MODFLOW 6: Time Array Series Packages

Introduction to Time Array Series

Time array series can be set for any package through the package.tas object, and each package.tas object has several attributes that can be set:

Attribute Type Description
package.tas.filename str Name of time series file to create. The default is packagename + “.tas”.
package.tas.tas_array {double:[double]} Array containing the time array series information for specific times.
package.tas.time_series_namereco rd str Name by which a package references a particular time-array series. The name must be unique among all time-array series used in a package.
package.tas.interpolation_methodr ecord list (of strings) List of interpolation methods to use for time array series. Method must be either “stepwise” or “linear”.
package.tas.sfacrecord_single float Scale factor to multiply the time array series data column. Can only be used if there is one time series data column.

The following code sets up a simulation used in the time array series examples.

# package import
import os
import numpy as np
import flopy
# set up where simulation workspace will be stored
workspace = os.path.join("data", "mf6_working_with_data")
name = "example_1"
if not os.path.exists(workspace):
# create the Flopy simulation and tdis objects
sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation(
    sim_name=name, exe_name="mf6", version="mf6", sim_ws=workspace
tdis_rc = [(1.0, 1, 1.0), (10.0, 5, 1.0), (10.0, 5, 1.0), (10.0, 1, 1.0)]
tdis_package = flopy.mf6.modflow.mftdis.ModflowTdis(
    sim, time_units="DAYS", nper=4, perioddata=tdis_rc
# create the Flopy groundwater flow (gwf) model object
model_nam_file = "{}.nam".format(name)
gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf(sim, modelname=name, model_nam_file=model_nam_file)
# create the flopy iterative model solver (ims) package object
ims = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfims.ModflowIms(sim, pname="ims", complexity="SIMPLE")
# create the discretization package
bot = np.linspace(-3.0, -50.0 / 3.0, 3)
delrow = delcol = 4.0
dis = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwfdis.ModflowGwfdis(
# create the initial condition (ic) and node property flow (npf) packages
ic_package = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwfic.ModflowGwfic(gwf, strt=50.0)
npf_package = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwfnpf.ModflowGwfnpf(
    icelltype=[1, 0, 0],
    k=[5.0, 0.1, 4.0],
    k33=[0.5, 0.005, 0.1],

Time Array Series Example 1

Time array series data can be passed into the timearrayseries parameter on construction of any package that supports time array series. This example uses the timearrayseries parameter to create a time array series and then uses the package’s tas property to finish the time array series setup.

This example uses time array series data in a RCHA package. The time array series is built as a dictionary with the times as the keys and the recharge values as the values.

tas = {0.0: 0.000002, 200.0: 0.0000001}

The time array series data is then passed into the timearrayseries parameter when the RCHA package is constructed.

rcha = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwfrcha.ModflowGwfrcha(
    gwf, timearrayseries=tas, recharge="TIMEARRAYSERIES rcharray_1"
WARNING: Time array series name rcharray_1 not found in any time series file

Time array series attributes can be set by access the time array series package object through the rcha.tas attribute.

# finish defining the time array series properties
rcha.tas.time_series_namerecord = "rcharray_1"
rcha.tas.interpolation_methodrecord = "LINEAR"

The simulation is then written to files and run.

writing simulation...
  writing simulation name file...
  writing simulation tdis package...
  writing ims package ims...
  writing model example_1...
    writing model name file...
    writing package dis...
    writing package ic...
    writing package npf...
    writing package rcha_0...
    writing package tas_0...
FloPy is using the following executable to run the model: /home/runner/.local/bin/mf6
                                   MODFLOW 6
                            VERSION 6.2.2 07/30/2021

   MODFLOW 6 compiled Jul 31 2021 14:22:53 with IFORT compiler (ver. 19.10.3)

This software has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological
Survey (USGS). Although the software has been subjected to rigorous
review, the USGS reserves the right to update the software as needed
pursuant to further analysis and review. No warranty, expressed or
implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the
functionality of the software and related material nor shall the
fact of release constitute any such warranty. Furthermore, the
software is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S.
Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its
authorized or unauthorized use. Also refer to the USGS Water
Resources Software User Rights Notice for complete use, copyright,
and distribution information.

 Run start date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): 2021/08/06 23:25:32

 Writing simulation list file: mfsim.lst
 Using Simulation name file: mfsim.nam

    Solving:  Stress period:     1    Time step:     1
    Solving:  Stress period:     2    Time step:     1
    Solving:  Stress period:     2    Time step:     2
    Solving:  Stress period:     2    Time step:     3
    Solving:  Stress period:     2    Time step:     4
    Solving:  Stress period:     2    Time step:     5
    Solving:  Stress period:     3    Time step:     1
    Solving:  Stress period:     3    Time step:     2
    Solving:  Stress period:     3    Time step:     3
    Solving:  Stress period:     3    Time step:     4
    Solving:  Stress period:     3    Time step:     5
    Solving:  Stress period:     4    Time step:     1

 Run end date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): 2021/08/06 23:25:33
 Elapsed run time:  0.238 Seconds

 Normal termination of simulation.
(True, [])
# clean up for next example

Time Array Series Example 2

A time array series can be added after a package is created by calling the package’s tas attribute’s initialize method. Initialize allows you to define all time array series attributes including file name, the time array series data, name record, and method record.

First a recharge package is built.

# create recharge package with recharge pointing to a time array series
# not yet defined. FloPy will generate a warning that there is not yet a
# time series name record for recharray_1
rcha = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwfrcha.ModflowGwfrcha(
    gwf, recharge="TIMEARRAYSERIES rcharray_1"
WARNING: Time array series name rcharray_1 not found in any time series file

Then a time array series dictionary is created as done in example 1.

tas = {0.0: 0.000002, 200.0: 0.0000001}

The time array series data are added by calling the initialize method from the ‘RCHA’ package’s tas attribute. The time array series file name, name record, and method record, along with the time series data are set in the initialize method.

# initialize the time array series