Source code for flopy.utils.formattedfile

Module to read MODFLOW formatted output files.  The module contains one
important classes that can be accessed by the user.

*  FormattedHeadFile (Formatted head file.  Can also be used for drawdown)


import numpy as np

from ..utils.datafile import Header, LayerFile

[docs]def is_int(s): try: int(s) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]def is_float(s): try: float(s) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]class FormattedHeader(Header): """ The TextHeader class is a class to read in headers from MODFLOW formatted files. Parameters ---------- text_ident is the text string in the header that identifies the type of data (eg. 'head') precision is the precision of the floating point data in the file """ def __init__(self, text_ident, precision="single"): Header.__init__(self, text_ident, precision) self.format_string = "" self.text_ident = text_ident
[docs] def read_header(self, text_file): """ Read header information from a formatted file Parameters ---------- text_file is an open file object currently at the beginning of the header Returns ---------- out : numpy array of header information also stores the header's format string as self.format_string """ header_text = text_file.readline().decode("ascii") arrheader = header_text.split() # Verify header exists and is in the expected format if ( len(arrheader) >= 5 and arrheader[4].upper() != self.text_ident.upper() ): raise Exception( "Expected header not found. Make sure the file being " "processed includes headers (LABEL output control option): " + header_text ) if ( len(arrheader) != 9 or not is_int(arrheader[0]) or not is_int(arrheader[1]) or not is_float(arrheader[2]) or not is_float(arrheader[3]) or not is_int(arrheader[5]) or not is_int(arrheader[6]) or not is_int(arrheader[7]) ): raise Exception( f"Unexpected format for FHDTextHeader: {header_text}" ) headerinfo = np.empty([8], dtype=self.dtype) headerinfo["kstp"] = int(arrheader[0]) headerinfo["kper"] = int(arrheader[1]) headerinfo["pertim"] = float(arrheader[2]) headerinfo["totim"] = float(arrheader[3]) headerinfo["text"] = arrheader[4] headerinfo["ncol"] = int(arrheader[5]) headerinfo["nrow"] = int(arrheader[6]) headerinfo["ilay"] = int(arrheader[7]) self.format_string = arrheader[8] return headerinfo
[docs]class FormattedLayerFile(LayerFile): """ The FormattedLayerFile class is the super class from which specific derived classes are formed. This class should not be instantiated directly """ def __init__(self, filename, precision, verbose, kwargs): super().__init__(filename, precision, verbose, kwargs) def _build_index(self): """ Build the recordarray and iposarray, which maps the header information to the position in the formatted file. """ self.kstpkper # 1-based array of time step/stress periods self.recordarray # array of data headers self.iposarray # array of seek positions for each record self.nlay # Number of model layers # Get total file size, 2) self.totalbytes = self.file.tell(), 0) # Process first header self.header = self._get_text_header() header_info = self.header.read_header(self.file)[0] self.nrow = header_info["nrow"] self.ncol = header_info["ncol"] if header_info["ilay"] > self.nlay: self.nlay = header_info["ilay"] ipos = self.file.tell() self._store_record(header_info, ipos) # Process enough data to calculate seek distance between headers self._col_data_size = self._get_data_size(header_info) self._data_size = self._col_data_size * self.nrow # While more data in file while ipos + self._data_size < self.totalbytes: # Seek and get next header + self._data_size) header_info = self.header.read_header(self.file)[0] ipos = self.file.tell() self._store_record(header_info, ipos) # self.recordarray contains a recordarray of all the headers. self.recordarray = np.array(self.recordarray, self.header.get_dtype()) self.iposarray = np.array(self.iposarray) self.nlay = np.max(self.recordarray["ilay"]) def _store_record(self, header, ipos): """ Store file header information in various formats for quick retrieval """ self.recordarray.append(header) self.iposarray.append(ipos) # store the position right after header2 totim = header["totim"] if totim > 0 and totim not in self.times: self.times.append(totim) kstpkper = (header["kstp"], header["kper"]) if kstpkper not in self.kstpkper: self.kstpkper.append(kstpkper) def _get_text_header(self): """ Return a text header object containing header formatting information """ raise Exception( "Abstract method _get_text_header called in FormattedLayerFile. " "This method needs to be overridden." ) def _read_data(self, shp): """ Read 2-D data from file """ nrow, ncol = shp current_row = 0 current_col = 0 result = np.empty((nrow, ncol), self.realtype) # Loop until all data retrieved or eof while ( current_row < nrow or current_col < ncol ) and