Source code for flopy.utils.zonbud

import os
import copy
import numpy as np
from itertools import groupby
from collections import OrderedDict
from .utils_def import totim_to_datetime
import warnings

warnings.simplefilter("once", PendingDeprecationWarning)

[docs]class ZoneBudget: """ ZoneBudget class Parameters ---------- cbc_file : str or CellBudgetFile object The file name or CellBudgetFile object for which budgets will be computed. z : ndarray The array containing to zones to be used. kstpkper : tuple of ints A tuple containing the time step and stress period (kstp, kper). The kstp and kper values are zero based. totim : float The simulation time. aliases : dict A dictionary with key, value pairs of zones and aliases. Replaces the corresponding record and field names with the aliases provided. When using this option in conjunction with a list of zones, the zone(s) passed may either be all strings (aliases), all integers, or mixed. Returns ------- None Examples -------- >>> from flopy.utils.zonbud import ZoneBudget, read_zbarray >>> zon = read_zbarray('zone_input_file') >>> zb = ZoneBudget('zonebudtest.cbc', zon, kstpkper=(0, 0)) >>> zb.to_csv('zonebudtest.csv') >>> zb_mgd = zb * 7.48052 / 1000000 """ def __init__( self, cbc_file, z, kstpkper=None, totim=None, aliases=None, verbose=False, **kwargs ): from .binaryfile import CellBudgetFile if isinstance(cbc_file, CellBudgetFile): self.cbc = cbc_file elif isinstance(cbc_file, str) and os.path.isfile(cbc_file): self.cbc = CellBudgetFile(cbc_file) else: raise Exception( "Cannot load cell budget file: {}.".format(cbc_file) ) if isinstance(z, np.ndarray): assert np.issubdtype( z.dtype, np.integer ), "Zones dtype must be integer" else: e = ( "Please pass zones as a numpy ndarray of (positive)" " integers. {}".format(z.dtype) ) raise Exception(e) # Check for negative zone values if np.any(z < 0): raise Exception( "Negative zone value(s) found:", np.unique(z[z < 0]) ) self.dis = None if "model" in kwargs.keys(): self.model = kwargs.pop("model") self.dis = self.model.dis if "dis" in kwargs.keys(): self.dis = kwargs.pop("dis") if "sr" in kwargs.keys(): kwargs.pop("sr") warnings.warn("ignoring 'sr' parameter") if len(kwargs.keys()) > 0: args = ",".join(kwargs.keys()) raise Exception("LayerFile error: unrecognized kwargs: " + args) # Check the shape of the cbc budget file arrays self.cbc_shape = self.cbc.get_data(idx=0, full3D=True)[0].shape self.nlay, self.nrow, self.ncol = self.cbc_shape self.cbc_times = self.cbc.get_times() self.cbc_kstpkper = self.cbc.get_kstpkper() self.kstpkper = None self.totim = None if kstpkper is not None: if isinstance(kstpkper, tuple): kstpkper = [kstpkper] for kk in kstpkper: s = ( "The specified time step/stress period " "does not exist {}".format(kk) ) assert kk in self.cbc.get_kstpkper(), s self.kstpkper = kstpkper elif totim is not None: if isinstance(totim, float): totim = [totim] elif isinstance(totim, int): totim = [float(totim)] for t in totim: s = ( "The specified simulation time " "does not exist {}".format(t) ) assert t in self.cbc.get_times(), s self.totim = totim else: # No time step/stress period or simulation time pass self.kstpkper = self.cbc.get_kstpkper() # Set float and integer types self.float_type = np.float32 self.int_type = np.int32 # Check dimensions of input zone array s = ( "Row/col dimensions of zone array {}" " do not match model row/col dimensions {}".format( z.shape, self.cbc_shape ) ) assert z.shape[-2] == self.nrow and z.shape[-1] == self.ncol, s if z.shape == self.cbc_shape: izone = z.copy() elif len(z.shape) == 2: izone = np.zeros(self.cbc_shape, self.int_type) izone[:] = z[:, :] elif len(z.shape) == 3 and z.shape[0] == 1: izone = np.zeros(self.cbc_shape, self.int_type) izone[:] = z[0, :, :] else: e = "Shape of the zone array is not recognized: {}".format(z.shape) raise Exception(e) self.izone = izone self.allzones = np.unique(izone) self._zonenamedict = OrderedDict( [(z, "ZONE_{}".format(z)) for z in self.allzones] ) if aliases is not None: s = ( "Input aliases not recognized. Please pass a dictionary " "with key,value pairs of zone/alias." ) assert isinstance(aliases, dict), s # Replace the relevant field names (ignore zone 0) seen = [] for z, a in iter(aliases.items()): if z != 0 and z in self._zonenamedict.keys(): if z in seen: raise Exception( "Zones may not have more than 1 alias." ) self._zonenamedict[z] = "_".join(a.split()) seen.append(z) # self._iflow_recnames = self._get_internal_flow_record_names() # All record names in the cell-by-cell budget binary file self.record_names = [ n.strip() for n in self.cbc.get_unique_record_names(decode=True) ] # Get imeth for each record in the CellBudgetFile record list self.imeth = {} for record in self.cbc.recordarray: self.imeth[record["text"].strip().decode("utf-8")] = record[ "imeth" ] # INTERNAL FLOW TERMS ARE USED TO CALCULATE FLOW BETWEEN ZONES. # CONSTANT-HEAD TERMS ARE USED TO IDENTIFY WHERE CONSTANT-HEAD CELLS # ARE AND THEN USE FACE FLOWS TO DETERMINE THE AMOUNT OF FLOW. # SWIADDTO--- terms are used by the SWI2 groundwater flow process. internal_flow_terms = [ "CONSTANT HEAD", "FLOW RIGHT FACE", "FLOW FRONT FACE", "FLOW LOWER FACE", "SWIADDTOCH", "SWIADDTOFRF", "SWIADDTOFFF", "SWIADDTOFLF", ] # Source/sink/storage term record names # These are all of the terms that are not related to constant # head cells or face flow terms self.ssst_record_names = [ n for n in self.record_names if n not in internal_flow_terms ] # Initialize budget recordarray array_list = [] if self.kstpkper is not None: for kk in self.kstpkper: recordarray = self._initialize_budget_recordarray( kstpkper=kk, totim=None ) array_list.append(recordarray) elif self.totim is not None: for t in self.totim: recordarray = self._initialize_budget_recordarray( kstpkper=None, totim=t ) array_list.append(recordarray) self._budget = np.concatenate(array_list, axis=0) # Update budget record array if self.kstpkper is not None: for kk in self.kstpkper: if verbose: s = ( "Computing the budget for" " time step {} in stress period {}".format( kk[0] + 1, kk[1] + 1 ) ) print(s) self._compute_budget(kstpkper=kk) elif self.totim is not None: for t in self.totim: if verbose: s = "Computing the budget for time {}".format(t) print(s) self._compute_budget(totim=t) def _compute_budget(self, kstpkper=None, totim=None): """ Creates a budget for the specified zone array. This function only supports the use of a single time step/stress period or time. Parameters ---------- kstpkper : tuple Tuple of kstp and kper to compute budget for (default is None). totim : float Totim to compute budget for (default is None). Returns ------- None """ # Initialize an array to track where the constant head cells # are located. ich = np.zeros(self.cbc_shape, self.int_type) swiich = np.zeros(self.cbc_shape, self.int_type) if "CONSTANT HEAD" in self.record_names: """ C-----CONSTANT-HEAD FLOW -- DON'T ACCUMULATE THE CELL-BY-CELL VALUES FOR C-----CONSTANT-HEAD FLOW BECAUSE THEY MAY INCLUDE PARTIALLY CANCELING C-----INS AND OUTS. USE CONSTANT-HEAD TERM TO IDENTIFY WHERE CONSTANT- C-----HEAD CELLS ARE AND THEN USE FACE FLOWS TO DETERMINE THE AMOUNT OF C-----FLOW. STORE CONSTANT-HEAD LOCATIONS IN ICH ARRAY. """ chd = self.cbc.get_data( text="CONSTANT HEAD", full3D=True, kstpkper=kstpkper, totim=totim, )[0] ich[ != 0.0)] = 1 if "FLOW RIGHT FACE" in self.record_names: self._accumulate_flow_frf("FLOW RIGHT FACE", ich, kstpkper, totim) if "FLOW FRONT FACE" in self.record_names: self._accumulate_flow_fff("FLOW FRONT FACE", ich, kstpkper, totim) if "FLOW LOWER FACE" in self.record_names: self._accumulate_flow_flf("FLOW LOWER FACE", ich, kstpkper, totim) if "SWIADDTOCH" in self.record_names: swichd = self.cbc.get_data( text="SWIADDTOCH", full3D=True, kstpkper=kstpkper, totim=totim )[0] swiich[swichd != 0] = 1 if "SWIADDTOFRF" in self.record_names: self._accumulate_flow_frf("SWIADDTOFRF", swiich, kstpkper, totim) if "SWIADDTOFFF" in self.record_names: self._accumulate_flow_fff("SWIADDTOFFF", swiich, kstpkper, totim) if "SWIADDTOFLF" in self.record_names: self._accumulate_flow_flf("SWIADDTOFLF", swiich, kstpkper, totim) # NOT AN INTERNAL FLOW TERM, SO MUST BE A SOURCE TERM OR STORAGE # ACCUMULATE THE FLOW BY ZONE # iterate over remaining items in the list for recname in self.ssst_record_names: self._accumulate_flow_ssst(recname, kstpkper, totim) # Compute mass balance terms self._compute_mass_balance(kstpkper, totim) return def _add_empty_record( self, recordarray, recname, kstpkper=None, totim=None ): """ Build an empty records based on the specified flow direction and record name for the given list of zones. Parameters ---------- recordarray : recname : kstpkper : tuple Tuple of kstp and kper to compute budget for (default is None). totim : float Totim to compute budget for (default is None). Returns ------- recordarray : np.recarray """ if kstpkper is not None: if len(self.cbc_times) > 0: totim = self.cbc_times[self.cbc_kstpkper.index(kstpkper)] else: totim = 0.0 elif totim is not None: if len(self.cbc_times) > 0: kstpkper = self.cbc_kstpkper[self.cbc_times.index(totim)] else: kstpkper = (0, 0) row = [totim, kstpkper[0], kstpkper[1], recname] row += [0.0 for _ in self._zonenamedict.values()] recs = np.array(tuple(row), dtype=recordarray.dtype) recordarray = np.append(recordarray, recs) return recordarray def _initialize_budget_recordarray(self, kstpkper=None, totim=None): """ Initialize the budget record array which will store all of the fluxes in the cell-budget file. Parameters ---------- kstpkper : tuple Tuple of kstp and kper to compute budget for (default is None). totim : float Totim to compute budget for (default is None). Returns ------- """ # Create empty array for the budget terms. dtype_list = [ ("totim", "<f4"), ("time_step", "<i4"), ("stress_period", "<i4"), ("name", (str, 50)), ] dtype_list += [ (n, self.float_type) for n in self._zonenamedict.values() ] dtype = np.dtype(dtype_list) recordarray = np.array([], dtype=dtype) # Add "from" records if "STORAGE" in self.record_names: recordarray = self._add_empty_record( recordarray, "FROM_STORAGE", kstpkper, totim ) if "CONSTANT HEAD" in self.record_names: recordarray = self._add_empty_record( recordarray, "FROM_CONSTANT_HEAD", kstpkper, totim ) for recname in self.ssst_record_names: if recname != "STORAGE": recordarray = self._add_empty_record( recordarray, "FROM_" + "_".join(recname.split()), kstpkper, totim, ) for z, n in self._zonenamedict.items(): if z == 0 and 0 not in self.allzones: continue else: recordarray = self._add_empty_record( recordarray, "FROM_" + "_".join(n.split()), kstpkper, totim ) recordarray = self._add_empty_record( recordarray, "TOTAL_IN", kstpkper, totim ) # Add "out" records if "STORAGE" in self.record_names: recordarray = self._add_empty_record( recordarray, "TO_STORAGE", kstpkper, totim ) if "CONSTANT HEAD" in self.record_names: recordarray = self._add_empty_record( recordarray, "TO_CONSTANT_HEAD", kstpkper, totim ) for recname in self.ssst_record_names: if recname != "STORAGE": recordarray = self._add_empty_record( recordarray, "TO_" + "_".join(recname.split()), kstpkper, totim, ) for z, n in self._zonenamedict.items(): if z == 0 and 0 not in self.allzones: continue else: recordarray = self._add_empty_record( recordarray, "TO_" + "_".join(n.split()), kstpkper, totim ) recordarray = self._add_empty_record( recordarray, "TOTAL_OUT", kstpkper, totim ) recordarray = self._add_empty_record( recordarray, "IN-OUT", kstpkper, totim ) recordarray = self._add_empty_record( recordarray, "PERCENT_DISCREPANCY", kstpkper, totim ) return recordarray @staticmethod def _filter_circular_flow(fz, tz, f): """ Parameters ---------- fz tz f Returns ------- """ e = np.equal(fz, tz) fz = fz[np.logical_not(e)] tz = tz[np.logical_not(e)] f = f[np.logical_not(e)] return fz, tz, f def _update_budget_fromfaceflow( self, fz, tz, f, kstpkper=None, totim=None ): """ Parameters ---------- fz tz f kstpkper totim Returns ------- """ # No circular flow within zones fz, tz, f = self._filter_circular_flow(fz, tz, f) if len(f) == 0: return # Inflows idx = tz != 0 fzi = fz[idx] tzi = tz[idx] rownames = ["FROM_" + self._zonenamedict[z] for z in fzi] colnames = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi] fluxes = f[idx] self._update_budget_recordarray( rownames, colnames, fluxes, kstpkper, totim ) # Outflows idx = fz != 0 fzi = fz[idx] tzi = tz[idx] rownames = ["TO_" + self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi] colnames = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in fzi] fluxes = f[idx] self._update_budget_recordarray( rownames, colnames, fluxes, kstpkper, totim ) return def _update_budget_fromssst(self, fz, tz, f, kstpkper=None, totim=None): """ Parameters ---------- fz tz f kstpkper totim Returns ------- """ if len(f) == 0: return self._update_budget_recordarray(fz, tz, f, kstpkper, totim) return def _update_budget_recordarray( self, rownames, colnames, fluxes, kstpkper=None, totim=None ): """ Update the budget record array with the flux for the specified flow direction (in/out), record name, and column. Parameters ---------- rownames colnames fluxes kstpkper totim Returns ------- None """ try: if kstpkper is not None: for rn, cn, flux in zip(rownames, colnames, fluxes): rowidx = np.where( (self._budget["time_step"] == kstpkper[0]) & (self._budget["stress_period"] == kstpkper[1]) & (self._budget["name"] == rn) ) self._budget[cn][rowidx] += flux elif totim is not None: for rn, cn, flux in zip(rownames, colnames, fluxes): rowidx = np.where( (self._budget["totim"] == totim) & (self._budget["name"] == rn) ) self._budget[cn][rowidx] += flux except Exception as e: print(e) raise return def _accumulate_flow_frf(self, recname, ich, kstpkper, totim): """ Parameters ---------- recname ich kstpkper totim Returns ------- """ try: if self.ncol >= 2: data = self.cbc.get_data( text=recname, kstpkper=kstpkper, totim=totim )[0] # "FLOW RIGHT FACE" COMPUTE FLOW BETWEEN ZONES ACROSS COLUMNS. # COMPUTE FLOW ONLY BETWEEN A ZONE AND A HIGHER ZONE -- FLOW FROM # ZONE 4 TO 3 IS THE NEGATIVE OF FLOW FROM 3 TO 4. # 1ST, CALCULATE FLOW BETWEEN NODE J,I,K AND J-1,I,K k, i, j = np.where( self.izone[:, :, 1:] > self.izone[:, :, :-1] ) # Adjust column values to account for the starting position of "nz" j += 1 # Define the zone to which flow is going nz = self.izone[k, i, j] # Define the zone from which flow is coming jl = j - 1 nzl = self.izone[k, i, jl] # Get the face flow q = data[k, i, jl] # Get indices where flow face values are positive (flow out of higher zone) # Don't include CH to CH flow (can occur if CHTOCH option is used) # Create an iterable tuple of (from zone, to zone, flux) # Then group tuple by (from_zone, to_zone) and sum the flux values idx = np.where( (q > 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, i, jl] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, fi = sum_flux_tuples(nzl[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) self._update_budget_fromfaceflow( fzi, tzi, np.abs(fi), kstpkper, totim ) # Get indices where flow face values are negative (flow into higher zone) # Don't include CH to CH flow (can occur if CHTOCH option is used) # Create an iterable tuple of (from zone, to zone, flux) # Then group tuple by (from_zone, to_zone) and sum the flux values idx = np.where( (q < 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, i, jl] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, fi = sum_flux_tuples(nz[idx], nzl[idx], q[idx]) self._update_budget_fromfaceflow( fzi, tzi, np.abs(fi), kstpkper, totim ) # FLOW BETWEEN NODE J,I,K AND J+1,I,K k, i, j = np.where( self.izone[:, :, :-1] > self.izone[:, :, 1:] ) # Define the zone from which flow is coming nz = self.izone[k, i, j] # Define the zone to which flow is going jr = j + 1 nzr = self.izone[k, i, jr] # Get the face flow q = data[k, i, j] # Get indices where flow face values are positive (flow out of higher zone) # Don't include CH to CH flow (can occur if CHTOCH option is used) # Create an iterable tuple of (from zone, to zone, flux) # Then group tuple by (from_zone, to_zone) and sum the flux values idx = np.where( (q > 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, i, jr] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, fi = sum_flux_tuples(nz[idx], nzr[idx], q[idx]) self._update_budget_fromfaceflow( fzi, tzi, np.abs(fi), kstpkper, totim ) # Get indices where flow face values are negative (flow into higher zone) # Don't include CH to CH flow (can occur if CHTOCH option is used) # Create an iterable tuple of (from zone, to zone, flux) # Then group tuple by (from_zone, to_zone) and sum the flux values idx = np.where( (q < 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, i, jr] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, fi = sum_flux_tuples(nzr[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) self._update_budget_fromfaceflow( fzi, tzi, np.abs(fi), kstpkper, totim ) # CALCULATE FLOW TO CONSTANT-HEAD CELLS IN THIS DIRECTION k, i, j = np.where(ich == 1) k, i, j = k[j > 0], i[j > 0], j[j > 0] jl = j - 1 nzl = self.izone[k, i, jl] nz = self.izone[k, i, j] q = data[k, i, jl] idx = np.where( (q > 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, i, jl] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, f = sum_flux_tuples(nzl[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) fz = ["TO_CONSTANT_HEAD"] * len(tzi) tz = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi] self._update_budget_fromssst( fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim ) idx = np.where( (q < 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, i, jl] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, f = sum_flux_tuples(nzl[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) fz = ["FROM_CONSTANT_HEAD"] * len(fzi) tz = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi[tzi != 0]] self._update_budget_fromssst( fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim ) k, i, j = np.where(ich == 1) k, i, j = ( k[j < self.ncol - 1], i[j < self.ncol - 1], j[j < self.ncol - 1], ) nz = self.izone[k, i, j] jr = j + 1 nzr = self.izone[k, i, jr] q = data[k, i, j] idx = np.where( (q > 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, i, jr] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, f = sum_flux_tuples(nzr[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) fz = ["FROM_CONSTANT_HEAD"] * len(tzi) tz = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi] self._update_budget_fromssst( fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim ) idx = np.where( (q < 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, i, jr] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, f = sum_flux_tuples(nzr[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) fz = ["TO_CONSTANT_HEAD"] * len(fzi) tz = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi] self._update_budget_fromssst( fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim ) except Exception as e: print(e) raise return def _accumulate_flow_fff(self, recname, ich, kstpkper, totim): """ Parameters ---------- recname ich kstpkper totim Returns ------- """ try: if self.nrow >= 2: data = self.cbc.get_data( text=recname, kstpkper=kstpkper, totim=totim )[0] # "FLOW FRONT FACE" # CALCULATE FLOW BETWEEN NODE J,I,K AND J,I-1,K k, i, j = np.where( self.izone[:, 1:, :] < self.izone[:, :-1, :] ) i += 1 ia = i - 1 nza = self.izone[k, ia, j] nz = self.izone[k, i, j] q = data[k, ia, j] idx = np.where( (q > 