Source code for flopy.export.utils

import os
from itertools import repeat
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from packaging.version import Version

from ..datbase import DataInterface, DataListInterface, DataType
from ..mbase import BaseModel, ModelInterface
from ..pakbase import PackageInterface
from ..utils import (
from import get_crs
from . import NetCdf, netcdf, shapefile_utils, vtk
from .longnames import NC_LONG_NAMES
from .unitsformat import NC_UNITS_FORMAT

    np.float64: "f8",
    np.float32: "f4",
    int: "i4",
    np.int64: "i4",
    np.int32: "i4",

[docs]def ensemble_helper( inputs_filename: Union[str, os.PathLike], outputs_filename: Union[str, os.PathLike], models, add_reals=True, **kwargs, ): """ Helper to export an ensemble of model instances. Assumes all models have same dis and reference information, only difference is properties and boundary conditions. Assumes model.nam.split('_')[-1] is the realization suffix to use in the netcdf variable names """ f_in, f_out = None, None for m in models[1:]: assert ( m.get_nrow_ncol_nlay_nper() == models[0].get_nrow_ncol_nlay_nper() ) if inputs_filename is not None: f_in = models[0].export(inputs_filename, **kwargs) vdict = {} vdicts = [models[0].export(vdict, **kwargs)] i = 1 for m in models[1:]: suffix =".")[0].split("_")[-1] vdict = {} m.export(vdict, **kwargs) vdicts.append(vdict) if add_reals: f_in.append(vdict, suffix=suffix) i += 1 mean, stdev = {}, {} for vname in vdict.keys(): alist = [] for vd in vdicts: alist.append(vd[vname]) alist = np.array(alist) mean[vname] = alist.mean(axis=0) stdev[vname] = alist.std(axis=0) mean[vname][vdict[vname] == netcdf.FILLVALUE] = netcdf.FILLVALUE stdev[vname][vdict[vname] == netcdf.FILLVALUE] = netcdf.FILLVALUE mean[vname][np.isnan(vdict[vname])] = netcdf.FILLVALUE stdev[vname][np.isnan(vdict[vname])] = netcdf.FILLVALUE if i >= 2: if not add_reals: f_in.write() f_in = NetCdf.empty_like(mean, output_filename=inputs_filename) f_in.append(mean, suffix="**mean**") f_in.append(stdev, suffix="**stdev**") else: f_in.append(mean, suffix="**mean**") f_in.append(stdev, suffix="**stdev**") f_in.add_global_attributes({"namefile": ""}) if outputs_filename is not None: f_out = output_helper( outputs_filename, models[0], models[0].load_results(as_dict=True), **kwargs, ) vdict = {} vdicts = [ output_helper( vdict, models[0], models[0].load_results(as_dict=True), **kwargs, ) ] i = 1 for m in models[1:]: suffix =".")[0].split("_")[-1] oudic = m.load_results(as_dict=True) vdict = {} output_helper(vdict, m, oudic, **kwargs) vdicts.append(vdict) if add_reals: f_out.append(vdict, suffix=suffix) i += 1 mean, stdev = {}, {} for vname in vdict.keys(): alist = [] for vd in vdicts: alist.append(vd[vname]) alist = np.array(alist) mean[vname] = alist.mean(axis=0) stdev[vname] = alist.std(axis=0) mean[vname][np.isnan(vdict[vname])] = netcdf.FILLVALUE stdev[vname][np.isnan(vdict[vname])] = netcdf.FILLVALUE mean[vname][vdict[vname] == netcdf.FILLVALUE] = netcdf.FILLVALUE stdev[vname][vdict[vname] == netcdf.FILLVALUE] = netcdf.FILLVALUE if i >= 2: if not add_reals: f_out.write() f_out = NetCdf.empty_like( mean, output_filename=outputs_filename ) f_out.append(mean, suffix="**mean**") f_out.append(stdev, suffix="**stdev**") else: f_out.append(mean, suffix="**mean**") f_out.append(stdev, suffix="**stdev**") f_out.add_global_attributes({"namefile": ""}) return f_in, f_out
def _add_output_nc_variable( nc, times, shape3d, out_obj, var_name, logger=None, text="", mask_vals=(), mask_array3d=None, ): if logger: logger.log(f"creating array for {var_name}") array = np.zeros( (len(times), shape3d[0], shape3d[1], shape3d[2]), dtype=np.float32 ) array[:] = np.nan if isinstance(out_obj, ZBNetOutput): a = np.asarray(out_obj.zone_array, dtype=np.float32) if mask_array3d is not None: a[mask_array3d] = np.nan for i, _ in enumerate(times): array[i, :, :, :] = a else: for i, t in enumerate(times): if t in out_obj.recordarray["totim"]: try: if text: a = out_obj.get_data(totim=t, full3D=True, text=text) if isinstance(a, list): a = a[0] else: a = out_obj.get_data(totim=t) except Exception as e: nme = var_name + text.decode().strip().lower() estr = f"error getting data for {nme} at time {t}:{e!s}" if logger: logger.warn(estr) else: print(estr) continue if mask_array3d is not None and a.shape == mask_array3d.shape: a[mask_array3d] = np.nan try: array[i, :, :, :] = a.astype(np.float32) except Exception as e: nme = var_name + text.decode().strip().lower() estr = f"error assigning {nme} data to array for time {t}:{e!s}" if logger: logger.warn(estr) else: print(estr) continue if logger: logger.log(f"creating array for {var_name}") for mask_val in mask_vals: array[np.where(array == mask_val)] = np.nan mx, mn = np.nanmax(array), np.nanmin(array) array[np.isnan(array)] = netcdf.FILLVALUE if isinstance(nc, dict): if text: var_name = text.decode().strip().lower() nc[var_name] = array return nc units = None if var_name in NC_UNITS_FORMAT: units = NC_UNITS_FORMAT[var_name].format(nc.grid_units, nc.time_units) precision_str = "f4" if text: var_name = text.decode().strip().lower() attribs = {"long_name": var_name} attribs["coordinates"] = "time layer latitude longitude" attribs["min"] = mn attribs["max"] = mx if units is not None: attribs["units"] = units try: dim_tuple = ("time",) + nc.dimension_names var = nc.create_variable( var_name, attribs, precision_str=precision_str, dimensions=dim_tuple, ) except Exception as e: estr = f"error creating variable {var_name}:\n{e!s}" if logger: logger.lraise(estr) else: raise Exception(estr) try: var[:] = array except Exception as e: estr = f"error setting array to variable {var_name}:\n{e!s}" if logger: logger.lraise(estr) else: raise Exception(estr) def _add_output_nc_zonebudget_variable(nc, array, var_name, flux, logger=None): """ Method to add zonebudget output data to netcdf file Parameters ---------- nc : NetCdf object the NetCDF object array : np.ndarray zonebudget output budget group array var_name : str variable name flux : bool flag for flux data or volumetric data logger : None or Logger logger instance """ if logger: logger.log(f"creating array for {var_name}") mn = np.min(array) mx = np.max(array) precision_str = "f4" if flux: units = f"{nc.grid_units}^3/{nc.time_units}" else: units = f"{nc.grid_units}^3" attribs = {"long_name": var_name} attribs["coordinates"] = "time zone" attribs["min"] = mn attribs["max"] = mx attribs["units"] = units dim_tuple = ("time", "zone") var = nc.create_group_variable( "zonebudget", var_name, attribs, precision_str, dim_tuple ) var[:] = array
[docs]def output_helper( f: Union[str, os.PathLike, NetCdf, dict], ml, oudic, verbose=False, **kwargs, ): """ Export model outputs using the model spatial reference info. Parameters ---------- f : str or PathLike or NetCdf or dict filepath to write output to (must have .shp or .nc extension), NetCDF object, or dictionary ml : flopy.mbase.ModelInterface derived type oudic : dict output_filename,flopy datafile/cellbudgetfile instance verbose : bool whether to show verbose output **kwargs : keyword arguments modelgrid : flopy.discretizaiton.Grid user supplied model grid instance that will be used for export in lieu of the models model grid instance mflay : int zero based model layer which can be used in shapefile exporting kper : int zero based stress period which can be used for shapefile exporting Returns ------- None Note: ---- casts down double precision to single precision for netCDF files """ assert isinstance(ml, (BaseModel, ModelInterface)) assert len(oudic.keys()) > 0 logger = kwargs.pop("logger", None) stride = kwargs.pop("stride", 1) forgive = kwargs.pop("forgive", False) kwargs.pop("suffix", None) mask_vals = [] mflay = kwargs.pop("mflay", None) kper = kwargs.pop("kper", None) if "masked_vals" in kwargs: mask_vals = kwargs.pop("masked_vals") if len(kwargs) > 0 and logger is not None: str_args = ",".join(kwargs) logger.warn(f"unused kwargs: {str_args}") zonebud = None zbkey = None for key, value in oudic.items(): if isinstance(value, ZBNetOutput): zbkey = key break if zbkey is not None: zonebud = oudic.pop(zbkey) # ISSUE - need to round the totims in each output file instance so # that they will line up for key in oudic.keys(): out = oudic[key] times = [float(f"{t:15.6f}") for t in out.recordarray["totim"]] out.recordarray["totim"] = times times = [] for filename, df in oudic.items(): for t in df.recordarray["totim"]: if t not in times: times.append(t) if zonebud is not None and not oudic: if isinstance(f, NetCdf): times = f.time_values_arg else: times = zonebud.time assert len(times) > 0 times.sort() # rectify times - only use times that are common to every output file common_times = [] skipped_times = [] for t in times: keep = True for filename, df in oudic.items(): if isinstance(df, ZBNetOutput): continue if t not in df.recordarray["totim"]: keep = False break if keep: common_times.append(t) else: skipped_times.append(t) assert len(common_times) > 0 if len(skipped_times) > 0: msg = ( "the following output times are not common to all " f"output files and are being skipped:\n{skipped_times}" ) if logger: logger.warn(msg) elif verbose: print(msg) times = [t for t in common_times[::stride]] if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".nc": f = NetCdf( f, ml, time_values=times, logger=logger, forgive=forgive, **kwargs ) elif isinstance(f, NetCdf): otimes = list(["time"][:]) assert otimes == times if isinstance(f, NetCdf) or isinstance(f, dict): shape3d = (ml.modelgrid.nlay, ml.modelgrid.nrow, ml.modelgrid.ncol) mask_array3d = None if ml.hdry is not None: mask_vals.append(ml.hdry) if ml.hnoflo is not None: mask_vals.append(ml.hnoflo) if ml.modelgrid.idomain is not None: mask_array3d = ml.modelgrid.idomain == 0 for filename, out_obj in oudic.items(): filename = filename.lower() if isinstance(out_obj, UcnFile): _add_output_nc_variable( f, times, shape3d, out_obj, "concentration", logger=logger, mask_vals=mask_vals, mask_array3d=mask_array3d, ) elif isinstance(out_obj, HeadFile): _add_output_nc_variable( f, times, shape3d, out_obj, out_obj.text.decode(), logger=logger, mask_vals=mask_vals, mask_array3d=mask_array3d, ) elif isinstance(out_obj, FormattedHeadFile): _add_output_nc_variable( f, times, shape3d, out_obj, out_obj.text, logger=logger, mask_vals=mask_vals, mask_array3d=mask_array3d, ) elif isinstance(out_obj, CellBudgetFile): var_name = "cell_by_cell_flow" for text in out_obj.textlist: _add_output_nc_variable( f, times, shape3d, out_obj, var_name, logger=logger, text=text, mask_vals=mask_vals, mask_array3d=mask_array3d, ) else: estr = f"unrecognized file extension:{filename}" if logger: logger.lraise(estr) else: raise Exception(estr) if zonebud is not None: try: f.initialize_group( "zonebudget", dimensions=("time", "zone"), dimension_data={ "time": zonebud.time, "zone": zonebud.zones, }, ) except AttributeError: pass for text, array in zonebud.arrays.items(): _add_output_nc_zonebudget_variable( f, array, text, zonebud.flux, logger ) # write the zone array to standard output _add_output_nc_variable( f, times, shape3d, zonebud, "budget_zones", logger=logger, mask_vals=mask_vals, mask_array3d=mask_array3d, ) elif (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".shp": attrib_dict = {} for _, out_obj in oudic.items(): if ( isinstance(out_obj, HeadFile) or isinstance(out_obj, FormattedHeadFile) or isinstance(out_obj, UcnFile) ): if isinstance(out_obj, UcnFile): attrib_name = "conc" else: attrib_name = "head" plotarray = np.atleast_3d( out_obj.get_alldata().transpose() ).transpose() for per in range(plotarray.shape[0]): for k in range(plotarray.shape[1]): if kper is not None and per != kper: continue if mflay is not None and k != mflay: continue name = f"{attrib_name}{per}_{k}" attrib_dict[name] = plotarray[per][k] elif isinstance(out_obj, CellBudgetFile): names = out_obj.get_unique_record_names(decode=True) for attrib_name in names: plotarray = np.atleast_3d( out_obj.get_data(text=attrib_name, full3D=True) ) attrib_name = attrib_name.strip() if attrib_name == "FLOW RIGHT FACE": attrib_name = "FRF" elif attrib_name == "FLOW FRONT FACE": attrib_name = "FFF" elif attrib_name == "FLOW LOWER FACE": attrib_name = "FLF" else: pass for per in range(plotarray.shape[0]): for k in range(plotarray.shape[1]): if kper is not None and per != kper: continue if mflay is not None and k != mflay: continue name = f"{attrib_name}{per}_{k}" attrib_dict[name] = plotarray[per][k] if attrib_dict: shapefile_utils.write_grid_shapefile(f, ml.modelgrid, attrib_dict) else: msg = f"unrecognized export argument:{f}" if logger: logger.lraise(msg) else: raise NotImplementedError(msg) return f
[docs]def model_export( f: Union[str, os.PathLike, NetCdf, dict], ml, fmt=None, **kwargs ): """ Method to export a model to a shapefile or netcdf file Parameters ---------- f : str or PathLike or NetCdf or dict file path (".nc" for netcdf or ".shp" for shapefile) or NetCDF object or dictionary ml : flopy.modflow.mbase.ModelInterface object flopy model object fmt : str output format flag. 'vtk' will export to vtk **kwargs : keyword arguments modelgrid: flopy.discretization.Grid user supplied modelgrid object which will supersede the built in modelgrid object crs : pyproj.CRS, int, str, optional if `prjfile` is specified Coordinate reference system (CRS) for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported). The value can be anything accepted by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() <>`, such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:26916") or a WKT string. prjfile : str or pathlike, optional if `crs` is specified ESRI-style projection file with well-known text defining the CRS for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported). if fmt is set to 'vtk', parameters of Vtk initializer """ assert isinstance(ml, ModelInterface) package_names = kwargs.get("package_names", None) if package_names is None: package_names = [[0] for pak in ml.packagelist] if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".nc": f = NetCdf(f, ml, **kwargs) if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".shp": shapefile_utils.model_attributes_to_shapefile( f, ml, package_names=package_names, **kwargs ) elif isinstance(f, NetCdf): for pak in ml.packagelist: if[0] in package_names: f = package_export(f, pak, **kwargs) assert f is not None return f elif isinstance(f, dict): for pak in ml.packagelist: f = package_export(f, pak, **kwargs) elif fmt == "vtk": # call vtk model export name = kwargs.get("name", xml = kwargs.get("xml", False) masked_values = kwargs.get("masked_values", None) pvd = kwargs.get("pvd", False) smooth = kwargs.get("smooth", False) point_scalars = kwargs.get("point_scalars", False) binary = kwargs.get("binary", True) vertical_exageration = kwargs.get("vertical_exageration", 1) kpers = kwargs.get("kpers", None) package_names = kwargs.get("package_names", None) vtkobj = vtk.Vtk( ml, vertical_exageration=vertical_exageration, binary=binary, xml=xml, pvd=pvd, smooth=smooth, point_scalars=point_scalars, ) vtkobj.add_model( ml, masked_values=masked_values, selpaklist=package_names ) vtkobj.write(os.path.join(f, name), kpers) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"unrecognized export argument:{f}")
[docs]def package_export( f: Union[str, os.PathLike, NetCdf, dict], pak, fmt=None, verbose=False, **kwargs, ): """ Method to export a package to shapefile or netcdf Parameters ---------- f : str or PathLike or NetCdf or dict output file path (extension .shp for shapefile or .nc for netcdf) or NetCDF object or dictionary pak : flopy.pakbase.Package object package to export fmt : str output format flag. 'vtk' will export to vtk ** kwargs : keyword arguments modelgrid: flopy.discretization.Grid user supplied modelgrid object which will supersede the built in modelgrid object crs : pyproj.CRS, int, str, optional if `prjfile` is specified Coordinate reference system (CRS) for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported). The value can be anything accepted by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() <>`, such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:26916") or a WKT string. prjfile : str or pathlike, optional if `crs` is specified ESRI-style projection file with well-known text defining the CRS for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported). if fmt is set to 'vtk', parameters of Vtk initializer Returns ------- f : NetCdf object or None """ assert isinstance(pak, PackageInterface) if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".nc": f = NetCdf(f, pak.parent, **kwargs) if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".shp": shapefile_utils.model_attributes_to_shapefile( f, pak.parent,, verbose=verbose, **kwargs ) elif isinstance(f, NetCdf) or isinstance(f, dict): for a in pak.data_list: if isinstance(a, DataInterface): if a.array is not None: if ( a.data_type == DataType.array2d and len(a.array.shape) == 2 and a.array.shape[1] > 0 ): try: f = array2d_export(f, a, **kwargs) except: f.logger.warn(f"error adding {} as variable") elif a.data_type == DataType.array3d: f = array3d_export(f, a, **kwargs) elif a.data_type == DataType.transient2d: f = transient2d_export(f, a, **kwargs) elif a.data_type == DataType.transientlist: f = mflist_export(f, a, **kwargs) elif isinstance(a, list): for v in a: if ( isinstance(a, DataInterface) and v.data_type == DataType.array3d ): f = array3d_export(f, v, **kwargs) return f elif fmt == "vtk": # call vtk array export to folder name = kwargs.get("name",[0]) xml = kwargs.get("xml", False) masked_values = kwargs.get("masked_values", None) pvd = kwargs.get("pvd", False) smooth = kwargs.get("smooth", False) point_scalars = kwargs.get("point_scalars", False) binary = kwargs.get("binary", True) vertical_exageration = kwargs.get("vertical_exageration", 1) kpers = kwargs.get("kpers", None) vtkobj = vtk.Vtk( pak.parent, vertical_exageration=vertical_exageration, binary=binary, xml=xml, pvd=pvd, smooth=smooth, point_scalars=point_scalars, ) vtkobj.add_package(pak, masked_values=masked_values) vtkobj.write(os.path.join(f, name), kper=kpers) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"unrecognized export argument:{f}")
[docs]def generic_array_export( f: Union[str, os.PathLike], array, var_name="generic_array", dimensions=("time", "layer", "y", "x"), precision_str="f4", units="unitless", **kwargs, ): """ Method to export a generic array to NetCdf Parameters ---------- f : str or PathLike filename or existing export instance type (NetCdf only for now) array : np.ndarray var_name : str variable name dimensions : tuple netcdf dimensions precision_str : str binary precision string, default "f4" units : string units of array data **kwargs : keyword arguments model : flopy.modflow.mbase flopy model object """ if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".nc": assert "model" in kwargs.keys(), ( "creating a new netCDF using generic_array_helper requires a " "'model' kwarg" ) assert isinstance(kwargs["model"], BaseModel) f = NetCdf(f, kwargs.pop("model"), **kwargs) assert array.ndim == len( dimensions ), "generic_array_helper() array.ndim != dimensions" coords_dims = { "time": "time", "layer": "layer", "y": "latitude", "x": "longitude", } coords = " ".join([coords_dims[d] for d in dimensions]) mn = kwargs.pop("min", -1.0e9) mx = kwargs.pop("max", 1.0e9) long_name = kwargs.pop("long_name", var_name) if len(kwargs) > 0: f.logger.warn( "generic_array_helper(): unrecognized kwargs:" + ",".join(kwargs.keys()) ) attribs = {"long_name": long_name} attribs["coordinates"] = coords attribs["units"] = units attribs["min"] = mn attribs["max"] = mx if np.isnan(attribs["min"]) or np.isnan(attribs["max"]): raise Exception(f"error processing {var_name}: all NaNs") try: var = f.create_variable( var_name, attribs, precision_str=precision_str, dimensions=dimensions, ) except Exception as e: estr = f"error creating variable {var_name}:\n{e!s}" f.logger.warn(estr) raise Exception(estr) try: var[:] = array except Exception as e: estr = f"error setting array to variable {var_name}:\n{e!s}" f.logger.warn(estr) raise Exception(estr) return f
[docs]def mflist_export(f: Union[str, os.PathLike, NetCdf], mfl, **kwargs): """ export helper for MfList instances Parameters ----------- f : str or PathLike or NetCdf file path or existing export instance type (NetCdf only for now) mfl : MfList instance **kwargs : keyword arguments modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid model grid instance which will supersede the flopy.model.modelgrid crs : pyproj.CRS, int, str, optional if `prjfile` is specified Coordinate reference system (CRS) for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported). The value can be anything accepted by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() <>`, such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:26916") or a WKT string. prjfile : str or pathlike, optional if `crs` is specified ESRI-style projection file with well-known text defining the CRS for the model grid (must be projected; geographic CRS are not supported). """ if not isinstance(mfl, (DataListInterface, DataInterface)): err = ( "mflist_helper only helps instances that support " "DataListInterface" ) raise AssertionError(err) modelgrid = mfl.model.modelgrid if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".nc": f = NetCdf(f, mfl.model, **kwargs) if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".shp": sparse = kwargs.get("sparse", False) kper = kwargs.get("kper", 0) squeeze = kwargs.get("squeeze", True) if modelgrid is None: raise Exception("MfList.to_shapefile: modelgrid is not set") elif modelgrid.grid_type == "USG-Unstructured": raise Exception( "Flopy does not support exporting to shapefile " "from a MODFLOW-USG unstructured grid." ) if kper is None: keys = keys.sort() else: keys = [kper] if not sparse: array_dict = {} for kk in keys: arrays = mfl.to_array(kk) for name, array in arrays.items(): for k in range(array.shape[0]): # aname = name+"{0:03d}_{1:02d}".format(kk, k) n = shapefile_utils.shape_attr_name(name, length=4) aname = f"{n}{k + 1}{int(kk) + 1}" array_dict[aname] = array[k] shapefile_utils.write_grid_shapefile(f, modelgrid, array_dict) else: from ..export.shapefile_utils import recarray2shp from ..utils.geometry import Polygon df = mfl.get_dataframe(squeeze=squeeze) if "kper" in kwargs or df is None: ra = mfl[kper] verts = np.array(modelgrid.get_cell_vertices(ra.i, ra.j)) elif df is not None: verts = np.array( [ modelgrid.get_cell_vertices(i, df.j.values[ix]) for ix, i in enumerate(df.i.values) ] ) ra = df.to_records(index=False) crs = kwargs.get("crs", None) prjfile = kwargs.get("prjfile", None) polys = np.array([Polygon(v) for v in verts]) recarray2shp( ra, geoms=polys, shpname=f, mg=modelgrid, crs=crs, prjfile=prjfile, ) elif isinstance(f, NetCdf) or isinstance(f, dict): base_name =[0].lower() # f.log("getting 4D masked arrays for {0}".format(base_name)) # m4d = mfl.masked_4D_arrays # f.log("getting 4D masked arrays for {0}".format(base_name)) # for name, array in m4d.items(): for name, array in mfl.masked_4D_arrays_itr(): var_name = f"{base_name}_{name}" if isinstance(f, dict): f[var_name] = array continue f.log(f"processing {name} attribute") units = None if var_name in NC_UNITS_FORMAT: units = NC_UNITS_FORMAT[var_name].format( f.grid_units, f.time_units ) precision_str = NC_PRECISION_TYPE[mfl.dtype[name].type] if var_name in NC_LONG_NAMES: attribs = {"long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES[var_name]} else: attribs = {"long_name": var_name} attribs["coordinates"] = "time layer latitude longitude" attribs["min"] = np.nanmin(array) attribs["max"] = np.nanmax(array) if np.isnan(attribs["min"]) or np.isnan(attribs["max"]): raise Exception(f"error processing {var_name}: all NaNs") if units is not None: attribs["units"] = units try: dim_tuple = ("time",) + f.dimension_names var = f.create_variable( var_name, attribs, precision_str=precision_str, dimensions=dim_tuple, ) except Exception as e: estr = f"error creating variable {var_name}:\n{e!s}" f.logger.warn(estr) raise Exception(estr) array[np.isnan(array)] = f.fillvalue try: var[:] = array except Exception as e: estr = f"error setting array to variable {var_name}:\n{e!s}" f.logger.warn(estr) raise Exception(estr) f.log(f"processing {name} attribute") return f else: raise NotImplementedError(f"unrecognized export argument:{f}")
[docs]def transient2d_export(f: Union[str, os.PathLike], t2d, fmt=None, **kwargs): """ export helper for Transient2d instances Parameters ----------- f : str or PathLike filename or existing export instance type (NetCdf only for now) t2d : Transient2d instance fmt : str output format flag. 'vtk' will export to vtk **kwargs : keyword arguments min_valid : minimum valid value max_valid : maximum valid value modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid model grid instance which will supersede the flopy.model.modelgrid if fmt is set to 'vtk', parameters of Vtk initializer """ if not isinstance(t2d, DataInterface): err = ( "transient2d_helper only helps instances that support " "DataInterface" ) raise AssertionError(err) min_valid = kwargs.get("min_valid", -1.0e9) max_valid = kwargs.get("max_valid", 1.0e9) modelgrid = t2d.model.modelgrid if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".nc": f = NetCdf(f, t2d.model, **kwargs) if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".shp": array_dict = {} for kper in range(t2d.model.modeltime.nper): u2d = t2d[kper] name = f"{shapefile_utils.shape_attr_name(}_{kper + 1}" array_dict[name] = u2d.array shapefile_utils.write_grid_shapefile(f, modelgrid, array_dict) elif isinstance(f, NetCdf) or isinstance(f, dict): # mask the array is defined by any row col with at lease # one active cell mask = None if modelgrid.idomain is not None: ibnd = np.abs(modelgrid.idomain).sum(axis=0) mask = ibnd == 0 # f.log("getting 4D array for {0}".format(t2d.name_base)) array = t2d.array # f.log("getting 4D array for {0}".format(t2d.name_base)) with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): if array.dtype not in [int, np.int32, np.int64]: if mask is not None: array[:, 0, mask] = np.nan array[array <= min_valid] = np.nan array[array >= max_valid] = np.nan mx, mn = np.nanmax(array), np.nanmin(array) else: mx, mn = np.nanmax(array), np.nanmin(array) array[array <= min_valid] = netcdf.FILLVALUE array[array >= max_valid] = netcdf.FILLVALUE # if t2d.model.bas6 is not None: # array[:, 0, t2d.model.bas6.ibound.array[0] == 0] = \ # f.fillvalue # elif t2d.model.btn is not None: # array[:, 0, t2d.model.btn.icbund.array[0] == 0] = \ # f.fillvalue var_name ="_", "") if isinstance(f, dict): array[array == netcdf.FILLVALUE] = np.nan f[var_name] = array return f array[np.isnan(array)] = f.fillvalue units = "unitless" if var_name in NC_UNITS_FORMAT: units = NC_UNITS_FORMAT[var_name].format( f.grid_units, f.time_units ) try: precision_str = NC_PRECISION_TYPE[t2d.dtype] except: precision_str = NC_PRECISION_TYPE[t2d.dtype.type] if var_name in NC_LONG_NAMES: attribs = {"long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES[var_name]} else: attribs = {"long_name": var_name} attribs["coordinates"] = "time layer latitude longitude" attribs["units"] = units attribs["min"] = mn attribs["max"] = mx if np.isnan(attribs["min"]) or np.isnan(attribs["max"]): raise Exception(f"error processing {var_name}: all NaNs") try: dim_tuple = ("time",) + f.dimension_names var = f.create_variable( var_name, attribs, precision_str=precision_str, dimensions=dim_tuple, ) except Exception as e: estr = f"error creating variable {var_name}:\n{e!s}" f.logger.warn(estr) raise Exception(estr) try: var[:, 0] = array except Exception as e: estr = f"error setting array to variable {var_name}:\n{e!s}" f.logger.warn(estr) raise Exception(estr) return f elif fmt == "vtk": name = kwargs.get("name", xml = kwargs.get("xml", False) masked_values = kwargs.get("masked_values", None) pvd = kwargs.get("pvd", False) smooth = kwargs.get("smooth", False) point_scalars = kwargs.get("point_scalars", False) binary = kwargs.get("binary", True) vertical_exageration = kwargs.get("vertical_exageration", 1) kpers = kwargs.get("kpers", None) if t2d.array is not None: if hasattr(t2d, "transient_2ds"): d = t2d.transient_2ds else: d = {ix: i for ix, i in enumerate(t2d.array)} else: raise AssertionError("No data available to export") vtkobj = vtk.Vtk( t2d.model, vertical_exageration=vertical_exageration, binary=binary, xml=xml, pvd=pvd, smooth=smooth, point_scalars=point_scalars, ) vtkobj.add_transient_array(d, name=name, masked_values=masked_values) vtkobj.write(os.path.join(f, name), kper=kpers) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"unrecognized export argument:{f}")
[docs]def array3d_export(f: Union[str, os.PathLike], u3d, fmt=None, **kwargs): """ export helper for Transient2d instances Parameters ----------- f : str or PathLike filename or existing export instance type (NetCdf only for now) u3d : Util3d instance fmt : str output format flag. 'vtk' will export to vtk **kwargs : keyword arguments min_valid : minimum valid value max_valid : maximum valid value modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid model grid instance which will supersede the flopy.model.modelgrid if fmt is set to 'vtk', parameters of Vtk initializer """ assert isinstance( u3d, DataInterface ), "array3d_export only helps instances that support DataInterface" min_valid = kwargs.get("min_valid", -1.0e9) max_valid = kwargs.get("max_valid", 1.0e9) modelgrid = u3d.model.modelgrid if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".nc": f = NetCdf(f, u3d.model, **kwargs) if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".shp": array_dict = {} for ilay in range(modelgrid.nlay): u2d = u3d[ilay] if isinstance(u2d, np.ndarray): dname = array = u2d else: dname = array = u2d.array name = f"{shapefile_utils.shape_attr_name(dname)}_{ilay + 1}" array_dict[name] = array shapefile_utils.write_grid_shapefile(f, modelgrid, array_dict) elif isinstance(f, NetCdf) or isinstance(f, dict): var_name = if isinstance(var_name, list) or isinstance(var_name, tuple): var_name = var_name[0] var_name = var_name.replace(" ", "_").lower() # f.log("getting 3D array for {0}".format(var_name)) array = u3d.array # this is for the crappy vcont in bcf6 # if isinstance(f,NetCdf) and array.shape != f.shape: # f.log("broadcasting 3D array for {0}".format(var_name)) # full_array = np.empty(f.shape) # full_array[:] = np.nan # full_array[:array.shape[0]] = array # array = full_array # f.log("broadcasting 3D array for {0}".format(var_name)) # f.log("getting 3D array for {0}".format(var_name)) # mask = None if modelgrid.idomain is not None and "ibound" not in var_name: mask = modelgrid.idomain == 0 if mask is not None and array.shape != mask.shape: # f.log("broadcasting 3D array for {0}".format(var_name)) full_array = np.empty(mask.shape) full_array[:] = np.nan full_array[: array.shape[0]] = array array = full_array # f.log("broadcasting 3D array for {0}".format(var_name)) # runtime warning issued in some cases - need to track down cause # happens when NaN is already in array with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): if array.dtype not in [int, np.int32, np.int64]: # if u3d.model.modelgrid.bas6 is not None and "ibound" not # in var_name: # array[u3d.model.modelgrid.bas6.ibound.array == 0] = # np.nan # elif u3d.model.btn is not None and 'icbund' not in var_name: # array[u3d.model.modelgrid.btn.icbund.array == 0] = np.nan if mask is not None: array[mask] = np.nan array[array <= min_valid] = np.nan array[array >= max_valid] = np.nan mx, mn = np.nanmax(array), np.nanmin(array) else: mx, mn = np.nanmax(array), np.nanmin(array) if mask is not None: array[mask] = netcdf.FILLVALUE array[array <= min_valid] = netcdf.FILLVALUE array[array >= max_valid] = netcdf.FILLVALUE if modelgrid.idomain is not None and "ibound" not in var_name: array[modelgrid.idomain == 0] = netcdf.FILLVALUE if isinstance(f, dict): f[var_name] = array return f array[np.isnan(array)] = f.fillvalue units = "unitless" if var_name in NC_UNITS_FORMAT: units = NC_UNITS_FORMAT[var_name].format( f.grid_units, f.time_units ) precision_str = NC_PRECISION_TYPE[u3d.dtype] if var_name in NC_LONG_NAMES: attribs = {"long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES[var_name]} else: attribs = {"long_name": var_name} attribs["coordinates"] = "layer latitude longitude" attribs["units"] = units attribs["min"] = mn attribs["max"] = mx if np.isnan(attribs["min"]) or np.isnan(attribs["max"]): raise Exception(f"error processing {var_name}: all NaNs") try: var = f.create_variable( var_name, attribs, precision_str=precision_str, dimensions=f.dimension_names, ) except Exception as e: estr = f"error creating variable {var_name}:\n{e!s}" f.logger.warn(estr) raise Exception(estr) try: var[:] = array except Exception as e: estr = f"error setting array to variable {var_name}:\n{e!s}" f.logger.warn(estr) raise Exception(estr) return f elif fmt == "vtk": # call vtk array export to folder name = kwargs.get("name", xml = kwargs.get("xml", False) masked_values = kwargs.get("masked_values", None) smooth = kwargs.get("smooth", False) point_scalars = kwargs.get("point_scalars", False) binary = kwargs.get("binary", True) vertical_exageration = kwargs.get("vertical_exageration", 1) if isinstance(name, list) or isinstance(name, tuple): name = name[0] vtkobj = vtk.Vtk( u3d.model, smooth=smooth, point_scalars=point_scalars, binary=binary, xml=xml, vertical_exageration=vertical_exageration, ) vtkobj.add_array(u3d.array, name, masked_values=masked_values) vtkobj.write(os.path.join(f, name)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"unrecognized export argument:{f}")
[docs]def array2d_export( f: Union[str, os.PathLike], u2d, fmt=None, verbose=False, **kwargs ): """ export helper for Util2d instances Parameters ---------- f : str or PathLike filename or existing export instance type (NetCdf only for now) u2d : Util2d instance fmt : str output format flag. 'vtk' will export to vtk verbose : bool whether to print verbose output **kwargs : keyword arguments min_valid : minimum valid value max_valid : maximum valid value modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid model grid instance which will supersede the flopy.model.modelgrid if fmt is set to 'vtk', parameters of Vtk initializer """ assert isinstance( u2d, DataInterface ), "util2d_helper only helps instances that support DataInterface" assert len(u2d.array.shape) == 2, "util2d_helper only supports 2D arrays" min_valid = kwargs.get("min_valid", -1.0e9) max_valid = kwargs.get("max_valid", 1.0e9) modelgrid = u2d.model.modelgrid if "modelgrid" in kwargs: modelgrid = kwargs.pop("modelgrid") if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".nc": f = NetCdf(f, u2d.model, **kwargs) if (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".shp": name = shapefile_utils.shape_attr_name(, keep_layer=True) shapefile_utils.write_grid_shapefile( f, modelgrid, {name: u2d.array}, verbose=verbose ) return elif (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path)) and Path( f ).suffix.lower() == ".asc": export_array(modelgrid, f, u2d.array, **kwargs) return elif isinstance(f, NetCdf) or isinstance(f, dict): # try to mask the array - assume layer 1 ibound is a good mask # f.log("getting 2D array for {0}".format( array = u2d.array # f.log("getting 2D array for {0}".format( with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): if array.dtype not in [int, np.int32, np.int64]: if ( modelgrid.idomain is not None and "ibound" not in and "idomain" not in ): array[modelgrid.idomain[0, :, :] == 0] = np.nan array[array <= min_valid] = np.nan array[array >= max_valid] = np.nan mx, mn = np.nanmax(array), np.nanmin(array) else: mx, mn = np.nanmax(array), np.nanmin(array) array[array <= min_valid] = netcdf.FILLVALUE array[array >= max_valid] = netcdf.FILLVALUE if ( modelgrid.idomain is not None and "ibound" not in and "idomain" not in and "icbund" not in ): array[modelgrid.idomain[0, :, :] == 0] = netcdf.FILLVALUE var_name = if isinstance(f, dict): f[var_name] = array return f array[np.isnan(array)] = f.fillvalue units = "unitless" if var_name in NC_UNITS_FORMAT: units = NC_UNITS_FORMAT[var_name].format( f.grid_units, f.time_units ) precision_str = NC_PRECISION_TYPE[u2d.dtype] if var_name in NC_LONG_NAMES: attribs = {"long_name": NC_LONG_NAMES[var_name]} else: attribs = {"long_name": var_name} attribs["coordinates"] = "latitude longitude" attribs["units"] = units attribs["min"] = mn attribs["max"] = mx if np.isnan(attribs["min"]) or np.isnan(attribs["max"]): raise Exception(f"error processing {var_name}: all NaNs") try: var = f.create_variable( var_name, attribs, precision_str=precision_str, dimensions=f.dimension_names[1:], ) except Exception as e: estr = f"error creating variable {var_name}:\n{e!s}" f.logger.warn(estr) raise Exception(estr) try: var[:] = array except Exception as e: estr = f"error setting array to variable {var_name}:\n{e!s}" f.logger.warn(estr) raise Exception(estr) return f elif fmt == "vtk": name = kwargs.get("name", xml = kwargs.get("xml", False) masked_values = kwargs.get("masked_values", None) smooth = kwargs.get("smooth", False) point_scalars = kwargs.get("point_scalars", False) binary = kwargs.get("binary", True) vertical_exageration = kwargs.get("vertical_exageration", 1) if isinstance(name, list) or isinstance(name, tuple): name = name[0] vtkobj = vtk.Vtk( u2d.model, smooth=smooth, point_scalars=point_scalars, binary=binary, xml=xml, vertical_exageration=vertical_exageration, ) array = np.ones((modelgrid.nnodes,)) * np.nan array[0 : u2d.array.size] = np.ravel(u2d.array) vtkobj.add_array(array, name, masked_values=masked_values) vtkobj.write(os.path.join(f, name)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"unrecognized export argument:{f}")
[docs]def export_array( modelgrid, filename: Union[str, os.PathLike], a, nodata=-9999, fieldname="value", verbose=False, **kwargs, ): """ Write a numpy array to Arc Ascii grid or shapefile with the model reference. Parameters ---------- modelgrid : flopy.discretization.StructuredGrid object model grid filename : str or PathLike Path of output file. Export format is determined by file extension. '.asc' Arc Ascii grid '.tif' GeoTIFF (requires rasterio package) '.shp' Shapefile a : 2D numpy.ndarray Array to export nodata : scalar Value to assign to np.nan entries (default -9999) fieldname : str Attribute field name for array values (shapefile export only). (default 'values') verbose : bool, optional, default False whether to show verbose output kwargs: keyword arguments to np.savetxt (ascii) (GeoTIFF) or flopy.export.shapefile_utils.write_grid_shapefile Notes ----- Rotated grids will be either be unrotated prior to export, using scipy.ndimage.rotate (Arc Ascii format) or rotation will be included in their transform property (GeoTiff format). In either case the pixels will be displayed in the (unrotated) projected geographic coordinate system, so the pixels will no longer align exactly with the model grid (as displayed from a shapefile, for example). A key difference between Arc Ascii and GeoTiff (besides disk usage) is that the unrotated Arc Ascii will have a different grid size, whereas the GeoTiff will have the same number of rows and pixels as the original. """ filename = str(filename) if filename.lower().endswith(".asc"): if ( len(np.unique(modelgrid.delr)) != len(np.unique(modelgrid.delc)) != 1 or modelgrid.delr[0] != modelgrid.delc[0] ): raise ValueError("Arc ascii arrays require a uniform grid.") xoffset, yoffset = modelgrid.xoffset, modelgrid.yoffset cellsize = modelgrid.delr[0] fmt = kwargs.get("fmt", "%.18e") a = a.copy() a[np.isnan(a)] = nodata if modelgrid.angrot != 0: ndimage = import_optional_dependency( "scipy.ndimage", error_message="exporting rotated grids requires SciPy.", ) a = ndimage.rotate(a, modelgrid.angrot, cval=nodata) height_rot, width_rot = a.shape xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = modelgrid.extent dx = (xmax - xmin) / width_rot dy = (ymax - ymin) / height_rot cellsize = np.max((dx, dy)) xoffset, yoffset = xmin, ymin filename = ( ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1]) + ".asc" ) # enforce .asc ending nrow, ncol = a.shape a[np.isnan(a)] = nodata txt = f"ncols {ncol}\n" txt += f"nrows {nrow}\n" txt += f"xllcorner {xoffset:f}\n" txt += f"yllcorner {yoffset:f}\n" txt += f"cellsize {cellsize}\n" # ensure that nodata fmt consistent w values txt += f"NODATA_value {fmt}\n" % (nodata) with open(filename, "w") as output: output.write(txt) with open(filename, "ab") as output: np.savetxt(output, a, **kwargs) if verbose: print(f"wrote {flopy_io.relpath_safe(filename)}") elif filename.lower().endswith(".tif"): if ( len(np.unique(modelgrid.delr)) != len(np.unique(modelgrid.delc)) != 1 or modelgrid.delr[0] != modelgrid.delc[0] ): raise ValueError("GeoTIFF export require a uniform grid.") rasterio = import_optional_dependency( "rasterio", error_message="GeoTIFF export requires the rasterio.", ) dxdy = modelgrid.delc[0] # because this is only implemented for a structured grid, # we can get the xul and yul coordinate from modelgrid.xvertices(0, 0) verts = modelgrid.get_cell_vertices(0, 0) xul, yul = verts[0] trans = ( rasterio.Affine.translation(xul, yul) * rasterio.Affine.rotation(modelgrid.angrot) * rasterio.Affine.scale(dxdy, -dxdy) ) # third dimension is the number of bands a = a.copy() if len(a.shape) == 2: a = np.reshape(a, (1, a.shape[0], a.shape[1])) if == "int64": a = a.astype("int32") dtype = rasterio.int32 elif == "int32": dtype = rasterio.int32 elif == "float64": dtype = rasterio.float64 elif == "float32": dtype = rasterio.float32 else: msg = f'ERROR: invalid dtype "{}"' raise TypeError(msg) meta = { "count": a.shape[0], "width": a.shape[2], "height": a.shape[1], "nodata": nodata, "dtype": dtype, "driver": "GTiff", "crs": modelgrid.proj4, "transform": trans, } meta.update(kwargs) with, "w", **meta) as dst: dst.write(a) if verbose: print(f"wrote {flopy_io.relpath_safe(filename)}") elif filename.lower().endswith(".shp"): from ..export.shapefile_utils import write_grid_shapefile try: crs = get_crs(**kwargs) except ImportError: crs = None write_grid_shapefile( filename, modelgrid, array_dict={fieldname: a}, nan_val=nodata, crs=crs, )
[docs]def export_contours( filename: Union[str, os.PathLike], contours, fieldname="level", verbose=False, **kwargs, ): """ Convert matplotlib contour plot object to shapefile. Parameters ---------- filename : str or PathLike path of output shapefile contours : matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet or list of them (object returned by matplotlib.pyplot.contour) fieldname : str gis attribute table field name verbose : bool, optional, default False whether to show verbose output **kwargs : key-word arguments to flopy.export.shapefile_utils.recarray2shp Returns ------- df : dataframe of shapefile contents """ from importlib.metadata import version from matplotlib.path import Path from ..utils.geometry import LineString from .shapefile_utils import recarray2shp if not isinstance(contours, list): contours = [contours] # Export a linestring for each contour component. # Levels may have multiple disconnected components. geoms = [] level = [] # ContourSet.collections was deprecated with # matplotlib 3.8. ContourSet is a collection # of Paths, where each Path corresponds to a # contour level, and may contain one or more # (possibly disconnected) components. Before # 3.8, iterating over ContourSet.collections # and enumerating from get_paths() suffices, # but post-3.8, we have to walk the segments # to distinguish disconnected components. mpl_ver = Version(version("matplotlib")) for ctr in contours: if mpl_ver < Version("3.8.0"): levels = ctr.levels for i, c in enumerate(ctr.collections): paths = c.get_paths() geoms += [LineString(p.vertices) for p in paths] level += list(np.ones(len(paths)) * levels[i]) else: paths = ctr.get_paths() for pi, path in enumerate(paths): # skip empty paths if path.vertices.shape[0] == 0: continue # Each Path may contain multiple components # so we unpack them as separate geometries. lines = [] segs = [] for seg in path.iter_segments(): pts, code = seg if code == Path.MOVETO: if len(segs) > 0: lines.append(LineString(segs)) segs = [] segs.append(pts) elif code == Path.LINETO: segs.append(pts) elif code == Path.CLOSEPOLY: segs.append(pts) segs.append(segs[0]) # add closing segment lines.append(LineString(segs)) segs = [] if len(segs) > 0: lines.append(LineString(segs)) level += list(np.ones(len(lines)) * ctr.levels[pi]) geoms += lines if verbose: print(f"Writing {len(level)} contour lines") ra = np.array(level, dtype=[(fieldname, float)]).view(np.recarray) recarray2shp(ra, geoms, filename, **kwargs)
[docs]def export_contourf( filename, contours, fieldname="level", verbose=False, **kwargs ): """ Write matplotlib filled contours to shapefile. Parameters ---------- filename : str or PathLike name of output shapefile (e.g. myshp.shp) contours : matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet or list of them (object returned by matplotlib.pyplot.contourf) fieldname : str Name of shapefile attribute field to contain the contour level. The fieldname column in the attribute table will contain the lower end of the range represented by the polygon. Default is 'level'. verbose : bool, optional, default False whether to show verbose output **kwargs : keyword arguments to flopy.export.shapefile_utils.recarray2shp Returns ------- None Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from flopy.export.utils import export_contourf >>> a = np.random.random((10, 10)) >>> cs = plt.contourf(a) >>> export_contourf('myfilledcontours.shp', cs) """ from importlib.metadata import version from matplotlib.path import Path from ..utils.geometry import Polygon, is_clockwise from .shapefile_utils import recarray2shp if not isinstance(contours, list): contours = [contours] # export a polygon for each filled contour geoms = [] level = [] # ContourSet.collections was deprecated with # matplotlib 3.8. ContourSet is a collection # of Paths, where each Path corresponds to a # contour level, and may contain one or more # (possibly disconnected) components. Before # 3.8, iterating over ContourSet.collections # and enumerating from get_paths() suffices, # but post-3.8, we have to walk the segments # to distinguish disconnected components. mpl_ver = Version(version("matplotlib")) for ctr in contours: if mpl_ver < Version("3.8.0"): levels = ctr.levels for idx, col in enumerate(ctr.collections): for contour_path in col.get_paths(): # Create the polygon(s) for this intensity level poly = None for ncp, cp in enumerate(contour_path.to_polygons()): x = cp[:, 0] y = cp[:, 1] verts = [(i[0], i[1]) for i in zip(x, y)] new_shape = Polygon(verts) if ncp == 0: poly = new_shape else: # check if this is a multipolygon by checking vertex # order. if is_clockwise(verts): # Clockwise is a hole, set to interiors if not poly.interiors: poly.interiors = [new_shape.exterior] else: poly.interiors.append(new_shape.exterior) else: geoms.append(poly) level.append(levels[idx]) poly = new_shape if poly is not None: # store geometry object geoms.append(poly) level.append(levels[idx]) else: paths = ctr.get_paths() for pi, path in enumerate(paths): # skip empty paths if path.vertices.shape[0] == 0: continue polys = [] segs = [] for seg in path.iter_segments(): pts, code = seg if code == Path.MOVETO: if len(segs) > 0: polys.append(Polygon(segs)) segs = [] segs.append(pts) elif code == Path.LINETO: segs.append(pts) elif code == Path.CLOSEPOLY: segs.append(pts) segs.append(segs[0]) # add closing segment polys.append(Polygon(segs)) segs = [] if len(segs) > 0: polys.append(Polygon(segs)) geoms.extend(polys) level.extend(repeat(ctr.levels[pi], len(polys))) if verbose: print(f"Writing {len(level)} polygons") ra = np.array(level, dtype=[(fieldname, float)]).view(np.recarray) recarray2shp(ra, geoms, filename, **kwargs)
[docs]def export_array_contours( modelgrid, filename: Union[str, os.PathLike], a, fieldname="level", interval=None, levels=None, maxlevels=1000, **kwargs, ): """ Contour an array using matplotlib; write shapefile of contours. Parameters ---------- modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid object model grid object filename : str or PathLike Path of output file with '.shp' extension. a : 2D numpy array Array to contour fieldname : str gis field name interval : float interval to calculate levels from levels : list list of contour levels maxlevels : int maximum number of contour levels **kwargs : keyword arguments to flopy.export.shapefile_utils.recarray2shp """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if interval is not None: imin = np.nanmin(a) imax = np.nanmax(a) nlevels = np.round(np.abs(imax - imin) / interval, 2) msg = f"{nlevels:.0f} levels at interval of {interval} > maxlevels={maxlevels}" assert nlevels < maxlevels, msg levels = np.arange(imin, imax, interval) ax = plt.subplots()[-1] layer = kwargs.pop("layer", 0) ctr = contour_array(modelgrid, ax, a, layer, levels=levels) kwargs["mg"] = modelgrid export_contours(filename, ctr, fieldname, **kwargs) plt.close()
[docs]def contour_array(modelgrid, ax, a, layer=0, **kwargs): """ Create a QuadMesh plot of the specified array using pcolormesh Parameters ---------- modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid object modelgrid object ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes ax to add the contours a : np.ndarray array to contour layer : int, optional layer to contour Returns ------- contour_set : ContourSet """ from ..plot import PlotMapView kwargs["ax"] = ax pmv = PlotMapView(modelgrid=modelgrid, layer=layer) contour_set = pmv.contour_array(a=a, **kwargs) return contour_set