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MODFLOW 6: Working with MODFLOW List Data.

This tutorial shows how to view, access, and change the underlying data variables for MODFLOW 6 objects in FloPy. Interaction with a FloPy MODFLOW 6 model is different from other models, such as MODFLOW-2005, MT3D, and SEAWAT, for example.

FloPy stores model data in data objects (MFDataArray, MFDataList, MFDataScalar objects) that are accessible from packages. Data can be added to a package by using the appropriate parameters when the package is constructed and through package attributes.

The MODFLOW 6 simulation structure is arranged in the following generalized way:

Simulation --> Package --> DATA

Simulation --> Model --> Package (--> Package) --> DATA

This tutorial focuses on MODFLOW Data from the PackageData, ConnectionData, StressPeriodData, and other similar blocks. These blocks contain data with columns, data that fits into a numpy recarray, pandas data frame, or a spreadsheet with column headers. These data are stored by FloPy in a MFList or MFTransientList object and a referred to as MODFLOW list data.

Introduction to MODFLOW List Data

MODFLOW contains list data that can be conveniently stored in a numpy recarray or a pandas dataframe. These data are either a single or multiple row of data, with each column containing the same data type.

Some MODFLOW list data only contains a single row, like the OC package’s head print_format option and the NPF package’s rewet_record. Other MODFLOW list data can contain multiple rows, like the MAW package’s packagedata and connectiondata. FloPy stores both single row and multiple row list data in MFList objects.

MODFLOW stress period data can contain lists of data for one or more stress periods. FloPy stores stress period list data in MFTransientList objects. Note that not all MODFLOW stress period data is “list” data that fits neatly in a recarray or a panda’s dataframe. Some packages including RCH and EVT have a READASARRAYS option that allows stress period data to be inputted as an array. When READASARRAYS is selected FloPy stores stress period array data in an MFTransientArray object (see tutorial 8).

Examples of using FloPy to store, update, and retrieve different types of MODFLOW list data are given below. The examples start by first creating a simulation (MFSimulation) and a model (MFModel) object in FloPy.

# package import
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import numpy as np
import flopy
# set up where simulation workspace will be stored
temp_dir = TemporaryDirectory()
workspace =
name = "tutorial06_mf6_data"
# create the Flopy simulation and tdis objects
sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation(
    sim_name=name, exe_name="mf6", version="mf6", sim_ws=workspace
tdis = flopy.mf6.modflow.mftdis.ModflowTdis(
    perioddata=[(1.0, 1, 1.0), (1.0, 1, 1.0)],
# create the Flopy groundwater flow (gwf) model object
model_nam_file = f"{name}.nam"
gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf(sim, modelname=name, model_nam_file=model_nam_file)
# create the flopy iterative model solver (ims) package object
ims = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfims.ModflowIms(sim, pname="ims", complexity="SIMPLE")
# create the discretization package
bot = np.linspace(-50.0 / 3.0, -3.0, 3)
delrow = delcol = 4.0
dis = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwfdis.ModflowGwfdis(

Adding MODFLOW Package Data, Connection Data, and Option Lists

MODFLOW Package data, connection data, and option lists are stored by FloPy as numpy recarrays. FloPy does accept numpy recarrays as input, but does has other supported formats discussed below.

MODFLOW option lists that only contain a single row or data can be either specified by:

  1. Specifying a string containing the entire line as it would be displayed in the package file (rewet_record="REWET WETFCT 1.0 IWETIT 1 IHDWET 0")

  2. Specifying the data in a tuple within a list (rewet_record=[("WETFCT", 1.0, "IWETIT", 1, "IHDWET", 0)])

In the example below the npf package is created setting the rewet_record option to a string of text as would be typed into the package file.

npf = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwfnpf.ModflowGwfnpf(
    rewet_record="REWET WETFCT 1.0 IWETIT 1 IHDWET 0",
    xt3doptions="xt3d rhs",
< object at 0x7f42e8beda60>
< object at 0x7f42e8bed910>

rewet_record is then set using the npf package’s rewet_record property. This time ‘rewet_record’ is defined using a tuple within a list.

npf.rewet_record = [("WETFCT", 1.1, "IWETIT", 0, "IHDWET", 1)]

MODFLOW multirow lists, like package data and connection data, can be specified:

  1. As a list of tuples where each tuple represents a row in the list (stress_period_data = [((1, 2, 3), 20.0), ((1, 7, 3), 25.0)])

  2. As a numpy recarray. Building a numpy recarray is more complicated and is beyond the scope of this guide.

In the example below the chd package is created, setting stress_period_data as a list of tuples.

