Source code for flopy.mfusg.mfusgdisu

mfdisu module.  Contains the MfUsgDisU class. Note that the user can access
the MfUsgDisU class as `flopy.mfusg.MfUsgDisU`.

import numpy as np

from ..discretization.unstructuredgrid import UnstructuredGrid
from ..pakbase import Package
from ..utils import Util2d, Util3d, read1d
from ..utils.reference import TemporalReference
from .mfusg import MfUsg

ITMUNI = {"u": 0, "s": 1, "m": 2, "h": 3, "d": 4, "y": 5}
LENUNI = {"u": 0, "f": 1, "m": 2, "c": 3}

[docs]class MfUsgDisU(Package): """ MODFLOW Unstructured Discretization Package Class. Parameters ---------- model : model object The model object (of type :class:`flopy.mfusg.MfUsg`) to which this package will be added. nodes : int Number of nodes in the model grid (default is 2). nlay : int Number of layers in the model grid (default is 1). njag : int Total number of connections of an unstructured grid. njag is used to dimension the sparse matrix in a compressed row storage format. For symmetric arrays, only the upper triangle of the matrix may be entered. For that case, the symmetric portion (minus the diagonal terms) is dimensioned as njags = (njag - nodes) / 2. (default is None). ivsd : int is the vertical sub-discretization index. For purposes of this flag, vertical sub-discretization is defined to occur when all layers are not a stacked representation of each other. If IVSD = 0 there is no sub-discretization of layers within the model domain. That is, grids are not nested in the vertical direction. However, one layer may have a different grid structure from the next due to different sub-gridding structures within each layer. If IVSD = 1 there could be sub-discretization of layers with vertically nested grids (as shown in Figure 5c in the MODFLOW-USG document) within the domain. For this case, the vertical connection index IVC is required to determine the vertical connections of every node. Otherwise, the vertical connections are internally computed and IVC is not read. If IVSD = -1 there is no vertical sub-discretization of layers, and further, the horizontal discretization of all layers is the same. For this case, the cell areas (AREA) are read only for one layer and are computed to be the same for all the stacked layers. A structured finite-difference grid is an example of this condition. (default is 0). nper : int Number of model stress periods (the default is 1). itmuni : int Time units, default is days (4) lenuni : int Length units, default is meters (2) idsymrd : int A flag indicating if the finite-volume connectivity information of an unstructured grid is input as a full matrix or as a symmetric matrix in the input file. If idsymrd is 0 the finite-volume connectivity information is provided for the full matrix of the porous matrix grid-block connections of an unstructured grid. The code internally stores only the symmetric portion of this information. This input structure (IDSYMRD=0) is easy to organize but contains unwanted information which is parsed out when the information is stored. If idsymrd is 1 then finite-volume connectivity information is provided only for the upper triangular portion of the porous matrix grid-block connections within the unstructured grid. This input structure (IDSYMRD=1) is compact but is slightly more complicated to organize. Only the non-zero upper triangular items of each row are read in sequence for all symmetric matrices. (default is 0). laycbd : int or array of ints (nlay), optional An array of flags indicating whether or not a layer has a Quasi-3D confining bed below it. 0 indicates no confining bed, and not zero indicates a confining bed. LAYCBD for the bottom layer must be 0. (the default is 0) nodelay : int or array of ints (nlay) The number of cells in each layer. (the default is None, which means the number of cells in a layer is equal to nodes / nlay). top : float or array of floats (nodes), optional An array of the top elevation for every cell. For the situation in which the top layer represents a water-table aquifer, it may be reasonable to set Top equal to land-surface elevation (the default is 1.0) bot : float or array of floats (nodes), optional An array of the bottom elevation for each model cell (the default is 0.) area : float or array of floats Surface area for model cells. Area is for only one layer if IVSD = -1 to indicate that the grid is vertically stacked. Otherwise, area is required for each layer in the model grid. Note that there may be different number of nodes per layer (ndslay) for an unstructured grid. (default is 1.0) iac : array of integers is a vector indicating the number of connections plus 1 for each node. Note that the IAC array is only supplied for the GWF cells; the IAC array is internally expanded to include CLN or GNC nodes if they are present in a simulation. (default is None. iac must be provided). ja : array of integers is a list of cell number (n) followed by its connecting cell numbers (m) for each of the m cells connected to cell n. This list is sequentially provided for the first to the last GWF cell. Note that the cell and its connections are only supplied for the GWF cells and their connections to the other GWF cells. This connectivity is internally expanded if CLN or GNC nodes are present in a simulation. Also note that the JA list input may be chopped up to have every node number and its connectivity list on a separate line for ease in readability of the file. To further ease readability of the file, the node number of the cell whose connectivity is subsequently listed, may be expressed as a negative number the sign of which is subsequently corrected by the code. (default is None. ja must be provided). ivc : int or array of integers is an index array indicating the direction between a node n and all its m connections. IVC = 0 if the connection between n and m is horizontal. IVC = 1 if the connecting node m is vertically oriented to node n. Note that if the CLN Process is active, the connection between two CLN cells has IVC = 2 and the connection between a CLN cell and a GWF cell has IVC = 3. (default is None. ivc must be provided if ivsd = 1) cl1 : float or array of floats is the perpendicular length between the center of a node (node 1) and the interface between the node and its adjoining node (node 2). (default is None. cl1 and cl2 must be specified, or cl12 must be specified) cl2 : float or array of floats is the perpendicular length between node 2 and the interface between nodes 1 and 2, and is at the symmetric location of CL1. (default is None. cl1 and cl2 must be specified, or cl12 must be specified) cl12 : float or array of floats is the array containing CL1 and CL2 lengths, where CL1 is the perpendicular length between the center of a node (node 1) and the interface between the node and its adjoining node (node 2). CL2, which is the perpendicular length between node 2 and the interface between nodes 1 and 2 is at the symmetric location of CL1. The array CL12 reads both CL1 and CL2 in the upper and lower triangular portions of the matrix respectively. Note that the CL1 and CL2 arrays are only supplied for the GWF cell connections and are internally expanded if CLN or GNC nodes exist in a simulation. (default is None. cl1 and cl2 must be specified, or cl12 must be specified) fahl : float or array of floats Area of the interface Anm between nodes n and m. (default is None. fahl must be specified.) perlen : float or array of floats (nper) An array of the stress period lengths. nstp : int or array of ints (nper) Number of time steps in each stress period (default is 1). tsmult : float or array of floats (nper) Time step multiplier (default is 1.0). steady : bool or array of bool (nper) True or False indicating whether or not stress period is steady state (default is True). extension : string Filename extension (default is 'dis') unitnumber : int File unit number (default is None). filenames : str or list of str Filenames to use for the package. If filenames=None the package name will be created using the model name and package extension. If a single string is passed the package will be set to the string. Default is None. Attributes ---------- heading : str Text string written to top of package input file. Methods ------- See Also -------- Notes ----- Now works for multi-layer USG models since u3d was modified to handle multiple u2d instances of different size. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> m = flopy.mfusg.MfUsg() >>> disu = flopy.mfusg.MfUsgDisU(m) """ def __init__( self, model, nodes=2, nlay=1, njag=None, ivsd=0, nper=1, itmuni=4, lenuni=2, idsymrd=0, laycbd=0, nodelay=None, top=1, bot=0, area=1.0, iac=None, ja=None, ivc=None, cl1=None, cl2=None, cl12=None, fahl=None, perlen=1, nstp=1, tsmult=1, steady=True, extension="disu", unitnumber=None, filenames=None, start_datetime=None, ): msg = ( "Model object must be of type flopy.mfusg.MfUsg\n" f"but received type: {type(model)}." ) assert isinstance(model, MfUsg), msg # set default unit number of one is not specified if unitnumber is None: unitnumber = self._defaultunit() # call base package constructor super().__init__( model, extension=extension, name=self._ftype(), unit_number=unitnumber, filenames=self._prepare_filenames(filenames), ) # Set values of all parameters self._generate_heading() self.nodes = nodes self.nlay = nlay self.njag = njag self.ivsd = ivsd self.nper = nper try: self.itmuni = int(itmuni) except: self.itmuni = ITMUNI[itmuni.lower()[0]] try: self.lenuni = int(lenuni) except: self.lenuni = LENUNI[lenuni.lower()[0]] self.idsymrd = idsymrd # LAYCBD self.laycbd = Util2d( model, (self.nlay,), np.int32, laycbd, name="laycbd" ) self.laycbd[-1] = 0 # bottom layer must be zero # NODELAY if nodelay is None: npl = int(nodes / nlay) nodelay = [] for k in range(self.nlay): nodelay.append(npl) self.nodelay = Util2d( model, (self.nlay,), np.int32, nodelay, name="nodelay", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) # set ncol and nrow for array readers nrow = None ncol = self.nodelay.array[:] # Top and bot are both 1d arrays of size nodes = Util3d( model, (nlay, nrow, ncol), np.float32, top, name="top", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) = Util3d( model, (nlay, nrow, ncol), np.float32, bot, name="bot", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) # Area is Util2d if ivsd == -1, otherwise it is Util3d if ivsd == -1: self.area = Util2d( model, (self.nodelay[0],), np.float32, area, "area", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) else: self.area = Util3d( model, (nlay, nrow, ncol), np.float32, area, name="area", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) # Connectivity and ivc if iac is None: raise Exception("iac must be provided") self.iac = Util2d( model, (self.nodes,), np.int32, iac, name="iac", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) assert self.iac.array.sum() == njag, "The sum of iac must equal njag." if ja is None: raise Exception("ja must be provided") if ja[0] == 0: # convert from zero-based to one-based ja += 1 self.ja = Util2d( model, (self.njag,), np.int32, ja, name="ja", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) self.ivc = None if self.ivsd == 1: if ivc is None: raise Exception("ivc must be provided if ivsd is 1.") self.ivc = Util2d( model, (self.njag,), np.int32, ivc, name="ivc", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) # Connection lengths if idsymrd == 1: njags = int((njag - nodes) / 2) if cl1 is None: raise Exception("idsymrd is 1 but cl1 was not specified.") if cl2 is None: raise Exception("idsymrd is 1 but cl2 was not specified.") self.cl1 = Util2d( model, (njags,), np.float32, cl1, name="cl1", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) self.cl2 = Util2d( model, (njags,), np.float32, cl2, name="cl2", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) if idsymrd == 0: if cl12 is None: raise Exception("idsymrd is 0 but cl12 was not specified") self.cl12 = Util2d( model, (self.njag,), np.float32, cl12, name="cl12", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) # Flow area (set size of array to njag or njags depending on idsymrd) if fahl is None: raise Exception("fahl must be provided") if idsymrd == 1: n = njags elif idsymrd == 0: n = self.njag self.fahl = Util2d( model, (n,), np.float32, fahl, name="fahl", locat=self.unit_number[0], ) # Stress period information self.perlen = Util2d( model, (self.nper,), np.float32, perlen, name="perlen" ) self.nstp = Util2d(model, (self.nper,), np.int32, nstp, name="nstp") self.tsmult = Util2d( model, (self.nper,), np.float32, tsmult, name="tsmult" ) self.steady = Util2d(model, (self.nper,), bool, steady, name="steady") self.itmuni_dict = { 0: "undefined", 1: "seconds", 2: "minutes", 3: "hours", 4: "days", 5: "years", } if start_datetime is None: start_datetime = model._start_datetime if model.modelgrid is None: model.modelgrid = UnstructuredGrid( ncpl=self.nodelay.array,,, lenuni=self.lenuni, ) = TemporalReference( itmuni=self.itmuni, start_datetime=start_datetime ) self.start_datetime = start_datetime # get neighboring nodes self._get_neighboring_nodes() # Add package and return self.parent.add_package(self) return
