Source code for flopy.mf6.utils.binarygrid_util

Module to read MODFLOW 6 binary grid files (*.grb) that define the model
grid binary output files. The module contains the MfGrdFile class that can
be accessed by the user.


import warnings

import numpy as np

from ...utils.utils_def import FlopyBinaryData

warnings.simplefilter("always", DeprecationWarning)

[docs]class MfGrdFile(FlopyBinaryData): """ The MfGrdFile class. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the MODFLOW 6 binary grid file precision : string 'single' or 'double'. Default is 'double'. verbose : bool Write information to standard output. Default is False. Attributes ---------- Methods ------- See Also -------- Notes ----- The MfGrdFile class provides simple ways to retrieve data from binary MODFLOW 6 binary grid files (.grb). The binary grid file contains data that can be used for post processing MODFLOW 6 model results. For example, the ia and ja arrays for a model grid. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> gobj = flopy.utils.MfGrdFile('test.dis.grb') """ def __init__(self, filename, precision="double", verbose=False): """ Class constructor. """ # Call base class init super().__init__() # set attributes self.set_float(precision=precision) self.verbose = verbose self._initial_len = 50 self._recorddict = {} self._datadict = {} self._recordkeys = [] self.filename = filename if self.verbose: print(f"\nProcessing binary grid file: {filename}") # open the grb file self.file = open(filename, "rb") # grid type line = self.read_text(self._initial_len).strip() t = line.split() self._grid_type = t[1] # version line = self.read_text(self._initial_len).strip() t = line.split() self._version = t[1] # version line = self.read_text(self._initial_len).strip() t = line.split() self._ntxt = int(t[1]) # length of text line = self.read_text(self._initial_len).strip() t = line.split() self._lentxt = int(t[1]) # read text strings for idx in range(self._ntxt): line = self.read_text(self._lentxt).strip() t = line.split() key = t[0] dt = t[1] if dt == "INTEGER": dtype = np.int32 elif dt == "SINGLE": dtype = np.float32 elif dt == "DOUBLE": dtype = np.float64 else: dtype = None nd = int(t[3]) if nd > 0: shp = [int(v) for v in t[4:]] shp = tuple(shp[::-1]) else: shp = (0,) self._recorddict[key] = (dtype, nd, shp) self._recordkeys.append(key) if self.verbose: s = "" if nd > 0: s = shp print(f" File contains data for {key} with shape {s}") if self.verbose: print(f"Attempting to read {self._ntxt} records from {filename}") for key in self._recordkeys: if self.verbose: print(f" Reading {key}") dt, nd, shp = self._recorddict[key] # read array data if nd > 0: count = 1 for v in shp: count *= v v = self.read_record(count=count, dtype=dt) # read variable data else: if dt == np.int32: v = self.read_integer() elif dt == np.float32: v = self.read_real() elif dt == np.float64: v = self.read_real() self._datadict[key] = v if self.verbose: if nd == 0: print(f" {key} = {v}") else: print(f" {key}: min = {v.min()} max = {v.max()}") # close the file self.file.close() # initialize the model grid to None self.__modelgrid = None # set ia and ja self.__set_iaja() # internal functions def __set_iaja(self): """ Set ia and ja from _datadict. """ self._ia = self._datadict["IA"] - 1 self._ja = self._datadict["JA"] - 1 def __set_modelgrid(self): """ Define structured, vertex, or unstructured grid based on MODFLOW 6 discretization type. Returns ------- modelgrid : grid """ from ...discretization.structuredgrid import StructuredGrid from ...discretization.unstructuredgrid import UnstructuredGrid from ...discretization.vertexgrid import VertexGrid modelgrid = None idomain = self.idomain xorigin = self.xorigin yorigin = self.yorigin angrot = self.angrot try: top = botm = if self._grid_type == "DISV": nlay, ncpl = self.nlay, self.ncpl vertices, cell2d = self.cell2d top = np.ravel(top) botm.shape = (nlay, ncpl) modelgrid = VertexGrid( vertices, cell2d, top, botm, idomain, xoff=xorigin, yoff=yorigin, angrot=angrot, ) elif self._grid_type == "DIS": nlay, nrow, ncol = ( self.nlay, self.nrow, self.ncol, ) delr, delc = self.delr, self.delc top.shape = (nrow, ncol) botm.shape = (nlay, nrow, ncol) modelgrid = StructuredGrid( delc, delr, top, botm, idomain=idomain, xoff=xorigin, yoff=yorigin, angrot=angrot, ) else: iverts, verts = self.iverts, self.verts vertc = self.cellcenters xc, yc = vertc[:, 0], vertc[:, 1] modelgrid = UnstructuredGrid( vertices=verts, iverts=iverts, xcenters=xc, ycenters=yc, top=top, botm=botm, idomain=idomain, xoff=xorigin, yoff=yorigin, angrot=angrot, ) except: print(f"could not set model grid for {}") self.