Source code for flopy.utils.optionblock

import warnings

import numpy as np

from ..utils import flopy_io

[docs]class OptionBlock: """ Parent class to for option blocks within Modflow-nwt models. This class contains base information and routines that can be shared throughout all option block classes. Parameters ---------- options_line : str single line based options string package : flopy.pakbase.Package instance valid packages include ModflowWel, ModflowSfr2, ModflowUzf1 block : bool flag to write as single line or block type """ nested = "nested" dtype = "dtype" n_nested = "nvars" vars = "vars" optional = "optional" simple_flag = dict([(dtype, np.bool_), (nested, False), (optional, False)]) simple_str = dict([(dtype, str), (nested, False), (optional, False)]) simple_float = dict([(dtype, float), (nested, False), (optional, False)]) simple_int = dict([(dtype, int), (nested, False), (optional, False)]) simple_tabfile = dict( [ (dtype, np.bool_), (nested, True), (n_nested, 2), ( vars, dict([("numtab", simple_int), ("maxval", simple_int)]), ), ] ) def __init__(self, options_line, package, block=True): self._context = package._options self._attr_types = {} self.options_line = options_line self.package = package self.auxiliary = [] self.noprint = False self.block = block self.__build_attr_types() self._set_attributes() def __getattr__(self, key): if key == "auxillary": # catch typo from older version key = "auxiliary" warnings.warn( "the atttribute 'auxillary' is deprecated, use 'auxiliary' instead", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return super().__getattribute__(key) @property def single_line_options(self): """ Method to get the single line representation of the Options Block Returns ------- t : (str) single line representation of Options """ t = repr(self).split("\n") t = t[1:-2] return " ".join(t)
[docs] def update_from_package(self, pak): """ Updater method to check the package and update OptionBlock attribute values based on package values. Parameters ---------- pak : flopy.package valid packages include ModflowWel, ModflowSfr2, and ModflowUzf1 instances """ for key, ctx in self._context.items(): if key in pak.__dict__: val = pak.__dict__[key] self.__setattr__(key, val) if ctx[OptionBlock.nested]: for k2, ctx2 in ctx[OptionBlock.vars].items(): if k2 in pak.__dict__: v2 = pak.__dict__[k2] self.__setattr__(k2, v2)
def __repr__(self): """ Syntactic sugar that creates a dynamic representation of the OptionsBlock. Makes it very easy to write to file """ s = "OPTIONS\n" for key, ctx in self._context.items(): try: val = [] if ctx[OptionBlock.dtype] == np.bool_: if not object.__getattribute__(self, key): continue else: val.append(str(key)) else: val.append(str(object.__getattribute__(self, key))) if ctx[OptionBlock.nested]: for k, d in ctx[OptionBlock.vars].items(): if d[OptionBlock.dtype] == np.bool_: if not object.__getattribute__(self, k): pass else: val.append(str(k)) else: v = str(object.__getattribute__(self, k)) if v == "None" and d[OptionBlock.optional]: pass else: val.append( str(object.__getattribute__(self, k)) ) if "None" in val: pass else: s += " ".join(val) s += "\n" except: pass s += "END\n" return s.upper() def __setattr__(self, key, value): """ Syntactic sugar to allow for dynamic recarray/attribute interactions and data type enforcement on dynamic attributes Parameters ---------- key : str string referring to an attribute value : object a python object (int, str, float, bool) that is consistent with the attribute data type """ if key == "auxillary": # catch typo from older version key = "auxiliary" warnings.warn( "the atttribute 'auxillary' is deprecated, use 'auxiliary' instead", category=DeprecationWarning, ) err_msg = "Data type must be compatible with {}" if key in ("_context", "_attr_types", "options_line"): self.__dict__[key] = value elif value is None: super().__setattr__(key, value) elif isinstance(value, np.recarray): for name in value.dtype.names: if self._attr_types[name] == np.bool_: if not isinstance(value, (bool, np.bool_)): raise TypeError(err_msg.format(self._attr_types[name])) else: try: value = self._attr_types[name](value) except ValueError: raise TypeError(err_msg.format(self._attr_types[name])) self.__dict__[name] = value[name][0] elif key in self._attr_types: if self._attr_types[key] == np.bool_: if not isinstance(value, (bool, np.bool_)): raise TypeError(err_msg.format(self._attr_types[key])) else: try: value = self._attr_types[key](value) except ValueError: raise TypeError(err_msg.format(self._attr_types[key])) self.__dict__[key] = value else: super().__setattr__(key, value) def __getattribute__(self, item): """ Syntactic sugar that creates recarrays of nested/related items. Ex. Tabfiles, numtab, and maxval will be returned in a recarray if the user calls <.tabfiles> """ if item in ("__dict__", "_context", "package"): value = object.__getattribute__(self, item) elif item in object.__getattribute__(self, "_context"): ctx = object.__getattribute__(self, "_context")[item] if ctx[OptionBlock.nested]: vals = [object.