flopy.utils.mflistfile module

This is a set of classes for reading budget information out of MODFLOW-style listing files. Cumulative and incremental budgets are returned as numpy recarrays, which can then be easily plotted.

class ListBudget(file_name, budgetkey=None, timeunit='days')[source]

Bases: object

MODFLOW family list file handling

  • file_name (str) – the list file name
  • budgetkey (str) – the text string identifying the budget table. (default is None)
  • timeunit (str) – the time unit to return in the recarray. (default is ‘days’)


The ListBudget class should not be instantiated directly. Access is through derived classes: MfListBudget (MODFLOW), SwtListBudget (SEAWAT) and SwrListBudget (MODFLOW with the SWR process)


>>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list")
>>> incremental, cumulative = mf_list.get_budget()
>>> df_in, df_out = mf_list.get_dataframes(start_datetime="10-21-2015")

Get the recarrays with the incremental and cumulative water budget items in the list file.

Parameters:names (str or list of strings) – Selection of column names to return. If names is not None then totim, time_step, stress_period, and selection(s) will be returned. (default is None).
Returns:out – Numpy recarrays with the water budget items in list file. The recarray also includes totim, time_step, and stress_period. A separate recarray is returned for the incremental and cumulative water budget entries.
Return type:recarrays


>>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list")
>>> budget = mf_list.get_budget()

Get a recarray with the cumulative water budget items in the list file.

Parameters:names (str or list of strings) – Selection of column names to return. If names is not None then totim, time_step, stress_period, and selection(s) will be returned. (default is None).
Returns:out – Numpy recarray with the water budget items in list file. The recarray also includes totim, time_step, and stress_period.
Return type:recarray


>>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list")
>>> cumulative = mf_list.get_cumulative()
get_data(kstpkper=None, idx=None, totim=None, incremental=False)[source]

Get water budget data from the list file for the specified conditions.

  • idx (int) – The zero-based record number. The first record is record 0. (default is None).
  • kstpkper (tuple of ints) – A tuple containing the time step and stress period (kstp, kper). These are zero-based kstp and kper values. (default is None).
  • totim (float) – The simulation time. (default is None).
  • incremental (bool) – Boolean flag used to determine if incremental or cumulative water budget data for the specified conditions will be returned. If incremental=True, incremental water budget data will be returned. If incremental=False, cumulative water budget data will be returned. (default is False).

data – Array has size (number of budget items, 3). Recarray names are ‘index’, ‘value’, ‘name’.

Return type:

numpy recarray


if both kstpkper and totim are None, will return the last entry


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import flopy
>>> mf_list = flopy.utils.MfListBudget("my_model.list")
>>> data = mf_list.get_data(kstpkper=(0,0))
>>> plt.bar(data['index'], data['value'])
>>> plt.xticks(data['index'], data['name'], rotation=45, size=6)
>>> plt.show()
get_dataframes(start_datetime='1-1-1970', diff=False)[source]

Get pandas dataframes with the incremental and cumulative water budget items in the list file.

Parameters:start_datetime (str) – If start_datetime is passed as None, the rows are indexed on totim. Otherwise, a DatetimeIndex is set. (default is 1-1-1970).
Returns:out – Pandas dataframes with the incremental and cumulative water budget items in list file. A separate pandas dataframe is returned for the incremental and cumulative water budget entries.
Return type:pandas dataframes


>>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list")
>>> incrementaldf, cumulativedf = mf_list.get_dataframes()

Get a recarray with the incremental water budget items in the list file.

Parameters:names (str or list of strings) – Selection of column names to return. If names is not None then totim, time_step, stress_period, and selection(s) will be returned. (default is None).
Returns:out – Numpy recarray with the water budget items in list file. The recarray also includes totim, time_step, and stress_period.
Return type:recarray


>>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list")
>>> incremental = mf_list.get_incremental()

Get a list of unique stress periods and time steps in the list file water budgets.

Returns:out – List of unique kstp, kper combinations in list file. kstp and kper values are zero-based.
Return type:list of (kstp, kper) tuples


>>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list")
>>> kstpkper = mf_list.get_kstpkper()

Get the elapsed runtime of the model from the list file.

Parameters:units (str) – Units in which to return the runtime. Acceptable values are ‘seconds’, ‘minutes’, ‘hours’ (default is ‘seconds’)
Returns:out – Floating point value with the runtime in requested units. Returns NaN if runtime not found in list file
Return type:float


>>> mf_list = MfListBudget("my_model.list")
>>> budget = mf_list.get_model_runtime(units='hours')

Get a list of water budget record names in the file.

Returns:out – List of unique text names in the binary file.
Return type:list of strings


>>> mf_list = MfListBudget('my_model.list')
>>> names = mf_list.get_record_names()

Get numpy recarray of reduced pumping data from a list file. Reduced pumping data most have been written to the list file during the model run. Works with MfListBudget and MfusgListBudget.

Returns:A numpy recarray with the reduced pumping data from the list file.
Return type:numpy recarray


>>> objLST = MfListBudget("my_model.lst")
>>> raryReducedPpg = objLST.get_reduced_pumping()
>>> dfReducedPpg = pd.DataFrame.from_records(raryReducedPpg)

Get a list of unique water budget times in the list file.

Returns:out – List contains unique water budget simulation times (totim) in list file.
Return type:list of floats


>>> mf_list = MfListBudget('my_model.list')
>>> times = mf_list.get_times()

Get a boolean indicating if budget data are available in the file.

Returns:out – Boolean indicating if budget data are available in the file.
Return type:boolean


>>> mf_list = MfListBudget('my_model.list')
>>> valid = mf_list.isvalid()
class Mf6ListBudget(file_name, budgetkey=None, timeunit='days')[source]

Bases: flopy.utils.mflistfile.ListBudget

class MfListBudget(file_name, budgetkey=None, timeunit='days')[source]

Bases: flopy.utils.mflistfile.ListBudget

class MfusgListBudget(file_name, budgetkey=None, timeunit='days')[source]

Bases: flopy.utils.mflistfile.ListBudget

class SwrListBudget(file_name, budgetkey=None, timeunit='days')[source]

Bases: flopy.utils.mflistfile.ListBudget

class SwtListBudget(file_name, budgetkey=None, timeunit='days')[source]

Bases: flopy.utils.mflistfile.ListBudget