__modelgrid = modelgrid return def __build_vertices_cell2d(self): """ Build the mf6 vertices and cell2d array to generate a VertexGrid Returns: ------- vertices: list cell2d: list """ iverts, verts = self.iverts, self.verts vertc = self.cellcenters vertices = [[ix] + list(i) for ix, i in enumerate(verts)] cell2d = [ [ix] + list(vertc[ix]) + [len(i) - 1] + i[:-1] for ix, i in enumerate(iverts) ] return vertices, cell2d def __get_iverts(self): """ Get a list of the vertices that define each model cell. Returns ------- iverts : list of lists List with lists containing the vertex indices for each model cell. """ iverts = None if "IAVERT" in self._datadict: if self._grid_type == "DISV": nsize = self.ncpl elif self._grid_type == "DISU": nsize = self.nodes iverts = [] iavert = self.iavert javert = self.javert for ivert in range(nsize): i0 = iavert[ivert] i1 = iavert[ivert + 1] iverts.append((javert[i0:i1]).tolist()) if self.verbose: print(f"returning iverts from {}") return iverts def __get_verts(self): """ Get a list of the x, y pair for each vertex from the data in the binary grid file. Returns ------- verts : np.ndarray Array with x, y pairs for every vertex used to define the model. """ verts = None if "VERTICES" in self._datadict: shpvert = self._recorddict["VERTICES"][2] verts = self._datadict["VERTICES"].reshape(shpvert) if self._grid_type == "DISU": # modify verts verts = [ [idx, verts[idx, 0], verts[idx, 1]] for idx in range(shpvert[0]) ] if self.verbose: print(f"returning verts from {}") return verts def __get_cellcenters(self): """ Get the cell centers centroids for a MODFLOW 6 GWF model that uses the DISV or DISU discretization. Returns ------- vertc : np.ndarray Array with x, y pairs of the centroid for every model cell """ xycellcenters = None if "CELLX" in self._datadict: x = self._datadict["CELLX"] y = self._datadict["CELLY"] xycellcenters = np.column_stack((x, y)) if self.verbose: print(f"returning cell centers from {}") return xycellcenters # properties @property def grid_type(self): """ Grid type defined in the MODFLOW 6 grid file. Returns ------- grid_type : str """ return self._grid_type @property def nlay(self): """ Number of layers. None for DISU grids. Returns ------- nlay : int """ nlay = None if "NLAY" in self._datadict: nlay = self._datadict["NLAY"] return nlay @property def nrow(self): """ Number of rows. None for DISV and DISU grids. Returns ------- nrow : int """ nrow = None if "NROW" in self._datadict: nrow = self._datadict["NROW"] return nrow @property def ncol(self): """ Number of columns. None for DISV and DISU grids. Returns ------- ncol : int """ ncol = None if "NCOL" in self._datadict: ncol = self._datadict["NCOL"] return ncol @property def ncpl(self): """ Number of cells per layer. None for DISU grids. Returns ------- ncpl : int """ ncpl = None if "NCPL" in self._datadict: ncpl = self._datadict["NCPL"] return ncpl @property def ncells(self): """ Number of cells. Returns ------- ncells : int """ # disu is the only grid that has the number of cells # set to nodes. All other grids use NCELLS in grb if "NCELLS" in self._datadict: ncells = self._datadict["NCELLS"] elif "NODES" in self._datadict: ncells = self._datadict["NODES"] else: ncells = None return ncells @property def nodes(self): """ Number of nodes. Returns ------- nodes : int """ nodes = self.ncells return nodes @property def shape(self): """ Shape of the model grid (tuple). Returns ------- shape : tuple """ if self._grid_type == "DIS": shape = (self.nlay, self.nrow, self.ncol) elif self._grid_type == "DIS2D": shape = (self.nrow, self.ncol) elif self._grid_type == "DISV": shape = (self.nlay, self.ncpl) elif self._grid_type == "DISV2D": shape = (self.ncells,) elif self._grid_type == "DISV1D": shape = (self.ncells,) elif self._grid_type == "DISU": shape = (self.nodes,) else: shape = None return shape @property def xorigin(self): """ x-origin of the model grid. None if not defined in the MODFLOW 6 grid file. Returns ------- xorigin : float """ if "XORIGIN" in self._datadict: xorigin = self._datadict["XORIGIN"] else: xorigin = None return xorigin @property def yorigin(self): """ y-origin of the model grid. None if not defined in the MODFLOW 6 grid file. Returns ------- yorigin : float """ if "YORIGIN" in self._datadict: yorigin = self._datadict["YORIGIN"] else: yorigin = None return yorigin @property def angrot(self): """ Model grid rotation angle. None if not