Source code for flopy.utils.mfreadnam

mfreadnam module.  Contains the NamData class. Note that the user can access
the NamData class as `flopy.modflow.NamData`.

Additional information about the MODFLOW name file can be found at the `Online


import os
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath, PureWindowsPath
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

[docs]class NamData: """ MODFLOW Namefile Class. Parameters ---------- pkgtype : string String identifying the type of MODFLOW package. See the mfnam_packages dictionary keys in the model object for a list of supported packages. This dictionary is also passed in as packages. name : string Filename of the package file identified in the name file handle : file handle File handle referring to the file identified by `name` packages : dictionary Dictionary of package objects as defined in the `mfnam_packages` attribute of :class:``. Attributes ---------- filehandle : file handle File handle to the package file. Read from `handle`. filename : string Filename of the package file identified in the name file. Read from `name`. filetype : string String identifying the type of MODFLOW package. Read from `pkgtype`. package : string Package type. Only assigned if `pkgtype` is found in the keys of `packages` Methods ------- See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- """ def __init__(self, pkgtype, name, handle, packages): self.filehandle = handle self.filename = name self.filetype = pkgtype self.package = None if self.filetype.lower() in packages: self.package = packages[self.filetype.lower()] def __repr__(self): return f"filename:{self.filename}, filetype:{self.filetype}"
[docs]def getfiletypeunit(nf, filetype): """ Method to return unit number of a package from a NamData instance Parameters ---------- nf : NamData instance filetype : string, name of package seeking information for Returns ------- cunit : int, unit number corresponding to the package type """ for cunit, cvals in nf.items(): if cvals.filetype.lower() == filetype.lower(): return cunit print(f'Name file does not contain file of type "{filetype}"') return None
[docs]def parsenamefile(namfilename, packages, verbose=True): """ Returns dict from the nam file with NamData keyed by unit number Parameters ---------- namefilename : str or Path Name of the MODFLOW namefile to parse. packages : dict Dictionary of package objects as defined in the `mfnam_packages` attribute of :class:``. verbose : bool Print messages to screen. Default is True. Returns ------- dict For each file listed in the name file, a :class:`flopy.utils.mfreadnam.NamData` instance is stored in the returned dict keyed by unit number. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If namfilename does not exist in the directory. ValueError For lines that cannot be parsed. """ # initiate the ext_unit_dict dictionary ext_unit_dict = {} if verbose: print(f"Parsing the namefile --> {namfilename}") namfilename = Path(namfilename) if not namfilename.is_file(): # help diagnose the namfile and directory raise FileNotFoundError( f"Could not find {namfilename} in directory {namfilename.parent}" ) lines = namfilename.read_text().rstrip().split("\n") for ln, line in enumerate(lines, 1): line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith("#"): # skip blank lines or comments continue items = line.split() # ensure we have at least three items if len(items) < 3: e = f"line number {ln} has fewer than 3 items: {line}" raise ValueError(e) ftype, key, fpath = items[0:3] ftype = ftype.upper() # remove quotes in file path if '"' in fpath: fpath = fpath.replace('"', "") if "'" in fpath: fpath = fpath.replace("'", "") # need make filenames with paths system agnostic if "\\" in fpath: fpath = PureWindowsPath(fpath) elif "/" in fpath: fpath = PurePosixPath(fpath) fpath = Path(fpath) fname = namfilename.parent / fpath if not fname.is_file(): if fname.parent.is_dir(): # change to lower and make comparison (required for linux) lname = for pth in fname.parent.iterdir(): if pth.is_file() and == lname: if verbose: print(f"correcting {} to {}") fname = pth break # open the file try: if ftype == "DATA(BINARY)": filehandle ="rb") else: filehandle ="r", errors="replace") except OSError: if verbose: print(f"could not set filehandle to {fpath}") filehandle = None # be sure the second value is an integer try: key = int(key) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "line number {}: the unit number (second item) " "is not an integer: {}".format(ln, line) ) # Trap for the case where unit numbers are specified as zero # In this case, the package must have a variable called # unit number attached to it. If not, then the key is set # to fname if key == 0: ftype_lower = ftype.lower() if ftype_lower in packages: key = packages[ftype_lower]._reservedunit() else: key = ftype ext_unit_dict[key] = NamData(ftype, str(fname), filehandle, packages) return ext_unit_dict
[docs]def attribs_from_namfile_header(namefile): """Return spatial and temporal reference info from the nam header. Parameters ---------- namefile : str, PathLike or None Path to NAM file to read. Returns ------- dict """ defaults = { "xll": None, "yll": None, "xul": None, "yul": None, "rotation": 0.0, "crs": None, } if namefile is None: return defaults header = [] with open(namefile) as f: for line in f: if not line.startswith("#"): break header.extend(line.strip().replace("#", "").split(";")) for item in header: if "xll" in item.lower(): try: xll = float(item.split(":")[1]) defaults["xll"] = xll except: print(f" could not parse xll in {namefile}") elif "yll" in item.lower(): try: yll = float(item.split(":")[1]) defaults["yll"] = yll except: print(f" could not parse yll in {namefile}") elif "xul" in item.lower(): try: xul = float(item.split(":")[1]) defaults["xul"] = xul except: print(f" could not parse xul in {namefile}") elif "yul" in item.lower(): try: yul = float(item.split(":")[1]) defaults["yul"] = yul except: print(f" could not parse yul in {namefile}") elif "rotation" in item.lower(): try: angrot = float(item.split(":")[1]) defaults["rotation"] = angrot except: print(f" could not parse rotation in {namefile}") elif "proj4_str" in item.lower(): try: proj4 = ":".join(item.split(":")[1:]).strip() if proj4.lower() == "none": proj4 = None defaults["proj4_str"] = proj4 except: print(f" could not parse proj4_str in {namefile}") elif "crs" in item.lower(): try: crs = ":".join(item.split(":")[1:]).strip() if crs.lower() == "none": crs = None defaults["crs"] = crs except: print(f" could not parse crs in {namefile}") elif "start" in item.lower(): try: start_datetime = item.split(":")[1].strip() defaults["start_datetime"] = start_datetime except: print(f" could not parse start in {namefile}") if "proj4_str" in defaults and defaults["crs"] is None: # handle deprecated keyword, use "crs" instead defaults["crs"] = defaults.pop("proj4_str") return defaults
[docs]def get_entries_from_namefile( path: Union[str, PathLike], ftype: str = None, unit: int = None, extension: str = None, ) -> List[Tuple]: """Get entries from an MF6 namefile. Can select using FTYPE, UNIT, or file extension. This function only supports MF6 namefiles. Parameters ---------- path : str or PathLike path to a MODFLOW-based model name file ftype : str package type unit : int file unit number extension : str file extension Returns ------- entries : list of tuples list of tuples containing FTYPE, UNIT, FNAME, STATUS for each namefile entry that meets a user-specified value. """ entries = [] with open(path) as f: for line in f: if line.strip() == "": continue if line[0] == "#": continue ll = line.strip().split() if len(ll) < 3: continue status = "UNKNOWN" if len(ll) > 3: status = ll[3].upper() if ftype is not None: if ftype.upper() in ll[0].upper(): filename = os.path.join(os.path.split(path)[0], ll[2]) entries.append((filename, ll[0], ll[1], status)) elif unit is not None: if int(unit) == int(ll[1]): filename = os.path.join(os.path.split(path)[0], ll[2]) entries.append((filename, ll[0], ll[1], status)) elif extension is not None: filename = os.path.join(os.path.split(path)[0], ll[2]) ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if len(ext) > 0: if ext[0] == ".": ext = ext[1:] if extension.lower() == ext.lower(): entries.append((filename, ll[0], ll[1], status)) return entries
