Source code for flopy.utils.triangle

import os
import subprocess

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from ..mbase import which
from ..utils.cvfdutil import centroid_of_polygon
from ..utils.geospatial_utils import GeoSpatialUtil

[docs]class Triangle: """ Class to work with the triangle program to unstructured triangular grids. Information on the triangle program can be found at Parameters ---------- model_ws : str workspace location for creating triangle files (default is '.') exe_name : str path and name of the triangle program. (default is triangle, which means that the triangle program must be in your path) maximum_area : float the maximum area for any triangle. The default value is None, which means that the user must specify maximum areas for each region. angle : float Triangle will continue to add vertices until no angle is less than this specified value. (default is 20 degrees) nodes : ndarray Two dimensional array of shape (npoints, 2) with x and y positions of fixed node locations to include in the resulting triangular mesh. (default is None) additional_args : list list of additional command line switches to pass to triangle Returns ------- None """ def __init__( self, model_ws=".", exe_name="triangle", maximum_area=None, angle=20.0, nodes=None, additional_args=None, ): self.model_ws = model_ws exe_name = which(exe_name) if exe_name is None: raise Exception("Cannot find triangle binary executable") self.exe_name = os.path.abspath(exe_name) self.angle = angle self.maximum_area = maximum_area self._nodes = nodes self.additional_args = additional_args self._initialize_vars() return
[docs] def add_polygon(self, polygon): """ Add a polygon Parameters ---------- polygon : list, geojson, shapely.geometry, shapefile.Shape add polygon method accepts any of these geometries: a list of (x, y) points geojson Polygon object shapely Polygon object shapefile Polygon shape flopy.utils.geometry.Polygon object Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(polygon, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): polygon = [polygon] geom = GeoSpatialUtil(polygon, shapetype="Polygon") polygon = geom.points self._polygons.append(polygon[0]) if len(polygon) > 1: for hole in polygon[1:]: self.add_hole(hole) return
[docs] def add_hole(self, hole): """ Add a point that will turn enclosing polygon into a hole Parameters ---------- hole : tuple (x, y) Returns ------- None """ self._holes.append(hole) return
[docs] def add_region(self, point, attribute=0, maximum_area=None): """ Add a point that will become a region with a maximum area, if specified. Parameters ---------- point : tuple (x, y) attribute : integer or float integer value assigned to output elements maximum_area : float maximum area of elements in region Returns ------- None """ self._regions.append([point, attribute, maximum_area]) return
[docs] def build(self, verbose=False): """ Build the triangular mesh Parameters ---------- verbose : bool If true, print the results of the triangle command to the terminal (default is False) Returns ------- None """ # provide some protection by removing existing files self.clean() # write the active domain to a file fname = os.path.join(self.model_ws, f"{self.file_prefix}.0.node") self._write_nodefile(fname) # poly file fname = os.path.join(self.model_ws, f"{self.file_prefix}.0.poly") self._write_polyfile(fname) # Construct the triangle command cmds = [self.exe_name] if self.maximum_area is not None: cmds.append(f"-a{self.maximum_area}") else: cmds.append("-a") if self.angle is not None: cmds.append(f"-q{self.angle}") if self.additional_args is not None: cmds += self.additional_args cmds.append("-A") # assign attributes cmds.append("-p") # triangulate .poly file cmds.append("-V") # verbose cmds.append("-D") # delaunay triangles for finite volume cmds.append("-e") # edge file cmds.append("-n") # neighbor file cmds.append(f"{self.file_prefix}.0") # output file name # run Triangle buff = subprocess.check_output(cmds, cwd=self.model_ws) buff = buff.decode() if verbose: print(buff) # load the results self._load_results() self.ncpl = self.ele.shape[0] self.nvert = self.node.shape[0] # create verts and iverts self.verts = self.node[["x", "y"]] self.verts = np.array(self.verts.tolist(), float) self.iverts = [] for row in self.ele: self.iverts.append([row[1], row[2], row[3]]) return
[docs] def plot( self, ax=None, layer=0, edgecolor="k", facecolor="none", cmap="Dark2", a=None, masked_values=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot the grid. This method will plot the grid using the shapefile that was created as part of the build method. Note that the layer option is not working yet. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot axis The plot axis. If not provided it, plt.gca() will be used. If there is not a current axis then a new one will be created. layer : int Layer number to plot cmap : string Name of colormap to use for polygon shading (default is 'Dark2') edgecolor : string Color name. (Default is 'scaled' to scale the edge colors.) facecolor : string Color name. (Default is 'scaled' to scale the face colors.) a : numpy.ndarray Array to plot. masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. kwargs : dictionary Keyword arguments that are passed to PatchCollection.set(``**kwargs``). Some common kwargs would be 'linewidths', 'linestyles', 'alpha', etc. Returns ------- None """ from ..discretization import VertexGrid from ..plot import PlotMapView cell2d = self.get_cell2d() vertices = self.get_vertices() ncpl = len(cell2d) modelgrid = VertexGrid( vertices=vertices, cell2d=cell2d, ncpl=ncpl, nlay=1 ) pmv = PlotMapView(modelgrid=modelgrid, ax=ax, layer=layer) if a is None: pc = pmv.plot_grid( facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, **kwargs ) else: pc = pmv.plot_array( a, masked_values=masked_values, cmap=cmap, edgecolor=edgecolor, **kwargs, ) return pc
[docs] def get_boundary_marker_array(self): """ Get an integer array that has boundary markers Returns ------- iedge : ndarray integer array of size ncpl containing a boundary ids. The array contains zeros for cells that do not touch a boundary. The boundary ids are the segment numbers for each segment in each polygon that is added with the add_polygon method. """ iedge = np.zeros((self.ncpl), dtype=int) boundary_markers = np.unique(self.edge["boundary_marker"]) for ibm in boundary_markers: icells = self.get_edge_cells(ibm) iedge[icells] = ibm return iedge
[docs] def plot_boundary(self, ibm, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a line and vertices for the specified boundary marker Parameters ---------- ibm : integer plot the boundary for this boundary marker ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes axis to add the plot to. (default is plt.gca()) kwargs : dictionary dictionary of arguments to pass to ax.plot() Returns ------- None """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() idx = np.where(self.edge["boundary_marker"] == ibm)[0] for i in idx: iv1 = self.edge["endpoint1"][i] iv2 = self.edge["endpoint2"][i] x1 = self.node["x"][iv1] x2 = self.node["x"][iv2] y1 = self.node["y"][iv1] y2 = self.node["y"][iv2] ax.plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], **kwargs) return
[docs] def plot_vertices(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the mesh vertices Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes axis to add the plot to. (default is plt.gca()) kwargs : dictionary dictionary of arguments to pass to ax.plot() Returns ------- None """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(self.node["x"], self.node["y"], lw=0, **kwargs) return
[docs] def label_vertices(self, ax=None, onebased=True, **kwargs): """ Label the mesh vertices with their vertex numbers Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes axis to add the plot to. (default is plt.gca()) onebased : bool Make the labels one-based if True so that they correspond to what would be written to MODFLOW. kwargs : dictionary dictionary of arguments to pass to ax.text() Returns ------- None """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() for i in range(self.verts.shape[0]): x = self.verts[i, 0] y = self.verts[i, 1] s = i if onebased: s += 1 ax.text(x, y, str(s), **kwargs) return
[docs] def plot_centroids(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the cell centroids Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes axis to add the plot to. (default is plt.gca()) kwargs : dictionary dictionary of arguments to pass to ax.plot() Returns ------- None """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() xcyc = self.get_xcyc() ax.plot(xcyc[:, 0], xcyc[:, 1], lw=0, **kwargs) return