defined in the MODFLOW 6 grid file. Returns ------- angrot : float """ if "ANGROT" in self._datadict: angrot = self._datadict["ANGROT"] else: angrot = None return angrot @property def idomain(self): """ IDOMAIN for the model grid. None if not defined in the MODFLOW 6 grid file. Returns ------- idomain : ndarray of ints """ if "IDOMAIN" in self._datadict: idomain = self._datadict["IDOMAIN"] else: idomain = None return idomain @property def delr(self): """ Cell size in the row direction (y-direction). None if not defined in the MODFLOW 6 grid file. Returns ------- delr : ndarray of floats """ delr = None if "DELR" in self._datadict: delr = self._datadict["DELR"] return delr @property def delc(self): """ Cell size in the column direction (x-direction). None if not defined in the MODFLOW 6 grid file. Returns ------- delc : ndarray of floats """ delc = None if "DELC" in self._datadict: delc = self._datadict["DELC"] return delc @property def top(self): """ Top of the model cells in the upper model layer for DIS and DISV grids. Top of the model cells for DISU grids. Returns ------- top : ndarray of floats """ top = None if "TOP" in self._datadict: top = self._datadict["TOP"] return top @property def bot(self): """ Bottom of the model cells. Returns ------- bot : ndarray of floats """ bot = None if "BOTM" in self._datadict: bot = self._datadict["BOTM"] elif "BOT" in self._datadict: bot = self._datadict["BOT"] return bot @property def nja(self): """ Number of non-zero entries JA vector array. Returns ------- nja : int """ return self._datadict["NJA"] @property def ia(self): """ index array that defines indexes for `.ja`. Each ia value is the starting position of data for a cell. [ia[n]:ia[n+1]] would give you all data for a cell. ia[n] is also the location of data for the diagonal position. See `.ja` property documentation for an example of getting a cell's number and connected cells Returns ------- ia : ndarray of ints """ return np.array(self._ia, dtype=int) @property def ja(self): """ Flat jagged connection array for a model. `.ja` for a cell includes the cell number and the cell number for all connected cells. Indexes for cells are stored in the `.ia` variable. Returns ------- ja : ndarray of ints Examples -------- >>> from flopy.mf6.utils import MfGrdFile >>> grb = MfGrdFile("my_model.dis.grb") >>> ia = grb.ia >>> ja = grb.ja >>> # get connections for node 0 >>> ja_node0 = ja[ia[0]:ia[1]] >>> node = ja_node0[0] >>> connections = ja_node0[1:] """ return self._ja @property def iavert(self): """ index array that defines indexes for `.javart`. Each ia value is the starting position of data for a cell. [iavert[n]:iavert[n+1]] would give you all data for a cell. See `.javert` property documentation for an example of getting cell number and it's vertex numbers. Alternatively, the `.iverts` property can be used to get this information Returns ------- iavert : ndarray of ints or None for structured grids """ if "IAVERT" in self._datadict: iavert = self._datadict["IAVERT"] - 1 else: iavert = None return iavert @property def javert(self): """ Flat jagged array of vertex numbers that comprise all of the cells Returns ------- javerts : ndarray of ints or None for structured grids Examples -------- >>> from flopy.mf6.utils import MfGrdFile >>> grb = MfGrdFile("my_model.dis.grb") >>> iavert = self.iavert >>> javert = self.javert >>> # get vertex numbers for node 0 >>> vertnums = javert[iavert[0]:iavert[1]] """ if "JAVERT" in self._datadict: javert = self._datadict["JAVERT"] - 1 else: javert = None return javert @property def iverts(self): """ Vertex numbers comprising each cell for every cell in model grid. Returns ------- iverts : list of lists of ints """ return self.__get_iverts() @property def verts(self): """ x,y location of each vertex that defines the model grid. Returns ------- verts : ndarray of floats """ return self.__get_verts() @property def cellcenters(self): """ Cell centers (x,y). Returns ------- cellcenters : ndarray of floats """ return self.__get_cellcenters() @property def modelgrid(self): """ Model grid object. Returns ------- modelgrid : StructuredGrid, VertexGrid, UnstructuredGrid """ if self.__modelgrid is None: self.__set_modelgrid() return self.__modelgrid @property def cell2d(self): """ cell2d data for a DISV grid. None for DIS and DISU grids. Returns ------- cell2d : list of lists """ if self._grid_type in ("DISV", "DISV2D", "DISV1D"): vertices, cell2d = self.__build_vertices_cell2d() else: vertices, cell2d = None, None return vertices, cell2d