Source code for

import warnings

import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection, PathCollection
from matplotlib.path import Path
from numpy.lib.recfunctions import stack_arrays

from ..utils import geometry
from . import plotutil
from .plotutil import to_mp7_endpoints, to_mp7_pathlines

warnings.simplefilter("always", PendingDeprecationWarning)

[docs]class PlotMapView: """ Class to create a map of the model. Delegates plotting functionality based on model grid type. Parameters ---------- modelgrid : flopy.discretization.Grid The modelgrid class can be StructuredGrid, VertexGrid, or UnstructuredGrid (Default is None) ax : matplotlib.pyplot axis The plot axis. If not provided it, plt.gca() will be used. If there is not a current axis then a new one will be created. model : flopy.modflow object flopy model object. (Default is None) layer : int Layer to plot. Default is 0. Must be between 0 and nlay - 1. extent : tuple of floats (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) will be used to specify axes limits. If None then these will be calculated based on grid, coordinates, and rotation. Notes ----- """ def __init__( self, model=None, modelgrid=None, ax=None, layer=0, extent=None ): self.model = model self.layer = layer = None if modelgrid is not None: = modelgrid elif model is not None: = model.modelgrid else: err_msg = "A model grid instance must be provided to PlotMapView" raise AssertionError(err_msg) if ax is None: try: = plt.gca()"equal") except (AttributeError, ValueError): = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect="equal", axisbg="white") else: = ax if extent is not None: self._extent = extent else: self._extent = None if model is None: self._masked_values = [1e30, -1e30] else: self._masked_values = [model.hnoflo, model.hdry] @property def extent(self): if self._extent is None: self._extent = return self._extent def _set_axes_limits(self, ax): """ Internal method to set axes limits Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot axis The plot axis Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot axis object """ if ax.get_autoscale_on(): ax.set_xlim(self.extent[0], self.extent[1]) ax.set_ylim(self.extent[2], self.extent[3]) return ax
[docs] def plot_array(self, a, masked_values=None, **kwargs): """ Plot an array. If the array is three-dimensional, then the method will plot the layer tied to this class (self.layer). Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray Array to plot. masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh Returns ------- quadmesh : matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh or matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection """ if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray): a = np.array(a) a = a.astype(float) # Use the model grid to pass back an array of the correct shape plotarray =, self.layer) # if masked_values are provided mask the plotting array if masked_values is not None: self._masked_values.extend(list(masked_values)) for mval in self._masked_values: plotarray =, mval) # add NaN values to mask plotarray =, plotarray) ax = kwargs.pop("ax", # use cached patch collection for plotting polygons = if isinstance(polygons, dict): polygons = polygons[self.layer] if len(polygons) == 0: return if not isinstance(polygons[0], Path): collection = ax.pcolormesh(,, plotarray ) else: plotarray = plotarray.ravel() collection = PathCollection(polygons) collection.set_array(plotarray) # set max and min vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", None) vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", None) if "cmap" not in kwargs: kwargs["cmap"] = "viridis" # set matplotlib kwargs collection.set_clim(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) collection.set(**kwargs) ax.add_collection(collection) # set limits ax = self._set_axes_limits(ax) return collection
[docs] def contour_array(self, a, masked_values=None, tri_mask=False, **kwargs): """ Contour an array on the grid. By default the top layer is contoured. To select a different layer, specify the layer in the class constructor. For structured and vertex grids, the array may be 1D, 2D or 3D. For unstructured grids, the array must be 1D or 2D. Parameters ---------- a : 1D, 2D or 3D array-like Array to plot. masked_values : iterable of floats, ints Values to mask. tri_mask : bool Boolean flag that masks triangulation and contouring by nearest grid neighbors. This flag is useful for contouring on unstructured model domains that have holes in the grid. **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh Returns ------- contour_set : matplotlib.pyplot.contour """ import matplotlib.tri as tri # coerce array to ndarray of floats a = np.copy(a) if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray): a = np.array(a) a = a.astype(float) # Use the model grid to pass back an array of the correct shape plotarray =, self.layer) # Get vertices for the selected layer xcentergrid = ycentergrid = ax = kwargs.pop("ax", filled = kwargs.pop("filled", False) plot_triplot = kwargs.pop("plot_triplot", False) if "colors" in kwargs.keys(): if "cmap" in kwargs.keys(): kwargs.pop("cmap") if "extent" in kwargs: extent = kwargs.pop("extent") idx = ( (xcentergrid >= extent[0]) & (xcentergrid <= extent[1]) & (ycentergrid >= extent[2]) & (ycentergrid <= extent[3]) ) plotarray = plotarray[idx] xcentergrid = xcentergrid[idx] ycentergrid = ycentergrid[idx] # use standard contours for structured grid, otherwise tricontours if == "structured": ismasked = None if masked_values is not None: self._masked_values.extend(list(masked_values)) for mval in self._masked_values: if ismasked is None: ismasked = np.isclose(plotarray, mval) else: t = np.isclose(plotarray, mval) ismasked += t if ismasked is not None: plotarray[ismasked] = np.nan contour_set = ( ax.contourf(xcentergrid, ycentergrid, plotarray, **kwargs) if filled else ax.contour(xcentergrid, ycentergrid, plotarray, **kwargs) ) else: # work around for tri-contour ignore vmin & vmax # necessary block for tri-contour NaN issue if "levels" not in kwargs: vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", np.nanmin(plotarray)) vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", np.nanmax(plotarray)) levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 7) kwargs["levels"] = levels # workaround for tri-contour nan issue # use -2**31 to allow for 32 bit int arrays plotarray[np.isnan(plotarray)] = -(2**31) if masked_values is None: masked_values = [-(2**31)] else: masked_values = list(masked_values) if -(2**31) not in masked_values: masked_values.append(-(2**31)) ismasked = None if masked_values is not None: self._masked_values.extend(list(masked_values)) for mval in self._masked_values: if ismasked is None: ismasked = np.isclose(plotarray, mval) else: t = np.isclose(plotarray, mval) ismasked += t plotarray = plotarray.flatten() xcentergrid = xcentergrid.flatten() ycentergrid = ycentergrid.flatten() triang = tri.Triangulation(xcentergrid, ycentergrid) analyze = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang) mask = analyze.get_flat_tri_mask(rescale=False) # mask out holes, optional??? if tri_mask: triangles = triang.triangles for i in range(2): for ix, nodes in enumerate(triangles): neighbors =[i], as_nodes=True) isin = np.isin(nodes[i + 1 :], neighbors) if not np.all(isin): mask[ix] = True if ismasked is not None: ismasked = ismasked.flatten() mask2 = np.any( np.where(ismasked[triang.triangles], True, False), axis=1 ) mask[mask2] = True triang.set_mask(mask) contour_set = ( ax.tricontourf(triang, plotarray.flatten(), **kwargs) if filled else ax.tricontour(triang, plotarray.flatten(), **kwargs) ) if plot_triplot: ax.triplot(triang, color="black", marker="o", lw=0.75) ax = self._set_axes_limits(ax) return contour_set
[docs] def plot_inactive(self, ibound=None, color_noflow="black", **kwargs): """ Make a plot of inactive cells. If not specified, then pull ibound from the Parameters ---------- ibound : numpy.ndarray ibound array to plot. (Default is ibound in 'BAS6' package.) color_noflow : string (Default is 'black') Returns ------- quadmesh : matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh """ if ibound is None: if is None: raise AssertionError("Ibound/Idomain array must be provided") ibound = plotarray = np.zeros(ibound.shape, dtype=int) idx1 = ibound == 0 plotarray[idx1] = 1 plotarray =, 0) cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(["0", color_noflow]) bounds = [0, 1, 2] norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) quadmesh = self.plot_array(plotarray, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwargs) return quadmesh
[docs] def plot_ibound( self, ibound=None, color_noflow="black", color_ch="blue", color_vpt="red", **kwargs, ): """ Make a plot of ibound. If not specified, then pull ibound from the Parameters ---------- ibound : numpy.ndarray ibound array to plot. (Default is ibound in the modelgrid) color_noflow : string (Default is 'black') color_ch : string Color for constant heads (Default is 'blue'.) color_vpt: string Color for vertical pass through cells (Default is 'red') Returns ------- quadmesh : matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh """ if ibound is None: if self.model is not None: if self.model.version == "mf6": color_ch = color_vpt if is None: raise AssertionError("Ibound/Idomain array must be provided") ibound = plotarray = np.zeros(ibound.shape, dtype=int) idx1 = ibound == 0 idx2 = ibound < 0 plotarray[idx1] = 1 plotarray[idx2] = 2 plotarray =, 0) cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(["0", color_noflow, color_ch]) bounds = [0, 1, 2, 3] norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) quadmesh = self.plot_array(plotarray, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwargs) return quadmesh
[docs] def plot_grid(self, **kwargs): """ Plot the grid lines. Parameters ---------- kwargs : ax, colors. The remaining kwargs are passed into the the LineCollection constructor. Returns ------- lc : matplotlib.collections.LineCollection """ ax = kwargs.pop("ax", colors = kwargs.pop("colors", "grey") colors = kwargs.pop("color", colors) colors = kwargs.pop("ec", colors) colors = kwargs.pop("edgecolor", colors) grid_lines = if isinstance(grid_lines, dict): grid_lines = grid_lines[self.layer] collection = LineCollection(grid_lines, colors=colors, **kwargs) ax.add_collection(collection) ax = self._set_axes_limits(ax) return collection
[docs] def plot_bc( self, name=None, package=None, kper=0, color=None, plotAll=False, **kwargs, ): """ Plot boundary conditions locations for a specific boundary type from a flopy model Parameters ---------- name : string Package name string ('WEL', 'GHB', etc.). (Default is None) package : flopy.modflow.Modflow package class instance flopy package class instance. (Default is None) kper : int Stress period to plot color : string matplotlib color string. (Default is None) plotAll : bool Boolean used to specify that boundary condition locations for all layers will be plotted on the current ModelMap layer. (Default is False) **kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection Returns ------- quadmesh : matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh """ if "ftype" in kwargs and name is None: name = kwargs.pop("ftype") # Find package to plot if package is not None: p = package name =[0] elif self.model is not None: if name is None: raise Exception("ftype not specified") name = name.upper() p = self.model.get_package(name) else: raise Exception("Cannot find package to plot") # trap for mf6 'cellid' vs mf2005 'k', 'i', 'j' convention if isinstance(p, list) or p.parent.version == "mf6": if not isinstance(p, list): p = [p] idx = np.array([]) for pp in p: if pp.package_type in ("lak", "sfr", "maw", "uzf"): t = plotutil.advanced_package_bc_helper(pp,, kper) else: try: mflist = pp.stress_period_data.array[kper] except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"Not a list-style boundary package: {e!s}" ) if mflist is None: return t = np.array( [list(i) for i in mflist["cellid"]], dtype=int ).T if len(idx) == 0: idx = np.copy(t) else: idx = np.append(idx, t, axis=1) else: # modflow-2005 structured and unstructured grid if p.package_type in ("uzf", "lak"): idx = plotutil.advanced_package_bc_helper(p,, kper) else: try: mflist = p.stress_period_data[kper] except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"Not a list-style boundary package: {e!s}" ) if mflist is None: return if len( == 3: idx = [mflist["k"], mflist["i"], mflist["j"]] else: idx = mflist["node"] nlay = plotarray = np.zeros(, dtype=int) if plotAll and len( > 1: pa = np.zeros([1:], dtype=int) pa[tuple(idx[1:])] = 1 for k in range(nlay): plotarray[k] = pa.copy() elif len( > 1: plotarray[tuple(idx)] = 1 else: plotarray[idx] = 1 # mask the plot array plotarray =, 0) # set the colormap if color is None: # modflow 6 ftype fix, since multiple packages append _0, _1, etc: key = name[:3].upper() if key in plotutil.bc_color_dict: c = plotutil.bc_color_dict[key] else: c = plotutil.bc_color_dict["default"] else: c = color cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(["0", c]) bounds = [0, 1, 2] norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) # create normalized quadmesh or patch object depending on grid type quadmesh = self.plot_array(plotarray, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwargs) return quadmesh
[docs] def plot_shapefile(self, shp, **kwargs): """ Plot a shapefile. The shapefile must be in the same coordinates as the rotated and offset grid. Parameters ---------- shp : str, os.PathLike or pyshp shapefile object Path of the shapefile to plot kwargs : dictionary Keyword arguments passed to plotutil.plot_shapefile() """ return self.plot_shapes(shp, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_shapes(self, obj, **kwargs): """ Plot shapes is a method that facilitates plotting a collection of geospatial objects Parameters ---------- obj : collection object obj can accept the following types str : shapefile path PathLike : shapefile path shapefile.Reader object list of [shapefile.Shape, shapefile.Shape,] shapefile.Shapes object flopy.utils.geometry.Collection object list of [flopy.utils.geometry, ...] objects geojson.GeometryCollection object geojson.FeatureCollection object shapely.GeometryCollection object list of [[vertices], ...] kwargs : dictionary keyword arguments passed to plotutil.plot_shapefile() Returns ------- matplotlib.Collection object """ ax = kwargs.pop("ax", patch_collection = plotutil.plot_shapefile(obj, ax, **kwargs) ax = self._set_axes_limits(ax) return patch_collection
[docs] def plot_vector( self, vx, vy, istep=1, jstep=1, normalize=False, masked_values=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot a vector. Parameters ---------- vx : np.ndarray x component of the vector to be plotted (non-rotated) array shape must be (nlay, nrow, ncol) for a structured grid array shape must be (nlay, ncpl) for a unstructured grid vy : np.ndarray y component of the vector to be plotted (non-rotated) array shape must be (nlay, nrow, ncol) for a structured grid array shape must be (nlay, ncpl) for a unstructured grid istep : int row frequency to plot (default is 1) jstep : int column frequency to plot (default is 1) normalize : bool boolean flag used to determine if vectors should be normalized using the vector magnitude in each cell (default is False) masked_values : iterable of floats values to mask kwargs : matplotlib.pyplot keyword arguments for the plt.quiver method Returns ------- quiver : matplotlib.pyplot.quiver result of the quiver function """ pivot = kwargs.pop("pivot", "middle") ax = kwargs.pop("ax", # get ibound array to mask inactive cells ib = np.ones((,), dtype=int) if is not None: ib = xcentergrid = ycentergrid = vx =, self.layer) vy =, self.layer) ib =, self.layer) try: x = xcentergrid[::istep, ::jstep] y = ycentergrid[::istep, ::jstep] u = vx[::istep, ::jstep] v = vy[::istep, ::jstep] ib = ib[::istep, ::jstep] except IndexError: x = xcentergrid[::jstep] y = ycentergrid[::jstep] u = vx[::jstep] v = vy[::jstep] ib = ib[::jstep] # if necessary, copy to avoid changing the passed values if masked_values is not None or normalize: u = np.copy(u) v = np.copy(v) # mask values if masked_values is not None: for mval in masked_values: to_mask = np.logical_or(u == mval, v == mval) u[to_mask] = np.nan v[to_mask] = np.nan # normalize if normalize: vmag = np.sqrt(u**2.0 + v**2.0) idx = vmag > 0.0 u[idx] /= vmag[idx] v[idx] /= vmag[idx] u[ib == 0] = np.nan v[ib == 0] = np.nan # rotate and plot, offsets must be zero since # these are vectors not locations urot, vrot = geometry.rotate(u, v, 0.0, 0.0, quiver = ax.quiver(x, y, urot, vrot, pivot=pivot, **kwargs) ax = self._set_axes_limits(ax) return quiver
