if self.imm: item = f"imm_{item}" if "TOTAL" in item.upper(): idx_oval += 1 # to deal with the units in the total string # net (in-out) and discrepancy will only have 1 entry if len(raw[1].split()) < 2: ival = float(raw[1]) oval = None else: ival = float(raw[1].split()[idx_ival]) oval = -1.0 * float(raw[1].split()[idx_oval]) return item, ival, oval def _add_to_gw_data(self, item, ival, oval, comp): item += f"_{comp}" if oval is None: lab_val = zip([""], [ival], [""]) else: lab_val = zip(["_in", "_out"], [ival, oval], ["_cum", "_cum"]) for lab, val, suf in lab_val: iitem = item + lab + suf if iitem not in self.gw_data.keys(): self.gw_data[iitem] = [] self.gw_data[iitem].append(val) def _parse_sw(self, f, line): try: comp = int(line[-5:-1]) kper = int(line[-24:-19]) kstp = int(line[-44:-39]) tkstp_str = line[-60:-55] if tkstp_str == "*****": tkstp = self.tkstp_overflow else: tkstp = int(tkstp_str) except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"error parsing time step info on line {self.lcount}: {e!s}" ) for lab, val in zip(["kper", "kstp", "tkstp"], [kper, kstp, tkstp]): lab += f"_{comp}" if lab not in self.sw_data.keys(): self.sw_data[lab] = [] self.sw_data[lab].append(val) for _ in range(4): line = self._readline(f) if line is None: msg = "EOF while reading from time step to SW budget" raise Exception(msg) break_next = False while True: line = self._readline(f) if line is None: raise Exception("EOF while reading 'in' SW budget") elif "------" in line: break_next = True # make sure we read total in continue try: item, cval, fval = self._parse_sw_line(line) except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"error parsing 'in' SW items on line {self.lcount}: {e!s}" ) self._add_to_sw_data("in", item, cval, fval, comp) if break_next: break # read net in-out and percent discrep for cumulative and flux for sw line = self._readline(f) # blank line read if line is None: raise Exception("EOF while reading 'in' SW budget") break_next = False while True: # read outs line = self._readline(f) if line is None: raise Exception() elif "------" in line: break_next = True # make sure we read total out continue try: item, cval, fval = self._parse_sw_line(line) except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"error parsing 'out' SW items on line {self.lcount}: {e!s}" ) self._add_to_sw_data("out", item, cval, fval, comp) if break_next: break # read extras (in-out and percent discrep.) blank_count = 0 while True: line = self._readline(f) if line is None: raise Exception("EOF while reading 'out' SW budget") elif line.strip() == "": blank_count += 1 if blank_count == 2: break # two consecutive blank line is end of block else: continue else: blank_count = 0 try: item, cval, fval = self._parse_sw_line(line) except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"error parsing 'out' SW items on line {self.lcount}: {e!s}" ) self._add_to_sw_data("net", item, cval, fval, comp) # out_tots = self._parse_sw_line(line) def _parse_sw_line(self, line): # print(line) raw = line.strip().split("=") citem = raw[0].strip().strip(r"[\|]").replace(" ", "_") cval = float(raw[1].split()[0]) if len(raw) < 3: # deal with flow error if written fval = None citem += raw[1].split()[-1] else: fitem = raw[1].split()[-1].replace(" ", "_") fval = float(raw[2]) # assert citem == fitem,"{0}, {1}".format(citem,fitem) return citem, cval, fval def _add_to_sw_data(self, inout, item, cval, fval, comp): item += f"_{comp}" if inout.lower() in set(["in", "out"]): item += f"_{inout}" if fval is None: lab_val = zip([""], [cval]) else: lab_val = zip(["_cum", "_flx"], [cval, fval]) for lab, val in lab_val: iitem = item + lab if iitem not in self.sw_data.keys(): self.sw_data[iitem] = [] self.sw_data[iitem].append(val)