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, ia, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, fi = sum_flux_tuples(nza[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) self._update_budget_fromfaceflow( fzi, tzi, np.abs(fi), kstpkper, totim ) idx = np.where( (q < 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, ia, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, fi = sum_flux_tuples(nz[idx], nza[idx], q[idx]) self._update_budget_fromfaceflow( fzi, tzi, np.abs(fi), kstpkper, totim ) # CALCULATE FLOW BETWEEN NODE J,I,K AND J,I+1,K. k, i, j = np.where( self.izone[:, :-1, :] < self.izone[:, 1:, :] ) nz = self.izone[k, i, j] ib = i + 1 nzb = self.izone[k, ib, j] q = data[k, i, j] idx = np.where( (q > 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, ib, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, fi = sum_flux_tuples(nz[idx], nzb[idx], q[idx]) self._update_budget_fromfaceflow( fzi, tzi, np.abs(fi), kstpkper, totim ) idx = np.where( (q < 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, ib, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, fi = sum_flux_tuples(nzb[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) self._update_budget_fromfaceflow( fzi, tzi, np.abs(fi), kstpkper, totim ) # CALCULATE FLOW TO CONSTANT-HEAD CELLS IN THIS DIRECTION k, i, j = np.where(ich == 1) k, i, j = k[i > 0], i[i > 0], j[i > 0] ia = i - 1 nza = self.izone[k, ia, j] nz = self.izone[k, i, j] q = data[k, ia, j] idx = np.where( (q > 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, ia, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, f = sum_flux_tuples(nza[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) fz = ["TO_CONSTANT_HEAD"] * len(tzi) tz = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi] self._update_budget_fromssst( fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim ) idx = np.where( (q < 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, ia, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, f = sum_flux_tuples(nza[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) fz = ["FROM_CONSTANT_HEAD"] * len(fzi) tz = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi] self._update_budget_fromssst( fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim ) k, i, j = np.where(ich == 1) k, i, j = ( k[i < self.nrow - 1], i[i < self.nrow - 1], j[i < self.nrow - 1], ) nz = self.izone[k, i, j] ib = i + 1 nzb = self.izone[k, ib, j] q = data[k, i, j] idx = np.where( (q > 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, ib, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, f = sum_flux_tuples(nzb[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) fz = ["FROM_CONSTANT_HEAD"] * len(tzi) tz = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi] self._update_budget_fromssst( fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim ) idx = np.where( (q < 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[k, ib, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, f = sum_flux_tuples(nzb[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) fz = ["TO_CONSTANT_HEAD"] * len(fzi) tz = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi] self._update_budget_fromssst( fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim ) except Exception as e: print(e) raise return def _accumulate_flow_flf(self, recname, ich, kstpkper, totim): """ Parameters ---------- recname ich kstpkper totim Returns ------- """ try: if self.nlay >= 2: data = self.cbc.get_data( text=recname, kstpkper=kstpkper, totim=totim )[0] # "FLOW LOWER FACE" # CALCULATE FLOW BETWEEN NODE J,I,K AND J,I,K-1 k, i, j = np.where( self.izone[1:, :, :] < self.izone[:-1, :, :] ) k += 1 ka = k - 1 nza = self.izone[ka, i, j] nz = self.izone[k, i, j] q = data[ka, i, j] idx = np.where( (q > 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[ka, i, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, fi = sum_flux_tuples(nza[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) self._update_budget_fromfaceflow( fzi, tzi, np.abs(fi), kstpkper, totim ) idx = np.where( (q < 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[ka, i, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, fi = sum_flux_tuples(nz[idx], nza[idx], q[idx]) self._update_budget_fromfaceflow( fzi, tzi, np.abs(fi), kstpkper, totim ) # CALCULATE FLOW BETWEEN NODE J,I,K AND J,I,K+1 k, i, j = np.where( self.izone[:-1, :, :] < self.izone[1:, :, :] ) nz = self.izone[k, i, j] kb = k + 1 nzb = self.izone[kb, i, j] q = data[k, i, j] idx = np.where( (q > 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[kb, i, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, fi = sum_flux_tuples(nz[idx], nzb[idx], q[idx]) self._update_budget_fromfaceflow( fzi, tzi, np.abs(fi), kstpkper, totim ) idx = np.where( (q < 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[kb, i, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, fi = sum_flux_tuples(nzb[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) self._update_budget_fromfaceflow( fzi, tzi, np.abs(fi), kstpkper, totim ) # CALCULATE FLOW TO CONSTANT-HEAD CELLS IN THIS DIRECTION k, i, j = np.where(ich == 1) k, i, j = k[k > 0], i[k > 0], j[k > 0] ka = k - 1 nza = self.izone[ka, i, j] nz = self.izone[k, i, j] q = data[ka, i, j] idx = np.where( (q > 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[ka, i, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, f = sum_flux_tuples(nza[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) fz = ["TO_CONSTANT_HEAD"] * len(tzi) tz = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi] self._update_budget_fromssst( fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim ) idx = np.where( (q < 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[ka, i, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, f = sum_flux_tuples(nza[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) fz = ["FROM_CONSTANT_HEAD"] * len(fzi) tz = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi] self._update_budget_fromssst( fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim ) k, i, j = np.where(ich == 1) k, i, j = ( k[k < self.nlay - 1], i[k < self.nlay - 1], j[k < self.nlay - 1], ) nz = self.izone[k, i, j] kb = k + 1 nzb = self.izone[kb, i, j] q = data[k, i, j] idx = np.where( (q > 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[kb, i, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, f = sum_flux_tuples(nzb[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) fz = ["FROM_CONSTANT_HEAD"] * len(tzi) tz = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi] self._update_budget_fromssst( fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim ) idx = np.where( (q < 0) & ((ich[k, i, j] != 1) | (ich[kb, i, j] != 1)) ) fzi, tzi, f = sum_flux_tuples(nzb[idx], nz[idx], q[idx]) fz = ["TO_CONSTANT_HEAD"] * len(fzi) tz = [self._zonenamedict[z] for z in tzi] self._update_budget_fromssst( fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim ) except Exception as e: print(e) raise return def _accumulate_flow_ssst(self, recname, kstpkper, totim): # NOT AN INTERNAL FLOW TERM, SO MUST BE A SOURCE TERM OR STORAGE # ACCUMULATE THE FLOW BY ZONE imeth = self.imeth[recname] data = self.cbc.get_data(text=recname, kstpkper=kstpkper, totim=totim) if len(data) == 0: # Empty data, can occur during the first time step of a transient # model when storage terms are zero and not in the cell-budget # file. return else: data = data[0] if imeth == 2 or imeth == 5: # LIST qin = (self.nlay * self.nrow * self.ncol), self.float_type ) qout = (self.nlay * self.nrow * self.ncol), self.float_type ) for [node, q] in zip(data["node"], data["q"]): idx = node - 1 if q > 0:[idx] += q elif q < 0:[idx] += q qin =, (self.nlay, self.nrow, self.ncol)) qout =, (self.nlay, self.nrow, self.ncol)) elif imeth == 0 or imeth == 1: # FULL 3-D ARRAY qin =, self.float_type) qout =, self.float_type) qin[data > 0] = data[data > 0] qout[data < 0] = data[data < 0] elif imeth == 3: # 1-LAYER ARRAY WITH LAYER INDICATOR ARRAY rlay, rdata = data[0], data[1] data =, self.float_type) for (r, c), l in np.ndenumerate(rlay): data[l - 1, r, c] = rdata[r, c] qin =, self.float_type) qout =, self.float_type) qin[data > 0] = data[data > 0] qout[data < 0] = data[data < 0] elif imeth == 4: # 1-LAYER ARRAY THAT DEFINES LAYER 1 qin =, self.float_type) qout =, self.float_type) r, c = np.where(data > 0) qin[0, r, c] = data[r, c] r, c = np.where(data < 0) qout[0, r, c] = data[r, c] else: # Should not happen raise Exception( 'Unrecognized "imeth" for {} record: {}'.format(recname, imeth) ) # Inflows fz = [] tz = [] f = [] for z in self.allzones: if z != 0: flux = qin[(self.izone == z)].sum() if type(flux) == flux = 0.0 fz.append("FROM_" + "_".join(recname.split())) tz.append(self._zonenamedict[z]) f.append(flux) fz = np.array(fz) tz = np.array(tz) f = np.array(f) self._update_budget_fromssst(fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim) # Outflows fz = [] tz = [] f = [] for z in self.allzones: if z != 0: flux = qout[(self.izone == z)].sum() if type(flux) == flux = 0.0 fz.append("TO_" + "_".join(recname.split())) tz.append(self._zonenamedict[z]) f.append(flux) fz = np.array(fz) tz = np.array(tz) f = np.array(f) self._update_budget_fromssst(fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim) def _compute_mass_balance(self, kstpkper, totim): # Returns a record array with total inflow, total outflow, # and percent error summed by column. skipcols = ["time_step", "stress_period", "totim", "name"] # Compute inflows recnames = self.get_record_names() innames = [n for n in recnames if n.startswith("FROM_")] outnames = [n for n in recnames if n.startswith("TO_")] if kstpkper is not None: rowidx = np.where( (self._budget["time_step"] == kstpkper[0]) & (self._budget["stress_period"] == kstpkper[1]) & np.in1d(self._budget["name"], innames) ) elif