[docs] def plot_pathline(self, pl, travel_time=None, **kwargs): """ Plot particle pathlines. Compatible with MODFLOW 6 PRT particle track data format, or MODPATH 6 or 7 pathline data format. Parameters ---------- pl : list of recarrays or dataframes, or a single recarray or dataframe Particle pathline data. If a list of recarrays or dataframes, each must contain the path of only a single particle. If just one recarray or dataframe, it should contain the paths of all particles. The flopy.utils.modpathfile.PathlineFile.get_data() or get_alldata() return value may be passed directly as this argument. For MODPATH 6 or 7 pathlines, columns must include 'x', 'y', 'z', 'time', 'k', and 'particleid'. Additional columns are ignored. For MODFLOW 6 PRT pathlines, columns must include 'x', 'y', 'z', 't', 'trelease', 'imdl', 'iprp', 'irpt', and 'ilay'. Additional columns are ignored. Note that MODFLOW 6 PRT does not assign to particles a unique ID, but infers particle identity from 'imdl', 'iprp', 'irpt', and 'trelease' combos (i.e. via composite key). travel_time : float or str Travel time selection. If a float, then pathlines with total time less than or equal to the given value are plotted. If a string, the value must be a comparison operator, then a time value. Valid operators are <=, <, ==, >=, and >. For example, to filter pathlines with less than 10000 units of total time traveled, use '< 10000'. (Default is None.) kwargs : dict Explicitly supported kwargs are layer, ax, colors. Any remaining kwargs are passed into the LineCollection constructor. If layer='all', pathlines are shown for all layers. Returns ------- lc : matplotlib.collections.LineCollection The pathlines added to the plot. """ from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection # make sure pl is a list if not isinstance(pl, list): if not isinstance(pl, (np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame)): raise TypeError( "Pathline data must be a list of recarrays or dataframes, " f"or a single recarray or dataframe, got {type(pl)}" ) pl = [pl] # convert prt to mp7 format pl = [ to_mp7_pathlines( p.to_records(index=False) if isinstance(p, pd.DataFrame) else p ) for p in pl ] # merge pathlines then split on particleid pls = stack_arrays(pl, asrecarray=True, usemask=False) pids = np.unique(pls["particleid"]) pl = [pls[pls["particleid"] == pid] for pid in pids] # configure layer if "layer" in kwargs: kon = kwargs.pop("layer") if isinstance(kon, bytes): kon = kon.decode() if isinstance(kon, str): if kon.lower() == "all": kon = -1 else: kon = self.layer else: kon = self.layer # configure plot settings marker = kwargs.pop("marker", None) markersize = kwargs.pop("markersize", None) markersize = kwargs.pop("ms", markersize) markercolor = kwargs.pop("markercolor", None) markerevery = kwargs.pop("markerevery", 1) ax = kwargs.pop("ax", if "colors" not in kwargs: kwargs["colors"] = "0.5" # compose pathlines linecol = [] markers = [] for p in pl: # filter by travel time tp = plotutil.filter_modpath_by_travel_time(p, travel_time) # transform data! x0r, y0r = geometry.transform( tp["x"], tp["y"],,,, ) # build polyline array arr = np.vstack((x0r, y0r)).T # select based on layer if kon >= 0: kk = p["k"].copy().reshape(p.shape[0], 1) kk = np.repeat(kk, 2, axis=1) arr = != kon), arr) else: arr = # append pathline if there are any unmasked segments if not arr.mask.all(): linecol.append(arr) if not arr.mask.all(): linecol.append(arr) if marker is not None: for xy in arr[::markerevery]: if not np.all(xy.mask): markers.append(xy) # create line collection lc = None if len(linecol) > 0: lc = LineCollection(linecol, **kwargs) ax.add_collection(lc) if marker is not None: markers = np.array(markers) ax.plot( markers[:, 0], markers[:, 1], lw=0, marker=marker, color=markercolor, ms=markersize, ) # set axis limits ax = self._set_axes_limits(ax) return lc
