Source code for flopy.plot.plotutil

Module containing helper functions for plotting model data
using ModelMap and ModelCrossSection. Functions for plotting
shapefiles are also included.

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import math
import numpy as np
import warnings
from ..utils import Util3d
from ..datbase import DataType, DataInterface

    import shapefile
except ImportError:
    shapefile = None

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
    plt = None

warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning)

bc_color_dict = {
    "default": "black",
    "WEL": "red",
    "DRN": "yellow",
    "RIV": "teal",
    "GHB": "cyan",
    "CHD": "navy",
    "STR": "purple",
    "SFR": "teal",
    "UZF": "peru",
    "LAK": "royalblue",

[docs]class PlotException(Exception): def __init__(self, message): super().__init__(message)
[docs]class PlotUtilities: """ Class which groups a collection of plotting utilities which Flopy and Flopy6 can use to generate map based plots """ @staticmethod def _plot_simulation_helper(simulation, model_list, SelPackList, **kwargs): """ Plot 2-D, 3-D, transient 2-D, and stress period list (MfList) model input data from a model instance Parameters ---------- simulation : flopy.mf6.Simulation object model_list : list list of model names to plot SelPackList : list list of package names to plot, if none all packages will be plotted **kwargs : dict filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') mflay : int MODFLOW zero-based layer number to return. If None, then all all layers will be included. (default is None) kper : int MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. (default is zero) key : str MfList dictionary key. (default is None) Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis are returned. """ defaults = { "kper": 0, "mflay": None, "filename_base": None, "file_extension": "png", "key": None, } for key in defaults: if key in kwargs: if key == "file_extension": defaults[key] = kwargs[key].replace(".", "") else: defaults[key] = kwargs[key] kwargs.pop(key) filename_base = defaults["filename_base"] if model_list is None: model_list = simulation.model_names axes = [] ifig = 0 for model_name in model_list: model = simulation.get_model(model_name) model_filename_base = None if filename_base is not None: model_filename_base = filename_base + "_" + model_name if model.verbose: print(" Plotting Model: ", model_name) caxs = PlotUtilities._plot_model_helper( model, SelPackList=SelPackList, kper=defaults["kper"], mflay=defaults["mflay"], filename_base=model_filename_base, file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], key=defaults["key"], initial_fig=ifig, model_name=model_name, **kwargs ) if isinstance(caxs, list): for c in caxs: axes.append(c) else: axes.append(caxs) ifig = len(axes) + 1 return axes @staticmethod def _plot_model_helper(model, SelPackList, **kwargs): """ Plot 2-D, 3-D, transient 2-D, and stress period list (MfList) model input data from a model instance Parameters ---------- model : Flopy model instance SelPackList : list list of package names to plot, if none all packages will be plotted **kwargs : dict filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') mflay : int MODFLOW zero-based layer number to return. If None, then all all layers will be included. (default is None) kper : int MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. (default is zero) key : str MfList dictionary key. (default is None) Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis are returned. """ # valid keyword arguments defaults = { "kper": 0, "mflay": None, "filename_base": None, "file_extension": "png", "key": None, "model_name": "", "initial_fig": 0, } for key in defaults: if key in kwargs: if key == "file_extension": defaults[key] = kwargs[key].replace(".", "") else: defaults[key] = kwargs[key] kwargs.pop(key) axes = [] ifig = defaults["initial_fig"] if SelPackList is None: for p in model.packagelist: caxs = PlotUtilities._plot_package_helper( p, initial_fig=ifig, filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], kper=defaults["kper"], mflay=defaults["mflay"], key=defaults["key"], model_name=defaults["model_name"], model_grid=model.modelgrid, ) # unroll nested lists of axes into a single list of axes if isinstance(caxs, list): for c in caxs: axes.append(c) else: axes.append(caxs) # update next active figure number ifig = len(axes) + 1 else: for pon in SelPackList: for p in model.packagelist: if pon in if model.verbose: print(" Plotting Package: ",[0]) caxs = PlotUtilities._plot_package_helper( p, initial_fig=ifig, filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], kper=defaults["kper"], mflay=defaults["mflay"], key=defaults["key"], model_name=defaults["model_name"], modelgrid=model.modelgrid, ) # unroll nested lists of axes into a single list # of axes if isinstance(caxs, list): for c in caxs: axes.append(c) else: axes.append(caxs) # update next active figure number ifig = len(axes) + 1 break if model.verbose: print(" ") return axes @staticmethod def _plot_package_helper(package, **kwargs): """ Plot 2-D, 3-D, transient 2-D, and stress period list (MfList) package input data Parameters ---------- package: flopy.pakbase.Package package instance supplied for plotting **kwargs : dict filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') mflay : int MODFLOW zero-based layer number to return. If None, then all all layers will be included. (default is None) kper : int MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. (default is zero) key : str MfList dictionary key. (default is None) Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis are returned. """ defaults = { "kper": 0, "filename_base": None, "file_extension": "png", "mflay": None, "key": None, "initial_fig": 0, "model_name": "", "modelgrid": None, } for key in defaults: if key in kwargs: if key == "file_extension": defaults[key] = kwargs[key].replace(".", "") elif key == "initial_fig": defaults[key] = int(kwargs[key]) else: defaults[key] = kwargs[key] kwargs.pop(key) model_name = defaults.pop("model_name") nlay = package.parent.modelgrid.nlay inc = nlay if defaults["mflay"] is not None: inc = 1 axes = [] for item, value in package.__dict__.items(): caxs = [] # trap non-flopy specific data_types. if isinstance(value, list): for v in value: if isinstance(v, Util3d): if package.parent.verbose: print( "plotting {} package Util3d instance: {}".format([0], item ) ) fignum = list( range( defaults["initial_fig"], defaults["initial_fig"] + inc, ) ) defaults["initial_fig"] = fignum[-1] + 1 caxs.append( PlotUtilities._plot_util3d_helper( v, filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], mflay=defaults["mflay"], fignum=fignum, model_name=model_name, colorbar=True, modelgrid=defaults["modelgrid"], ) ) elif isinstance(value, DataInterface): if ( value.data_type == DataType.transientlist ): # isinstance(value, (MfList, MFTransientList)): if package.parent.verbose: print( "plotting {} package MfList instance: {}".format([0], item ) ) if defaults["key"] is None: names = [ "{} {} location stress period {} layer {}".format( model_name,[0], defaults["kper"] + 1, k + 1, ) for k in range(package.parent.modelgrid.nlay) ] colorbar = False else: names = [ "{} {} {} data stress period {} layer {}".format( model_name,[0], defaults["key"], defaults["kper"] + 1, k + 1, ) for k in range(package.parent.modelgrid.nlay) ] colorbar = True fignum = list( range( defaults["initial_fig"], defaults["initial_fig"] + inc, ) ) defaults["initial_fig"] = fignum[-1] + 1 # need to keep this as value.plot() because of # mf6 datatype issues ax = value.plot( defaults["key"], names, defaults["kper"], filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], mflay=defaults["mflay"], fignum=fignum, colorbar=colorbar, modelgrid=defaults["modelgrid"], **kwargs ) if ax is not None: caxs.append(ax) elif ( value.data_type == DataType.array3d ): # isinstance(value, Util3d): if value.array is not None: if package.parent.verbose: print( "plotting {} package Util3d instance: {}".format([0], item ) ) # fignum = list(range(ifig, ifig + inc)) fignum = list( range( defaults["initial_fig"], defaults["initial_fig"] + min(value.array.shape[0], nlay), ) ) defaults["initial_fig"] = fignum[-1] + 1 caxs.append( PlotUtilities._plot_util3d_helper( value, filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], mflay=defaults["mflay"], fignum=fignum, model_name=model_name, colorbar=True, modelgrid=defaults["modelgrid"], ) ) elif ( value.data_type == DataType.array2d ): # isinstance(value, Util2d): if value.array is not None: if len(value.array.shape) == 2: # is this necessary? if package.parent.verbose: print( "plotting {} package Util2d instance: {}".format([0], item ) ) fignum = list( range( defaults["initial_fig"], defaults["initial_fig"] + 1, ) ) defaults["initial_fig"] = fignum[-1] + 1 caxs.append( PlotUtilities._plot_util2d_helper( value, filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], fignum=fignum, model_name=model_name, colorbar=True, modelgrid=defaults["modelgrid"], ) ) elif ( value.data_type == DataType.transient2d ): # isinstance(value, Transient2d): if value.array is not None: if package.parent.verbose: print( "plotting {} package Transient2d instance: {}".format([0], item ) ) fignum = list( range( defaults["initial_fig"], defaults["initial_fig"] + inc, ) ) defaults["initial_fig"] = fignum[-1] + 1 caxs.append( PlotUtilities._plot_transient2d_helper( value, filename_base=defaults["filename_base"], file_extension=defaults["file_extension"], kper=defaults["kper"], fignum=fignum, colorbar=True, modelgrid=defaults["modelgrid"], ) ) else: pass else: pass # unroll nested lists os axes into a single list of axes if isinstance(caxs, list): for c in caxs: if isinstance(c, list): for cc in c: axes.append(cc) else: axes.append(c) else: axes.append(caxs) return axes @staticmethod def _plot_mflist_helper( mflist, key=None, names=None, kper=0, filename_base=None, file_extension=None, mflay=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot stress period boundary condition (MfList) data for a specified stress period Parameters ---------- mflist: flopy.utils.util_list.MfList object key : str MfList dictionary key. (default is None) names : list List of names for figure titles. (default is None) kper : int MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. (default is zero) filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') mflay : int MODFLOW zero-based layer number to return. If None, then all all layers will be included. (default is None) **kwargs : dict axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis List of matplotlib.pyplot.axis that will be used to plot data for each layer. If axes=None axes will be generated. (default is None) pcolor : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh plot will be plotted. (default is True) colorbar : bool Boolean used to determine if a color bar will be added to the matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Only used if pcolor=True. (default is False) inactive : bool Boolean used to determine if a black overlay in inactive cells in a layer will be displayed. (default is True) contour : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.contour plot will be plotted. (default is False) clabel : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.clabel will be plotted. Only used if contour=True. (default is False) grid : bool Boolean used to determine if the model grid will be plotted on the figure. (default is False) masked_values : list List of unique values to be excluded from the plot. Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis is returned. """ if file_extension is not None: fext = file_extension else: fext = "png" model_name = "" if "model_name" in kwargs: model_name = kwargs.pop("model_name") + " " modelgrid = None if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") filenames = None if filename_base is not None: if mflay is not None: i0 = int(mflay) if i0 + 1 >= mflist.model.modelgrid.nlay: i0 = mflist.model.modelgrid.nlay - 1 i1 = i0 + 1 else: i0 = 0 i1 = mflist.model.modelgrid.nlay # build filenames package_name =[0].upper() filenames = [ "{}_{}_StressPeriod{}_Layer{}.{}".format( filename_base, package_name, kper + 1, k + 1, fext ) for k in range(i0, i1) ] if names is None: if key is None: names = [ "{}{} location stress period: {} layer: {}".format( model_name,[0], kper + 1, k + 1 ) for k in range(mflist.model.modelgrid.nlay) ] else: names = [ "{}{} {} stress period: {} layer: {}".format( model_name,[0], key, kper + 1, k + 1, ) for k in range(mflist.model.modelgrid.nlay) ] if key is None: axes = PlotUtilities._plot_bc_helper( mflist.package, kper, names=names, filenames=filenames, mflay=mflay, modelgrid=modelgrid, **kwargs ) else: arr_dict = mflist.to_array(kper, mask=True) try: arr = arr_dict[key] except: err_msg = "Cannot find key to plot\n" err_msg += " Provided key={}\n Available keys=".format(key) for name, arr in arr_dict.items(): err_msg += "{}, ".format(name) err_msg += "\n" raise PlotException(err_msg) axes = PlotUtilities._plot_array_helper( arr, model=mflist.model, names=names, filenames=filenames, mflay=mflay, modelgrid=modelgrid, **kwargs ) return axes @staticmethod def _plot_util2d_helper( util2d, title=None, filename_base=None, file_extension=None, fignum=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot 2-D model input data Parameters ---------- util2d : flopy.util.util_array.Util2d object title : str Plot title. If a plot title is not provide one will be created based on data name ( (default is None) filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') fignum : list list of figure numbers **kwargs : dict axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis List of matplotlib.pyplot.axis that will be used to plot data for each layer. If axes=None axes will be generated. (default is None) pcolor : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh plot will be plotted. (default is True) colorbar : bool Boolean used to determine if a color bar will be added to the matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Only used if pcolor=True. (default is False) inactive : bool Boolean used to determine if a black overlay in inactive cells in a layer will be displayed. (default is True) contour : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.contour plot will be plotted. (default is False) clabel : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.clabel will be plotted. Only used if contour=True. (default is False) grid : bool Boolean used to determine if the model grid will be plotted on the figure. (default is False) masked_values : list List of unique values to be excluded from the plot. Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis is returned. """ model_name = "" if "model_name" in kwargs: model_name = kwargs.pop("model_name") + " " modelgrid = None if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") if title is None: title = "{}{}".format(model_name, if file_extension is not None: fext = file_extension else: fext = "png" filename = None if filename_base is not None: filename = "{}_{}.{}".format(filename_base,, fext) axes = PlotUtilities._plot_array_helper( util2d.array, util2d.model, names=title, filenames=filename, fignum=fignum, modelgrid=modelgrid, **kwargs ) return axes @staticmethod def _plot_util3d_helper( util3d, filename_base=None, file_extension=None, mflay=None, fignum=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot 3-D model input data Parameters ---------- util3d : flopy.util.util_array.Util3d object filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') mflay : int MODFLOW zero-based layer number to return. If None, then all all layers will be included. (default is None) fignum : list list of figure numbers **kwargs : dict axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis List of matplotlib.pyplot.axis that will be used to plot data for each layer. If axes=None axes will be generated. (default is None) pcolor : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh plot will be plotted. (default is True) colorbar : bool Boolean used to determine if a color bar will be added to the matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Only used if pcolor=True. (default is False) inactive : bool Boolean used to determine if a black overlay in inactive cells in a layer will be displayed. (default is True) contour : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.contour plot will be plotted. (default is False) clabel : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.clabel will be plotted. Only used if contour=True. (default is False) grid : bool Boolean used to determine if the model grid will be plotted on the figure. (default is False) masked_values : list List of unique values to be excluded from the plot. Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis is returned. """ model_name = "" if "model_name" in kwargs: model_name = kwargs.pop("model_name") modelgrid = None if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") if file_extension is not None: fext = file_extension else: fext = "png" model = util3d.model if isinstance(util3d, Util3d): nplottable_layers = util3d.shape[0] else: # flopy6 adaption nplottable_layers = model.modelgrid.nlay array = util3d.array name = if isinstance(name, str): name = [name] * nplottable_layers names = [ "{}{} layer {}".format(model_name, name[k], k + 1) for k in range(nplottable_layers) ] filenames = None if filename_base is not None: # build filenames, use local "name" variable (flopy6 adaptation) filenames = [ "{}_{}_Layer{}.{}".format(filename_base, name[k], k + 1, fext) for k in range(nplottable_layers) ] axes = PlotUtilities._plot_array_helper( array, model, names=names, filenames=filenames, mflay=mflay, fignum=fignum, modelgrid=modelgrid, **kwargs ) return axes @staticmethod def _plot_transient2d_helper( transient2d, filename_base=None, file_extension=None, kper=0, fignum=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot transient 2-D model input data Parameters ---------- transient2d : flopy.utils.util_array.Transient2D object filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') kper : int zero based stress period number fignum : list list of figure numbers **kwargs : dict axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis List of matplotlib.pyplot.axis that will be used to plot data for each layer. If axes=None axes will be generated. (default is None) pcolor : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh plot will be plotted. (default is True) colorbar : bool Boolean used to determine if a color bar will be added to the matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Only used if pcolor=True. (default is False) inactive : bool Boolean used to determine if a black overlay in inactive cells in a layer will be displayed. (default is True) contour : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.contour plot will be plotted. (default is False) clabel : bool Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.clabel will be plotted. Only used if contour=True. (default is False) grid : bool Boolean used to determine if the model grid will be plotted on the figure. (default is False) masked_values : list List of unique values to be excluded from the plot. kper : str MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. If kper='all' then data for all stress period will be extracted. (default is zero). Returns ------- axes : list Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis is returned. """ if file_extension is not None: fext = file_extension else: fext = "png" modelgrid = None if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") if isinstance(kper, int): k0 = kper k1 = kper + 1 elif isinstance(kper, str): if kper.lower() == "all": k0 = 0 k1 = transient2d.model.nper else: k0 = int(kper) k1 = k0 + 1 else: k0 = int(kper) k1 = k0 + 1 if fignum is not None: if not isinstance(fignum, list): fignum = list(fignum) else: fignum = list(range(k0, k1)) if "mflay" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("mflay") axes = [] for idx, kper in enumerate(range(k0, k1)): title = "{} stress period {:d}".format("_", "").upper(), kper + 1 ) if filename_base is not None: filename = filename_base + "_{:05d}.{}".format(kper + 1, fext) else: filename = None axes.append( PlotUtilities._plot_array_helper( transient2d.array[kper], transient2d.model, names=title, filenames=filename, fignum=fignum[idx], modelgrid=modelgrid, **kwargs ) ) return axes @staticmethod def _plot_scalar_helper( scalar, filename_base=None, file_extension=None, **kwargs ): """ Helper method to plot scalar objects Parameters ---------- scalar : object filename_base : str Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None) file_extension : str Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png') Returns ------- axes: list matplotlib.axes object """ if file_extension is not None: fext = file_extension else: fext = "png" if "mflay" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("mflay") modelgrid = None if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") title ="_", "").upper() if filename_base is not None: filename = filename_base + ".{}".format(fext) else: filename = None axes = PlotUtilities._plot_array_helper( scalar.array, scalar.model, names=title, filenames=filename, modelgrid=modelgrid, **kwargs ) return axes @staticmethod def _plot_array_helper( plotarray, model=None, modelgrid=None, axes=None, names=None, filenames=None, fignum=None, mflay=None, **kwargs ): """ Helper method to plot array objects Parameters ---------- plotarray : np.array object model: fp.modflow.Modflow object optional if spatial reference is provided modelgrid: fp.discretization.Grid object object that defines the spatial orientation of a modflow grid within flopy. Optional if model object is provided axes: matplotlib.axes object existing matplotlib axis object to layer additional plotting on to. Optional. names: list list of figure titles (optional) filenames: list list of filenames to save figures to (optional) fignum: list of figure numbers (optional) mflay: int modflow model layer **kwargs: keyword arguments Returns: axes: list matplotlib.axes object """ from .map import PlotMapView defaults = { "figsize": None, "masked_values": None, "pcolor": True, "inactive": True, "contour": False, "clabel": False, "colorbar": False, "grid": False, "levels": None, "colors": "black", "dpi": None, "fmt": "%1.3f", "modelgrid": None, } # check that matplotlib is installed if plt is None: raise PlotException( "Could not import matplotlib. Must install matplotlib " "in order to plot LayerFile data." ) for key in defaults: if key in kwargs: defaults[key] = kwargs.pop(key) plotarray = plotarray.astype(float) # set values if model is not None: hnoflo = model.hnoflo hdry = model.hdry if defaults["masked_values"] is None: t = [] if hnoflo is not None: t.append(hnoflo) if hdry is not None: t.append(hdry) if t: defaults["masked_values"] = t else: if hnoflo is not None: defaults["masked_values"].append(hnoflo) if hdry is not None: defaults["masked_values"].append(hdry) if modelgrid is None: modelgrid = model.modelgrid ib = None if modelgrid is not None: if modelgrid.idomain is not None: ib = modelgrid.idomain else: if ib is None: try: ib = model.modelgrid.idomain except: pass # Code needs to set maxlay to 1 if the plottable array is for just # one layer. So it needs to set maxlay to 1 for the following types # of arrays: top[nrow, ncol], hk[nlay, nrow, ncol], and # rech[1, nrow, ncol] maxlay = modelgrid.get_number_plottable_layers(plotarray) # setup plotting routines i0, i1 = PlotUtilities._set_layer_range(mflay, maxlay) names = PlotUtilities._set_names(names, maxlay) filenames = PlotUtilities._set_names(filenames, maxlay) fignum = PlotUtilities._set_fignum(fignum, maxlay, i0, i1) axes = PlotUtilities._set_axes( axes, mflay, maxlay, i0, i1, defaults, names, fignum ) for idx, k in enumerate(range(i0, i1)): fig = plt.figure(num=fignum[idx]) pmv = PlotMapView( ax=axes[idx], model=model, modelgrid=modelgrid, layer=k ) if defaults["pcolor"]: cm = pmv.plot_array( plotarray, masked_values=defaults["masked_values"], ax=axes[idx], **kwargs ) if defaults["colorbar"]: label = "" if not isinstance(defaults["colorbar"], bool): label = str(defaults["colorbar"]) plt.colorbar(cm, ax=axes[idx], shrink=0.5, label=label) if defaults["contour"]: cl = pmv.contour_array( plotarray, masked_values=defaults["masked_values"], ax=axes[idx], colors=defaults["colors"], levels=defaults["levels"], **kwargs ) if defaults["clabel"]: axes[idx].clabel(cl, fmt=defaults["fmt"], **kwargs) if defaults["grid"]: pmv.plot_grid(ax=axes[idx]) if defaults["inactive"]: if ib is not None: pmv.plot_inactive(ibound=ib, ax=axes[idx]) if len(axes) == 1: axes = axes[0] if filenames is not None: for idx, k in enumerate(range(i0, i1)): fig = plt.figure(num=fignum[idx]) fig.savefig(filenames[idx], dpi=defaults["dpi"]) print( " created...{}".format(os.path.basename(filenames[idx])) ) # there will be nothing to return when done axes = None plt.close("all") return axes @staticmethod def _plot_bc_helper( package, kper, axes=None, names=None, filenames=None, fignum=None, mflay=None, **kwargs ): """ Helper method to plot bc objects from flopy packages Parameters ---------- package : flopy.pakbase.Package objects kper : int zero based stress period number axes: matplotlib.axes object existing matplotlib axis object to layer additional plotting on to. Optional. names: list list of figure titles (optional) filenames: list list of filenames to save figures to (optional) fignum: list of figure numbers (optional) mflay: int modflow model layer **kwargs: keyword arguments Returns ------- axes: list matplotlib.axes object """ from .map import PlotMapView if plt is None: raise PlotException( "Could not import matplotlib. Must install matplotlib " "in order to plot boundary condition data." ) defaults = { "figsize": None, "inactive": True, "grid": False, "dpi": None, "masked_values": None, } # parse kwargs for key in defaults: if key in kwargs: defaults[key] = kwargs.pop(key) ftype =[0] color = "black" if "CHD" in ftype.upper(): color = bc_color_dict[ftype.upper()[:3]] # flopy-modflow vs. flopy-modflow6 trap try: model = package.parent except AttributeError: model = package._model_or_sim nlay = model.modelgrid.nlay # set up plotting routines i0, i1 = PlotUtilities._set_layer_range(mflay, nlay) names = PlotUtilities._set_names(names, nlay) filenames = PlotUtilities._set_names(filenames, i1 - i0) fignum = PlotUtilities._set_fignum(fignum, i1 - i0, i0, i1) axes = PlotUtilities._set_axes( axes, mflay, nlay, i0, i1, defaults, names, fignum ) for idx, k in enumerate(range(i0, i1)): pmv = PlotMapView(ax=axes[idx], model=model, layer=k) fig = plt.figure(num=fignum[idx]) pmv.plot_bc( ftype=ftype, package=package, kper=kper, ax=axes[idx], color=color, ) if defaults["grid"]: pmv.plot_grid(ax=axes[idx]) if defaults["inactive"]: if model.modelgrid is not None: ib = model.modelgrid.idomain if ib is not None: pmv.plot_inactive(ibound=ib, ax=axes[idx]) if len(axes) == 1: axes = axes[0] if filenames is not None: for idx, k in enumerate(range(i0, i1)): fig = plt.figure(num=fignum[idx]) fig.savefig(filenames[idx], dpi=defaults["dpi"]) plt.close(fignum[idx]) print( " created...{}".format(os.path.basename(filenames[idx])) ) # there will be nothing to return when done axes = None plt.close("all") return axes @staticmethod def _set_layer_range(mflay, maxlay): """ Re-usable method to check for mflay and set the range of plottable layers Parameters ---------- mflay : int zero based layer number maxlay : int maximum number of layers in the plotting array Returns ------- i0, i1 : int, int minimum and maximum bounds on the layer range """ if mflay is not None: i0 = int(mflay) if i0 + 1 >= maxlay: i0 = maxlay - 1 i1 = i0 + 1 else: i0 = 0 i1 = maxlay return i0, i1 @staticmethod def _set_names(names, maxlay): """ Checks the supplied name variable for shape Parameters ---------- names : list of str if names is not none, asserts that there is a name supplied for each plot that will be generated maxlay : int maximum number of layers in the plotting array Returns ------- names : list or None list of names or None """ if names is not None: if not isinstance(names, list): if maxlay > 1: names = [ "{} layer {}".format(names, i + 1) for i in range(maxlay) ] else: names = [names] msg = "{} /= {}: {}".format(len(names), maxlay, names) assert len(names) == maxlay, msg return names @staticmethod def _set_fignum(fignum, maxlay, i0, i1): """ Method to generate a list of matplotlib figure numbers to join to figure objects. Checks for existing figures. Parameters ---------- fignum : list list of figure numbers maxlay : int maximum number of layers in the plotting array i0 : int minimum layer range i1 : int maximum layer range Returns ------- fignum : list """ if fignum is not None: if not isinstance(fignum, list): fignum = [fignum] msg = "{} /= {}".format(len(fignum), maxlay) assert len(fignum) == maxlay, msg # check for existing figures f0 = fignum[0] for i in plt.get_fignums(): if i >= f0: f0 = i + 1 finc = f0 - fignum[0] for idx, _ in enumerate(fignum): fignum[idx] += finc else: # check for existing figures f0 = 0 for i in plt.get_fignums(): if i >= f0: f0 += 1 f1 = f0 + (i1 - i0) fignum = np.arange(f0, f1) return fignum @staticmethod def _set_axes(axes, mflay, maxlay, i0, i1, defaults, names, fignum): """ Method to prepare axes objects for plotting Parameters ---------- axes : list matplotlib.axes objects mflay : int layer to plot or None i0 : int minimum range of layers to plot i1 : int maximum range of layers to plot defaults : dict the default dictionary from the parent plotting method fignum : list list of figure numbers Returns ------- axes : list matplotlib.axes objects """ if axes is not None: if not isinstance(axes, list): axes = [axes] assert len(axes) == maxlay else: # prepare some axis objects for use axes = [] for idx, k in enumerate(range(i0, i1)): plt.figure(figsize=defaults["figsize"], num=fignum[idx]) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect="equal") if names is not None: title = names[k] else: klay = k if mflay is not None: klay = int(mflay) title = "{} Layer {}".format("data", klay + 1) ax.set_title(title) axes.append(ax) return axes
[docs] @staticmethod def saturated_thickness(head, top, botm, laytyp, mask_values=None): """ Calculate the saturated thickness. Parameters ---------- head : numpy.ndarray head array top : numpy.ndarray top array of shape (nrow, ncol) botm : numpy.ndarray botm array of shape (nlay, nrow, ncol) laytyp : numpy.ndarray confined (0) or convertible (1) of shape (nlay) mask_values : list of floats If head is one of these values, then set sat to top - bot Returns ------- sat_thk : numpy.ndarray Saturated thickness of shape (nlay, nrow, ncol). """ if head.ndim == 3: head = np.copy(head) nlay, nrow, ncol = head.shape ncpl = nrow * ncol head.shape = (nlay, ncpl) top.shape = (ncpl,) botm.shape = (nlay, ncpl) if laytyp.ndim == 3: laytyp.shape = (nlay, ncpl) else: nrow, ncol = None, None nlay, ncpl = head.shape # cast a laytyp flag for each cell if modflow-2005 based, # which makes it consistent with the mf6 iconvert array if laytyp.ndim == 1: t = np.zeros(head.shape) for ix, _ in enumerate(laytyp): t[ix, :] = laytyp[ix] laytyp = t del t sat_thk_conf = np.empty(head.shape, dtype=head.dtype) sat_thk_unconf = np.empty(head.shape, dtype=head.dtype) for k in range(nlay): if k == 0: t = top else: t = botm[k - 1, :] sat_thk_conf[k, :] = t - botm[k, :] for k in range(nlay): dh = np.zeros((ncpl,), dtype=head.dtype) s = sat_thk_conf[k, :] for mv in mask_values: idx = head[k, :] == mv dh[idx] = s[idx] if k == 0: t = top else: t = botm[k - 1, :] t = np.where(head[k, :] > t, t, head[k, :]) dh = np.where(dh == 0, t - botm[k, :], dh) sat_thk_unconf[k, :] = dh[:] sat_thk = np.where(laytyp != 0, sat_thk_unconf, sat_thk_conf) if nrow is not None and ncol is not None: sat_thk.shape = (nlay, nrow, ncol) return sat_thk
[docs] @staticmethod def centered_specific_discharge(Qx, Qy, Qz, delr, delc, sat_thk): """ DEPRECATED. Use postprocessing.get_specific_discharge() instead. Using the MODFLOW discharge, calculate the cell centered specific discharge by dividing by the flow width and then averaging to the cell center. Parameters ---------- Qx : numpy.ndarray MODFLOW 'flow right face' Qy : numpy.ndarray MODFLOW 'flow front face'. The sign on this array will be flipped by this function so that the y axis is positive to north. Qz : numpy.ndarray MODFLOW 'flow lower face'. The sign on this array will be flipped by this function so that the z axis is positive in the upward direction. delr : numpy.ndarray MODFLOW delr array delc : numpy.ndarray MODFLOW delc array sat_thk : numpy.ndarray Saturated thickness for each cell Returns ------- (qx, qy, qz) : tuple of numpy.ndarrays Specific discharge arrays that have been interpolated to cell centers. """ import warnings warnings.warn( "centered_specific_discharge() has been deprecated and will be " "removed in version 3.3.5. Use " "postprocessing.get_specific_discharge() instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) qx = None qy = None qz = None if Qx is not None: nlay, nrow, ncol = Qx.shape qx = np.zeros(Qx.shape, dtype=Qx.dtype) for k in range(nlay): for j in range(ncol - 1): area = ( delc[:] * 0.5 * (sat_thk[k, :, j] + sat_thk[k, :, j + 1]) ) idx = area > 0.0 qx[k, idx, j] = Qx[k, idx, j] / area[idx] qx[:, :, 1:] = 0.5 * (qx[:, :, 0 : ncol - 1] + qx[:, :, 1:ncol]) qx[:, :, 0] = 0.5 * qx[:, :, 0] if Qy is not None: nlay, nrow, ncol = Qy.shape qy = np.zeros(Qy.shape, dtype=Qy.dtype) for k in range(nlay): for i in range(nrow - 1): area = ( delr[:] * 0.5 * (sat_thk[k, i, :] + sat_thk[k, i + 1, :]) ) idx = area > 0.0 qy[k, i, idx] = Qy[k, i, idx] / area[idx] qy[:, 1:, :] = 0.5 * (qy[:, 0 : nrow - 1, :] + qy[:, 1:nrow, :]) qy[:, 0, :] = 0.5 * qy[:, 0, :] qy = -qy if Qz is not None: qz = np.zeros(Qz.shape, dtype=Qz.dtype) dr = delr.reshape((1, delr.shape[0])) dc = delc.reshape((delc.shape[0], 1)) area = dr * dc for k in range(nlay): qz[k, :, :] = Qz[k, :, :] / area[:, :] qz[1:, :, :] = 0.5 * (qz[0 : nlay - 1, :, :] + qz[1:nlay, :, :]) qz[0, :, :] = 0.5 * qz[0, :, :] qz = -qz return (qx, qy, qz)
[docs]class UnstructuredPlotUtilities: """ Collection of unstructured grid and vertex grid compatible plotting helper functions """
[docs] @staticmethod def line_intersect_grid(ptsin, xgrid, ygrid): """ Uses cross product method to find which cells intersect with the line and then uses the parameterized line equation to caluculate intersection x, y vertex points. Should be quite fast for large model grids! Parameters ---------- pts : list list of tuple line vertex pairs (ex. [(1, 0), (10, 0)] xgrid : np.array model grid x vertices ygrid : np.array model grid y vertices Returns ------- vdict : dict of cell vertices """ # make sure xedge and yedge are numpy arrays if not isinstance(xgrid, np.ndarray): xgrid = np.array(xgrid) if not isinstance(ygrid, np.ndarray): ygrid = np.array(ygrid) npts = len(ptsin) # use a vector cross product to find which # cells intersect the line vdict = {} for ix in range(1, npts): xmin = np.min([ptsin[ix - 1][0], ptsin[ix][0]]) xmax = np.max([ptsin[ix - 1][0], ptsin[ix][0]]) ymin = np.min([ptsin[ix - 1][1], ptsin[ix][1]]) ymax = np.max([ptsin[ix - 1][1], ptsin[ix][1]]) x1 = np.ones(xgrid.shape) * ptsin[ix - 1][0] y1 = np.ones(ygrid.shape) * ptsin[ix - 1][1] x2 = np.ones(xgrid.shape) * ptsin[ix][0] y2 = np.ones(ygrid.shape) * ptsin[ix][1] x3 = xgrid y3 = ygrid x4 = np.zeros(xgrid.shape) y4 = np.zeros(ygrid.shape) x4[:, :-1] = xgrid[:, 1:] x4[:, -1] = xgrid[:, 0] y4[:, :-1] = ygrid[:, 1:] y4[:, -1] = ygrid[:, 0] # find where intersection is v1 = [x2 - x1, y2 - y1] v2 = [x2 - x3, y2 - y3] xp = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0] # loop finds which edges the line intersects cells = [] cell_vertex_ix = [] for cell, cpv in enumerate(xp): if np.all([t < 0 for t in cpv]): continue elif np.all([t > 0 for t in cpv]): continue else: # only cycle through the cells that intersect # the infinite line cvert_ix = [] for vx in range(len(cpv)): if cpv[vx - 1] < 0 and cpv[vx] > 0: cvert_ix.append(vx - 1) elif cpv[vx - 1] > 0 and cpv[vx] < 0: cvert_ix.append(vx - 1) elif cpv[vx - 1] == 0 and cpv[vx] == 0: cvert_ix += [vx - 1, vx] else: pass if cvert_ix: cells.append(cell) cell_vertex_ix.append(cvert_ix) # find interesection vertices numa = (x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3) numb = (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3) denom = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1) ua = numa / denom # ub = numb / denom del numa del numb del denom x = x1 + ua * (x2 - x1) y = y1 + ua * (y2 - y1) for iix, cell in enumerate(cells): xc = x[cell] yc = y[cell] verts = [ (xt, yt) for xt, yt in zip( xc[cell_vertex_ix[iix]], yc[cell_vertex_ix[iix]] ) ] if cell in vdict: for i in verts: # finally check that verts are # within the line segment range if i[0] < xmin or i[0] > xmax: continue elif i[1] < ymin or i[1] > ymax: continue elif i in vdict[cell]: continue elif ( np.isnan(i[0]) or np.isinf(i[0]) or np.isinf(i[1]) or np.isnan(i[1]) ): continue else: vdict[cell].append(i) else: # finally check that verts are # within the line segment range t = [] for i in verts: if i[0] < xmin or i[0] > xmax: continue elif i[1] < ymin or i[1] > ymax: continue elif i in t: continue elif ( np.isnan(i[0]) or np.isinf(i[0]) or np.isinf(i[1]) or np.isnan(i[1]) ): continue else: t.append(i) if t: vdict[cell] = t return vdict
[docs] @staticmethod def irregular_shape_patch(xverts, yverts): """ Patch for vertex cross section plotting when we have an irregular shape type throughout the model grid or multiple shape types. Parameters ---------- xverts : list xvertices yverts : list yvertices Returns ------- xverts, yverts as np.ndarray """ max_verts = 0 for xv in xverts: if len(xv) > max_verts: max_verts = len(xv) for yv in yverts: if len(yv) > max_verts: max_verts = len(yv) adj_xverts = [] for xv in xverts: if len(xv) < max_verts: xv = list(xv) n = max_verts - len(xv) adj_xverts.append(xv + [xv[-1]] * n) else: adj_xverts.append(xv) adj_yverts = [] for yv in yverts: if len(yv) < max_verts: yv = list(yv) n = max_verts - len(yv) adj_yverts.append(yv + [yv[-1]] * n) else: adj_yverts.append(yv) xverts = np.array(adj_xverts) yverts = np.array(adj_yverts) return xverts, yverts
[docs] @staticmethod def arctan2(verts, reverse=False): """ Reads 2 dimensional set of verts and orders them using the arctan 2 method Parameters ---------- verts : np.array of floats Nx2 array of verts Returns ------- verts : np.array of float Nx2 array of verts """ center = verts.mean(axis=0) x = verts.T[0] - center[0] z = verts.T[1] - center[1] angles = np.arctan2(z, x) * 180 / np.pi angleidx = angles.argsort() verts = verts[angleidx] if reverse: return verts[::-1] return verts
[docs]class SwiConcentration: """ The binary_header class is a class to create headers for MODFLOW binary files """ def __init__(self, model=None, botm=None, istrat=1, nu=None): if model is None: if isinstance(botm, list): botm = np.array(botm) self.__botm = botm if isinstance(nu, list): nu = np.array(nu) self.__nu = nu self.__istrat = istrat if istrat == 1: self.__nsrf = - 1 else: self.__nsrf = - 2 else: try: dis = model.get_package("DIS") except: sys.stdout.write("Error: DIS package not available.\n") self.__botm = np.zeros((dis.nlay + 1, dis.nrow, dis.ncol), float) self.__botm[0, :, :] = self.__botm[1:, :, :] = dis.botm.array try: swi = model.get_package("SWI2") self.__nu = self.__istrat = swi.istrat self.__nsrf = swi.nsrf except (AttributeError, ValueError): sys.stdout.write("Error: SWI2 package not available...\n") self.__nlay = self.__botm.shape[0] - 1 self.__nrow = self.__botm[0, :, :].shape[0] self.__ncol = self.__botm[0, :, :].shape[1] self.__b = self.__botm[0:-1, :, :] - self.__botm[1:, :, :]
[docs] def calc_conc(self, zeta, layer=None): """ Calculate concentrations for a given time step using passed zeta. Parameters ---------- zeta : dictionary of numpy arrays Dictionary of zeta results. zeta keys are zero-based zeta surfaces. layer : int Concentration will be calculated for the specified layer. If layer is None, then the concentration will be calculated for all layers. (default is None). Returns ------- conc : numpy array Calculated concentration. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow.load('test') >>> c = flopy.plot.SwiConcentration(model=m) >>> conc = c.calc_conc(z, layer=0) """ conc = np.zeros((self.__nlay, self.__nrow, self.__ncol), float) pct = {} for isrf in range(self.__nsrf): z = zeta[isrf] pct[isrf] = (self.__botm[:-1, :, :] - z[:, :, :]) / self.__b[ :, :, : ] for isrf in range(self.__nsrf): p = pct[isrf] if self.__istrat == 1: conc[:, :, :] += self.__nu[isrf] * p[:, :, :] if isrf + 1 == self.__nsrf: conc[:, :, :] += self.__nu[isrf + 1] * (1.0 - p[:, :, :]) # TODO linear option if layer is None: return conc else: return conc[layer, :, :]
[docs]def shapefile_extents(shp): """ Determine the extents of a shapefile Parameters ---------- shp : string Name of the shapefile to convert to a PatchCollection. Returns ------- extents : tuple tuple with xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax from shapefile. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> fshp = 'myshapefile' >>> extent = flopy.plot.plotutil.shapefile_extents(fshp) """ if shapefile is None: s = "Could not import shapefile. Must install pyshp in order to plot shapefiles." raise PlotException(s) sf = shapefile.Reader(shp) shapes = sf.shapes() nshp = len(shapes) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = 1.0e20, -1.0e20, 1.0e20, -1.0e20 for n in range(nshp): for p in shapes[n].points: xmin, xmax = min(xmin, p[0]), max(xmax, p[0]) ymin, ymax = min(ymin, p[1]), max(ymax, p[1]) return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
[docs]def shapefile_get_vertices(shp): """ Get vertices for the features in a shapefile Parameters ---------- shp : string Name of the shapefile to extract shapefile feature vertices. Returns ------- vertices : list Vertices is a list with vertices for each feature in the shapefile. Individual feature vertices are x, y tuples and contained in a list. A list with a single x, y tuple is returned for point shapefiles. A list with multiple x, y tuples is returned for polyline and polygon shapefiles. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> fshp = 'myshapefile' >>> lines = flopy.plot.plotutil.shapefile_get_vertices(fshp) """ if shapefile is None: s = "Could not import shapefile. Must install pyshp in order to plot shapefiles." raise PlotException(s) sf = shapefile.Reader(shp) shapes = sf.shapes() nshp = len(shapes) vertices = [] for n in range(nshp): st = shapes[n].shapeType if st in [1, 8, 11, 21]: # points for p in shapes[n].points: vertices.append([(p[0], p[1])]) elif st in [3, 13, 23]: # line line = [] for p in shapes[n].points: line.append((p[0], p[1])) line = np.array(line) vertices.append(line) elif st in [5, 25, 31]: # polygons pts = np.array(shapes[n].points) prt = shapes[n].parts par = list(prt) + [pts.shape[0]] for pij in range(len(prt)): vertices.append(pts[par[pij] : par[pij + 1]]) return vertices
[docs]def shapefile_to_patch_collection(shp, radius=500.0, idx=None): """ Create a patch collection from the shapes in a shapefile Parameters ---------- shp : string Name of the shapefile to convert to a PatchCollection. radius : float Radius of circle for points in the shapefile. (Default is 500.) idx : iterable int A list or array that contains shape numbers to include in the patch collection. Return all shapes if not specified. Returns ------- pc : matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection Patch collection of shapes in the shapefile """ if shapefile is None: raise PlotException( "Could not import shapefile. Must install pyshp " "in order to plot shapefiles." ) if plt is None: raise ImportError( "matplotlib must be installed to " "use shapefile_to_patch_collection()" ) else: from matplotlib.patches import Polygon, Circle, PathPatch import matplotlib.path as MPath from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection from ..utils.geospatial_utils import GeoSpatialCollection from ..utils.geometry import point_in_polygon geofeats = GeoSpatialCollection(shp) shapes = geofeats.shape nshp = len(shapes) ptchs = [] if idx is None: idx = range(nshp) for n in idx: st = shapes[n].shapeType if st in [1, 8, 11, 21]: # points for p in shapes[n].points: ptchs.append(Circle((p[0], p[1]), radius=radius)) elif st in [3, 13, 23]: # line vertices = [] for p in shapes[n].points: vertices.append([p[0], p[1]]) vertices += vertices[::-1] vertices = np.array(vertices) ptchs.append(Polygon(vertices)) elif st in [5, 25, 31]: # polygons pts = np.array(shapes[n].points) prt = shapes[n].parts par = list(prt) + [pts.shape[0]] polys = [] for pij in range(len(prt)): poly = np.array(pts[par[pij] : par[pij + 1]]) if not polys: polys.append(poly) else: temp = [] for ix, p in enumerate(polys): # check multipolygons for holes! mask = point_in_polygon( poly.T[0].reshape(1, -1), poly.T[1].reshape(1, -1), p, ) if np.all(mask): temp.append((poly, ix)) else: temp.append((poly, -1)) for p, flag in temp: if flag < 0: polys.append(p) else: # hole in polygon if isinstance(polys[flag], list): polys[flag].append(p) else: polys[flag] = [polys[flag], p] for poly in polys: if isinstance(poly, list): codes = [] for path in poly: c = ( np.ones(len(path), dtype=MPath.Path.code_type) * MPath.Path.LINETO ) c[0] = MPath.Path.MOVETO if len(codes) == 0: codes = c verts = path else: codes = np.concatenate((codes, c)) verts = np.concatenate((verts, path)) mplpath = MPath.Path(verts, codes) ptchs.append(PathPatch(mplpath)) else: ptchs.append(Polygon(poly)) pc = PatchCollection(ptchs) return pc