[docs] def checklayerthickness(self): """ Check layer thickness. """ return (self.parent.modelgrid.cell_thickness > 0).all()
[docs] def get_cell_volumes(self): """ Get an array of cell volumes. Returns ------- vol : array of floats (nodes) """ vol = np.empty((self.nodes,)) for n in range(self.nodes): nn = n if self.ivsd == -1: nn = n % self.nodelay[0] area = self.area[nn] vol[n] = area * ([n] -[n]) return vol
@property def zcentroids(self): """ Return an array of size nodes that contains the vertical cell center elevation. """ z = np.empty((self.nodes,)) z[:] = ( - / 2.0 return z @property def ncpl(self): return self.nodes / self.nlay
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, f, model, ext_unit_dict=None, check=True): """ Load an existing package. Parameters ---------- f : filename or file handle File to load. model : model object The model object (of type :class:`flopy.mfusg.MfUsg`) to which this package will be added. ext_unit_dict : dictionary, optional If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL, or older style array control records, then `f` should be a file handle. In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be constructed using the function :class:`flopy.utils.mfreadnam.parsenamefile`. check : bool Check package data for common errors. (default False; not setup yet) Returns ------- dis : MfUsgDisU object MfUsgDisU object. Examples -------- >>> import flopy >>> m = flopy.mfusg.MfUsg() >>> disu = flopy.mfusg.MfUsgDisU.load('test.disu', m) """ msg = ( "Model object must be of type flopy.mfusg.MfUsg\n" f"but received type: {type(model)}." ) assert isinstance(model, MfUsg), msg if model.verbose: print("loading disu package file...") if model.version != "mfusg": print( "Warning: model version was reset from '{}' to 'mfusg' " "in order to load a DISU file".format(model.version) ) model.version = "mfusg" openfile = not hasattr(f, "read") if openfile: filename = f f = open(filename, "r") # dataset 0 -- header while True: line = f.readline() if line[0] != "#": break # dataset 1 if model.verbose: print( " loading NODES, NLAY, NJAG, IVSD, NPER, ITMUNI, LENUNI," " IDSYMRD..." ) ll = line.strip().split() nodes = int(ll.pop(0)) nlay = int(ll.pop(0)) njag = int(ll.pop(0)) ivsd = int(ll.pop(0)) nper = int(ll.pop(0)) # mimic urword behavior in case these values aren't present on line if len(ll) > 0: itmuni = int(ll.pop(0)) else: itmuni = 0 if len(ll) > 0: lenuni = int(ll.pop(0)) else: lenuni = 0 if len(ll) > 0: idsymrd = int(ll.pop(0)) else: idsymrd = 0 if model.verbose: print(f" NODES {nodes}") print(f" NLAY {nlay}") print(f" NJAG {njag}") print(f" IVSD {ivsd}") print(f" NPER {nper}") print(f" ITMUNI {itmuni}") print(f" LENUNI {lenuni}") print(f" IDSYMRD {idsymrd}") # Calculate njags njags = int((njag - nodes) / 2) if model.verbose: print(f" NJAGS calculated as {njags}") # dataset 2 -- laycbd if model.verbose: print(" loading LAYCBD...") laycbd = np.empty((nlay,), np.int32) laycbd = read1d(f, laycbd) if model.verbose: print(f" LAYCBD {laycbd}") # dataset 3 -- nodelay if model.verbose: print(" loading NODELAY...") nodelay = Util2d.load( f, model, (nlay,), np.int32, "nodelay", ext_unit_dict ) if model.verbose: print(f" NODELAY {nodelay}") # dataset 4 -- top if model.verbose: print(" loading TOP...") top = [0] * nlay for k in range(nlay): tpk = Util2d.load( f, model, (nodelay[k],), np.float32, "top", ext_unit_dict ) top[k] = tpk if model.verbose: for k, tpk in enumerate(top): print(f" TOP layer {k}: {tpk.array}") # dataset 5 -- bot if model.verbose: print(" loading BOT...") bot = [0] * nlay for k in range(nlay): btk = Util2d.load( f, model, (nodelay[k],), np.float32, "btk", ext_unit_dict ) bot[k] = btk if model.verbose: for k, btk in enumerate(bot): print(f" BOT layer {k}: {btk.array}") # dataset 6 -- area if model.verbose: print(" loading AREA...") if ivsd == -1: area = Util2d.load( f, model, (nodelay[0],), np.float32, "area", ext_unit_dict ) else: area = [0] * nlay for k in range(nlay): ak = Util2d.load( f, model, (nodelay[k],), np.float32, "ak", ext_unit_dict ) area[k] = ak if model.verbose: for k, ak in enumerate(area): print(f" AREA layer {k}: {ak}") # dataset 7 -- iac if model.verbose: print(" loading IAC...") iac = Util2d.load(f, model, (nodes,), np.int32, "iac", ext_unit_dict) if