flopy.utils.binarygrid_util module

Deprecated version of module to read MODFLOW 6 binary grid files (*.grb) that define the model grid binary output files. This function imports the current version of MfGrdFile from ..mf6.utils and returns the instantiated object. This version is deprecated and will be removed.

MfGrdFile(filename, precision='double', verbose=False)[source]

The deprecated MfGrdFile class.

  • filename (str) – Name of the MODFLOW 6 binary grid file
  • precision (string) – ‘single’ or ‘double’. Default is ‘double’.
  • verbose (bool) – Write information to the screen. Default is False.

mfg – MfGrdFile object instantiated using flopy.mf6.utils.MfGrdFile

Return type:
