Source code for

import inspect
import struct
import sys
from import Iterable
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np

from ...utils.datautil import DatumUtil, PyListUtil, clean_filename
from ..mfbase import FlopyException, MFDataException
from .mfstructure import DatumType

[docs]def iterable(obj, any_iterator=False): if any_iterator: try: my_iter = iter(obj) except TypeError as te: return False return True else: return isinstance(obj, Iterable)
[docs]def get_first_val(arr): while isinstance(arr, list) or isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): arr = arr[0] return arr
[docs]def cellids_equal(cellid_1, cellid_2): if len(cellid_1) != len(cellid_2): return False for id1, id2 in zip(cellid_1, cellid_2): if id1 != id2: return False return True
# convert_data(data, type) : type # converts data "data" to type "type" and returns the converted data
[docs]def convert_data(data, data_dimensions, data_type, data_item=None, sub_amt=1): if data_type == DatumType.double_precision: if data_item is not None and data_item.support_negative_index: val = int(PyListUtil.clean_numeric(data)) if val == -1: return -0.0 elif val == 1: return 0.0 elif val < 0: val += 1 else: val -= 1 try: return float(val) except (ValueError, TypeError): message = ( 'Data "{}" with value "{}" can ' "not be converted to float" ".".format(, data) ) type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() raise MFDataException( data_dimensions.structure.get_model(), data_dimensions.structure.get_package(), data_dimensions.structure.path, "converting data",, inspect.stack()[0][3], type_, value_, traceback_, message, False, ) else: try: if isinstance(data, str): # fix any scientific formatting that python can't handle data = data.replace("d", "e") data = data.replace("D", "e") return float(data) except (ValueError, TypeError): try: return float(PyListUtil.clean_numeric(data)) except (ValueError, TypeError): message = ( 'Data "{}" with value "{}" can ' "not be converted to float" ".".format(, data) ) type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() raise MFDataException( data_dimensions.structure.get_model(), data_dimensions.structure.get_package(), data_dimensions.structure.path, "converting data",, inspect.stack()[0][3], type_, value_, traceback_, message, False, ) elif data_type == DatumType.integer: if data_item is not None and data_item.numeric_index: return int(PyListUtil.clean_numeric(data)) - sub_amt try: return int(data) except (ValueError, TypeError): try: return int(PyListUtil.clean_numeric(data)) except (ValueError, TypeError): message = ( 'Data "{}" with value "{}" can not be ' "converted to int" ".".format(, data) ) type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() raise MFDataException( data_dimensions.structure.get_model(), data_dimensions.structure.get_package(), data_dimensions.structure.path, "converting data",, inspect.stack()[0][3], type_, value_, traceback_, message, False, ) elif data_type == DatumType.string and data is not None: if data_item is None or not data_item.preserve_case: # keep strings lower case return data.lower() return data
[docs]def list_to_array(sarr, model_grid, kper=0, mask=False): """Convert stress period boundary condition (MFDataList) data for a specified stress period to a 3-D numpy array. Parameters ---------- sarr : recarray or list list data to convert to array model_grid : ModelGrid model grid object for data kper : int MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. (default is zero) mask : bool return array with np.nan instead of zero Returns ---------- out : dict of numpy.ndarrays Dictionary of 3-D numpy arrays containing the stress period data for a selected stress period. The dictionary keys are the MFDataList dtype names for the stress period data.""" i0 = 1 if not isinstance(sarr, list): sarr = [sarr] if len(sarr) == 0 or sarr[0] is None: return None if "inode" in sarr[0].dtype.names: raise NotImplementedError() arrays = {} if model_grid._grid_type.value == 1: shape = ( model_grid.num_layers(), model_grid.num_rows(), model_grid.num_columns(), ) elif model_grid._grid_type.value == 2: shape = ( model_grid.num_layers(), model_grid.num_cells_per_layer(), ) else: shape = (model_grid.num_cells_per_layer(),) for name in sarr[0].dtype.names[i0:]: if not sarr[0].dtype.fields[name][0] == object: arr = np.zeros(shape) arrays[name] = arr.copy() if np.isscalar(sarr[0]): # if there are no entries for this kper if sarr[0] == 0: if mask: for name, arr in arrays.items(): arrays[name][:] = np.nan return arrays else: raise Exception("MfList: something bad happened") for name, arr in arrays.items(): cnt = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float64) for sp_rec in sarr: if sp_rec is not None: for rec in sp_rec: arr[rec["cellid"]] += rec[name] cnt[rec["cellid"]] += 1.0 # average keys that should not be added if name != "cond" and name != "flux": idx = cnt > 0.0 arr[idx] /= cnt[idx] if mask: arr = == 0.0, arr) arr[cnt == 0.0] = np.nan arrays[name] = arr.copy() return arrays
[docs]def process_open_close_line( arr_line, data_dim, data_type, sim_data, store=True ): # process open/close line index = 2 if data_type == DatumType.integer: multiplier = 1 else: multiplier = 1.0 print_format = None binary = False data_file = None data = None comment = None if isinstance(arr_line, list): if len(arr_line) < 2 and store: message = ( 'Data array "{}" contains a OPEN/CLOSE ' "that is not followed by a file. {}".format(, data_dim.structure.path ) ) type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() raise MFDataException( data_dim.structure.get_model(), data_dim.structure.get_package(), data_dim.structure.path, "processing open/close line",, inspect.stack()[0][3], type_, value_, traceback_, message, debug, ) while index < len(arr_line): if isinstance(arr_line[index], str): word = arr_line[index].lower() if word == "factor" and index + 1 < len(arr_line): try: multiplier = convert_data( arr_line[index + 1], data_dim, data_type, ) except Exception as ex: message = ( "Data array {} contains an OPEN/CLOSE " "with an invalid multiplier following " 'the "factor" keyword.' ".".format( ) type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() raise MFDataException( data_dim.structure.get_model(), data_dim.structure.get_package(), data_dim.structure.path, "processing open/close line",, inspect.stack()[0][3], type_, value_, traceback_, message, sim_data.debug, ex, ) index += 2 elif word == "iprn" and index + 1 < len(arr_line): print_format = arr_line[index + 1] index += 2 elif word == "data" and index + 1 < len(arr_line): data = arr_line[index + 1] index += 2 elif word == "binary" or word == "(binary)": binary = True index += 1 else: break else: break # save comments if index < len(arr_line): comment = " ".join(arr_line[index:]) if arr_line[0].lower() == "open/close": data_file = clean_filename(arr_line[1]) else: data_file = clean_filename(arr_line[0]) elif isinstance(arr_line, dict): for key, value in arr_line.items(): if key.lower() == "factor": try: multiplier = convert_data(value, data_dim, data_type) except Exception as ex: message = ( "Data array {} contains an OPEN/CLOSE " "with an invalid factor following the " '"factor" keyword.' ".".format( ) type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() raise MFDataException( data_dim.structure.get_model(), data_dim.structure.get_package(), data_dim.structure.path, "processing open/close line",, inspect.stack()[0][3], type_, value_, traceback_, message, sim_data.debug, ex, ) if key.lower() == "iprn": print_format = value if key.lower() == "binary": binary = bool(value) if key.lower() == "data": data = value if "filename" in arr_line: data_file = clean_filename(arr_line["filename"]) return multiplier, print_format, binary, data_file, data, comment
[docs]def to_string( val, data_type, sim_data, data_dim, is_cellid=False, possible_cellid=False, data_item=None, verify_data=True, ): if data_type == DatumType.double_precision: if data_item is not None and data_item.support_negative_index: if val > 0: return str(int(val + 1)) elif val == 0.0: if ( struct.pack(">d", val) == b"\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" ): # value is negative zero return str(int(val - 1)) else: # value is positive zero return str(int(val + 1)) else: return str(int(val - 1)) else: try: abs_val = abs(val) except TypeError: return str(val) if ( abs_val > sim_data._sci_note_upper_thres or abs_val < sim_data._sci_note_lower_thres ) and abs_val != 0: return sim_data.reg_format_str.format(val) else: return sim_data.sci_format_str.format(val) elif is_cellid or (possible_cellid and isinstance(val, tuple)): if DatumUtil.is_int(val): return str(val + 1) if len(val) == 4 and isinstance(val, str) and val.lower() == "none": # handle case that cellid is 'none' return val if ( verify_data and is_cellid and data_dim.get_model_dim(None).model_name is not None ): model_num = DatumUtil.cellid_model_num(, data_dim.structure.model_data, data_dim.package_dim.model_dim, ) model_grid = data_dim.get_model_grid(model_num=model_num) cellid_size = model_grid.get_num_spatial_coordinates() if len(val) != cellid_size: message = ( 'Cellid "{}" contains {} integer(s). Expected a' " cellid containing {} integer(s) for grid type" " {}.".format( val, len(val), cellid_size, str(model_grid.grid_type()), ) ) type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() raise MFDataException( data_dim.structure.get_model(), data_dim.structure.get_package(), data_dim.structure.path, "converting cellid to string",, inspect.stack()[0][3], type_, value_, traceback_, message, sim_data.debug, ) string_val = [] if isinstance(val, str): string_val.append(val) else: for item in val: string_val.append(str(item + 1)) return " ".join(string_val) elif data_type == DatumType.integer: if data_item is not None and data_item.numeric_index: return str(int(val) + 1) return str(int(val)) elif data_type == DatumType.string: try: arr_val = val.split() except AttributeError: return str(val) if len(arr_val) > 1: # quote any string with spaces string_val = f"'{val}'" if data_item is not None and data_item.ucase: return string_val.upper() else: return string_val if data_item is not None and data_item.ucase: return str(val).upper() else: return str(val)
[docs]class DataSearchOutput: def __init__(self, path_to_data=None, data_header=None): self.path_to_data = path_to_data self.data_header = data_header self.data_entry_ids = [] self.data_entry_cellids = [] self.data_entry_stress_period = [] self.data_entries = [] self.output = False @property def transient(self): if len(self.data_entry_stress_period) > 0: if self.data_entry_stress_period[0] != -1: return True return False
[docs]class MFComment: """ Represents a variable in a MF6 input file Parameters ---------- comment : string or list comment to be displayed in output file path : string tuple representing location in the output file line_number : integer line number to display comment in output file Attributes ---------- comment : string or list comment to be displayed in output file path : string tuple representing location in the output file line_number : integer line number to display comment in output file Methods ------- write : (file) writes the comment to file add_text(additional_text) adds text to the comment get_file_entry(eoln_suffix=True) returns the comment text in the format to write to package files is_empty(include_whitespace=True) checks to see if comment is just an empty string ''. if include_whitespace is set to false a string with only whitespace is considered empty is_comment(text, include_empty_line=False) : bool returns true if text is a comment. an empty line is considered a comment if include_empty_line is true. See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- """ def __init__(self, comment, path, sim_data, line_number=0): if not ( isinstance(comment, str) or isinstance(comment, list) or comment is None ): raise FlopyException( 'Comment "{}" not valid. Comment must be ' "of type str of list.".format(comment) ) self.text = comment self.path = path self.line_number = line_number self.sim_data = sim_data """ Add text to the comment string. Parameters ---------- additional_text: string text to add """
[docs] def add_text(self, additional_text, new_line=False): if additional_text: if isinstance(self.text, list): self.text.append(additional_text) elif new_line: self.text = f"{self.text}{additional_text}" else: self.text = f"{self.text} {additional_text}"
""" Get the comment text in the format to write to package files. Parameters ---------- eoln_suffix: boolean have comment text end with end of line character Returns ------- string : comment text """
[docs] def get_file_entry(self, eoln_suffix=True): file_entry = "" if self.text and self.sim_data.comments_on: if not isinstance(self.text, str) and isinstance(self.text, list): file_entry = self._recursive_get(self.text) else: if self.text.strip(): file_entry = self.text if eoln_suffix: file_entry = f"{file_entry}\n" return file_entry
def _recursive_get(self, base_list): file_entry = "" if base_list and self.sim_data.comments_on: for item in base_list: if not isinstance(item, str) and isinstance(item, list): file_entry = f"{file_entry}{self._recursive_get(item)}" else: file_entry = f"{file_entry} {item}" return file_entry """ Write the comment text to a file. Parameters ---------- fd : file file to write to eoln_suffix: boolean have comment text end with end of line character """
[docs] def write(self, fd, eoln_suffix=True): if self.text and self.sim_data.comments_on: if not isinstance(self.text, str) and isinstance(self.text, list): self._recursive_write(fd, self.text) else: if self.text.strip(): fd.write(self.text) if eoln_suffix: fd.write("\n")
""" Check for comment text Parameters ---------- include_whitespace : boolean include whitespace as text Returns ------- boolean : True if comment text exists """
[docs] def is_empty(self, include_whitespace=True): if include_whitespace: if self.text(): return False return True else: if self.text.strip(): return False return True
""" Check text to see if it is valid comment text Parameters ---------- text : string potential comment text include_empty_line : boolean allow empty line to be valid Returns ------- boolean : True if text is valid comment text """
[docs] @staticmethod def is_comment(text, include_empty_line=False): if not text: return include_empty_line if text and isinstance(text, list): # look for comment mark in first item of list text_clean = text[0].strip() else: text_clean = text.strip() if include_empty_line and not text_clean: return True if text_clean and ( text_clean[0] == "#" or text_clean[0] == "!" or text_clean[0] == "//" ): return True return False
# recursively writes a nested list to a file def _recursive_write(self, fd, base_list): if base_list: for item in base_list: if not isinstance(item, str) and isinstance(item, list): self._recursive_write(fd, item) else: fd.write(f" {item}")
[docs]class TemplateGenerator: """ Abstract base class for building a data template for different data types. This is a generic class that is initialized with a path that identifies the data to be built. Parameters ---------- path : string tuple containing path of data is described in dfn files (<model>,<package>,<block>,<data name>) """ def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def _get_data_dimensions(self, model): from ..coordinates import modeldimensions from import mfstructure # get structure info sim_struct = mfstructure.MFStructure().sim_struct package_struct = sim_struct.get_data_structure(self.path[0:-2]) # get dimension info data_struct = sim_struct.get_data_structure(self.path) package_dim = modeldimensions.PackageDimensions( [model.dimensions], package_struct, self.path[0:-1] ) return ( data_struct, modeldimensions.DataDimensions(package_dim, data_struct), )
[docs] def build_type_header(self, ds_type, data=None): from import DataStorageType if ds_type == DataStorageType.internal_array: if isinstance(self, ArrayTemplateGenerator): return {"factor": 1.0, "iprn": 1, "data": data} else: return None elif ds_type == DataStorageType.internal_constant: return data elif ds_type == DataStorageType.external_file: return {"filename": "", "factor": 1.0, "iprn": 1} return None
[docs]class ArrayTemplateGenerator(TemplateGenerator): """ Class that builds a data template for MFArrays. This is a generic class that is initialized with a path that identifies the data to be built. Parameters ---------- path : string tuple containing path of data is described in dfn files (<model>,<package>,<block>,<data name>) Methods ------- empty: (model: MFModel, layered: bool, data_storage_type_list: bool, default_value: int/float) : variable Builds a template for the data you need to specify for a specific data type (ie. "hk") in a specific model. The data type and dimensions is determined by "path" during initialization of this class and the model is passed in to this method as the "model" parameter. If the data is transient a dictionary containing a single stress period will be returned. If "layered" is set to true, data will be returned as a list ndarrays, one for each layer. data_storage_type_list is a list of DataStorageType, one type for each layer. If "default_value" is specified the data template will be populated with that value, otherwise each ndarray in the data template will be populated with np.empty (0 or 0.0 if the DataStorageType is a constant). """ def __init__(self, path): super().__init__(path)
