Examples gallery
The following examples illustrate the functionality of Flopy. After the tutorials, the examples are the best resource for learning the underlying capabilities of FloPy.
Preprocessing and Discretization
Postprocessing and Visualization
Exporting data
Other FloPy features
MODFLOW 6 examples
MODFLOW USG examples
Flopy Drain Return (DRT) capabilities
Lake Package Example
Simple water-table solution with recharge
SWI2 Example 1. Rotating Interface
SWI2 Example 2. Rotating Brackish Zone
SWI2 Example 3. Freshwater-seawater interface movement in a two-aquifer coastal system
SWI2 Example 4. Upconing Below a Pumping Well in a Two-Aquifer Island System
SWI2 Example 5. Radial Upconing Problem