totim is not None: rowidx = np.where( (self._budget["totim"] == totim) & np.in1d(self._budget["name"], innames) ) a = _numpyvoid2numeric( self._budget[list(self._zonenamedict.values())][rowidx] ) intot = np.array(a.sum(axis=0)) tz = np.array( list([n for n in self._budget.dtype.names if n not in skipcols]) ) fz = np.array(["TOTAL_IN"] * len(tz)) self._update_budget_fromssst(fz, tz, intot, kstpkper, totim) # Compute outflows if kstpkper is not None: rowidx = np.where( (self._budget["time_step"] == kstpkper[0]) & (self._budget["stress_period"] == kstpkper[1]) & np.in1d(self._budget["name"], outnames) ) elif totim is not None: rowidx = np.where( (self._budget["totim"] == totim) & np.in1d(self._budget["name"], outnames) ) a = _numpyvoid2numeric( self._budget[list(self._zonenamedict.values())][rowidx] ) outot = np.array(a.sum(axis=0)) tz = np.array( list([n for n in self._budget.dtype.names if n not in skipcols]) ) fz = np.array(["TOTAL_OUT"] * len(tz)) self._update_budget_fromssst(fz, tz, outot, kstpkper, totim) # Compute IN-OUT tz = np.array( list([n for n in self._budget.dtype.names if n not in skipcols]) ) f = intot - outot fz = np.array(["IN-OUT"] * len(tz)) self._update_budget_fromssst(fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim) # Compute percent discrepancy tz = np.array( list([n for n in self._budget.dtype.names if n not in skipcols]) ) fz = np.array(["PERCENT_DISCREPANCY"] * len(tz)) in_minus_out = intot - outot in_plus_out = intot + outot f = 100 * in_minus_out / (in_plus_out / 2.0) self._update_budget_fromssst(fz, tz, np.abs(f), kstpkper, totim)
[docs] def get_model_shape(self): """Get model shape Returns ------- nlay : int Number of layers nrow : int Number of rows ncol : int Number of columns """ return self.nlay, self.nrow, self.ncol
[docs] def get_record_names(self, stripped=False): """ Get a list of water budget record names in the file. Returns ------- out : list of strings List of unique text names in the binary file. Examples -------- >>> zb = ZoneBudget('zonebudtest.cbc', zon, kstpkper=(0, 0)) >>> recnames = zb.get_record_names() """ return _get_record_names(self._budget, stripped=stripped)
[docs] def get_budget(self, names=None, zones=None, net=False, pivot=False): """ Get a list of zonebudget record arrays. Parameters ---------- names : list of strings A list of strings containing the names of the records desired. zones : list of ints or strings A list of integer zone numbers or zone names desired. net : boolean If True, returns net IN-OUT for each record. pivot : boolean If True, returns data in a more user friendly format Returns ------- budget_list : list of record arrays A list of the zonebudget record arrays. Examples -------- >>> names = ['FROM_CONSTANT_HEAD', 'RIVER_LEAKAGE_OUT'] >>> zones = ['ZONE_1', 'ZONE_2'] >>> zb = ZoneBudget('zonebudtest.cbc', zon, kstpkper=(0, 0)) >>> bud = zb.get_budget(names=names, zones=zones) """ recarray = _get_budget( self._budget, self._zonenamedict, names=names, zones=zones, net=net ) if pivot: recarray = _pivot_recarray(recarray) return recarray
[docs] def get_volumetric_budget( self, modeltime, recarray=None, extrapolate_kper=False ): """ Method to generate a volumetric budget table based on flux information Parameters ---------- modeltime : flopy.discretization.ModelTime object ModelTime object for calculating volumes recarray : np.recarray optional, user can pass in a numpy recarray to calculate volumetric budget. recarray must be pivoted before passing to get_volumetric_budget extrapolate_kper : bool flag to determine if we fill in data gaps with other timestep information from the same stress period. if True, we assume that flux is constant throughout a stress period and the pandas dataframe returned contains a volumetric budget per stress period if False, calculates volumes from available flux data Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ if recarray is None: recarray = self.get_budget(pivot=True) return _volumetric_flux(recarray, modeltime, extrapolate_kper)
[docs] def to_csv(self, fname): """ Saves the budget record arrays to a formatted comma-separated values file. Parameters ---------- fname : str The name of the output comma-separated values file. Returns ------- None """ # Needs updating to handle the new budget list structure. Write out # budgets for all kstpkper if kstpkper is None or pass list of # kstpkper/totim to save particular budgets. with open(fname, "w") as f: # Write header f.write(",".join(self._budget.dtype.names) + "\n") # Write rows for rowidx in range(self._budget.shape[0]): s = ( ",".join([str(i) for i in list(self._budget[:][rowidx])]) + "\n" ) f.write(s) return
[docs] def get_dataframes( self, start_datetime=None, timeunit="D", index_key="totim", names=None, zones=None, net=False, pivot=False, ): """ Get pandas dataframes. Parameters ---------- start_datetime : str Datetime string indicating the time at which the simulation starts. timeunit : str String that indicates the time units used in the model. index_key : str Indicates the fields to be used (in addition to "record") in the resulting DataFrame multi-index. names : list of strings A list of strings containing the names of the records desired. zones : list of ints or strings A list of integer zone numbers or zone names desired. net : boolean If True, returns net IN-OUT for each record. pivot : bool If True, returns dataframe in a more user friendly format Returns ------- df : Pandas DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the budget information. Examples -------- >>> from flopy.utils.zonbud import ZoneBudget, read_zbarray >>> zon = read_zbarray('zone_input_file') >>> zb = ZoneBudget('zonebudtest.cbc', zon, kstpkper=(0, 0)) >>> df = zb.get_dataframes() """ recarray = self.get_budget(names, zones, net, pivot=pivot) return _recarray_to_dataframe( recarray, self._zonenamedict, start_datetime=start_datetime, timeunit=timeunit, index_key=index_key, zones=zones, pivot=pivot, )
@classmethod def _get_otype(cls, fname): """ Method to automatically distinguish output type based on the zonebudget header Parameters ---------- fname : str zonebudget output file name Returns ------- otype : int """ with open(fname) as foo: line = foo.readline() if "zonebudget version" in line.lower(): otype = 0 elif "time step" in line.lower(): otype = 1 elif "totim" in line.lower(): otype = 2 else: raise AssertionError("Cant distinguish output type") return otype
[docs] @classmethod def read_output(cls, fname, net=False, dataframe=False, **kwargs): """ Method to read a zonebudget output file into a recarray or pandas dataframe Parameters ---------- fname : str zonebudget output file name net : bool boolean flag for net budget dataframe : bool boolean flag to return a pandas dataframe **kwargs pivot : bool start_datetime : str Datetime string indicating the time at which the simulation starts. Can be used when pandas dataframe is requested timeunit : str String that indicates the time units used in the model. Returns ------- np.recarray """ otype = ZoneBudget._get_otype(fname) if otype == 0: recarray = _read_zb_zblst(fname) elif otype == 1: recarray = _read_zb_csv(fname) else: add_prefix = kwargs.pop("add_prefix", True) recarray = _read_zb_csv2(fname, add_prefix=add_prefix) zonenamdict = { int(i.split("_")[-1]): i for i in recarray.dtype.names if i.startswith("ZONE") } pivot = kwargs.pop("pivot", False) recarray = _get_budget(recarray, zonenamdict, net=net) if pivot: recarray = _pivot_recarray(recarray) if not dataframe: return recarray else: start_datetime = kwargs.pop("start_datetime", None) timeunit = kwargs.pop("timeunit", "D") return _recarray_to_dataframe( recarray, zonenamdict, start_datetime=start_datetime, timeunit=timeunit, pivot=pivot, )
[docs] @classmethod def read_zone_file(cls, fname): """Method to read a zonebudget zone file into memory Parameters ---------- fname : str zone file name Returns ------- zones : np.array """ with open(fname, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() # Initialize layer lay = 0 # Initialize data counter totlen = 0 i = 0 # First line contains array dimensions dimstring = lines.pop(0).strip().split() nlay, nrow, ncol = [int(v) for v in dimstring] zones = np.zeros((nlay, nrow, ncol), dtype=np.int32) # The number of values to read before placing # them into the zone array datalen = nrow * ncol # List of valid values for LOCAT locats = ["CONSTANT", "INTERNAL", "EXTERNAL"] # ITERATE OVER THE ROWS for line in lines: rowitems = line.strip().split() # Skip blank lines if len(rowitems) == 0: continue # HEADER if rowitems[0].upper() in locats: vals = [] locat = rowitems[0].upper() if locat == "CONSTANT": iconst = int(rowitems[1]) else: fmt = rowitems[1].strip("()") fmtin, iprn = [int(v) for v in fmt.split("I")] # ZONE DATA else: if locat == "CONSTANT": vals = np.ones((nrow, ncol), dtype=int) * iconst lay += 1 elif locat == "INTERNAL": # READ ZONES rowvals = [int(v) for v in rowitems] s = "Too many values encountered on this line." assert len(rowvals) <= fmtin, s vals.extend(rowvals) elif locat == "EXTERNAL": # READ EXTERNAL FILE fname = rowitems[0] if not os.path.isfile(fname): errmsg = 'Could not find external file "{}"'.format( fname ) raise Exception(errmsg) with open(fname, "r") as ext_f: ext_flines = ext_f.readlines() for ext_frow in ext_flines: ext_frowitems = ext_frow.strip().split() rowvals = [int(v) for v in ext_frowitems] vals.extend(rowvals) if len(vals) != datalen: errmsg = ( "The number of values read from external " 'file "{}" does not match the expected ' "number.".format(len(vals)) ) raise Exception(errmsg) else: # Should not get here raise Exception("Locat not recognized: {}".format(locat)) # IGNORE COMPOSITE ZONES if len(vals) == datalen: # place values for the previous layer into the zone array vals = np.array(vals, dtype=int).reshape((nrow, ncol)) zones[lay, :, :] = vals[:, :] lay += 1 totlen += len(rowitems) i += 1 s = ( "The number of values read ({:,.0f})" " does not match the number expected" " ({:,.0f})".format(totlen, nlay * nrow * ncol) ) assert totlen == nlay * nrow * ncol, s return zones