[docs] def empty( self, model=None, layered=False, data_storage_type_list=None, default_value=None, ): from import mfdatastorage, mfstructure from import DataStorageType, DataStructureType # get the expected dimensions of the data data_struct, data_dimensions = self._get_data_dimensions(model) datum_type = data_struct.get_datum_type() data_type = data_struct.get_datatype() # build a temporary data storage object data_storage = mfdatastorage.DataStorage( model.simulation_data, model, data_dimensions, None, DataStorageType.internal_array, DataStructureType.recarray, data_path=self.path, ) dimension_list = data_storage.get_data_dimensions(None) # if layered data if layered and dimension_list[0] > 1: if ( data_storage_type_list is not None and len(data_storage_type_list) != dimension_list[0] ): comment = ( "data_storage_type_list specified with the " "wrong size. Size {} but expected to be " "the same as the number of layers, " "{}.".format( len(data_storage_type_list), dimension_list[0] ) ) type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() raise MFDataException( data_struct.get_model(), data_struct.get_package(), data_struct.path, "generating array template",, inspect.stack()[0][3], type_, value_, traceback_, comment, model.simulation_data.debug, ) # build each layer data_with_header = [] for layer in range(0, dimension_list[0]): # determine storage type if data_storage_type_list is None: data_storage_type = DataStorageType.internal_array else: data_storage_type = data_storage_type_list[layer] # build data type header data_with_header.append( self._build_layer( datum_type, data_storage_type, default_value, dimension_list, ) ) else: if ( data_storage_type_list is None or data_storage_type_list[0] == DataStorageType.internal_array ): data_storage_type = DataStorageType.internal_array else: data_storage_type = data_storage_type_list[0] # build data type header data_with_header = self._build_layer( datum_type, data_storage_type, default_value, dimension_list, True, ) # if transient/multiple list if data_type == mfstructure.DataType.array_transient: # Return as dictionary return {0: data_with_header} else: return data_with_header
def _build_layer( self, data_type, data_storage_type, default_value, dimension_list, all_layers=False, ): from import DataStorageType # build data if data_storage_type == DataStorageType.internal_array: if default_value is None: if all_layers: data = np.empty(dimension_list, data_type) else: data = np.empty(dimension_list[1:], data_type) else: if all_layers: data = np.full(dimension_list, default_value, data_type) else: data = np.full( dimension_list[1:], default_value, data_type ) elif data_storage_type == DataStorageType.internal_constant: if default_value is None: if data_type == np.int32: data = 0 else: data = 0.0 else: data = default_value else: data = None # build data type header return self.build_type_header(data_storage_type, data)
[docs]class ListTemplateGenerator(TemplateGenerator): """ Class that builds a data template for MFLists. This is a generic class that is initialized with a path that identifies the data to be built. Parameters ---------- path : string tuple containing path of data is described in dfn files (<model>,<package>,<block>,<data name>) Methods ------- empty: (maxbound: int, aux_vars: list, boundnames: bool, nseg: int) : dictionary Builds a template for the data you need to specify for a specific data type (ie. "stress_period_data") in a specific model. The data type is determined by "path" during initialization of this class. If the data is transient a dictionary containing a single stress period will be returned. The number of entries in the recarray are determined by the "maxbound" parameter. The "aux_vars" parameter is a list of aux var names to be used in this data list. If boundnames is set to true and boundname field will be included in the recarray. nseg is only used on list data that contains segments. If timeseries is true, a template that is compatible with time series data is returned. """ def __init__(self, path): super().__init__(path) def _build_template_data(self, type_list): template_data = [] for type in type_list: if type[1] == int: template_data.append(0) elif type[1] == float: template_data.append(np.nan) else: template_data.append(None) return tuple(template_data)