[docs] def label_cells(self, ax=None, onebased=True, **kwargs): """ Label the cells with their cell numbers Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes axis to add the plot to. (default is plt.gca()) onebased : bool Make the labels one-based if True so that they correspond to what would be written to MODFLOW. kwargs : dictionary dictionary of arguments to pass to ax.text() Returns ------- None """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() xcyc = self.get_xcyc() for i in range(xcyc.shape[0]): x = xcyc[i, 0] y = xcyc[i, 1] s = i if onebased: s += 1 ax.text(x, y, str(s), **kwargs) return
[docs] def get_xcyc(self): """ Get a 2-dimensional array of x and y cell center coordinates. Returns ------- xcyc : ndarray column 0 contains the x coordinates and column 1 contains the y coordinates """ ncpl = len(self.iverts) xcyc = np.empty((ncpl, 2), dtype=float) for i, icell2d in enumerate(self.iverts): points = [] for iv in icell2d: x = self.verts[iv, 0] y = self.verts[iv, 1] points.append((x, y)) xc, yc = centroid_of_polygon(points) xcyc[i, 0] = xc xcyc[i, 1] = yc return xcyc
[docs] def get_cell2d(self): """ Get a list of the information needed for the MODFLOW DISV Package. Returns ------- cell2d : list (of lists) innermost list contains cell number, x, y, number of vertices, and then the vertex numbers comprising the cell. """ cell2d = [] xcyc = self.get_xcyc() for i, icell2d in enumerate(self.iverts): ic2dr = icell2d[::-1] cell2d.append([i, xcyc[i, 0], xcyc[i, 1], len(icell2d)] + ic2dr) return cell2d
[docs] def get_vertices(self): """ Get a list of vertices in the form needed for the MODFLOW DISV Package. Returns ------- vertices : list (of lists) innermost list contains vertex number, x, and y """ vertices = [] for i, row in enumerate(self.verts): vertices.append([i, row[0], row[1]]) return vertices
[docs] def get_edge_cells(self, ibm): """ Get a list of cell numbers that correspond to the specified boundary marker. Parameters ---------- ibm : integer boundary marker value Returns ------- cell_list : list list of zero-based cell numbers """ # Create the edge dictionary if it doesn't exist if self.edgedict is None: self._create_edge_dict() # Create a list of cells for boundary marker ibm cell_list = [] edgedict = self.edgedict for n, ivlist in enumerate(self.iverts): itmp = ivlist + [ivlist[0]] for i in range(len(ivlist)): ie = (itmp[i], itmp[i + 1]) if ie in edgedict: if edgedict[ie] == ibm: cell_list.append(n) return cell_list
[docs] def get_cell_edge_length(self, n, ibm): """ Get the length of the edge for cell n that corresponds to boundary marker ibm Parameters ---------- n : int cell number. 0 <= n < self.ncpl ibm : integer boundary marker number Returns ------- length : float Length of the edge along that boundary marker. Will return None if cell n does not touch boundary marker. """ assert 0 <= n < self.ncpl, "Not a valid cell number" # Create the edge dictionary if it doesn't exist if self.edgedict is None: self._create_edge_dict() ivlist = self.iverts[n] itmp = ivlist + [ivlist[0]] d = None for i in range(len(ivlist)): iv1 = itmp[i] iv2 = itmp[i + 1] ie = (itmp[i], itmp[i + 1]) if ie in self.edgedict: if self.edgedict[ie] == ibm: x1, y1 = self.verts[iv1] x2, y2 = self.verts[iv2] d = ((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2) ** 0.5 return d return d
[docs] def get_attribute_array(self): """ Return an array containing the attribute value for each cell. These are the attribute values that are passed into the add_region() method. Returns ------- attribute_array : ndarray """ return self.ele["attribute"]
[docs] def clean(self): """ Remove the input and output files created by this class and by the Triangle program Returns ------- None """ # remove input files for ext in ["poly", "node"]: fname = os.path.join(self.model_ws, f"{self.file_prefix}0.{ext}") if os.path.isfile(fname): os.remove(fname) if os.path.isfile(fname): print(f"Could not remove: {fname}") # remove output files for ext in ["poly", "ele", "node", "neigh", "edge"]: fname = os.path.join(self.model_ws, f"{self.file_prefix}1.{ext}") if os.path.isfile(fname): os.remove(fname) if os.path.isfile(fname): print(f"Could not remove: {fname}") return