[docs] @classmethod def write_zone_file(cls, fname, array, fmtin=None, iprn=None): """ Saves a numpy array in a format readable by the zonebudget program executable. File format: line 1: nlay, nrow, ncol line 2: INTERNAL (format) line 3: begin data . . . example from NACP: 19 250 500 INTERNAL (10I7) 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 ... INTERNAL (10I7) 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 ... Parameters ---------- array : array The array of zones to be written. fname : str The path and name of the file to be written. fmtin : int The number of values to write to each line. iprn : int Padding space to add between each value. Returns ------- """ if len(array.shape) == 2: b = np.zeros((1, array.shape[0], array.shape[1]), dtype=np.int32) b[0, :, :] = array[:, :] array = b.copy() elif len(array.shape) < 2 or len(array.shape) > 3: raise Exception( "Shape of the input array is not recognized: {}".format( array.shape ) ) if array =, 0) nlay, nrow, ncol = array.shape if fmtin is not None: assert fmtin <= ncol, ( "The specified width is greater than the " "number of columns in the array." ) else: fmtin = ncol iprnmin = len(str(array.max())) if iprn is None or iprn <= iprnmin: iprn = iprnmin + 1 formatter_str = "{{:>{iprn}}}".format(iprn=iprn) formatter = formatter_str.format with open(fname, "w") as f: header = "{nlay} {nrow} {ncol}\n".format( nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol ) f.write(header) for lay in range(nlay): record_2 = "INTERNAL\t({fmtin}I{iprn})\n".format( fmtin=fmtin, iprn=iprn ) f.write(record_2) if fmtin < ncol: for row in range(nrow): rowvals = array[lay, row, :].ravel() start = 0 end = start + fmtin vals = rowvals[start:end] while len(vals) > 0: s = ( "".join([formatter(int(val)) for val in vals]) + "\n" ) f.write(s) start = end end = start + fmtin vals = rowvals[start:end] elif fmtin == ncol: for row in range(nrow): vals = array[lay, row, :].ravel() f.write( "".join([formatter(int(val)) for val in vals]) + "\n" )
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a deepcopy of the object. """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """ Over-rides the default deepcopy behavior. Copy all attributes except the CellBudgetFile object which does not copy nicely. """ cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result ignore_attrs = ["cbc"] for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k not in ignore_attrs: setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) # Set CellBudgetFile object attribute manually. This is object # read-only so should not be problems with pointers from # multiple objects. result.cbc = self.cbc return result def __mul__(self, other): newbud = self._budget.copy() for f in self._zonenamedict.values(): newbud[f] = np.array([r for r in newbud[f]]) * other idx = np.in1d(self._budget["name"], "PERCENT_DISCREPANCY") newbud[:][idx] = self._budget[:][idx] newobj = self.copy() newobj._budget = newbud return newobj def __truediv__(self, other): newbud = self._budget.copy() for f in self._zonenamedict.values(): newbud[f] = np.array([r for r in newbud[f]]) / float(other) idx = np.in1d(self._budget["name"], "PERCENT_DISCREPANCY") newbud[:][idx] = self._budget[:][idx] newobj = self.copy() newobj._budget = newbud return newobj def __div__(self, other): newbud = self._budget.copy() for f in self._zonenamedict.values(): newbud[f] = np.array([r for r in newbud[f]]) / float(other) idx = np.in1d(self._budget["name"], "PERCENT_DISCREPANCY") newbud[:][idx] = self._budget[:][idx] newobj = self.copy() newobj._budget = newbud return newobj def __add__(self, other): newbud = self._budget.copy() for f in self._zonenamedict.values(): newbud[f] = np.array([r for r in newbud[f]]) + other idx = np.in1d(self._budget["name"], "PERCENT_DISCREPANCY") newbud[:][idx] = self._budget[:][idx] newobj = self.copy() newobj._budget = newbud return newobj def __sub__(self, other): newbud = self._budget.copy() for f in self._zonenamedict.values(): newbud[f] = np.array([r for r in newbud[f]]) - other idx = np.in1d(self._budget["name"], "PERCENT_DISCREPANCY") newbud[:][idx] = self._budget[:][idx] newobj = self.copy() newobj._budget = newbud return newobj
[docs]class ZoneBudget6: """ Model class for building, editing and running MODFLOW 6 zonebuget Parameters ---------- name : str model name for zonebudget model_ws : str path to model exe_name : str excutable name extension : str name file extension """ def __init__( self, name="zonebud", model_ws=".", exe_name="zbud6", extension=".zbnam", ): from ..mf6.utils import MfGrdFile from .binaryfile import CellBudgetFile self._name = name self._zon = None self._grb = None self._bud = None self._model_ws = model_ws self._exe_name = exe_name if not extension.startswith("."): extension = "." + extension self._extension = extension self.zbnam_packages = { "zon": ZoneFile6, "bud": CellBudgetFile, "grb": MfGrdFile, } self.package_dict = {} if self._zon is not None: self.package_dict["zon"] = self._zon if self._grb is not None: self.package_dict["grb"] = self._grb if self._bud is not None: self.package_dict["bud"] = self._bud self._recarray = None
[docs] def run_model(self, exe_name=None, nam_file=None, silent=False): """ Method to run a zonebudget model Parameters ---------- exe_name : str optional zonebudget executable name nam_file : str optional zonebudget name file name silent : bool optional flag to silence output Returns ------- tuple """ from ..mbase import run_model if exe_name is None: exe_name = self._exe_name if nam_file is None: nam_file = os.path.join(self._name + self._extension) return run_model( exe_name, nam_file, model_ws=self._model_ws, silent=silent )
def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key in ("zon", "bud", "grb", "cbc"): self.add_package(key, value) return elif key == "model_ws": raise AttributeError("please use change_model_ws() method") elif key == "name": self.change_model_name(value) super().__setattr__(key, value) def __getattr__(self, item): if item in ("zon", "bud", "grb", "name", "model_ws"): item = "_{}".format(item) return super().__getattribute__(item)
[docs] def add_package(self, pkg_name, pkg): """ Method to add a package to the ZoneBudget6 object Parameters ---------- pkg_name : str three letter package abbreviation pkg : str or object either a package file name or package object """ pkg_name = pkg_name.lower() if pkg_name not in self.zbnam_packages: if pkg_name == "cbc": pkg_name = "bud" else: raise KeyError( "{} package is not valid for zonebudget".format(pkg_name) ) if isinstance(pkg, str): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._model_ws, pkg)): pkg = os.path.join(self._model_ws, pkg) func = self.zbnam_packages[pkg_name] if pkg_name in ("bud", "grb"): pkg = func(pkg, precision="double") else: pkg = func.load(pkg, self) else: pass pkg_name = "_{}".format(pkg_name) self.__setattr__(pkg_name, pkg) if pkg is not None: self.package_dict[pkg_name[1:]] = pkg
[docs] def change_model_ws(self, model_ws): """ Method to change the model ws for writing a zonebudget model. Parameters ---------- model_ws : str new model directory """ self._model_ws = model_ws
[docs] def change_model_name(self, name): """ Method to change the model name for writing a zonebudget model. Parameters ---------- name : str new model name """ self._name = name if self._zon is not None: self._zon.filename = "{}.{}".format( name, self._zon.filename.split(".")[-1] )
[docs] def get_dataframes( self, start_datetime=None, timeunit="D", index_key="totim", names=None, zones=None, net=False, pivot=False, ): """ Get pandas dataframes. Parameters ---------- start_datetime : str Datetime string indicating the time at which the simulation starts. timeunit : str String that indicates the time units used in the model. index_key : str Indicates the fields to be used (in addition to "record") in the resulting DataFrame multi-index. names : list of strings A list of strings containing the names of the records desired. zones : list of ints or strings A list of integer zone numbers or zone names desired. net : boolean If True, returns net IN-OUT for each record. pivot : bool If True, returns data in a more user friendly fashion Returns ------- df : Pandas DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the budget information. Examples -------- >>> from flopy.utils.zonbud import ZoneBudget, read_zbarray >>> zon = read_zbarray('zone_input_file') >>> zb = ZoneBudget('zonebudtest.cbc', zon, kstpkper=(0, 0)) >>> df = zb.get_dataframes() """ recarray = self.get_budget( names=names, zones=zones, net=net, pivot=pivot ) return _recarray_to_dataframe( recarray, self._zon._zonenamedict, start_datetime=start_datetime, timeunit=timeunit, index_key=index_key, zones=zones, pivot=pivot, )
[docs] def get_budget( self, f=None, names=None, zones=None, net=False, pivot=False ): """ Method to read and get zonebudget output Parameters ---------- f : str zonebudget output file name names : list of strings A list of strings containing the names of the records desired. zones : list of ints or strings A list of integer zone numbers or zone names desired. net : boolean If True, returns net IN-OUT for each record. pivot : bool Method to pivot recordarray into a more user friendly method for working with data Returns ------- np.recarray """ aliases = None if self._zon is not None: aliases = self._zon.aliases if f is None and self._recarray is None: f = os.path.join(self._model_ws, self._name + ".csv") self._recarray = _read_zb_csv2( f, add_prefix=False, aliases=aliases ) elif f is None: pass else: self._recarray = _read_zb_csv2( f, add_prefix=False, aliases=aliases ) recarray = _get_budget( self._recarray, self._zon._zonenamedict, names=names, zones=zones, net=net, ) if pivot: recarray = _pivot_recarray(recarray) return recarray