self.file.tell() != self.totalbytes: line = self.file.readline() # Read data into 2-D array arrline = line.split() for val in arrline: if not is_float(val): raise Exception( "Invalid data encountered while reading data file." " Unable to convert data to float." ) result[current_row, current_col] = float(val) current_col += 1 if current_col >= ncol: current_row += 1 if current_row < nrow: current_col = 0 if current_row < nrow - 1 or current_col < ncol - 1: raise Exception("Unexpected end of file while reading data.") return result def _read_val(self, i): """ Read ith data value from file """ current_col = 0 result = None # Loop until data retrieved or eof while ( current_col < self.ncol - 1 or self.file.tell() == self.totalbytes ) and current_col <= i: line = self.file.readline() arrline = line.split() for val in arrline: if not is_float(val): raise Exception( "Invalid data encountered while reading data file." " Unable to convert data to float." ) result = float(val) current_col = current_col + 1 if current_col > i: break if (current_col < self.ncol - 1) and (current_col < i): raise Exception("Unexpected end of file while reading data.") return result
[docs] def get_ts(self, idx): """ Get a time series from the formatted file. Parameters ---------- idx : tuple of ints, or a list of a tuple of ints idx can be (layer, row, column) or it can be a list in the form [(layer, row, column), (layer, row, column), ...]. The layer, row, and column values must be zero based. Returns ---------- out : numpy array Array has size (ntimes, ncells + 1). The first column in the data array will contain time (totim). See Also -------- Notes ----- The layer, row, and column values must be zero-based, and must be within the following ranges: 0 <= k < nlay; 0 <= i < nrow; 0 <= j < ncol Examples -------- """ kijlist = self._build_kijlist(idx) nstation = self._get_nstation(idx, kijlist) # Initialize result array and put times in first column result = self._init_result(nstation) istat = 1 for k, i, j in kijlist: ioffset_col = i * self._col_data_size for irec, header in enumerate(self.recordarray): # change ilay from header to zero-based ilay = header["ilay"] - 1 if ilay != k: continue ipos = self.iposarray[irec] # Calculate offset necessary to reach intended column + ioffset_col, 0) # Find the time index and then put value into result in the # correct location. itim = np.where(result[:, 0] == header["totim"])[0] result[itim, istat] = self._read_val(j) istat += 1 return result
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the file handle. """ self.file.close()
[docs]class FormattedHeadFile(FormattedLayerFile): """ FormattedHeadFile Class. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of the formatted head file text : string Name of the text string in the formatted head file. Default is 'head' precision : string 'single' or 'double'. Default is 'single'. verbose : bool Write information to the screen. Default is False. Attributes ---------- Methods ------- See Also -------- Notes ----- The FormattedHeadFile class provides simple ways to retrieve 2d and 3d head arrays from a MODFLOW formatted head file and time series arrays for one or more cells. The FormattedHeadFile class is built on a record array consisting of headers, which are record arrays of the modflow header information (kstp, kper, pertim, totim, text, nrow, ncol, ilay) and long integers, which are pointers to first bytes of data for the corresponding data array. FormattedHeadFile can only read formatted head files containing headers. Use the LABEL option in the output control file to generate head files with headers. Examples -------- >>> import flopy.utils.formattedfile as ff >>> hdobj = ff.FormattedHeadFile('model.fhd', precision='single') >>> hdobj.list_records() >>> rec = hdobj.get_data(kstpkper=(0, 49)) >>> rec2 = ddnobj.get_data(totim=100.) """ def __init__( self, filename, text="head", precision="single", verbose=False, **kwargs, ): self.text = text super().__init__(filename, precision, verbose, kwargs) def _get_text_header(self): """ Return a text header object containing header formatting information """ return FormattedHeader(self.text, self.precision) def _get_data_size(self, header): """ Calculate the size of the data set in terms of a seek distance """ start_pos = self.file.tell() data_count = 0 # Loop through data until at end of column while data_count < header["ncol"]: column_data = self.file.readline() arr_column_data = column_data.split() data_count += len(arr_column_data) if data_count != header["ncol"]: raise Exception( "Unexpected data formatting in head file. Expected {:d} " "columns, but found {:d}.".format(header["ncol"], data_count) ) # Calculate seek distance based on data size stop_pos = self.file.tell() data_seek_distance = stop_pos - start_pos # Return to last file position return data_seek_distance