__getattribute__(self, item)] dtypes = [(item, ctx[OptionBlock.dtype])] for key, d in ctx[OptionBlock.vars].items(): vals.append(object.__getattribute__(self, key)) dtypes.append((key, d[OptionBlock.dtype])) if not vals[0]: value = False elif None in vals: value = vals[0] else: value = np.recarray((1,), dtype=dtypes) value[0] = tuple(vals) else: value = object.__getattribute__(self, item) else: value = object.__getattribute__(self, item) return value def __build_attr_types(self): """ Method to build a type dictionary for type enforcements in __setattr__. This uses the package's context tree to build and enforce attribute types for the class """ for key, value in self._context.items(): self._attr_types[key] = value[OptionBlock.dtype] if OptionBlock.vars in value: for k, d in value[OptionBlock.vars].items(): self._attr_types[k] = d[OptionBlock.dtype] def _set_attributes(self): """ Dynamic attribute creation method. This uses the package's context tree to build attributes for the class """ # set up all attributes for the class! for key, ctx in self._context.items(): if ctx[OptionBlock.dtype] in (np.bool_, bool): self.__setattr__(key, False) else: self.__setattr__(key, None) if ctx[OptionBlock.nested]: for k, d in ctx[OptionBlock.vars].items(): if d[OptionBlock.dtype] in (np.bool_, bool): self.__setattr__(k, False) else: self.__setattr__(k, None) t = self.options_line.split() nested = False ix = 0 while ix < len(t): if not nested: if t[ix] in self._context: key = t[ix] ctx = self._context[key] dtype = ctx[OptionBlock.dtype] nested = ctx[OptionBlock.nested] OptionUtil.isvalid(dtype, t[ix]) if dtype == np.bool_: self.__setattr__(key, True) else: self.__setattr__(key, dtype(t[ix])) ix += 1 else: err_msg = f"Option: {t[ix]} not a valid option" raise KeyError(err_msg) else: ctx = self._context[t[ix - 1]] for key, d in ctx[OptionBlock.vars].items(): dtype = d[OptionBlock.dtype] if d[OptionBlock.optional]: if ix >= len(t): continue else: try: OptionUtil.isvalid(dtype, t[ix]) except TypeError: continue OptionUtil.isvalid(dtype, t[ix]) if dtype == np.bool_: self.__setattr__(key, True) else: self.__setattr__(key, dtype(t[ix])) ix += 1 nested = False
[docs] def write_options(self, f): """ Method to write the options block or options line to an open file object. Parameters f : file, str open file object, or path to file """ if isinstance(f, str): with open(f, "w") as optfile: if self.block: optfile.write(repr(self)) else: optfile.write(self.single_line_options) optfile.write("\n") else: if self.block: f.write(repr(self)) else: f.write(self.single_line_options) f.write("\n")
[docs] @classmethod def load_options(cls, options, package): """ Loader for the options class. Reads in an options block and uses context from option util dictionaries to check the validity of the data Parameters ---------- options: str or file string path to a file or file object package : flopy.package type valid packages include flopy.modflow.ModflowWel, flopy.modflow.ModflowUzf1, flopy.modflow.ModflowSfr2 Returns ------- OptionBlock object """ context = package._options openfile = not hasattr(options, "read") if openfile: try: options = open(options, "r") except OSError: raise TypeError( f"Unrecognized type for options variable: {type(options)}" ) option_line = "" while True: line = flopy_io.line_strip(options.readline()) line = line.lower() if not line: continue if line.split()[0] == "options": pass elif line.split()[0] != "end": t = line.split() if t[0] in context: key = t[0] option_line += key + " " ctx = context[key] if ctx[OptionBlock.nested]: ix = 1 for k, d in ctx[OptionBlock.vars].items(): if ix >= len(t) and d[OptionBlock.optional]: continue if d[OptionBlock.dtype] == float: valid = OptionUtil.isfloat(t[ix]) elif d[OptionBlock.dtype] == int: valid = OptionUtil.isint(t[ix]) else: valid = True if not valid: err_msg = f"Invalid type set to variable {k} in option block" raise TypeError(err_msg) option_line += t[ix] + " " ix += 1 else: if openfile: options.close() return cls(options_line=option_line, package=package)
[docs]class OptionUtil:
[docs] @staticmethod def isfloat(s): """ Simple method to check that a string is a valid floating point variable Parameters ---------- s : str Returns ------- bool """ try: float(s) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def isint(s): """ Simple data check method to check that a string is a valid integer Parameters ---------- s : str Returns ------- bool """ try: float(s) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def isvalid(dtype, val): """ Check to see if a dtype is valid before setting as an attribute Parameters ---------- dtype : type int, float, str, bool, etc... val : string Returns ------- bool """ valid = False if dtype == np.bool_: valid = True elif dtype == str: valid = True else: # check if valid if dtype == int: valid = OptionUtil.isint(val) elif dtype == float: valid = OptionUtil.isfloat(val) else: pass if not valid: err_msg = f"Invalid type set to variable {val} in option block" raise TypeError(err_msg) return valid