flopy.mf6.utils.binaryfile_utils module

class MFOutput(mfdict, path, key)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper class for Binary Arrays. This class enables directly getting slices from the binary output. It is intended to be called from the __getitem__ method of the SimulationDict() class. Implemented to conserve memory.

  • path (binary file path location) –

  • mfdict (SimulationDict() object) –

  • key (dict key ex. ('flow15','CBC','FLOW RIGHT FACE')) –


  • Xarray of [n,n,n,n] dimension

  • Usage

  • —–

  • >>> val = MFOutput(mfdict, path, key)

  • >>> return val.data

  • User interaction

  • —————–

  • >>> data[(‘flow15’,’CBC’,’FLOW RIGHT FACE’)][ (,0,1,:])

  • or

  • >>> data[(‘flow15’,’CBC’,’FLOW RIGHT FACE’)]

class MFOutputRequester(mfdict, path, key)[source]

Bases: object

MFOutputRequest class is a helper function to enable the user to query binary data from the SimulationDict() object on the fly without actually storing it in the SimulationDict() object.


mfdict: dict

local instance of the SimulationDict() object


pointer to the MFSimulationPath object

key: tuple

user requested data key



returns: Xarray object


>>> data = MFOutputRequester(mfdict, path, key)
>>> data.querybinarydata
static getkeys(mfdict, path, print_keys=True)[source]