[docs]def get_input_files(namefile): """Return a list of all the input files in this model. Parameters ---------- namefile : str path to a MODFLOW-based model name file Returns ------- filelist : list list of MODFLOW-based model input files """ ignore_ext = ( ".hds", ".hed", ".bud", ".cbb", ".cbc", ".ddn", ".ucn", ".glo", ".lst", ".list", ".gwv", ".mv", ".out", ) srcdir = os.path.dirname(namefile) filelist = [] fname = os.path.join(srcdir, namefile) with open(fname) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: ll = line.strip().split() if len(ll) < 2: continue if line.strip()[0] in ["#", "!"]: continue ext = os.path.splitext(ll[2])[1] if ext.lower() not in ignore_ext: if len(ll) > 3: if "replace" in ll[3].lower(): continue filelist.append(ll[2]) # Now go through every file and look for other files to copy, # such as 'OPEN/CLOSE'. If found, then add that file to the # list of files to copy. otherfiles = [] for fname in filelist: fname = os.path.join(srcdir, fname) try: f = open(fname, "r") for line in f: # Skip invalid lines ll = line.strip().split() if len(ll) < 2: continue if line.strip()[0] in ["#", "!"]: continue if "OPEN/CLOSE" in line.upper(): for i, s in enumerate(ll): if "OPEN/CLOSE" in s.upper(): stmp = ll[i + 1] stmp = stmp.replace('"', "") stmp = stmp.replace("'", "") otherfiles.append(stmp) break except: print(fname + " does not exist") filelist = filelist + otherfiles return filelist
[docs]def get_sim_name(namefiles, rootpth=None): """Get simulation name. Parameters ---------- namefiles : str or list of strings path(s) to MODFLOW-based model name files rootpth : str optional root directory path (default is None) Returns ------- simname : list list of namefiles without the file extension """ if isinstance(namefiles, str): namefiles = [namefiles] sim_name = [] for namefile in namefiles: t = namefile.split(os.sep) if rootpth is None: idx = -1 else: idx = t.index(os.path.split(rootpth)[1]) # build dst with everything after the rootpth and before # the namefile file name. dst = "" if idx < len(t): for d in t[idx + 1 : -1]: dst += f"{d}_" # add namefile basename without extension dst += t[-1].replace(".nam", "") sim_name.append(dst) return sim_name
[docs]def get_mf6_nper(tdisfile): """Return the number of stress periods in the MODFLOW 6 model. Parameters ---------- tdisfile : str path to the TDIS file Returns ------- nper : int number of stress periods in the simulation """ with open(tdisfile) as f: lines = f.readlines() line = [line for line in lines if "NPER" in line.upper()][0] nper = line.strip().split()[1] return nper
[docs]def get_mf6_mshape(disfile): """Return the shape of the MODFLOW 6 model. Parameters ---------- disfile : str path to a MODFLOW 6 discretization file Returns ------- mshape : tuple tuple with the shape of the MODFLOW 6 model. """ with open(disfile) as f: lines = f.readlines() d = {} for line in lines: # Skip over blank and commented lines ll = line.strip().split() if len(ll) < 2: continue if line.strip()[0] in ["#", "!"]: continue for key in ["NODES", "NCPL", "NLAY", "NROW", "NCOL"]: if ll[0].upper() in key: d[key] = int(ll[1]) if "NODES" in d: mshape = (d["NODES"],) elif "NCPL" in d: mshape = (d["NLAY"], d["NCPL"]) elif "NLAY" in d: mshape = (d["NLAY"], d["NROW"], d["NCOL"]) else: print(d) raise Exception("Could not determine model shape") return mshape
[docs]def get_mf6_files(mfnamefile): """Return a list of all the MODFLOW 6 input and output files in this model. Parameters ---------- mfnamefile : str path to the MODFLOW 6 simulation name file Returns ------- filelist : list list of MODFLOW 6 input files in a simulation outplist : list list of MODFLOW 6 output files in a simulation """ srcdir = os.path.dirname(mfnamefile) filelist = [] outplist = [] filekeys = ["TDIS6", "GWF6", "GWT", "GWF6-GWF6", "GWF-GWT", "IMS6"] namefilekeys = ["GWF6", "GWT"] namefiles = [] with open(mfnamefile) as f: # Read line and skip comments lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: # Skip over blank and commented lines ll = line.strip().split() if len(ll) < 2: continue if line.strip()[0] in ["#", "!"]: continue for key in filekeys: if key in ll[0].upper(): fname = ll[1] filelist.append(fname) for key in namefilekeys: if key in ll[0].upper(): fname = ll[1] namefiles.append(fname) # Go