We build the chd package using an array of tuples for stress_period_data stress_period_data = [(first_chd_cell, head), (second_chd_cell, head), …] Note that the cellid information (layer, row, column) is encapsulated in a tuple.

stress_period_data = [((1, 8, 8), 100.0), ((1, 9, 9), 105.0)]
# build chd package
chd = flopy.mf6.modflow.mfgwfchd.ModflowGwfchd(

Adding Stress Period List Data

MODFLOW stress period data is stored by FloPy as a dictionary of numpy recarrays, where each dictionary key is a zero-based stress period and each dictionary value is a recarray containing the stress period data for that stress period. FloPy keeps this stress period data in a MFTransientList object and this data type is referred to as a transient list.

FloPy accepts stress period data as a dictionary of numpy recarrays, but also supports replacing the recarrays with lists of tuples discussed above. Stress period data spanning multiple stress periods must be specified as a dictionary of lists where the dictionary key is the stress period expressed as a zero-based integer.

The example below creates stress_period_data for the wel package with the first stress period containing a single well and the second stress period empty. When empty stress period data is entered FloPy writes an empty stress period block to the package file.

First we create wel package with stress_period_data dictionary keys as zero-based integers so key “0” is stress period 1

stress_period_data = {
    0: [((2, 3, 1), -25.0)],  # stress period 1 well data
    1: [],
}  # stress period 2 well data is empty

Then, using the dictionary created above, we build the wel package.

wel = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfwel(

Retrieving MODFLOW Package Data, Connection Data, and Option Lists

MODFLOW package data, connection data, and option lists can be retrieved with get_data, array, repr/str, or get_file_entry.

Retrieval Method



Returns recarray


Return recarray


Returns string with storage information followed by recarray’s repr/str


Returns string containing data formatted for the MODFLOW-6 package file. Certain zero-based numbers, like layer, row, column, are converted to one-based numbers.

The NPF package’s rewet_record is printed below using the different data retrieval methods highlighted above.

First we use the get_data method to get the rewet_record as a recarray.

[('WETFCT', 1.1, 'IWETIT', 0, 'IHDWET', 1)]

Next we use the array method, which also returns a recarray.

[('WETFCT', 1.1, 'IWETIT', 0, 'IHDWET', 1)]

Then we use repr to print a string representation of rewet_record.

(rec.array([('WETFCT', 1.1, 'IWETIT', 0, 'IHDWET', 1)],
          dtype=[('wetfct_label', 'O'), ('wetfct', '<f8'), ('iwetit_label', 'O'), ('iwetit', '<i8'), ('ihdwet_label', 'O'), ('ihdwet', '<i8')]))

Using str prints a similar string representation of rewet_record.

([('WETFCT', 1.1, 'IWETIT', 0, 'IHDWET', 1)])

Last, using the get_file_entry method the data is printed as it would appear in a MODFLOW 6 file.

  REWET  WETFCT       1.10000000  IWETIT  0  IHDWET  1

Retrieving MODFLOW Stress Period List Data

Stress period data can be retrieved with get_data, array, repr/str, or get_file_entry.

Retrieval Method



Returns dictionary of recarrays


Return single recarray for all stress periods


Returns string with storage information followed by recarray repr/str for each recarray


Returns string containing data formatted for the MODFLOW-6 package file for the stress period specified by key

The WEL package’s stress_period_data is printed below using the different data retrieval methods highlighted above.

First we use the get_data method to get the stress period data as a dictionary of recarrays.

{0: rec.array([((2, 3, 1), -25.)],
          dtype=[('cellid', 'O'), ('q', '<f8')])}

Next we use the array attribute to get the stress period data as a single recarray.

[rec.array([((2, 3, 1), -25.)],
          dtype=[('cellid', 'O'), ('q', '<f8')]), None]

repr can be used to generate a string representation of stress period data.

(   cellid_layer  cellid_row  cellid_column     q
0             2           3              1 -25.0)

str produces a similar string representation of stress period data.

(   cellid_layer  cellid_row  cellid_column     q
0             2           3              1 -25.0)

The get_file_entry method prints the stress period data as it would appear in a MODFLOW 6 file.

  3 4 2 -2.50000000E+01

except PermissionError:
    # can occur on windows: