Source code for flopy.plot.styles

import os
import platform

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class styles: """Styles class for custom matplotlib styling The class contains both custom styles and plotting methods for custom formatting using a specific matplotlib style Additional styles can be easily added to the mplstyle folder and accessed using the method. """ _ws = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) _map_style = os.path.join(_ws, "mplstyle", "usgsmap.mplstyle") _plot_style = os.path.join(_ws, "mplstyle", "usgsplot.mplstyle")
[docs] @classmethod def USGSMap(cls): return
[docs] @classmethod def USGSPlot(cls): return
[docs] @classmethod def set_font_type(cls, family, fontname): """ Method to set the matplotlib font type for the current style Note: this method only works when adding text using the styles methods. Parameters ---------- family : str matplotlib.rcparams font : str matplotlib.rcparams font.fontname Returns ------- None """ mpl.rcParams[""] = family mpl.rcParams[f"font.{family}"] = fontname return mpl.rcParams
[docs] @classmethod def heading( self, ax=None, letter=None, heading=None, x=0.00, y=1.01, idx=None, fontsize=9, ): """Add a USGS-style heading to a matplotlib axis object Parameters ---------- ax : axis object matplotlib axis object (default is None) letter : str string that defines the subplot (A, B, C, etc.) heading : str text string x : float location of the heading in the x-direction in normalized plot dimensions ranging from 0 to 1 (default is 0.00) y : float location of the heading in the y-direction in normalized plot dimensions ranging from 0 to 1 (default is 1.01) idx : int index for programmatically generating the heading letter when letter is None and idx is not None. idx = 0 will generate A (default is None) Returns ------- text : object matplotlib text object """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if letter is None and idx is not None: letter = chr(ord("A") + idx) font = styles.__set_fontspec( bold=True, italic=False, fontsize=fontsize ) if letter is not None: if heading is None: text = letter.replace(".", "") else: letter = letter.rstrip() if not letter.endswith("."): letter += "." text = f"{letter} {heading}" else: text = heading if text is None: return text = ax.text( x, y, text, va="bottom", ha="left", fontdict=font, transform=ax.transAxes, ) return text
[docs] @classmethod def xlabel(cls, ax=None, label="", bold=False, italic=False, **kwargs): """Method to set the xlabel using the styled fontdict Parameters ---------- ax : axis object matplotlib axis object (default is None) label : str axis label for the chart bold : bool flag to switch to boldface test italic : bool flag to use italic text kwargs : dict keyword arguments for the matplotlib set_xlabel method Returns ------- None """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() fontsize = kwargs.pop("fontsize", 9) fontspec = styles.__set_fontspec( bold=bold, italic=italic, fontsize=fontsize ) ax.set_xlabel(label, fontdict=fontspec, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def ylabel(cls, ax=None, label="", bold=False, italic=False, **kwargs): """Method to set the ylabel using the styled fontdict Parameters ---------- ax : axis object matplotlib axis object (default is None) label : str axis label for the chart bold : bool flag to switch to boldface test italic : bool flag to use italic text kwargs : dict keyword arguments for the matplotlib set_xlabel method Returns ------- None """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() fontsize = kwargs.pop("fontsize", 9) fontspec = styles.__set_fontspec( bold=bold, italic=italic, fontsize=fontsize ) ax.set_ylabel(label, fontdict=fontspec, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def graph_legend(cls, ax=None, handles=None, labels=None, **kwargs): """Add a USGS-style legend to a matplotlib axis object Parameters ---------- ax : axis object matplotlib axis object (default is None) handles : list list of legend handles labels : list list of labels for legend handles kwargs : kwargs matplotlib legend kwargs Returns ------- leg : object matplotlib legend object """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() fontsize = kwargs.pop("fontsize", 9) fontspec = styles.__set_fontspec( bold=True, italic=False, family=True, fontsize=fontsize ) if handles is None or labels is None: handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() leg = ax.legend(handles, labels, prop=fontspec, **kwargs) title = kwargs.pop("title", None) fontsize = kwargs.pop("title_fontsize", None) leg = styles.graph_legend_title(leg, title=title) return leg
[docs] @classmethod def graph_legend_title(cls, leg, title=None, fontsize=9): """Set the legend title for a matplotlib legend object Parameters ---------- leg : legend object matplotlib legend object title : str title for legend fontsize : int fontsize for legend Returns ------- leg : object matplotlib legend object """ if title is None: title = "EXPLANATION" elif title.lower() == "none": title = None fontspec = styles.__set_fontspec( bold=True, italic=False, family=True, fontsize=fontsize ) leg.set_title(title, prop=fontspec) return leg
[docs] @classmethod def add_text( cls, ax=None, text="", x=0.0, y=0.0, transform=True, bold=True, italic=True, fontsize=9, ha="left", va="bottom", **kwargs, ): """Add USGS-style text to a axis object Parameters ---------- ax : axis object matplotlib axis object (default is None) text : str text string x : float x-location of text string (default is 0.) y : float y-location of text string (default is 0.) transform : bool boolean that determines if a transformed (True) or data (False) coordinate system is used to define the (x, y) location of the text string (default is True) bold : bool boolean indicating if bold font (default is True) italic : bool boolean indicating if italic font (default is True) fontsize : int font size (default is 9 points) ha : str matplotlib horizontal alignment keyword (default is left) va : str matplotlib vertical alignment keyword (default is bottom) kwargs : dict dictionary with valid matplotlib text object keywords Returns ------- text_obj : object matplotlib text object """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if transform: transform = ax.transAxes else: transform = ax.transData font = styles.__set_fontspec( bold=bold, italic=italic, fontsize=fontsize ) text_obj = ax.text( x, y, text, va=va, ha=ha, fontdict=font, transform=transform, **kwargs, ) return text_obj
[docs] @classmethod def add_annotation( cls, ax=None, text="", xy=None, xytext=None, bold=True, italic=True, fontsize=9, ha="left", va="bottom", **kwargs, ): """Add an annotation to a axis object Parameters ---------- ax : axis object matplotlib axis object (default is None) text : str text string xy : tuple tuple with the location of the annotation (default is None) xytext : tuple tuple with the location of the text bold : bool boolean indicating if bold font (default is True) italic : bool boolean indicating if italic font (default is True) fontsize : int font size (default is 9 points) ha : str matplotlib horizontal alignment keyword (default is left) va : str matplotlib vertical alignment keyword (default is bottom) kwargs : dict dictionary with valid matplotlib annotation object keywords Returns ------- ann_obj : object matplotlib annotation object """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if xy is None: xy = (0.0, 0.0) if xytext is None: xytext = (0.0, 0.0) fontspec = styles.__set_fontspec( bold=bold, italic=italic, fontsize=fontsize ) # add font information to kwargs if kwargs is None: kwargs = fontspec else: for key, value in fontspec.items(): kwargs[key] = value # create annotation ann_obj = ax.annotate(text, xy, xytext, va=va, ha=ha, **kwargs) return ann_obj
[docs] @classmethod def remove_edge_ticks(cls, ax=None): """Remove unnecessary ticks on the edges of the plot Parameters ---------- ax : axis object matplotlib axis object (default is None) Returns ------- ax : axis object matplotlib axis object """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", length=0)
@classmethod def __set_fontspec(cls, bold=True, italic=True, fontsize=9, family=False): """Create fontspec dictionary for matplotlib pyplot objects Parameters ---------- bold : bool boolean indicating if font is bold (default is True) italic : bool boolean indicating if font is italic (default is True) fontsize : int font size (default is 9 point) Returns ------- dict """ family = mpl.rcParams[""][0] font = mpl.rcParams[f"font.{family}"][0] if bold: weight = "bold" else: weight = "normal" if italic: style = "italic" else: style = "normal" # define fontspec dictionary fontspec = { "fontname": font, "size": fontsize, "weight": weight, "style": style, } if family: fontspec.pop("fontname") fontspec["family"] = family return fontspec
if plt is None: styles = None