Source code for flopy.mf6.utils.createpackages

""" is a utility script that reads in the file definition
metadata in the .dfn files and creates the package classes in the modflow
folder. Run this script any time changes are made to the .dfn files.

To create a new package that is part of an existing model, first create a new
dfn file for the package in the mf6/data/dfn folder.
1) Follow the file naming convention <model abbr>-<package abbr>.dfn.
2) Run this script (, and check in your new dfn file, and
   the package class and updated that created.

A subpackage is a package referenced by another package (vs being referenced
in the name file).  The tas, ts, and obs packages are examples of subpackages.
There are a few additional steps required when creating a subpackage
definition file.  First, verify that the parent package's dfn file has a file
record for the subpackage to the option block.   For example, for the time
series package the file record definition starts with:

    block options
    name ts_filerecord
    type record ts6 filein ts6_filename

Verify that the same naming convention is followed as the example above,

    name <subpackage-abbr>_filerecord
    record <subpackage-abbr>6 filein <subpackage-abbr>6_filename

Next, create the child package definition file in the mf6/data/dfn folder
following the naming convention above.

When your child package is ready for release follow the same procedure as
other packages along with these a few additional steps required for

At the top of the child dfn file add two lines describing how the parent and
child packages are related. The first line determines how the subpackage is
linked to the package:

# flopy subpackage <parent record> <abbreviation> <child data>
<data name>

* Parent record is the MF6 record name of the filerecord in parent package
  that references the child packages file name
* Abbreviation is the short abbreviation of the new subclass
* Child data is the name of the child class data that can be passed in as
  parameter to the parent class. Passing in this parameter to the parent class
  automatically creates the child class with the data provided.
* Data name is the parent class parameter name that automatically creates the
  child class with the data provided.

The example below is the first line from the ts subpackage dfn:

# flopy subpackage ts_filerecord ts timeseries timeseries

The second line determines the variable name of the subpackage's parent and
the type of parent (the parent package's object oriented parent):

# flopy parent_name_type <parent package variable name>
<parent package type>

An example below is the second line in the ts subpackage dfn:

# flopy parent_name_type parent_package MFPackage

There are three possible types (or combination of them) that can be used for
"parent package type", MFPackage, MFModel, and MFSimulation. If a package
supports multiple types of parents (for example, it can be either in the model
namefile or in a package, like the obs package), include all the types
supported, separating each type with a / (MFPackage/MFModel).

To create a new type of model choose a unique three letter model abbreviation
("gwf", "gwt", ...). Create a name file dfn with the naming convention
<model abbr>-nam.dfn. The name file must have only an options and packages
block (see gwf-nam.dfn as an example). Create a new dfn file for each of the
packages in your new model, following the naming convention described above.

When your model is ready for release make sure all the dfn files are in the
flopy/mf6/data/dfn folder, run, and check in your new dfn
files, the package classes, and updated that created.