[docs] def get_volumetric_budget( self, modeltime, recarray=None, extrapolate_kper=False ): """ Method to generate a volumetric budget table based on flux information Parameters ---------- modeltime : flopy.discretization.ModelTime object ModelTime object for calculating volumes recarray : np.recarray optional, user can pass in a numpy recarray to calculate volumetric budget. recarray must be pivoted before passing to get_volumetric_budget extrapolate_kper : bool flag to determine if we fill in data gaps with other timestep information from the same stress period. if True, we assume that flux is constant throughout a stress period and the pandas dataframe returned contains a volumetric budget per stress period if False, calculates volumes from available flux data Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ if recarray is None: recarray = self.get_budget(pivot=True) return _volumetric_flux(recarray, modeltime, extrapolate_kper)
[docs] def write_input(self, line_length=20): """ Method to write a ZoneBudget 6 model to file Parameters ---------- line_length : int length of line for izone array """ nam = [] for pkg_nam, pkg in self.package_dict.items(): if pkg_nam in ("grb", "bud"): path = os.path.relpath(pkg.filename, self._model_ws) else: path = pkg.filename pkg.write_input(line_length=line_length) nam.append(" {} {}\n".format(pkg_nam.upper(), path)) path = os.path.join(self._model_ws, self._name + self._extension) with open(path, "w") as foo: foo.write("BEGIN ZONEBUDGET\n") foo.writelines(nam) foo.write("END ZONEBUDGET\n")
[docs] @staticmethod def load(nam_file, model_ws="."): """ Method to load a zonebudget model from namefile Parameters ---------- nam_file : str zonebudget name file model_ws : str model workspace path Returns ------- ZoneBudget6 object """ from ..utils.flopy_io import multi_line_strip name = nam_file.split(".")[0] zb6 = ZoneBudget6(name=name, model_ws=model_ws) with open(os.path.join(model_ws, nam_file)) as foo: line = multi_line_strip(foo) if "begin" in line: while True: t = multi_line_strip(foo).split() if t[0] == "end": break else: zb6.add_package(t[0], t[1]) return zb6
[docs]class ZoneFile6: """ Class to build, read, write and edit MODFLOW 6 zonebudget zone files Parameters ---------- model : ZoneBudget6 object model object izone : np.array numpy array of zone numbers extension : str zone file extension name, defaults to ".zon" aliases : dict optional dictionary of zone aliases. ex. {1 : "nw_model"} """ def __init__(self, model, izone, extension=".zon", aliases=None): self.izone = izone if not extension.startswith("."): extension = "." + extension self._extension = extension self._parent = model self._parent.add_package("zon", self) self.filename = + extension self.aliases = aliases self.allzones = [int(zn) for zn in np.unique(izone) if zn != 0] self._zonenamedict = OrderedDict( [(zn, "ZONE_{}".format(zn)) for zn in self.allzones] ) if aliases is not None: if not isinstance(aliases, dict): raise TypeError("aliases parameter must be a dictionary") pop_list = [] for zn, alias in aliases.items(): if zn in self._zonenamedict: self._zonenamedict[zn] = "_".join(alias.split()) self.aliases[zn] = "_".join(alias.split()) else: pop_list.append(zn) print("warning: zone number {} not found".format(zn)) for p in pop_list: aliases.pop(p) @property def ncells(self): """ Method to get number of model cells """ return self.izone.size
[docs] def write_input(self, f=None, line_length=20): """ Method to write the zonebudget 6 file Parameters ---------- f : str zone file name line_length : int maximum length of line to write in izone array """ if f is None: f = os.path.join(self._parent.model_ws, self.filename) with open(f, "w") as foo: bfmt = [" {:d}"] foo.write( "BEGIN DIMENSIONS\n NCELLS {:d}\n" "END DIMENSIONS\n\n".format(self.ncells) ) foo.write("BEGIN GRIDDATA\n IZONE\n") foo.write(" INTERNAL FACTOR 1 IPRN 0\n") izone = np.ravel(self.izone) i0 = 0 i1 = line_length while i1 < self.izone.size: fmt = "".join(bfmt * line_length) foo.write(fmt.format(*izone[i0:i1])) foo.write("\n") i0 = i1 i1 += line_length i1 = self.izone.size - i0 fmt = "".join(bfmt * i1) foo.write(fmt.format(*izone[i0:])) foo.write("\nEND GRIDDATA\n")
[docs] @staticmethod def load(f, model): """ Method to load a Zone file for zonebudget 6. Parameter --------- f : str zone file name model : ZoneBudget6 object zonebudget 6 model object Returns ------- ZoneFile6 object """ from ..utils.flopy_io import multi_line_strip pkg_ws = os.path.split(f)[0] with open(f) as foo: t = [0] while t[0] != "ncells": t = multi_line_strip(foo).split() ncells = int(t[1]) t = [0] while t[0] != "izone": t = multi_line_strip(foo).split() method = multi_line_strip(foo).split()[0] if method in ("internal", "open/close"): izone = np.zeros((ncells,), dtype=int) i = 0 fobj = foo if method == "open/close": fobj = open(os.path.join(pkg_ws, t[1])) while i < ncells: t = multi_line_strip(fobj) if t[0] == "open/close": if fobj != foo: fobj.close() fobj = open(os.path.join(pkg_ws, t[1])) for zn in t: izone[i] = zn i += 1 else: izone = np.array([t[1]] * ncells, dtype=int) zon = ZoneFile6(model, izone) return zon
def _numpyvoid2numeric(a): # The budget record array has multiple dtypes and a slice returns # the flexible-type numpy.void which must be converted to a numeric # type prior to performing reducing functions such as sum() or # mean() return np.array([list(r) for r in a])
[docs]def sum_flux_tuples(fromzones, tozones, fluxes): tup = zip(fromzones, tozones, fluxes) sorted_tups = sort_tuple(tup) # Group the sorted tuples by (from zone, to zone) # itertools.groupby() returns the index (from zone, to zone) and # a list of the tuples with that index from_zones = [] to_zones = [] fluxes = [] for (fz, tz), ftup in groupby(sorted_tups, lambda tup: tup[:2]): f = np.sum([tup[-1] for tup in list(ftup)]) from_zones.append(fz) to_zones.append(tz) fluxes.append(f) return np.array(from_zones), np.array(to_zones), np.array(fluxes)
[docs]def sort_tuple(tup, n=2): """Sort a tuple by the first n values tup: tuple input tuple n : int values to sort tuple by (default is 2) Returns ------- tup : tuple tuple sorted by the first n values """ return tuple(sorted(tup, key=lambda t: t[:n]))
def _recarray_to_dataframe( recarray, zonenamedict, start_datetime=None, timeunit="D", index_key="totim", zones=None, pivot=False, ): """ Method to convert zonebudget recarrays to pandas dataframes Parameters ---------- recarray : zonenamedict : start_datetime : timeunit : index_key : names : zones : net : Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ try: import pandas as pd except Exception as e: msg = "ZoneBudget.get_dataframes() error import pandas: " + str(e) raise ImportError(msg) valid_index_keys = ["totim", "kstpkper"] s = 'index_key "{}" is not valid.'.format(index_key) assert index_key in valid_index_keys, s valid_timeunit = ["S", "M", "H", "D", "Y"] if timeunit.upper() == "SECONDS": timeunit = "S" elif timeunit.upper() == "MINUTES": timeunit = "M" elif timeunit.upper() == "HOURS": timeunit = "H" elif timeunit.upper() == "DAYS": timeunit = "D" elif timeunit.upper() == "YEARS": timeunit = "Y" errmsg = ( "Specified time units ({}) not recognized. " "Please use one of ".format(timeunit) ) assert timeunit in valid_timeunit, errmsg + ", ".join(valid_timeunit) + "." df = pd.DataFrame().from_records(recarray) if start_datetime is not None and "totim" in list(df): totim = totim_to_datetime( df.totim, start=pd.to_datetime(start_datetime), timeunit=timeunit, ) df["datetime"] = totim if pivot: return pd.DataFrame.from_records(recarray) index_cols = ["datetime", "name"] else: if pivot: return pd.DataFrame.from_records(recarray) if index_key == "totim" and "totim" in list(df): index_cols = ["totim", "name"] else: index_cols = ["time_step", "stress_period", "name"] df = df.set_index(index_cols) # .sort_index(level=0) if zones is not None: keep_cols = zones else: keep_cols = zonenamedict.values() return df.loc[:, keep_cols] def _get_budget(recarray, zonenamedict, names=None, zones=None, net=False): """ Get a list of zonebudget record arrays. Parameters ---------- recarray : np.recarray budget recarray zonenamedict : dict dictionary of zone names names : list of strings A list of strings containing the names of the records desired. zones : list of ints or strings A list of integer zone numbers or zone names desired. net : boolean If True, returns net IN-OUT for each record. Returns ------- budget_list : list of record arrays A list of the zonebudget record arrays. """ if isinstance(names, str): names = [names] if isinstance(zones, str): zones = [zones] elif isinstance(zones, int): zones = [zones] standard_fields = ["time_step", "stress_period", "name"] if "totim" in recarray.dtype.names: standard_fields.insert(0, "totim") select_fields = standard_fields + list(zonenamedict.values()) select_records = np.where((recarray["name"] == recarray["name"])) if zones is not None: for idx, z in enumerate(zones): if isinstance(z, int): zones[idx] = zonenamedict[z] select_fields = standard_fields + zones if names is not None: names = _clean_budget_names(recarray, names) select_records = np.in1d(recarray["name"], names) if net: if names is None: names = _clean_budget_names(recarray, _get_record_names(recarray)) net_budget = _compute_net_budget(recarray, zonenamedict) seen = [] net_names = [] for name in names: if name.endswith("_IN") or name.endswith("_OUT"): iname = "_".join(name.split("_")[:-1]) else: iname = "_".join(name.split("_")[1:]) if iname not in seen: seen.append(iname) else: net_names.append(iname) select_records = np.in1d(net_budget["name"], net_names) return net_budget[select_fields][select_records] else: return recarray[select_fields][select_records] def _clean_budget_names(recarray, names): """ Method to clean budget names Parameters ---------- recarray : np.recarray names : list list of names in recarray Returns ------- list """ newnames = [] mbnames = ["TOTAL_IN", "TOTAL_OUT", "IN-OUT", "PERCENT_DISCREPANCY"] for name in names: if name in mbnames: newnames.append(name) elif ( not name.startswith("FROM_") and not name.startswith("TO_") and not name.endswith("_IN") and not name.endswith("_OUT") ): newname_in = "FROM_" + name.upper() newname_out = "TO_" + name.upper() if newname_in in recarray["name"]: newnames.append(newname_in) if newname_out in recarray["name"]: newnames.append(newname_out) else: if name in recarray["name"]: newnames.append(name) return newnames def _get_record_names(recarray, stripped=False): """ Get a list of water budget record names in the file. Returns ------- out : list of strings List of unique text names in the binary file. """ rec_names = np.unique(recarray["name"]) if not stripped: return rec_names else: seen = [] for recname in rec_names: if recname in ["IN-OUT", "TOTAL_IN", "TOTAL_OUT", "IN_OUT"]: continue if recname.endswith("_IN"): recname = recname[:-3] elif recname.endswith("_OUT"): recname = recname[:-4] if recname not in seen: seen.append(recname) seen.extend(["IN-OUT", "TOTAL", "IN_OUT"]) return np.array(seen) def _compute_net_budget(recarray, zonenamedict): """ :param recarray: :param zonenamedict: :return: """ recnames = _get_record_names(recarray) innames = [ n for n in recnames if n.startswith("FROM_") or n.endswith("_IN") ] outnames = [ n for n in recnames if n.startswith("TO_") or n.endswith("_OUT") ] select_fields = ["totim", "time_step", "stress_period", "name"] + list( zonenamedict.values() ) if "totim" not in recarray.dtype.names: select_fields.pop(0) select_records_in = np.in1d(recarray["name"], innames) select_records_out = np.in1d(recarray["name"], outnames) in_budget = recarray[select_fields][select_records_in] out_budget = recarray[select_fields][select_records_out] net_budget = in_budget.copy() for f in [n for n in zonenamedict.values() if n in select_fields]: net_budget[f] = np.array([r for r in in_budget[f]]) - np.array( [r for r in out_budget[f]] ) newnames = [] for n in net_budget["name"]: if n.endswith("_IN") or n.endswith("_OUT"): newnames.append("_".join(n.split("_")[:-1])) else: newnames.append("_".join(n.split("_")[1:])) net_budget["name"] = newnames return net_budget
[docs]def write_zbarray(fname, X, fmtin=None, iprn=None): """ Saves a numpy array in a format readable by the zonebudget program executable. File format: line 1: nlay, nrow, ncol line 2: INTERNAL (format) line 3: begin data . . . example from NACP: 19 250 500 INTERNAL (10I8) 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 ... INTERNAL (10I8) 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 ... Parameters ---------- X : array The array of zones to be written. fname : str The path and name of the file to be written. fmtin : int The number of values to write to each line. iprn : int Padding space to add between each value. """ warnings.warn( "Deprecation planned in version" " 3.3.5 Use ZoneBudget.write_zone_file()", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) ZoneBudget.write_zone_file(fname, X, fmtin, iprn)
def _read_zb_zblst(fname): """Method to read zonebudget zblst output Parameters ---------- fname : str zonebudget output file name Returns ------- np.recarray """ with open(fname) as foo: data = {} read_data = False flow_budget = False empty = 0 prefix = "" while True: line = foo.readline().strip().upper() t = line.split() if t: if t[-1].strip() == "ZONES.": line = foo.readline().strip() zones = [int(i) for i in line.split()] for zone in zones: data["TO_ZONE_{}".format(zone)] = [] data["FROM_ZONE_{}".format(zone)] = [] if "FLOW BUDGET FOR ZONE" in line: flow_budget = True read_data = False zlist = [] empty = 0 t = line.split() zone = int(t[4]) if len(t[7]) > 4: t.insert(8, t[7][4:]) kstp = int(t[8]) - 1 if len(t[11]) > 6: t.append(t[11][6:]) kper = int(t[12]) - 1 if "ZONE" not in data: data["ZONE"] = [zone] data["KSTP"] = [kstp] data["KPER"] = [kper] else: data["ZONE"].append(zone) data["KSTP"].append(kstp) data["KPER"].append(kper) elif line in ("", " "): empty += 1 elif read_data: if "=" in line: t = line.split("=") label = t[0].strip() if "ZONE" in line: if prefix == "FROM_": zlist.append(int(label.split()[1])) label = "FROM_ZONE_{}".format(label.split()[1]) else: label = "TO_ZONE_{}".format(label.split()[-1]) elif "TOTAL" in line or "PERCENT DISCREPANCY" in line: label = "_".join(label.split()) elif "IN - OUT" in line: label = "IN-OUT" else: label = prefix + "_".join(label.split()) if label in data: data[label].append(float(t[1])) else: data[label] = [float(t[1])] if label == "PERCENT_DISCREPANCY": # fill in non-connected zones with zeros... for zone in zones: if zone in zlist: continue data["FROM_ZONE_{}".format(zone)].append(0) data["TO_ZONE_{}".format(zone)].append(0) elif "OUT:" in line: prefix = "TO_" else: pass elif flow_budget: if "IN:" in line: prefix = "FROM_" read_data = True flow_budget = False else: pass if empty >= 30: break return _zb_dict_to_recarray(data) def _read_zb_csv(fname): """Method to read zonebudget csv output Parameters ---------- fname : str zonebudget output file name Returns ------- np.recarray """ with open(fname) as foo: data = {} zone_header = False read_data = False empty = 0 while True: line = foo.readline().strip().upper() if "TIME STEP" in line: t = line.split(",") kstp = int(t[1]) - 1 kper = int(t[3]) - 1 totim = float(t[5]) if "KSTP" not in data: data["KSTP"] = [] data["KPER"] = [] data["TOTIM"] = [] data["ZONE"] = [] zone_header = True empty = 0 elif zone_header: t = line.split(",") zones = [int(i.split()[-1]) for i in t[1:] if i not in ("",)] for zone in zones: data["KSTP"].append(kstp) data["KPER"].append(kper) data["ZONE"].append(zone) data["TOTIM"].append(totim) zone_header = False read_data = True elif read_data: t = line.split(",") if "IN" in t[1]: prefix = "FROM_" elif "OUT" in t[1]: prefix = "TO_" else: if "ZONE" in t[0] or "TOTAL" in t[0] or "IN-OUT" in t[0]: label = "_".join(t[0].split()) elif "PERCENT ERROR" in line: label = "_".join(t[0].split()) read_data = False else: label = prefix + "_".join(t[0].split()) if label not in data: data[label] = [] for val in t[1:]: if val in ("",): continue data[label].append(float(val)) elif line in ("", " "): empty += 1 else: pass if empty >= 25: break return _zb_dict_to_recarray(data) def _read_zb_csv2(fname, add_prefix=True, aliases=None): """ Method to read CSV2 output from zonebudget and CSV output from Zonebudget6 Parameters ---------- fname : str zonebudget output file name add_prefix : bool boolean flag to add "TO_", "FROM_" prefixes to column headings Returns ------- np.recarray """ with open(fname) as foo: # read the header and create the dtype h = foo.readline().upper().strip().split(",") h = [i.strip() for i in h if i] dtype = [] prefix = "FROM_" for col in h: col = col.replace("-", "_") if not add_prefix: prefix = "" if col in ("TOTIM", "PERIOD", "STEP", "KSTP", "KPER", "ZONE"): if col in ("ZONE", "STEP", "KPER", "KSTP", "PERIOD"): if col == "STEP": col = "KSTP" elif col == "PERIOD": col = "KPER" dtype.append((col, int)) else: dtype.append((col, float)) elif col == "TOTAL IN": dtype.append(("_".join(col.split()), float)) prefix = "TO_" elif col == "TOTAL OUT": dtype.append(("_".join(col.split()), float)) prefix = "" elif col in ("FROM OTHER ZONES", "TO OTHER ZONES"): dtype.append(("_".join(col.split()), float)) elif col == "IN_OUT": dtype.append(("IN-OUT", float)) else: dtype.append((prefix + "_".join(col.split()), float)) array = np.genfromtxt(foo, delimiter=",").T if len(array) != len(dtype): array = array[:-1] array.shape = (len(dtype), -1) data = {name[0]: list(array[ix]) for ix, name in enumerate(dtype)} data["KPER"] = list(np.array(data["KPER"]) - 1) data["KSTP"] = list(np.array(data["KSTP"]) - 1) return _zb_dict_to_recarray(data, aliases=aliases) def _zb_dict_to_recarray(data, aliases=None): """ Method to check the zonebudget dictionary and convert it to a numpy recarray. Parameters ---------- data : dict dictionary of zonebudget data from CSV 1 or ZBLST files Returns ------- np.recarray """ # if steady state is used, storage will not be written if "FROM_STORAGE" in data: if len(data["FROM_STORAGE"]) < len(data["ZONE"]): adj = len(data["ZONE"]) - len(data["FROM_STORAGE"]) adj = [0] * adj data["FROM_STORAGE"] = adj + data["FROM_STORAGE"] data["TO_STORAGE"] = adj + data["TO_STORAGE"] zones = list(np.unique(data["ZONE"])) zone_dtypes = [] for zn in zones: if aliases is not None: if zn in aliases: zone_dtypes.append((aliases[zn], float)) else: zone_dtypes.append(("ZONE_{}".format(int(zn)), float)) else: zone_dtypes.append(("ZONE_{}".format(int(zn)), float)) dtype = [ ("totim", float), ("time_step", int), ("stress_period", int), ("name", object), ] + zone_dtypes if "TOTIM" not in data: dtype.pop(0) array = [] allzones = data["ZONE"] for strt in range(0, len(data["ZONE"]), len(zones)): end = strt + len(zones) kstp = data["KSTP"][strt] kper = data["KPER"][strt] totim = None if "TOTIM" in data: totim = data["TOTIM"][strt] for name, values in data.items(): if name in ("KSTP", "KPER", "TOTIM", "ZONE"): continue rec = [kstp, kper, name] if totim is not None: rec = [totim] + rec tmp = values[strt:end] tzones = allzones[strt:end] # check zone numbering matches header numbering, if not re-order if tzones != zones: idx = [zones.index(z) for z in tzones] tmp = [tmp[i] for i in idx] array.append(tuple(rec + tmp)) array = np.array(array, dtype=dtype) return array.view(type=np.recarray)
[docs]def read_zbarray(fname): """ Reads an ascii array in a format readable by the zonebudget program executable. Parameters ---------- fname : str The path and name of the file to be written. Returns ------- zones : numpy ndarray An integer array of the zones. """ warnings.warn( "Deprecation planned for version 3.3.5, " "use ZoneBudget.read_zone_file()", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return ZoneBudget.read_zone_file(fname)
def _pivot_recarray(recarray): """ Method to pivot the zb output recarray to be compatible with the ZoneBudgetOutput method until the class is deprecated Returns ------- """ dtype = [("totim", float), ("kper", int), ("kstp", int), ("zone", int)] record_names = np.unique(recarray["name"]) for rec_name in record_names: dtype.append((rec_name, float)) rnames = recarray.dtype.names zones = {i: int(i.split("_")[-1]) for i in rnames if i.startswith("ZONE")} kstp_kper = np.vstack( sorted({(rec["time_step"], rec["stress_period"]) for rec in recarray}) ) pvt_rec = np.recarray((1,), dtype=dtype) n = 0 for kstp, kper in kstp_kper: idxs = np.where( (recarray["time_step"] == kstp) & (recarray["stress_period"] == kper) ) if len(idxs) == 0: pass else: temp = recarray[idxs] for zonename, zone in zones.items(): if n != 0: pvt_rec.resize((len(pvt_rec) + 1,), refcheck=False) pvt_rec["kstp"][-1] = kstp pvt_rec["kper"][-1] = kper pvt_rec["zone"][-1] = zone for rec in temp: pvt_rec[rec["name"]][-1] = rec[zonename] if "totim" in rnames: pvt_rec["totim"][-1] = temp["totim"][-1] else: pvt_rec["totim"][-1] = 0 n += 1 return pvt_rec def _volumetric_flux(recarray, modeltime, extrapolate_kper=False): """ Method to generate a volumetric budget table based on flux information Parameters ---------- recarray : np.recarray pivoted numpy recarray of zonebudget fluxes modeltime : flopy.discretization.ModelTime object flopy modeltime object extrapolate_kper : bool flag to determine if we fill in data gaps with other timestep information from the same stress period. if True, we assume that flux is constant throughout a stress period and the pandas dataframe returned contains a volumetric budget per stress period if False, calculates volumes from available flux data Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ import pandas as pd nper = len(modeltime.nstp) volumetric_data = {} zones = np.unique(recarray["zone"]) for key in recarray.dtype.names: volumetric_data[key] = [] if extrapolate_kper: volumetric_data.pop("kstp") perlen = modeltime.perlen totim = np.add.accumulate(perlen) for per in range(nper): idx = np.where(recarray["kper"] == per)[0] if len(idx) == 0: continue temp = recarray[idx] for zone in zones: if zone == 0: continue zix = np.where(temp["zone"] == zone)[0] if len(zix) == 0: raise Exception for key in recarray.dtype.names: if key == "totim": volumetric_data[key].append(totim[per]) elif key == "tslen": volumetric_data["perlen"].append(perlen[per]) elif key == "kstp": continue elif key == "kper": volumetric_data[key].append(per) elif key == "zone": volumetric_data[key].append(zone) else: t = temp[zix][key] tmp = np.nanmean(temp[zix][key]) vol = tmp * perlen[per] volumetric_data[key].append(vol) else: n = 0 tslen = {} dtotim = {} totim = modeltime.totim for ix, nstp in enumerate(modeltime.nstp): for stp in range(nstp): idx = np.where( (recarray["kper"] == ix) & (recarray["kstp"] == stp) ) if len(idx[0]) == 0: continue elif n == 0: tslen[(stp, ix)] = totim[n] else: tslen[(stp, ix)] = totim[n] - totim[n - 1] dtotim[(stp, ix)] = totim[n] n += 1 ltslen = [tslen[(rec["kstp"], rec["kper"])] for rec in recarray] if len(np.unique(recarray["totim"])) == 1: ltotim = [dtotim[(rec["kstp"], rec["kper"])] for rec in recarray] recarray["totim"] = ltotim for name in recarray.dtype.names: if name in ("zone", "kstp", "kper", "tslen", "totim"): volumetric_data[name] = recarray[name] else: volumetric_data[name] = recarray[name] * ltslen return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(volumetric_data)
[docs]class ZoneBudgetOutput: """ DEPRECATED: Class method to process zonebudget output into volumetric budgets Parameters ---------- f : str zonebudget output file path dis : flopy.modflow.ModflowDis object zones : np.ndarray numpy array of zones """ def __init__(self, f, dis, zones=None): import pandas as pd from ..modflow import ModflowDis warnings.warn( "ZoneBudgetOutput will be deprecated in version 3.3.5," "Use ZoneBudget.read_output(<file>, pivot=True)" " or ZoneBudget6.get_budget(<file>, pivot=True)", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) self._filename = f self._otype = None self._zones = zones self.__pd = pd if isinstance(dis, ModflowDis): add_prefix = True model = dis.parent else: add_prefix = False modelname = list(dis.model_or_sim.model_dict.keys())[0] model = dis.model_or_sim.model_dict[modelname] self._modeltime = model.modeltime self._data = ZoneBudget.read_output(f, add_prefix=add_prefix, net=True) def __repr__(self): """ String representation of the ZoneBudgetOutput class """ zones = ", ".join([str(i) for i in self.zones]) l = [ "ZoneBudgetOutput Class", "----------------------\n", "Number of zones: {}".format(len(self.zones)), "Unique zones: {}".format(zones), "Number of buget records: {}".format(len(self.dataframe)), ] return "\n".join(l) @property def zone_array(self): """ Property method to get the zone array """ warnings.warn( "ZoneBudgetOutput will be deprecated in version 3.3.5", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return np.asarray(self._zones, dtype=int) @property def zones(self): """ Get a unique list of zones """ warnings.warn( "ZoneBudgetOutput will be deprecated in version 3.3.5", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return np.unique(self.zone_array) @property def dataframe(self): """ Returns a net flux dataframe of the zonebudget output """ warnings.warn( "ZoneBudgetOutput will be deprecated in version 3.3.5", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) data = _pivot_recarray(self._data) return self.__pd.DataFrame.from_records(data)
[docs] def export(self, f, ml, **kwargs): """ Method to export a netcdf file, or add zonebudget output to an open netcdf file instance Parameters ---------- f : str or flopy.export.netcdf.NetCdf object ml : flopy.modflow.Modflow or flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf object **kwargs : logger : flopy.export.netcdf.Logger instance masked_vals : list list of values to mask Returns ------- flopy.export.netcdf.NetCdf object """ warnings.warn( "ZoneBudgetOutput will be deprecated in version 3.3.5", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) from flopy.export.utils import output_helper if isinstance(f, str): if not f.endswith(".nc"): raise AssertionError( "File extension must end with .nc to " "export a netcdf file" ) zbncfobj = self.dataframe_to_netcdf_fmt(self.dataframe) oudic = {"zbud": zbncfobj} return output_helper(f, ml, oudic, **kwargs)
[docs] def volumetric_flux(self, extrapolate_kper=False): """ Method to generate a volumetric budget table based on flux information Parameters ---------- extrapolate_kper : bool flag to determine if we fill in data gaps with other timestep information from the same stress period. if True, we assume that flux is constant throughout a stress period and the pandas dataframe returned contains a volumetric budget per stress period if False, calculates volumes from available flux data Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ warnings.warn( "ZoneBudgetOutput.volumetric_flux()" " will be deprecated in version 3.3.5,", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) recarray = _pivot_recarray(self._data) return _volumetric_flux(recarray, self._modeltime, extrapolate_kper)
[docs] def dataframe_to_netcdf_fmt(self, df, flux=True): """ Method to transform a volumetric zonebudget dataframe into array format for netcdf. time is on axis 0 zone is on axis 1 Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame flux : bool boolean flag to indicate if budget data is a flux "L^3/T" (True, default) or if the data have been processed to volumetric values "L^3" (False) zone_array : np.ndarray zonebudget zones array Returns ------- ZBNetOutput object """ warnings.warn( "ZoneBudgetOutput will be deprecated in version 3.3.5", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) zones = np.sort(np.unique( totim = np.sort(np.unique(df.totim.values)) data = {} for col in df.columns: if col in ("totim", "zone", "kper", "kstp", "perlen"): pass else: data[col] = np.zeros((totim.size, zones.size), dtype=float) for i, time in enumerate(totim): tdf = df.loc[ df.totim.isin( [ time, ] ) ] tdf = tdf.sort_values(by=["zone"]) for col in df.columns: if col in ("totim", "zone", "kper", "kstp", "perlen"): pass else: data[col][i, :] = tdf[col].values return ZBNetOutput(zones, totim, data, self.zone_array, flux=flux)
[docs]class ZBNetOutput: """ Class that holds zonebudget netcdf output and allows export utilities to recognize the output data type. Parameters ---------- zones : np.ndarray array of zone numbers time : np.ndarray array of totim arrays : dict dictionary of budget term arrays. axis 0 is totim, axis 1 is zones flux : bool boolean flag to indicate if budget data is a flux "L^3/T"(True, default) or if the data have been processed to volumetric values "L^3" (False) """ def __init__(self, zones, time, arrays, zone_array, flux=True): self.zones = zones self.time = time self.arrays = arrays self.zone_array = zone_array self.flux = flux