[docs] def dtype( self, model, aux_vars=None, boundnames=False, nseg=None, timeseries=False, cellid_expanded=False, ): from import mfdatastorage # get data storage data_struct, data_dimensions = self._get_data_dimensions(model) # build a temporary data storage object data_storage = mfdatastorage.DataStorage( model.simulation_data, model, data_dimensions, None, mfdatastorage.DataStorageType.internal_array, mfdatastorage.DataStructureType.recarray, ) # build type list type_list = data_storage.build_type_list( nseg=nseg, cellid_expanded=cellid_expanded ) if data_storage.jagged_record: comment = ( "Data dimensions can not be determined for " "{}. Data structure may be jagged or may contain " "a keystring. Data type information is therefore " "dependent on the data and can not be retrieved " "prior to the data being loaded" ".".format( ) type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() raise MFDataException( data_struct.get_model(), data_struct.get_package(), data_struct.path, "generating array template",, inspect.stack()[0][3], type_, value_, traceback_, comment, model.simulation_data.debug, ) if aux_vars is not None: if len(aux_vars) > 0: if isinstance(aux_vars[0], list) or isinstance( aux_vars[0], tuple ): aux_vars = aux_vars[0] for aux_var in aux_vars: type_list.append((aux_var, object)) if boundnames: type_list.append(("boundname", object)) if timeseries: # fix type list to make all types objects for index, d_type in enumerate(type_list): type_list[index] = (d_type[0], object) return type_list
[docs] def empty( self, model, maxbound=None, aux_vars=None, boundnames=False, nseg=None, timeseries=False, stress_periods=None, cellid_expanded=False, ): from import mfstructure # get type list type_list = self.dtype( model, aux_vars, boundnames, nseg, timeseries, cellid_expanded, ) # get data storage data_struct = self._get_data_dimensions(model)[0] data_type = data_struct.get_datatype() # build recarray template_data = self._build_template_data(type_list) rec_array_data = [] if maxbound is not None: for index in range(0, maxbound): rec_array_data.append(template_data) else: rec_array_data.append(template_data) rec_array = np.rec.array(rec_array_data, type_list) # if transient/multiple list if ( data_type == mfstructure.DataType.list_transient or data_type == mfstructure.DataType.list_multiple ): # Return as dictionary if stress_periods is None: return {0: rec_array} else: template = {} for stress_period in stress_periods: template[stress_period] = deepcopy(rec_array) return template else: return rec_array
[docs]class MFDocString: """ Helps build a python class doc string Parameters ---------- description : string description of the class Attributes ---------- indent: string indent to use in doc string description : string description of the class parameter_header : string header for parameter section of doc string parameters : list list of docstrings for class parameters Methods ------- add_parameter : (param_descr : string, beginning_of_list : bool) adds doc string for a parameter with description 'param_descr' to the end of the list unless beginning_of_list is True get_doc_string : () : string builds and returns the docstring for the class """ def __init__(self, description): self.indent = " " self.description = description self.parameter_header = ( f"{self.indent}Parameters\n{self.indent}----------" ) self.parameters = [] self.model_parameters = []
[docs] def add_parameter( self, param_descr, beginning_of_list=False, model_parameter=False ): if beginning_of_list: self.parameters.insert(0, param_descr) if model_parameter: self.model_parameters.insert(0, param_descr) else: self.parameters.append(param_descr) if model_parameter: self.model_parameters.append(param_descr)
[docs] def get_doc_string(self, model_doc_string=False, sim_doc_string=False): doc_string = '{}"""\n{}{}\n\n{}\n'.format( self.indent, self.indent, self.description, self.parameter_header ) if model_doc_string: param_list = self.model_parameters doc_string = ( "{} modelname : string\n name of the " "model\n model_nam_file : string\n" " relative path to the model name file from " "model working folder\n version : string\n" " version of modflow\n exe_name : string\n" " model executable name\n" " model_ws : string\n" " model working folder path" "\n".format(doc_string) ) else: param_list = self.parameters for parameter in param_list: if sim_doc_string: pclean = parameter.strip() if ( pclean.startswith("simulation") or pclean.startswith("loading_package") or pclean.startswith("filename") or pclean.startswith("pname") or pclean.startswith("parent_file") ): continue doc_string += f"{parameter}\n" if not (model_doc_string or sim_doc_string): doc_string += f'\n{self.indent}"""' return doc_string