import datetime
import os
import textwrap
from enum import Enum

# keep below as absolute imports
from import mfdatautil, mfstructure
from flopy.utils import datautil

[docs]class PackageLevel(Enum): sim_level = 0 model_level = 1
[docs]def build_doc_string(param_name, param_type, param_desc, indent): return f"{indent}{param_name} : {param_type}\n{indent * 2}* {param_desc}"
[docs]def generator_type(data_type): if ( data_type == mfstructure.DataType.scalar_keyword or data_type == mfstructure.DataType.scalar ): # regular scalar return "ScalarTemplateGenerator" elif ( data_type == mfstructure.DataType.scalar_keyword_transient or data_type == mfstructure.DataType.scalar_transient ): # transient scalar return "ScalarTemplateGenerator" elif data_type == mfstructure.DataType.array: # array return "ArrayTemplateGenerator" elif data_type == mfstructure.DataType.array_transient: # transient array return "ArrayTemplateGenerator" elif data_type == mfstructure.DataType.list: # list return "ListTemplateGenerator" elif ( data_type == mfstructure.DataType.list_transient or data_type == mfstructure.DataType.list_multiple ): # transient or multiple list return "ListTemplateGenerator"
[docs]def clean_class_string(name): if len(name) > 0: clean_string = name.replace(" ", "_") clean_string = clean_string.replace("-", "_") version = mfstructure.MFStructure().get_version_string() # FIX: remove all numbers if clean_string[-1] == version: clean_string = clean_string[:-1] return clean_string return name
[docs]def build_dfn_string(dfn_list, header, package_abbr, flopy_dict): dfn_string = " dfn = [" line_length = len(dfn_string) leading_spaces = " " * line_length first_di = True # process header dfn_string = f'{dfn_string}\n{leading_spaces}["header", ' for key, value in header.items(): if key == "multi-package": dfn_string = f'{dfn_string}\n{leading_spaces} "multi-package", ' if key == "package-type": dfn_string = ( f'{dfn_string}\n{leading_spaces} "package-type ' f'{value}"' ) # process solution packages if package_abbr in flopy_dict["solution_packages"]: model_types = '", "'.join( flopy_dict["solution_packages"][package_abbr] ) dfn_string = ( f"{dfn_string}\n{leading_spaces} " f'["solution_package", "{model_types}"], ' ) dfn_string = f"{dfn_string}],\n{leading_spaces}" # process all data items for data_item in dfn_list: line_length += 1 if not first_di: dfn_string = f"{dfn_string},\n{leading_spaces}" line_length = len(leading_spaces) else: first_di = False dfn_string = f"{dfn_string}[" first_line = True # process each line in a data item for line in data_item: line = line.strip() # do not include the description of longname if not line.lower().startswith( "description" ) and not line.lower().startswith("longname"): line = line.replace('"', "'") line_length += len(line) + 4 if not first_line: dfn_string = f"{dfn_string}," if line_length < 77: # added text fits on the current line if first_line: dfn_string = f'{dfn_string}"{line}"' else: dfn_string = f'{dfn_string} "{line}"' else: # added text does not fit on the current line line_length = len(line) + len(leading_spaces) + 2 if line_length > 79: # added text too long to fit on a single line, wrap # text as needed line = f'"{line}"' lines = textwrap.wrap( line, 75 - len(leading_spaces), drop_whitespace=True, ) lines[0] = f"{leading_spaces} {lines[0]}" line_join = f' "\n{leading_spaces} "' dfn_string = f"{dfn_string}\n{line_join.join(lines)}" else: dfn_string = f'{dfn_string}\n{leading_spaces} "{line}"' first_line = False dfn_string = f"{dfn_string}]" dfn_string = f"{dfn_string}]" return dfn_string
[docs]def create_init_var(clean_ds_name, data_structure_name, init_val=None): if init_val is None: init_val = clean_ds_name init_var = f" self.{clean_ds_name} = self.build_mfdata(" leading_spaces = " " * len(init_var) if len(init_var) + len(data_structure_name) + 2 > 79: second_line = f'\n "{data_structure_name}",' if len(second_line) + len(clean_ds_name) + 2 > 79: init_var = f"{init_var}{second_line}\n {init_val})" else: init_var = f"{init_var}{second_line} {init_val})" else: init_var = f'{init_var}"{data_structure_name}",' if len(init_var) + len(clean_ds_name) + 2 > 79: init_var = f"{init_var}\n{leading_spaces}{init_val})" else: init_var = f"{init_var} {init_val})" return init_var
[docs]def create_basic_init(clean_ds_name): return f" self.{clean_ds_name} = {clean_ds_name}\n"
[docs]def create_property(clean_ds_name): return f" {clean_ds_name} = property(get_{clean_ds_name}, set_{clean_ds_name})"
[docs]def format_var_list(base_string, var_list, is_tuple=False): if is_tuple: base_string = f"{base_string}(" extra_chars = 4 else: extra_chars = 2 line_length = len(base_string) leading_spaces = " " * line_length # determine if any variable name is too long to fit for item in var_list: if line_length + len(item) + extra_chars > 80: leading_spaces = " " base_string = f"{base_string}\n{leading_spaces}" line_length = len(leading_spaces) break for index, item in enumerate(var_list): if is_tuple: item = f"'{item}'" if index == len(var_list) - 1: next_var_str = item else: next_var_str = f"{item}," line_length += len(item) + extra_chars if line_length > 80: base_string = f"{base_string}\n{leading_spaces}{next_var_str}" else: if base_string[-1] == ",": base_string = f"{base_string} " base_string = f"{base_string}{next_var_str}" if is_tuple: return f"{base_string}))" else: return f"{base_string})"
[docs]def create_package_init_var( parameter_name, package_abbr, data_name, clean_ds_name ): one_line = ( f" self._{package_abbr}_package = self.build_child_package(" ) one_line_b = f'"{package_abbr}", {parameter_name},' leading_spaces = " " * len(one_line) two_line = f'\n{leading_spaces}"{data_name}",' three_line = f"\n{leading_spaces}self._{clean_ds_name})" return f"{one_line}{one_line_b}{two_line}{three_line}"
[docs]def add_var( init_vars, class_vars, options_param_list, init_param_list, package_properties, doc_string, data_structure_dict, default_value, name, python_name, description, path, data_type, basic_init=False, construct_package=None, construct_data=None, parameter_name=None, set_param_list=None, mf_nam=False, ): if set_param_list is None: set_param_list = [] clean_ds_name = datautil.clean_name(python_name) if construct_package is None: # add variable initialization lines if basic_init: init_vars.append(create_basic_init(clean_ds_name)) else: init_vars.append(create_init_var(clean_ds_name, name)) # add to parameter list if default_value is None: default_value = "None" init_param_list.append(f"{clean_ds_name}={default_value}") if path is not None and "options" in path: options_param_list.append(f"{clean_ds_name}={default_value}") # add to set parameter list set_param_list.append(f"{clean_ds_name}={clean_ds_name}") else: clean_parameter_name = datautil.clean_name(parameter_name) # init hidden variable init_vars.append(create_init_var(f"_{clean_ds_name}", name, "None")) if mf_nam: options_param_list.append( [f"{parameter_name}_data=None", parameter_name] ) else: # init child package init_vars.append( create_package_init_var( clean_parameter_name, construct_package, construct_data, clean_ds_name, ) ) # add to parameter list init_param_list.append(f"{clean_parameter_name}=None") # add to set parameter list set_param_list.append( f"{clean_parameter_name}={clean_parameter_name}" ) package_properties.append(create_property(clean_ds_name)) doc_string.add_parameter(description, model_parameter=True) data_structure_dict[python_name] = 0 if class_vars is not None: gen_type = generator_type(data_type) if gen_type != "ScalarTemplateGenerator": new_class_var = f" {clean_ds_name} = {gen_type}(" class_vars.append(format_var_list(new_class_var, path, True)) return gen_type return None
[docs]def build_init_string( init_string, init_param_list, whitespace=" " ): line_chars = len(init_string) for index, param in enumerate(init_param_list): if isinstance(param, list): param = param[0] if index + 1 < len(init_param_list): line_chars += len(param) + 2 else: line_chars += len(param) + 3 if line_chars > 79: if len(param) + len(whitespace) + 1 > 79: # try to break apart at = sign param_list = param.split("=") if len(param_list) == 2: init_string = "{},\n{}{}=\n{}{}".format( init_string, whitespace, param_list[0], whitespace, param_list[1], ) line_chars = len(param_list[1]) + len(whitespace) + 1 continue init_string = f"{init_string},\n{whitespace}{param}" line_chars = len(param) + len(whitespace) + 1 else: init_string = f"{init_string}, {param}" return f"{init_string}):\n"
[docs]def build_model_load(model_type): model_load_c = ( " Methods\n -------\n" " load : (simulation : MFSimulationData, model_name : " "string,\n namfile : string, " "version : string, exe_name : string,\n model_ws : " "string, strict : boolean) : MFSimulation\n" " a class method that loads a model from files" '\n """' ) model_load = ( " @classmethod\n def load(cls, simulation, structure, " "modelname='NewModel',\n " "model_nam_file='modflowtest.nam', version='mf6',\n" " exe_name='mf6', strict=True, " "model_rel_path='.',\n" " load_only=None):\n " "return mfmodel.MFModel.load_base(cls, simulation, structure, " "modelname,\n " "model_nam_file, '{}6', version,\n" " exe_name, strict, " "model_rel_path,\n" " load_only)" "\n".format(model_type) ) return model_load, model_load_c
[docs]def build_sim_load(): sim_load_c = ( " Methods\n -------\n" " load : (sim_name : str, version : " "string,\n exe_name : str or PathLike, " "sim_ws : str or PathLike, strict : bool,\n verbosity_level : " "int, load_only : list, verify_data : bool,\n " "write_headers : bool, lazy_io : bool, use_pandas : bool,\n " ") : MFSimulation\n" " a class method that loads a simulation from files" '\n """' ) sim_load = ( " @classmethod\n def load(cls, sim_name='modflowsim', " "version='mf6',\n " "exe_name: Union[str, os.PathLike] = 'mf6',\n " "sim_ws: Union[str, os.PathLike] = os.curdir,\n " "strict=True, verbosity_level=1, load_only=None,\n " "verify_data=False, write_headers=True,\n " "lazy_io=False, use_pandas=True):\n " "return mfsimbase.MFSimulationBase.load(cls, sim_name, version, " "\n " "exe_name, sim_ws, strict,\n" " verbosity_level, " "load_only,\n " "verify_data, write_headers, " "\n lazy_io, use_pandas)" "\n" ) return sim_load, sim_load_c
[docs]def build_model_init_vars(param_list): init_var_list = [] # build set data calls for param in param_list: if not isinstance(param, list): param_parts = param.split("=") init_var_list.append( f" self.name_file.{param_parts[0]}.set_data({param_parts[0]})" ) init_var_list.append("") # build attributes for param in param_list: if isinstance(param, list): pkg_name = param[1] param_parts = param[0].split("=") init_var_list.append( f" self.{param_parts[0]} = " f"self._create_package('{pkg_name}', {param_parts[0]})" ) else: param_parts = param.split("=") init_var_list.append( f" self.{param_parts[0]} = self.name_file.{param_parts[0]}" ) return "\n".join(init_var_list)
[docs]def create_packages(): indent = " " init_string_def = " def __init__(self" # load JSON file file_structure = mfstructure.MFStructure(load_from_dfn_files=True) sim_struct = file_structure.sim_struct # assemble package list of buildable packages package_list = [] for package in sim_struct.utl_struct_objs.values(): # add utility packages to list package_list.append( ( package, PackageLevel.model_level, "utl", package.dfn_list, package.file_type, package.header, ) ) package_list.append( ( sim_struct.name_file_struct_obj, PackageLevel.sim_level, "", sim_struct.name_file_struct_obj.dfn_list, sim_struct.name_file_struct_obj.file_type, sim_struct.name_file_struct_obj.header, ) ) for package in sim_struct.package_struct_objs.values(): # add simulation level package to list package_list.append( ( package, PackageLevel.sim_level, "", package.dfn_list, package.file_type, package.header, ) ) for model_key, model in sim_struct.model_struct_objs.items(): package_list.append( ( model.name_file_struct_obj, PackageLevel.model_level, model_key, model.name_file_struct_obj.dfn_list, model.name_file_struct_obj.file_type, model.name_file_struct_obj.header, ) ) for package in model.package_struct_objs.values(): package_list.append( ( package, PackageLevel.model_level, model_key, package.dfn_list, package.file_type, package.header, ) ) util_path, tail = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__)) init_file = open( os.path.join(util_path, "..", "modflow", ""), "w", newline="\n", ) init_file.write("from .mfsimulation import MFSimulation # isort:skip\n") nam_import_string = ( "from .. import mfmodel\nfrom " "import ArrayTemplateGenerator, ListTemplateGenerator" ) # loop through packages list init_file_imports = [] flopy_dict = file_structure.flopy_dict for package in package_list: data_structure_dict = {} package_properties = [] init_vars = [] init_param_list = [] options_param_list = [] set_param_list = [] class_vars = [] template_gens = [] package_abbr = clean_class_string( f"{clean_class_string(package[2])}{package[0].file_type}" ).lower() dfn_string = build_dfn_string( package[3], package[5], package_abbr, flopy_dict ) package_name = clean_class_string( "{}{}{}".format( clean_class_string(package[2]), package[0].file_prefix, package[0].file_type, ) ).lower() if package[0].description: doc_string = mfdatautil.MFDocString(package[0].description) else: if package[2]: package_container_text = f" within a {package[2]} model" else: package_container_text = "" ds = "Modflow{} defines a {} package{}.".format( package_name.title(), package[0].file_type, package_container_text, ) if package[0].file_type == "mvr": # mvr package warning if package[2]: ds = ( "{} This package\n can only be used to move " "water between packages within a single model." "\n To move water between models use ModflowMvr" ".".format(ds) ) else: ds = ( "{} This package can only be used to move\n " "water between two different models. To move " "water between two packages\n in the same " 'model use the "model level" mover package (ex. ' "ModflowGwfmvr).".format(ds) ) doc_string = mfdatautil.MFDocString(ds) if package[0].dfn_type == mfstructure.DfnType.exch_file: exgtype = ( f'"{package_abbr[0:3].upper()}6-{package_abbr[3:].upper()}6"' ) add_var( init_vars, None, options_param_list, init_param_list, package_properties, doc_string, data_structure_dict, exgtype, "exgtype", "exgtype", build_doc_string( "exgtype", "<string>", "is the exchange type (GWF-GWF or GWF-GWT).", indent, ), None, None, True, ) add_var( init_vars, None, options_param_list, init_param_list, package_properties, doc_string, data_structure_dict, None, "exgmnamea", "exgmnamea", build_doc_string( "exgmnamea", "<string>", "is the name of the first model that is " "part of this exchange.", indent, ), None, None, True, ) add_var( init_vars, None, options_param_list, init_param_list, package_properties, doc_string, data_structure_dict, None, "exgmnameb", "exgmnameb", build_doc_string( "exgmnameb", "<string>", "is the name of the second model that is " "part of this exchange.", indent, ), None, None, True, ) init_vars.append( " simulation.register_exchange_file(self)\n" ) # loop through all blocks for block in package[0].blocks.values(): for data_structure in block.data_structures.values(): # only create one property for each unique data structure name if not in data_structure_dict: mf_sim = ( "parent_name_type" in package[0].header and package[0].header["parent_name_type"][1] == "MFSimulation" ) mf_nam = package[0].file_type == "nam" if ( data_structure.construct_package is not None and not mf_sim and not mf_nam ): c_pkg = data_structure.construct_package else: c_pkg = None tg = add_var( init_vars, class_vars, options_param_list, init_param_list, package_properties, doc_string, data_structure_dict, data_structure.default_value,, data_structure.python_name, data_structure.get_doc_string(79, indent, indent), data_structure.path, data_structure.get_datatype(), False, # c_pkg, data_structure.construct_package, data_structure.construct_data, data_structure.parameter_name, set_param_list, mf_nam, ) if tg is not None and tg not in template_gens: template_gens.append(tg) import_string = "from .. import mfpackage" if template_gens: import_string += "\nfrom import " import_string += ", ".join(sorted(template_gens)) # add extra docstrings for additional variables doc_string.add_parameter( " filename : String\n File name for this package." ) doc_string.add_parameter( " pname : String\n Package name for this package." ) doc_string.add_parameter( " parent_file : MFPackage\n " "Parent package file that references this " "package. Only needed for\n utility " "packages (mfutl*). For example, mfutllaktab " "package must have \n a mfgwflak " "package parent_file." ) # build package builder class string init_vars.append(" self._init_complete = True") init_vars = "\n".join(init_vars) package_short_name = clean_class_string(package[0].file_type).lower() class_def_string = "class Modflow{}(mfpackage.MFPackage):\n".format( package_name.title() ) class_def_string = class_def_string.replace("-", "_") class_var_string = ( '{}\n package_abbr = "{}"\n _package_type = ' '"{}"\n dfn_file_name = "{}"' "\n".format( "\n".join(class_vars), package_abbr, package[4], package[0].dfn_file_name, ) ) init_string_full = init_string_def init_string_sim = f"{init_string_def}, simulation" # add variables to init string doc_string.add_parameter( " loading_package : bool\n " "Do not set this parameter. It is intended " "for debugging and internal\n " "processing purposes only.", beginning_of_list=True, ) if "parent_name_type" in package[0].header: init_var = package[0].header["parent_name_type"][0] parent_type = package[0].header["parent_name_type"][1] elif package[1] == PackageLevel.sim_level: init_var = "simulation" parent_type = "MFSimulation" else: init_var = "model" parent_type = "MFModel" doc_string.add_parameter( f" {init_var} : {parent_type}\n " f"{init_var.capitalize()} that this package is a part " "of. Package is automatically\n " f"added to {init_var} when it is " "initialized.", beginning_of_list=True, ) init_string_full = ( f"{init_string_full}, {init_var}, loading_package=False" ) init_param_list.append("filename=None") init_param_list.append("pname=None") init_param_list.append("**kwargs") init_string_full = build_init_string(init_string_full, init_param_list) # build init code parent_init_string = " super().__init__(" spaces = " " * len(parent_init_string) parent_init_string = ( '{}{}, "{}", filename, pname,\n{}' "loading_package, **kwargs)\n\n" " # set up variables".format( parent_init_string, init_var, package_short_name, spaces ) ) local_datetime = comment_string = ( "# DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE DIRECTLY. THIS FILE " "MUST BE CREATED BY\n# mf6/utils/\n" "# FILE created on {} UTC".format( local_datetime.strftime("%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S") ) ) # assemble full package string package_string = "{}\n{}\n\n\n{}{}\n{}\n{}\n\n{}{}\n{}\n".format( comment_string, import_string, class_def_string, doc_string.get_doc_string(), class_var_string, dfn_string, init_string_full, parent_init_string, init_vars, ) # open new Packages file pb_file = open( os.path.join(util_path, "..", "modflow", f"mf{package_name}.py"), "w", newline="\n", ) pb_file.write(package_string) if ( package[0].sub_package and package_abbr != "utltab" and ( "parent_name_type" not in package[0].header or package[0].header["parent_name_type"][1] != "MFSimulation" ) ): set_param_list.append("filename=filename") set_param_list.append("pname=pname") set_param_list.append("child_builder_call=True") whsp_1 = " " whsp_2 = " " file_prefix = package[0].dfn_file_name[0:3] chld_doc_string = ( ' """\n {}Packages is a container ' "class for the Modflow{} class.\n\n " "Methods\n ----------" "\n".format(package_name.title(), package_name.title()) ) # write out child packages class chld_cls = ( "\n\nclass {}Packages(mfpackage.MFChildPackage" "s):\n".format( package_name.title() ) ) chld_var = ( f" package_abbr = " f'"{package_name.title().lower()}packages"\n\n' ) chld_init = " def initialize(self" chld_init = build_init_string( chld_init, init_param_list[:-1], whsp_1 ) init_pkg = "\n self.init_package(new_package, filename)" params_init = ( " new_package = Modflow" f"{package_name.title()}(self._cpparent" ) params_init = build_init_string( params_init, set_param_list, whsp_2 ) chld_doc_string = ( "{} initialize\n Initializes a new " "Modflow{} package removing any sibling " "child\n packages attached to the same " "parent package. See Modflow{} init\n " " documentation for definition of " "parameters.\n".format( chld_doc_string, package_name.title(), package_name.title() ) ) chld_appn = "" params_appn = "" append_pkg = "" if package_abbr != "utlobs": # Hard coded obs no multi-pkg support chld_appn = "\n\n def append_package(self" chld_appn = build_init_string( chld_appn, init_param_list[:-1], whsp_1 ) append_pkg = ( "\n self._append_package(new_package, filename)" ) params_appn = ( " new_package = Modflow" f"{file_prefix.capitalize()}" f"{package_short_name}(self._cpparent" ) params_appn = build_init_string( params_appn, set_param_list, whsp_2 ) chld_doc_string = ( "{} append_package\n Adds a " "new Modflow{}{} package to the container." " See Modflow{}{}\n init " "documentation for definition of " "parameters.\n".format( chld_doc_string, file_prefix.capitalize(), package_short_name, file_prefix.capitalize(), package_short_name, ) ) chld_doc_string = f'{chld_doc_string} """\n' packages_str = "{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}\n".format( chld_cls, chld_doc_string, chld_var, chld_init, params_init[:-2], init_pkg, chld_appn, params_appn[:-2], append_pkg, ) pb_file.write(packages_str) pb_file.close() init_file_imports.append( f"from .mf{package_name} import Modflow{package_name.title()}\n" ) if package[0].dfn_type == mfstructure.DfnType.model_name_file: # build model file init_vars = build_model_init_vars(options_param_list) options_param_list.insert(0, "model_rel_path='.'") options_param_list.insert(0, "exe_name='mf6'") options_param_list.insert(0, "version='mf6'") options_param_list.insert(0, "model_nam_file=None") options_param_list.insert(0, "modelname='model'") options_param_list.append("**kwargs,") init_string_sim = build_init_string( init_string_sim, options_param_list ) sim_name = clean_class_string(package[2]) class_def_string = "class Modflow{}(mfmodel.MFModel):\n".format( sim_name.capitalize() ) class_def_string = class_def_string.replace("-", "_") doc_string.add_parameter( " sim : MFSimulation\n " "Simulation that this model is a part " "of. Model is automatically\n " "added to simulation when it is " "initialized.", beginning_of_list=True, model_parameter=True, ) doc_string.description = ( f"Modflow{sim_name} defines a {sim_name} model" ) class_var_string = f" model_type = '{sim_name}'\n" mparent_init_string = " super().__init__(" spaces = " " * len(mparent_init_string) mparent_init_string = ( "{}simulation, model_type='{}6',\n{}" "modelname=modelname,\n{}" "model_nam_file=model_nam_file,\n{}" "version=version, exe_name=exe_name,\n{}" "model_rel_path=model_rel_path,\n{}" "**kwargs," ")\n".format( mparent_init_string, sim_name, spaces, spaces, spaces, spaces, spaces, ) ) load_txt, doc_text = build_model_load(sim_name) package_string = "{}\n{}\n\n\n{}{}\n{}\n{}\n{}{}\n{}\n\n{}".format( comment_string, nam_import_string, class_def_string, doc_string.get_doc_string(True), doc_text, class_var_string, init_string_sim, mparent_init_string, init_vars, load_txt, ) md_file = open( os.path.join(util_path, "..", "modflow", f"mf{sim_name}.py"), "w", newline="\n", ) md_file.write(package_string) md_file.close() init_file_imports.append( f"from .mf{sim_name} import Modflow{sim_name.capitalize()}\n" ) elif package[0].dfn_type == mfstructure.DfnType.sim_name_file: # build simulation file init_vars = build_model_init_vars(options_param_list) options_param_list.insert(0, "lazy_io=False") options_param_list.insert(0, "use_pandas=True") options_param_list.insert(0, "write_headers=True") options_param_list.insert(0, "verbosity_level=1") options_param_list.insert( 0, "sim_ws: Union[str, os.PathLike] = " "os.curdir" ) options_param_list.insert( 0, "exe_name: Union[str, os.PathLike] " '= "mf6"' ) options_param_list.insert(0, "version='mf6'") options_param_list.insert(0, "sim_name='sim'") init_string_sim = " def __init__(self" init_string_sim = build_init_string( init_string_sim, options_param_list ) class_def_string = ( "class MFSimulation(mfsimbase." "MFSimulationBase):\n" ) doc_string.add_parameter( " sim_name : str\n" " Name of the simulation", beginning_of_list=True, model_parameter=True, ) doc_string.description = ( "MFSimulation is used to load, build, and/or save a MODFLOW " "6 simulation. \n A MFSimulation object must be created " "before creating any of the MODFLOW 6 \n model objects." ) sparent_init_string = " super().__init__(" spaces = " " * len(sparent_init_string) sparent_init_string = ( "{}sim_name=sim_name,\n{}" "version=version,\n{}" "exe_name=exe_name,\n{}" "sim_ws=sim_ws,\n{}" "verbosity_level=verbosity_level,\n{}" "write_headers=write_headers,\n{}" "lazy_io=lazy_io,\n{}" "use_pandas=use_pandas,\n{}" ")\n".format( sparent_init_string, spaces, spaces, spaces, spaces, spaces, spaces, spaces, spaces, ) ) sim_import_string = ( "import os\n" "from typing import Union\n" "from .. import mfsimbase" ) load_txt, doc_text = build_sim_load() package_string = "{}\n{}\n\n\n{}{}\n{}\n{}{}\n{}\n\n{}".format( comment_string, sim_import_string, class_def_string, doc_string.get_doc_string(False, True), doc_text, init_string_sim, sparent_init_string, init_vars, load_txt, ) sim_file = open( os.path.join(util_path, "..", "modflow", ""), "w", newline="\n", ) sim_file.write(package_string) sim_file.close() init_file_imports.append( "from .mfsimulation import MFSimulation\n" ) # Sort the imports for line in sorted(init_file_imports, key=lambda x: x.split()[3]): init_file.write(line) init_file.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": create_packages()