[docs] def plot_timeseries(self, ts, travel_time=None, **kwargs): """ Plot MODPATH 6 or 7 timeseries. Incompatible with MODFLOW 6 PRT. Parameters ---------- ts : list of recarrays or dataframes, or a single recarray or dataframe Particle timeseries data. If a list of recarrays or dataframes, each must contain the path of only a single particle. If just one recarray or dataframe, it should contain the paths of all particles. Timeseries data returned from TimeseriesFile.get_data() or get_alldata() can be passed directly as this argument. Data columns should be 'x', 'y', 'z', 'time', 'k', and 'particleid' at minimum. Additional columns are ignored. The 'particleid' column must be unique to each particle path. travel_time : float or str Travel time selection. If a float, then pathlines with total time less than or equal to the given value are plotted. If a string, the value must be a comparison operator, then a time value. Valid operators are <=, <, ==, >=, and >. For example, to filter pathlines with less than 10000 units of total time traveled, use '< 10000'. (Default is None.) kwargs : dict Explicitly supported kwargs are layer, ax, colors. Any remaining kwargs are passed into the LineCollection constructor. If layer='all', pathlines are shown for all layers. Returns ------- lc : matplotlib.collections.LineCollection The pathlines added to the plot. """ if "color" in kwargs: kwargs["markercolor"] = kwargs["color"] return self.plot_pathline(ts, travel_time=travel_time, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_endpoint( self, ep, direction="ending", selection=None, selection_direction=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot particle endpoints. Compatible with MODFLOW 6 PRT particle track data format, or MODPATH 6 or 7 endpoint data format. Parameters ---------- ep : recarray or dataframe A numpy recarray with the endpoint particle data from the MODPATH endpoint file. For MODFLOW 6 PRT pathlines, columns must include 'x', 'y', 'z', 't', 'trelease', 'imdl', 'iprp', 'irpt', and 'ilay'. Additional columns are ignored. Note that MODFLOW 6 PRT does not assign to particles a unique ID, but infers particle identity from 'imdl', 'iprp', 'irpt', and 'trelease' combos (i.e. via composite key). direction : str String defining if starting or ending particle locations should be considered. (default is 'ending') selection : tuple tuple that defines the zero-base layer, row, column location (l, r, c) to use to make a selection of particle endpoints. The selection could be a well location to determine capture zone for the well. If selection is None, all particle endpoints for the user-sepcified direction will be plotted. (default is None) selection_direction : str String defining is a selection should be made on starting or ending particle locations. If selection is not None and selection_direction is None, the selection direction will be set to the opposite of direction. (default is None) kwargs : ax, c, s or size, colorbar, colorbar_label, shrink. The remaining kwargs are passed into the matplotlib scatter method. If colorbar is True a colorbar will be added to the plot. If colorbar_label is passed in and colorbar is True then colorbar_label will be passed to the colorbar set_label() method. If shrink is passed in and colorbar is True then the colorbar size will be set using shrink. Returns ------- sp : matplotlib.collections.PathCollection The PathCollection added to the plot. """ # convert ep to recarray if needed if isinstance(ep, pd.DataFrame): ep = ep.to_records(index=False) # convert ep from prt to mp7 format if needed if "t" in ep.dtype.names: from .plotutil import to_mp7_endpoints ep = to_mp7_endpoints(ep) # parse selection options ax = kwargs.pop("ax", tep, _, xp, yp = plotutil.parse_modpath_selection_options( ep, direction, selection, selection_direction ) # marker size s = kwargs.pop("s", np.sqrt(50)) s = float(kwargs.pop("size", s)) ** 2.0 # colorbar kwargs createcb = kwargs.pop("colorbar", False) colorbar_label = kwargs.pop("colorbar_label", "Endpoint Time") shrink = float(kwargs.pop("shrink", 1.0)) # transform data! x0r, y0r = geometry.transform( tep[xp], tep[yp],,,, ) # build array to plot arr = np.vstack((x0r, y0r)).T # plot the end point data if "c" in kwargs or "color" in kwargs: if "c" in kwargs and "color" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("color") sp = ax.scatter(arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1], s=s, **kwargs) else: c = tep["time"] - tep["time0"] sp = ax.scatter(arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1], c=c, s=s, **kwargs) # add a colorbar for travel times if createcb: cb = plt.colorbar(sp, ax=ax, shrink=shrink) cb.set_label(colorbar_label) ax = self._set_axes_limits(ax) return sp