model.verbose: print(f" IAC {iac}") # dataset 8 -- ja if model.verbose: print(" loading JA...") ja = Util2d.load(f, model, (njag,), np.int32, "ja", ext_unit_dict) if model.verbose: print(f" JA {ja}") # dataset 9 -- ivc ivc = None if ivsd == 1: if model.verbose: print(" loading IVC...") ivc = Util2d.load( f, model, (njag,), np.int32, "ivc", ext_unit_dict ) if model.verbose: print(f" IVC {ivc}") # dataset 10a -- cl1 cl1 = None if idsymrd == 1: if model.verbose: print(" loading CL1...") cl1 = Util2d.load( f, model, (njags,), np.float32, "cl1", ext_unit_dict ) if model.verbose: print(f" CL1 {cl1}") # dataset 10b -- cl2 cl2 = None if idsymrd == 1: if model.verbose: print(" loading CL2...") cl2 = Util2d.load( f, model, (njags,), np.float32, "cl2", ext_unit_dict ) if model.verbose: print(f" CL2 {cl2}") # dataset 11 -- cl12 cl12 = None if idsymrd == 0: if model.verbose: print(" loading CL12...") cl12 = Util2d.load( f, model, (njag,), np.float32, "cl12", ext_unit_dict ) if model.verbose: print(f" CL12 {cl12}") # dataset 12 -- fahl fahl = None if idsymrd == 0: n = njag elif idsymrd == 1: n = njags if model.verbose: print(" loading FAHL...") fahl = Util2d.load(f, model, (n,), np.float32, "fahl", ext_unit_dict) if model.verbose: print(f" FAHL {fahl}") # dataset 7 -- stress period info if model.verbose: print(" loading stress period data...") perlen = [] nstp = [] tsmult = [] steady = [] for k in range(nper): line = f.readline() a1, a2, a3, a4 = line.strip().split()[0:4] a1 = float(a1) a2 = int(a2) a3 = float(a3) if a4.upper() == "TR": a4 = False else: a4 = True perlen.append(a1) nstp.append(a2) tsmult.append(a3) steady.append(a4) if model.verbose: print(f" PERLEN {perlen}") print(f" NSTP {nstp}") print(f" TSMULT {tsmult}") print(f" STEADY {steady}") if openfile: f.close() # set package unit number unitnumber = None filenames = [None] if ext_unit_dict is not None: unitnumber, filenames[0] = model.get_ext_dict_attr( ext_unit_dict, filetype=cls._ftype() ) # create dis object instance disu = cls( model, nodes=nodes, nlay=nlay, njag=njag, ivsd=ivsd, nper=nper, itmuni=itmuni, lenuni=lenuni, idsymrd=idsymrd, laycbd=laycbd, nodelay=nodelay, top=top, bot=bot, area=area, iac=iac, ja=ja, ivc=ivc, cl1=cl1, cl2=cl2, cl12=cl12, fahl=fahl, perlen=perlen, nstp=nstp, tsmult=tsmult, steady=steady, unitnumber=unitnumber, filenames=filenames, ) # return dis object instance return disu
[docs] def write_file(self): """ Write the package file. Returns ------- None """ # Open file for writing f_dis = open(self.fn_path, "w") # Item 0: heading f_dis.write(f"{self.heading}\n") # Item 1: NODES NLAY NJAG IVSD NPER ITMUNI LENUNI IDSYMRD s = "" for var in [ self.nodes, self.nlay, self.njag, self.ivsd, self.nper, self.itmuni, self.lenuni, self.idsymrd, ]: s += f"{var} " f_dis.write(s + "\n") # Item 2: LAYCBD for k in range(self.nlay): f_dis.write(f"{self.laycbd[k]:3d}") f_dis.write("\n") # Item 3: NODELAY f_dis.write(self.nodelay.get_file_entry()) # Item 4: TOP f_dis.write( # Item 5: BOT f_dis.write( # Item 6: AREA f_dis.write(self.area.get_file_entry()) # Item 7: IAC f_dis.write(self.iac.get_file_entry()) # Item 8: JA f_dis.write(self.ja.get_file_entry()) # Item 9: IVC if self.ivsd == 1: f_dis.write(self.ivc.get_file_entry()) # Item 10a: CL1 if self.idsymrd == 1: f_dis.write(self.cl1.get_file_entry()) # Item 10b: CL2 if self.idsymrd == 1: f_dis.write(self.cl2.get_file_entry()) # Item 11: CL12 if self.idsymrd == 0: f_dis.write(self.cl12.get_file_entry()) # Item 12: FAHL f_dis.write(self.fahl.get_file_entry()) # Item 13: NPER, NSTP, TSMULT, Ss/tr for t in range(self.nper): f_dis.write( f"{self.perlen[t]:14f}{self.nstp[t]:14d}{self.tsmult[t]:10f} " ) if self.steady[t]: f_dis.write(" SS\n") else: f_dis.write(" TR\n") # Close and return f_dis.close() return
@staticmethod def _ftype(): return "DISU" @staticmethod def _defaultunit(): return 11 def _get_neighboring_nodes(self): """ For each node, get node numbers for all neighbors. Returns ------- Jagged list of numpy arrays for each node. Each array contains base-1 neighboring node indices. """ ja = self.ja.array iac_sum = np.cumsum(self.iac.array) ja_slices = np.asarray( [ np.s_[iac_sum[i - 1] + 1 : x] if i > 0 else np.s_[1:x] for i, x in enumerate(iac_sum) ] ) # note: this removes the diagonal - neighbors only self._neighboring_nodes = [ja[sl] for sl in ja_slices] return