[docs]def plot_shapefile( shp, ax=None, radius=500.0, cmap="Dark2", edgecolor="scaled", facecolor="scaled", a=None, masked_values=None, idx=None, **kwargs ): """ Generic function for plotting a shapefile. Parameters ---------- shp : string Name of the shapefile to plot. ax : matplolib.pyplot.axes object radius : float Radius of circle for points. (Default is 500.) cmap : string Name of colormap to use for polygon shading (default is 'Dark2') edgecolor : string Color name. (Default is 'scaled' to scale the edge colors.) facecolor : string Color name. (Default is 'scaled' to scale the face colors.) a : numpy.ndarray Array to plot. masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. idx : iterable int A list or array that contains shape numbers to include in the patch collection. Return all shapes if not specified. kwargs : dictionary Keyword arguments that are passed to PatchCollection.set(``**kwargs``). Some common kwargs would be 'linewidths', 'linestyles', 'alpha', etc. Returns ------- pc : matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection Examples -------- """ if shapefile is None: s = ( "Could not import shapefile. Must install pyshp in " "order to plot shapefiles." ) raise PlotException(s) vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", None) vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", None) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() cm = plt.get_cmap(cmap) pc = shapefile_to_patch_collection(shp, radius=radius, idx=idx) pc.set(**kwargs) if a is None: nshp = len(pc.get_paths()) cccol = cm(1.0 * np.arange(nshp) / nshp) if facecolor == "scaled": pc.set_facecolor(cccol) else: pc.set_facecolor(facecolor) if edgecolor == "scaled": pc.set_edgecolor(cccol) else: pc.set_edgecolor(edgecolor) else: pc.set_cmap(cm) if masked_values is not None: for mval in masked_values: a =, mval) if edgecolor == "scaled": pc.set_edgecolor("none") else: pc.set_edgecolor(edgecolor) pc.set_array(a) pc.set_clim(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # add the patch collection to the axis ax.add_collection(pc) return pc
[docs]def cvfd_to_patch_collection(verts, iverts): """ Create a patch collection from control volume vertices and incidence list Parameters ---------- verts : ndarray 2d array of x and y points. iverts : list of lists should be of len(ncells) with a list of vertex numbers for each cell """ warnings.warn( "cvfd_to_patch_collection is deprecated and will be removed in " "version 3.3.5. Use PlotMapView for plotting", DeprecationWarning, ) if plt is None: raise ImportError( "matplotlib must be installed to use cvfd_to_patch_collection()" ) else: from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection ptchs = [] for ivertlist in iverts: points = [] for iv in ivertlist: points.append((verts[iv, 0], verts[iv, 1])) # close the polygon, if necessary if ivertlist[0] != ivertlist[-1]: iv = ivertlist[0] points.append((verts[iv, 0], verts[iv, 1])) ptchs.append(Polygon(points)) pc = PatchCollection(ptchs) return pc
[docs]def plot_cvfd( verts, iverts, ax=None, layer=0, cmap="Dark2", edgecolor="scaled", facecolor="scaled", a=None, masked_values=None, **kwargs ): """ Generic function for plotting a control volume finite difference grid of information. Parameters ---------- verts : ndarray 2d array of x and y points. iverts : list of lists should be of len(ncells) with a list of vertex number for each cell ax : matplotlib.pylot axis matplotlib.pyplot axis instance. Default is None layer : int layer to extract. Used in combination to the optional ncpl parameter. Default is 0 cmap : string Name of colormap to use for polygon shading (default is 'Dark2') edgecolor : string Color name. (Default is 'scaled' to scale the edge colors.) facecolor : string Color name. (Default is 'scaled' to scale the face colors.) a : numpy.ndarray Array to plot. masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. kwargs : dictionary Keyword arguments that are passed to PatchCollection.set(``**kwargs``). Some common kwargs would be 'linewidths', 'linestyles', 'alpha', etc. Returns ------- pc : matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection Examples -------- """ warnings.warn( "plot_cvfd is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.3.5. " "Use PlotMapView for plotting", DeprecationWarning, ) if plt is None: err_msg = "matplotlib must be installed to use plot_cvfd()" raise ImportError(err_msg) if "vmin" in kwargs: vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin") else: vmin = None if "vmax" in kwargs: vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax") else: vmax = None if "ncpl" in kwargs: nlay = layer + 1 ncpl = kwargs.pop("ncpl") if isinstance(ncpl, int): i = int(ncpl) ncpl = np.ones((nlay), dtype=int) * i elif isinstance(ncpl, list) or isinstance(ncpl, tuple): ncpl = np.array(ncpl) i0 = 0 i1 = 0 for k in range(nlay): i0 = i1 i1 = i0 + ncpl[k] # retain iverts in selected layer iverts = iverts[i0:i1] # retain vertices in selected layer tverts = [] for iv in iverts: for iloc in iv: tverts.append((verts[iloc, 0], verts[iloc, 1])) verts = np.array(tverts) # calculate offset for starting vertex in layer based on # global vertex numbers iadj = iverts[0][0] # reset iverts to relative vertices in selected layer tiverts = [] for iv in iverts: i = [] for t in iv: i.append(t - iadj) tiverts.append(i) iverts = tiverts else: i0 = 0 i1 = len(iverts) # get current axis if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() cm = plt.get_cmap(cmap) pc = cvfd_to_patch_collection(verts, iverts) pc.set(**kwargs) # set colors if a is None: nshp = len(pc.get_paths()) cccol = cm(1.0 * np.arange(nshp) / nshp) if facecolor == "scaled": pc.set_facecolor(cccol) else: pc.set_facecolor(facecolor) if edgecolor == "scaled": pc.set_edgecolor(cccol) else: pc.set_edgecolor(edgecolor) else: pc.set_cmap(cm) if masked_values is not None: for mval in masked_values: a =, mval) # add NaN values to mask a =, a) if edgecolor == "scaled": pc.set_edgecolor("none") else: pc.set_edgecolor(edgecolor) pc.set_array(a[i0:i1]) pc.set_clim(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # add the patch collection to the axis ax.add_collection(pc) return pc
def _set_coord_info(mg, xul, yul, xll, yll, rotation): """ Parameters ---------- mg : fp.discretization.Grid object xul : float upper left x-coordinate location yul : float upper left y-coordinate location xll : float lower left x-coordinate location yll : float lower left y-coordinate location rotation : float model grid rotation Returns ------- mg : fp.discretization.Grid object """ import warnings if xul is not None and yul is not None: warnings.warn( "xul/yul have been deprecated. Use xll/yll instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) if rotation is not None: mg._angrot = rotation mg.set_coord_info( xoff=mg._xul_to_xll(xul), yoff=mg._yul_to_yll(yul), angrot=rotation ) elif xll is not None and xll is not None: mg.set_coord_info(xoff=xll, yoff=yll, angrot=rotation) elif rotation is not None: mg.set_coord_info(xoff=xll, yoff=yll, angrot=rotation) return mg def _depreciated_dis_handler(modelgrid, dis): """ PlotMapView handler for the deprecated dis parameter which adds top and botm information to the modelgrid Parameter --------- modelgrid : fp.discretization.Grid object dis : fp.modflow.ModflowDis object Returns ------- modelgrid : fp.discretization.Grid """ # creates a new modelgrid instance with the dis information from ..discretization import StructuredGrid, VertexGrid, UnstructuredGrid import warnings warnings.warn( "the dis parameter has been depreciated and will be removed in " "version 3.3.5.", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) if modelgrid.grid_type == "vertex": modelgrid = VertexGrid( vertices=modelgrid.vertices, cell2d=modelgrid.cell2d,, botm=dis.botm.array, idomain=modelgrid.idomain, xoff=modelgrid.xoffset, yoff=modelgrid.yoffset, angrot=modelgrid.angrot, ) if modelgrid.grid_type == "unstructured": modelgrid = UnstructuredGrid( vertices=modelgrid._vertices, iverts=modelgrid._iverts, xcenters=modelgrid._xc, ycenters=modelgrid._yc,, botm=dis.botm.array, idomain=modelgrid.idomain, xoff=modelgrid.xoffset, yoff=modelgrid.yoffset, angrot=modelgrid.angrot, ) else: modelgrid = StructuredGrid( delc=dis.delc.array, delr=dis.delr.array,, botm=dis.botm.array, idomain=modelgrid.idomain, xoff=modelgrid.xoffset, yoff=modelgrid.yoffset, angrot=modelgrid.angrot, ) return modelgrid