def _initialize_vars(self): self.file_prefix = "_triangle" self.ncpl = 0 self.nvert = 0 self._active_domain = None self._polygons = [] self._holes = [] self._regions = [] self.verts = None self.iverts = None self.edgedict = None return def _load_results(self): # node file ext = "node" dt = [("ivert", int), ("x", float), ("y", float)] fname = os.path.join(self.model_ws, f"{self.file_prefix}.1.{ext}") setattr(self, ext, None) if os.path.isfile(fname): f = open(fname, "r") line = f.readline() f.close() ll = line.strip().split() nvert = int(ll[0]) ndim = int(ll[1]) assert ndim == 2, "Dimensions in node file is not 2" iattribute = int(ll[2]) if iattribute == 1: dt.append(("attribute", int)) ibm = int(ll[3]) if ibm == 1: dt.append(("boundary_marker", int)) a = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=1, comments="#", dtype=dt) assert a.shape[0] == nvert setattr(self, ext, a) # ele file ext = "ele" dt = [("icell", int), ("iv1", int), ("iv2", int), ("iv3", int)] fname = os.path.join(self.model_ws, f"{self.file_prefix}.1.{ext}") setattr(self, ext, None) if os.path.isfile(fname): f = open(fname, "r") line = f.readline() f.close() ll = line.strip().split() ncells = int(ll[0]) npt = int(ll[1]) assert npt == 3, "Nodes per triangle in ele file is not 3" iattribute = int(ll[2]) if iattribute == 1: dt.append(("attribute", int)) a = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=1, comments="#", dtype=dt) assert a.shape[0] == ncells setattr(self, ext, a) # edge file ext = "edge" dt = [("iedge", int), ("endpoint1", int), ("endpoint2", int)] fname = os.path.join(self.model_ws, f"{self.file_prefix}.1.{ext}") setattr(self, ext, None) if os.path.isfile(fname): f = open(fname, "r") line = f.readline() f.close() ll = line.strip().split() nedges = int(ll[0]) ibm = int(ll[1]) if ibm == 1: dt.append(("boundary_marker", int)) a = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=1, comments="#", dtype=dt) assert a.shape[0] == nedges setattr(self, ext, a) # neighbor file ext = "neigh" dt = [ ("icell", int), ("neighbor1", int), ("neighbor2", int), ("neighbor3", int), ] fname = os.path.join(self.model_ws, f"{self.file_prefix}.1.{ext}") setattr(self, ext, None) if os.path.isfile(fname): f = open(fname, "r") line = f.readline() f.close() ll = line.strip().split() ncells = int(ll[0]) nnpt = int(ll[1]) assert nnpt == 3, "Neighbors per triangle in neigh file is not 3" a = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=1, comments="#", dtype=dt) assert a.shape[0] == ncells setattr(self, ext, a) return def _write_nodefile(self, fname): f = open(fname, "w") nvert = 0 for p in self._polygons: nvert += len(p) if self._nodes is not None: nvert += self._nodes.shape[0] s = f"{nvert} 2 0 0\n" f.write(s) ip = 0 for p in self._polygons: for vertex in p: s = f"{ip} {vertex[0]} {vertex[1]}\n" f.write(s) ip += 1 if self._nodes is not None: for i in range(self._nodes.shape[0]): s = f"{ip} {self._nodes[i, 0]} {self._nodes[i, 1]}\n" f.write(s) ip += 1 f.close() def _write_polyfile(self, fname): f = open(fname, "w") # vertices, write zero to indicate read from node file s = "{} {} {} {}\n".format(0, 0, 0, 0) f.write(s) # segments nseg = 0 for p in self._polygons: nseg += len(p) bm = 1 s = f"{nseg} {bm}\n" f.write(s) iseg = 0 ipstart = 0 for p in self._polygons: nseg = len(p) for i in range(nseg): ep1 = i ep2 = i + 1 if ep2 > nseg - 1: ep2 = 0 ep1 += ipstart ep2 += ipstart s = f"{iseg} {ep1} {ep2} {iseg + 1}\n" f.write(s) iseg += 1 ipstart += len(p) # holes nholes = len(self._holes) s = f"{nholes}\n" f.write(s) for i, hole in enumerate(self._holes): s = f"{i} {hole[0]} {hole[1]}\n" f.write(s) # regions nregions = len(self._regions) s = f"{nregions}\n" f.write(s) for i, region in enumerate(self._regions): pt = region[0] attribute = region[1] maxarea = region[2] if maxarea is None: maxarea = -1.0 s = f"{i} {pt[0]} {pt[1]} {attribute} {maxarea}\n" f.write(s) f.close() return def _create_edge_dict(self): """ Create the edge dictionary """ edgedict = {} for _, iv1, iv2, iseg in self.edge: if iseg != 0: edgedict[(iv1, iv2)] = iseg edgedict[(iv2, iv1)] = iseg self.edgedict = edgedict return