through name files and get files for namefile in namefiles: fname = os.path.join(srcdir, namefile) with open(fname) as f: lines = f.readlines() insideblock = False for line in lines: ll = line.upper().strip().split() if len(ll) < 2: continue if ll[0] in "BEGIN" and ll[1] in "PACKAGES": insideblock = True continue if ll[0] in "END" and ll[1] in "PACKAGES": insideblock = False if insideblock: ll = line.strip().split() if len(ll) < 2: continue if line.strip()[0] in ["#", "!"]: continue filelist.append(ll[1]) # Recursively go through every file and look for other files to copy, # such as 'OPEN/CLOSE' and 'TIMESERIESFILE'. If found, then # add that file to the list of files to copy. flist = filelist # olist = outplist while True: olist = [] flist, olist = _get_mf6_external_files(srcdir, olist, flist) # add to filelist if len(flist) > 0: filelist = filelist + flist # add to outplist if len(olist) > 0: outplist = outplist + olist # terminate loop if no additional files # if len(flist) < 1 and len(olist) < 1: if len(flist) < 1: break return filelist, outplist
def _get_mf6_external_files(srcdir, outplist, files): """Get list of external files in a MODFLOW 6 simulation. Parameters ---------- srcdir : str path to a directory containing a MODFLOW 6 simulation outplist : list list of output files in a MODFLOW 6 simulation files : list list of MODFLOW 6 name files Returns ------- """ extfiles = [] for fname in files: fname = os.path.join(srcdir, fname) try: f = open(fname, "r") for line in f: # Skip invalid lines ll = line.strip().split() if len(ll) < 2: continue if line.strip()[0] in ["#", "!"]: continue if "OPEN/CLOSE" in line.upper(): for i, s in enumerate(ll): if s.upper() == "OPEN/CLOSE": stmp = ll[i + 1] stmp = stmp.replace('"', "") stmp = stmp.replace("'", "") extfiles.append(stmp) break if "TS6" in line.upper(): for i, s in enumerate(ll): if s.upper() == "FILEIN": stmp = ll[i + 1] stmp = stmp.replace('"', "") stmp = stmp.replace("'", "") extfiles.append(stmp) break if "TAS6" in line.upper(): for i, s in enumerate(ll): if s.upper() == "FILEIN": stmp = ll[i + 1] stmp = stmp.replace('"', "") stmp = stmp.replace("'", "") extfiles.append(stmp) break if "OBS6" in line.upper(): for i, s in enumerate(ll): if s.upper() == "FILEIN": stmp = ll[i + 1] stmp = stmp.replace('"', "") stmp = stmp.replace("'", "") extfiles.append(stmp) break if "EXTERNAL" in line.upper(): for i, s in enumerate(ll): if s.upper() == "EXTERNAL": stmp = ll[i + 1] stmp = stmp.replace('"', "") stmp = stmp.replace("'", "") extfiles.append(stmp) break if "FILE" in line.upper(): for i, s in enumerate(ll): if s.upper() == "FILEIN": stmp = ll[i + 1] stmp = stmp.replace('"', "") stmp = stmp.replace("'", "") extfiles.append(stmp) break if "FILE" in line.upper(): for i, s in enumerate(ll): if s.upper() == "FILEOUT": stmp = ll[i + 1] stmp = stmp.replace('"', "") stmp = stmp.replace("'", "") outplist.append(stmp) break except: print("could not get a list of external mf6 files") return extfiles, outplist
[docs]def get_mf6_ftypes(namefile, ftypekeys): """Return a list of FTYPES that are in the name file and in ftypekeys. Parameters ---------- namefile : str path to a MODFLOW 6 name file ftypekeys : list list of desired FTYPEs Returns ------- ftypes : list list of FTYPES that match ftypekeys in namefile """ with open(namefile) as f: lines = f.readlines() ftypes = [] for line in lines: # Skip over blank and commented lines ll = line.strip().split() if len(ll) < 2: continue if line.strip()[0] in ["#", "!"]: continue for key in ftypekeys: if ll[0].upper() in key: ftypes.append(ll[0]) return ftypes
[docs]def get_mf6_blockdata(f, blockstr): """Return list with all non comments between start and end of block specified by blockstr. Parameters ---------- f : file object open file object blockstr : str name of block to search Returns ------- data : list list of data in specified block """ data = [] # find beginning of block for line in f: if line[0] != "#": t = line.split() if t[0].lower() == "begin" and t[1].lower() == blockstr.lower(): break for line in f: if line[0] != "#": t = line.split() if t[0].lower() == "end" and t[1].lower() == blockstr.lower(): break else: data.append(line.rstrip()) return data