[docs]def advanced_package_bc_helper(pkg, modelgrid, kper): """ Helper function for plotting boundary conditions from "advanced" packages Parameters ---------- pkg : flopy Package objects modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid object Returns ------- """ if pkg.package_type in ("sfr", "uzf"): if pkg.parent.version == "mf6": mflist = pkg.packagedata.array idx = np.array([list(i) for i in mflist["cellid"]], dtype=int).T else: iuzfbnd = pkg.iuzfbnd.array idx = np.where(iuzfbnd != 0) idx = np.append([[0] * idx[-1].size], idx, axis=0) elif pkg.package_type in ("lak", "maw"): if pkg.parent.version == "mf6": mflist = pkg.connectiondata.array idx = np.array([list(i) for i in mflist["cellid"]], dtype=int).T else: lakarr = pkg.lakarr.array[kper] idx = np.where(lakarr != 0) idx = np.array(idx) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Pkg {} not implemented for bc plotting".format(pkg.package_type) ) return idx
[docs]def filter_modpath_by_travel_time(recarray, travel_time): """ :param recarray: :param travel_time: :return: """ if travel_time is None: tp = recarray.copy() else: if isinstance(travel_time, str): funcs = { "<=": lambda a, b: a["time"] <= b, ">=": lambda a, b: a["time"] >= b, "<": lambda a, b: a["time"] < b, ">": lambda a, b: a["time"] > b, } idx = None for k, func in sorted(funcs.items())[::-1]: if k in travel_time: time = float(travel_time.replace(k, "")) idx = func(recarray, time) break if idx is None: try: time = float(travel_time) idx = recarray["time"] <= time except (ValueError, KeyError): raise Exception( " travel_time variable cannot " "be parsed. Acceptable logical variables are , " "<=, <, >=, and >. " "You passed {}".format(travel_time) ) else: time = float(travel_time) idx = recarray["time"] <= time tp = recarray[idx] return tp
[docs]def intersect_modpath_with_crosssection( recarrays, projpts, xvertices, yvertices, projection, ncpl, method="cell", starting=False, ): """ Method to intersect modpath output with a cross-section Parameters ---------- recarrays : list list of numpy recarrays projpts : dict dict of crossectional cell vertices xvertices : np.array array of modelgrid xvertices yvertices : np.array array of modelgrid yvertices projection : str projection direction (x or y) ncpl : int number of cells per layer (cross sectional version) method : str intersection method ('cell' or 'all') starting : bool modpath starting location flag Returns ------- dict : dictionary of intersecting recarrays """ from ..utils.geometry import point_in_polygon xp, yp, zp = "x", "y", "z" if starting: xp, yp, zp = "x0", "y0", "z0" if not isinstance(recarrays, list): recarrays = [ recarrays, ] if projection == "x": v_opp = yvertices v_norm = xvertices oprj = yp prj = xp else: v_opp = xvertices v_norm = yvertices oprj = xp prj = yp # set points opposite projection direction oppts = {} nppts = {} for cell, verts in projpts.items(): tcell = cell while tcell >= ncpl: tcell -= ncpl zmin = np.min(np.array(verts)[:, 1]) zmax = np.max(np.array(verts)[:, 1]) nmin = np.min(v_norm[tcell]) nmax = np.max(v_norm[tcell]) omin = np.min(v_opp[tcell]) omax = np.max(v_opp[tcell]) oppts[cell] = np.array( [ [omin, zmax], [omax, zmax], [omax, zmin], [omin, zmin], [omin, zmax], ] ) # intersects w/actual... nppts[cell] = np.array( [ [nmin, zmax], [nmax, zmax], [nmax, zmin], [nmin, zmin], [nmin, zmax], ] ) idict = {} for recarray in recarrays: for cell, _ in projpts.items(): m0 = point_in_polygon( recarray[prj].reshape(1, -1), recarray[zp].reshape(1, -1), nppts[cell], ) if method == "cell": m1 = point_in_polygon( recarray[oprj].reshape(1, -1), recarray[zp].reshape(1, -1), oppts[cell], ) idx = [ i for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(m0[0], m1[0])) if x == y == True ] else: idx = [i for i, x in enumerate(m0[0]) if x == True] if idx: if cell not in idict: idict[cell] = [recarray[idx]] else: idict[cell].append(recarray[idx]) return idict
[docs]def reproject_modpath_to_crosssection( idict, projpts, xypts, projection, modelgrid, ncpl, geographic_coords, starting=False, ): """ Method to reproject modpath points onto cross sectional line Parameters ---------- idict : dict dictionary of intersecting points projpts : dict dictionary of cross sectional cells xypts : dict dictionary of cross sectional line projection : str projection direction (x or y) modelgrid : Grid object flopy modelgrid object ncpl : int number of cells per layer (cross sectional version) geographic_coords : bool flag for plotting in geographic coordinates starting : bool flag for modpath position Returns ------- dictionary of projected modpath lines or points """ from ..utils import geometry xp, yp, zp = "x", "y", "z" if starting: xp, yp, zp = "x0", "y0", "z0" proj = xp if projection == "y": proj = yp ptdict = {} if not geographic_coords: for cell, recarrays in idict.items(): tcell = cell while tcell >= ncpl: tcell -= ncpl line = xypts[tcell] if projection == "x": d0 = np.min([i[0] for i in projpts[cell]]) else: d0 = np.max([i[0] for i in projpts[cell]]) for rec in recarrays: pts = list(zip(rec[xp], rec[yp])) x, y = geometry.project_point_onto_xc_line( line, pts, d0, projection ) rec[xp] = x rec[yp] = y pid = rec["particleid"][0] pline = list(zip(rec[proj], rec[zp])) if pid not in ptdict: ptdict[pid] = pline else: ptdict[pid] += pline else: for cell, recarrays in idict.items(): for rec in recarrays: x, y = geometry.transform( rec[xp], rec[yp], modelgrid.xoffset, modelgrid.yoffset, modelgrid.angrot_radians, ) rec[xp] = x rec[yp] = y pid = rec["particleid"][0] pline = list(zip(rec[proj], rec[zp])) if pid not in ptdict: ptdict[pid] = pline else: ptdict[pid] += pline return ptdict
[docs]def parse_modpath_selection_options( ep, direction, selection, selection_direction, ): """ :return: """ ep = ep.copy() direction = direction.lower() if direction == "starting": istart = True xp, yp = "x0", "y0" else: istart = False direction = "ending" xp, yp = "x", "y" if selection_direction is not None: selection_direction = selection_direction.lower() if selection_direction != "starting": selection_direction = "ending" else: if direction.lower() == "starting": selection_direction = "ending" elif direction.lower() == "ending": selection_direction = "starting" # selection of endpoints if selection is not None: if isinstance(selection, int): selection = tuple((selection,)) try: if len(selection) == 1: node = selection[0] if selection_direction.lower() == "starting": nsel = "node0" else: nsel = "node" # make selection idx = ep[nsel] == node tep = ep[idx] elif len(selection) == 3: k, i, j = selection[0], selection[1], selection[2] if selection_direction.lower() == "starting": ksel, isel, jsel = "k0", "i0", "j0" else: ksel, isel, jsel = "k", "i", "j" # make selection idx = (ep[ksel] == k) & (ep[isel] == i) & (ep[jsel] == j) tep = ep[idx] else: raise Exception( "plot_endpoint selection must be a zero-based layer, row, " "column tuple (l, r, c) or node number (MODPATH 7) of " "the location to evaluate (i.e., well location)." ) except (ValueError, KeyError, IndexError): raise Exception( "plot_endpoint selection must be a zero-based layer, row, " "column tuple (l, r, c) or node number (MODPATH 7) of the " "location to evaluate (i.e., well location)." ) else: tep = ep.copy() return tep, istart, xp, yp